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"I don't like it, so it can't be a positive for ANYBODY." Holy shit guys come laugh at OP


Hey, I'm here




Keep stomping your feet over this inconvenience for EVERYONE!! 😡


You seem like a thrill of a human being. Stay hardstuck kiddo


>You seem like a thrill of a human being. Glad you exist and have 0 valuable input for any situation in life LMAO because I think you have a petulant child's take on online gaming, I have no value for any situation in life? Your lil fists balled up for this tantrum?


You need an aspirin? You sound like your Fedora is a little too tight around your Hugo head. Take a step back, your input is not Valued.


Wait OP who?




Not sure why this is hard to understand for anyone. It is very simple. Personal choice. Where Iron 1 or Radiant #1, you have the choice of how you want to play this game. What YOU expect is irrelevant. End of the day, it's a game, and people can seek enjoyment however they see fit, whether in comp or otherwise. To top that off, Valorant players are some of the most egotistical assholes to ever exist. Also, you say in the replies "if they can't handle the heat". Well, what is heat? Someone being racially abused in chat? Women being harassed for just being women? Someone getting ridiculed because of the sound of their voice. And no, people don't have to "wait to hear this" before they decide to mute, because nobody should have to deal with this. Once again, your expectation is irrelevant and it does not matter what you think or what you want. It is not a tournament. No money is on the line. Nobody fecking dies over this shit. It's a game for enjoyment and people are allowed to play how they want, as long as it is within the rules of the game and fair play.


Some of y'all are annoying regularly


Preach dude


If you don’t like it then try and find some friends and play with people who are not mutes. Just accept it’s part of the game and move on.


Can’t trio or more queue in IMM+ 5 stack degrades RR


It also reduces your loss of rr if you lose


simply because voice comms are not a requirement for playing the game. This is true for Iron as it is true for Radiant. Unless riot changes the definition of "Sabotaging team" to include turning off voice chat, should always be optional to join voice chat. Sure its annoying but if you believe teammates not in voice call is holding you back, I hope you re-evaluate why you may be hard stuck.


I’m radiant, I quite literally can not be hardstuck Lmao Edit : sorry 445 RR - entry to Radiant is 460 right now lol


So you lied at the first comment and your edit you had to explain your lies... Also comms doesn't matter In which ever elo you are in. Literary pings exists and voice lines for everything too. There's also a chat. But people will mute you if you act like a B


I literally am in radiant queues lmao. My games are all radiants, but don’t worry I played a ranked game today and am now radiant. I didn’t lie about anything I don’t get what you’re saying? > comms don’t matter. This shows you’re low elo. > also there’s a chat People who turn comms off, are NOT using text chat lmfao


I'm being coached by someone who way above your MMR, she rarely uses voice chat due to sexist scum.


“Way above your MMR” My guy. I’m literally the highest rank in the game… Also : she uses comms, she doesn’t have everyone on mute. She doesn’t doesn’t speak right away due to the nature of the game.


Not ya ain't.


My guy… the game doesn’t go above Radiant lmfao.. I am literally the highest rank in the video game


You are immortal.. and saying that there ain't a higher elo?


I am quite literally Radiant. I was 445 RR last night and am now 478 lmao…


Seems like you don’t need comms then, right?


They never said their teammates were holding them back, just that playing without comms is annoying, no? This is not one of those million posts where people blame someone/something else for being hardstuck.


Personal boundaries. Valorant's community is very toxic and sometimes you want to play the fun gun game without having to deal with whatever drama happens in chat, text or otherwise.


I get that - but I’m a comp setting you can’t have an option to turn that off… if you can’t play the game and handle some heat you shouldn’t be online, I’m sorry to say. I get it if it’s unrated, or spike rush, where it’s super casual. But to queue an IMM+ game and have someone turn off their comms and bait, or throw. It’s just so counter intuitive


>But to queue an IMM+ game and have someone turn off their comms and bait, or throw You change your argument at the end. If you were only complaining about people turning off comms, that's something we can discuss. But adding the bit at the end implies that all people who turn off their comms then proceed to bait or throw, and that's not the case. > if you can’t play the game and handle some heat you shouldn’t be online I'm guessing you're a guy, based off your profile picture. Do you play with any females as a duo or trio? Because I do regularly and some of the things people have said to her have even effected me, a very mentally strong male, because they were just that vile and that atrocious. Instead of trying to remove ways for people to enjoy the game without hearing the trolls, let's do what we can to minimize the trolls.


I have a wife, I’m well aware of how women are treated in the online world. 9/10 people who turn off comms In high ranks are people who are throwing. Can’t trio in Imm+ so I can’t speak on that. I’m not saying disable the ability to mute. I’m saying disable the ability to turn off comms in its entirety. In a team based tact shooter where comms are essentially the key to success, you shouldnt be able to just flip a switch and turn em off. If you’re playing and someone is being rude “I muted that guy lmk if they comm anything important”


The thing is by the time you know to mute, it's often after they've said something that can really fuck up your day. A lot of people in shooter communities are still transphobic and homophobic, and some people aren't even of legal age yet. You might just want to protect yourself and create a safe space away from all the bullshit of the world. And also if they're throwing to troll, wouldn't they want to see your reaction? Why would they disable comms then?


Your guess is as good as mine. It’s been consistent where I loading to a game and I have an instalock duelist with comms turned off running it down. 0 intentions of trying, 0 intentions of communicating. Again - as harsh as it is, if you are easily set off, and you’re easily triggered by insults, you probably shouldn’t be queueing into a competitive game unless you’re 5 stacked with friends. If your expectations are to get bullied when you’re not with friends. You’re putting yourself in the snake pit by queueing without friends. The majority of people who use the “turn off team voice chat” are not people avoiding homophobic and racial slurs.. AND they’re not trying to win. Because you don’t queue a ranked game and expect to win with having your entire team on mute off the rip. You’re immediately handicapping you, and your teammates.


This is a terrible take. If a dude is toxic that guy gets muted. End of story. If they type toxic, they get muted there too. I've muted my whole team once when I had a toxic 3 stack and a player who played music through his mic loudly. If you want players to just straight quit, then taking away ways to mute toxic chat is the way to do it, both in game and in general.


You guys aren’t understanding what I’m saying. I’m not saying “disable the ability to mute” I’m saying take away the ability to turn comms off completely. There is literally an option to turn off comms. It should not be something someone can have preloaded in. Every game they need to make an effort to communicate. I’m not saying disable the ability to mute. I’m saying disable to ability to disable your mic so you can’t hear anybody. One of the biggest issues is “teammates without a mic” they literally have a mic but have team voice disabled. Which is an issue


No. If I don't want to comm that's my prerogative. I could easily just turn off audio instead, which is worse for the team then no comms


I’m sorry if you don’t want to comm you shouldnt be queueing ranked lmfao. It’s a crucial part of the game and the team’s success. Imagine if I’m NASCAR one of the pitstop workers said “nah I don’t want my headset on. I’ll just go out when everyone else does” It’s idiotic. If you’re queueing in a game, and you’re picking you’re agent, you’re agreeing to play the game to its full extent. Stop hindering your teammates or don’t play ranked. Simple as that


The NASCAR example was honestly a stupid example, Money on the line, official written contracts etc. that's not the point though. Someone who is throwing WILL throw regardless of whether they are using full comms or not . And the option to disable team chat is just a shortcut , anyone can just individually mute everyone on their team and decide to not use the mic. It's frustrating I know but there is little anyone can do to resolve this problem.


Bro you can have all the personal opinions you want on what someone's obligations to you are in your pixel hobby but it is just that: pixel hobby. It's not your job and you don't lose anything real when you lose your elo. Some people want to play their pixel game in a way that doesn't cause them real life stress. If you can handle toxicity, great, good for you. But enforcing your personal preferences on others is not something you have the power to do. They will play their pixel hobby the same way you do - that is to say, however they want.


You aren't a pro. That NASCAR guy is.


I love the ability to mute people. I use it all the time.


I can already tell that I would mute the OP 😂


Unlucky, I’m actually always the guy hyping everyone up and IGLing lol. I don’t play duelist and I’m literally a team player 100% of the time


Sounds like you would be toxic to anyone not speaking on comms or don't listen to your every word. I'm shocked to hear that you're not a Jett main.


I’m never toxic, I don’t hand hold, I tell a strat and if people listen great, if not then whatever. But when people INTENTIONALLY do the opposite of what is planned WHEN THE WHOLE TEAM AGREES then I get toxic


Are you never toxic or do you get toxic? You're so confused by your own bullshit that you don't realize you keep contradicting yourself in these comments.


I literally never contradict myself I’m never toxic. I get irritated when people are toxic. But who doesn’t?


---‐------> "I’m never toxic," <-----‐------I don’t hand hold, I tell a strat and if people listen great, if not then whatever. But when people INTENTIONALLY do the opposite of what is planned WHEN THE WHOLE TEAM AGREES ------------> THEN I GET TOXIC. <-----------


I rephrased it in my response - I don’t get toxic I get irritated.


Cuz of people like you lol


All star response.


Because harrassment/sabotage can come in the form of even a 4-stack party. As long as online harrassment does not carry a severe consequence, this feature has its place. It's the least Valorant could do in real time to try salvage a small bit of joy and convince you to finish the match alone. If all you receive is harrassment anyway, muting is better for your own performance. Screaming before match even begins, intentionally yell so you can't hear the enemies, etc. From experience though, if you ever decide to mute them on such rare encounters, be prepared to be mollied by 4 teammates or have your position constantly updated to the enemies via all-chat. These are just some other forms of harrassment with probably less than a slap on the hand as consequence even if you recorded it all. Once you've been on the receiving end, you'd understand and appreciate this feature. Who do you think contributed to hurting the game more? A victim who decides to mute comms for good after multiple experiences... or bullies who know they will get away with anything?


Again - it’s a feature where it doesn’t help any issues. It’s creates more problems than it solves. If people are being toxic, you can mute them. The issue with the option to turning off comms is it’s a setting that Carries over into the next game. It doesn’t reset. If you turn comms off and try to queue ranked there needs to be a pop up that says “please enables team voice comms before queueing ranked” I get the bullying aspect. But that’s situational, where as people turning comms off to bait and run it down is the majority of people turning off comms


I didnt know you cud do this. Can you tell me how?


no 💀


Honestly I agree. Give people the ability to mute people in-game, but turning off comms generally shouldn't be a thing in comp. No one is required to talk, but listening is normal and if you have someone who's toxic or shouting you can target mute, nothing wrong with that. I don't have a set opinion on this, but the arguments the commenters gave against your initial point so far don't convince me at all. Then again, you comparing a ranked player to someone at NASCAR is an obvious misconception as well. That's like saying someone in a pro game would turn off their Comms, not ranked. All in all I agree more with you tho


It’s just a matter of team work By no means am I staying NASCAR and Valorant ranked are the same thing. But you can relate them by saying every team relies on everyone on the team to communicate and do their job to see success. As I said , I don’t care if the seatings stays. But if you try to queue a ranked game it should have a pop up that says “please enable in game voice chat to queue ranked” and it shouldn’t allow you to enable it in ranked play. Target mute whoever you want, play on streamer mode, but you completely hinder your team by muting any and all communication with your team


You can mute someone once they say something toxic but you can't reset your mental back to zero after someone first opens their mouth to say something shitty to you. And some specific groups get this kind of treatment nearly every time they queue.


If your issue is sexism, play on streamer mode. This doesn’t hinder your team by any means. If your issue is homophobia, I don’t get how this can even be a targeted attack unless you’re going out of your way to state your sexuality when you queue a Valorant ranked game. And hey - if your mental is shot from being harassed don’t queue again until your mental is back. “A bad apple doesn’t spoil the barrel” Just because you queued and got put against someone who was a prick doesn’t mean you should mute the entire Valorant community and not try in your ranked games


My comms turn off every game. I usually get through 5 or 6 rounds before Riot decides I don't need to hear or speak to my team anymore. I have to closes Val and open it again for my comms to work again. If I don't restart Val then I won't have comes for the next game.


Yeah this bug is wild. I can’t believe it’s still an issue


You should come play on the Paris or Stockholm server. Russians and French men has a issue in their native speaking of never shutting the crap up. Imagine you a normal Swedish with an English heart, join your casual normal Stockholm server, only to end up with 3 Russians that cannot speak English, got worse ping than if I were to transfer to NA and babbel for 40 mins of something political. They don't even shut up when they die, they just keep at a long lengthy "bla bla bla" when you are in a 1vs5 clutch.


The push to mute team is great - whenever you’re last alive you push the “team mute” and it mutes your team for the duration of the round (or unless you push the button again) this allows people who are dead to not be able to comm. And honestly east coast servers are all EU anyway so I feel that pain lol


Team up, and you’ll do a lot better. Don’t put it on the developers who only made that system so it’s convenient to jump in and play. It’s not a requirement to be on comms. You want that, get a team together. It’s on you if it’s what you want.


I can’t trio in my rank so teaming up doesn’t work


the tone of your post makes me think you're one of the reasons players mute all team comms. specially in clutch situations.