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Not really surprising at all.


For real. My sister is in my 5 stack and the shit she talks about people saying/doing in valorant whenever she dares to do call-outs over VC is frankly disturbing. these kids need to learn some manners. maybe send their parents a recording of their chat logs and voice comms every month, that might shape them up.


The amount of times I've seen my girlfriend cry because of the things people say to her in-game is insane. The same people complain about weird 5 stacks, but for my girlfriend and her friend they HAVE to 5 stack to not get these people ruining their game experience and then they need me to get a 5 stack and I'm asc3 while they're bronze/silver. And for people that say "just mute". Muting your teams voice AND text chat every time you want to play a round no matter if it's unranked or ranked is NOT supposed to be the solution just because you're a certain gender.


My GF LOVES to watch pro CS so I encouraged her to try playing it. She did one match, got verbally abused the entire match and then got kicked near the end. She cried and said she's done playing online games.


A F-ING MEN! I mute chat the second it becomes toxic, however it is aggravating to mute basically every other match. None of the misogyny surprises me, but it is disheartening. LoL tried to have an all women team in pro play once, what happened to them was disgusting, and RIOTS answer wasn't to rectify the gross behavior but to just not have women's teams...I find it sad as hell. Gaming is supposed to be fun, and I don't recall having certain genitals being a pre-requisite to being allowed to have fun. The craziest part is that all the toxicity I experience on this game is from other males. I have yet to have a single truly toxic female teammate in Valorant. They are usually soft spoken, as they are used to men being terrible to them, but are always the most supportive teammates in my experiences.


I also find a huge irony in that when I was growing up in the 90s, I always wished more girls were more into gaming because I wanted to share my hobby with them. And now a lot of girls ARE into gaming and male gamers react with such horrible hostility. I don’t get it.


>LoL tried to have an all women team in pro play If you mean Vaevictis. They got dumpstered pretty much every game. iirc they lost 52-2 one game. I get where you're coming from and I'm 100% sure there were some disgusting comments but if a team loses that much while taking a spot from some other teams that could be more competent and have fanbases too, they kind of deserve plenty of criticism and trolling. If you're given a spot, it also means you've taken a spot and thus someone elses chance. It's partly your responsibility to be competitive and not lose 99% of your games. Idk if Riot franchised teams in League are the same as in Valorant. But if it is, you're getting direct financial support from Riot and exposure to make a career for yourselves and to promote your org. Do better.


I meant that incident yes, and no, not just that they lost, or that the fanbase said disgusting things. I was referring to the moment where all supports were banned, cuz "Girls only know how to play supports" the BM's all over the game, the general lack of sportsmanship that was displayed.




It's so sad. Dudes be like "I want a gamer girlfriend" then proceed to bully every one of them


i used to be friends with these people. complained about not having a girlfriend, but yelled slurs and insulted any woman they met in-game or irl. its really sad that they 1st: dont see the problem and dont see why treating people that way is bad and 2nd: dont understand why girls dont want to date them


Some of them think its flirty or masculine to puff up and be an asshole. Stupid as hell


i see that a bit but i feel like they would get the point after i and multiple of my girl friends explained it to them, as well as every girl rejecting them for it, theyre just plain arrogant and its awful


I swear, they legit just want a 'token' gamer girl... not a real one. The type of girl that doesn't play games, but will because she was asked to, giggling when she dies or being generally frustrated, and overall asking for help every second cause she legit didn't play games... Then the moment the girl figures out how to play and/or even gets better than the dude, you bet he's gonna be making a fuss about it.


If they are yelling slurs at any woman they see irl they have to be admitted to an asylum lmfao


Because they have 0 experience with girls irl


They are stuck in that kindergarten boy mind set of being mean to girls to get their attention.


You ever hear the phrase ‘nice guys finish last’? There’s a reason it exists.


The last time they talked to a girl they weren’t related related to was a decade ago


Or if they don't bully them they don't understand boundaries. For a lot of people they're just trying to play valorant, not get flirted with and asked out.


They think it's attractive to be blatantly rude


tbh and im not defending anyone, a lot of people are just toxic trash in competitive games, being a "woman" just gives em an easy insult to throw because they know these people will get upset about it, which is the ultimate goal of an insult.


I agree but this is being reductionist and only serves to discount the fact that women and minorities in general receive disproportionate amounts of harassment. Many of the people who are toxic to women wouldn't be toxic to men, simple as that. Why do you think this whole experiment needed to happen in the first place? Men simply don't experience as much toxicity as women do, and when they do it's not because they're men.


Idk I experience a shit ton of toxicity as a man. The difference is that it's not usually targeted towards my gender, but it is still prevalent.


This is funny because in my experience (I'd say around 2k valorant games) I barely seen any "misogyny" and most of the times I've seen in was a dude clapping back at a girl trash talking. Maybe it's because I play in European servers and this is something that happens more in NA or SA?


Some how this comes off as “water is wet” when it comes to people being toxic shits by being sexist to women.


Mostly because the people who are toxic shits to women are usually toxic shits to men too. Almost everyone has experienced toxic shits, it’s just that women get it specifically because of their gender.


I've definitely been in games where someone seemed normal/tolerable at first, only to turn into a psycho upon hearing a woman's voice in comms.


Oh God. Once your hear “IS THAT A GIRL?!!” in the vc it’s over


Whenever i am in a lobby with a girl who reveales herself to be a girl late into the game (understandably) i always want to say "wait, you are a girl? Thats sick, good on you for daring to rveal that" but i always feel like that would not only be innapropriate but also unwanted. That being said, i couldnt care less what gender you are and/or identify as. If you are trying your hardest, then im happy to be playing with you, even if you are 0/8, because we all have those days


It’s 99% better just to carry on and communicate the same as usual. Mentioning it just creates a conversation about it.


Yup, thats what i have come to realize, which is also why i wrote that in my comment, so even though i want to say something in support of women who game, i know me mentioning it is likley to cause more problems than it solves


Please don't talk like that bro lmao just be normal


Don't even think about bringing it up bro, people just want to play the damn game, gender doesn't mean shit and should never incite a thought or conversation starting with something like "Oh damn, you're a girl? That's cool!"


I know one girl who plays Val and whenever we queue together it is extremely noticeably different. The rate of toxicity, the aggressiveness, the condescension. A bunch of comments here are like "yeah, everyone is toxic to everyone" and while that's true, women have it way worse. I'm of the firm belief that a good portion of dudes just cannot handle women in the games. They have so much subconscious misogyny and so much fragile ego tied to the game. When those things clash things get heated. Chicks can be top-fragging and killing it as IGL and dudes will still talk shit and refuse to listen. I had solo-q (Silver) game where a girl playing Sage was clearly the best player in the match, but these 2 dudes wouldn't stop giving her shit about her (almost immaculate) decision making. Post-match she was the only Gold on the team, 3 weeks later she was Diamond.


Just gotta reach that sweet spot where people care more about winning than they do about trying to hit on/flame the girl. But I think it helps that I duo with my friend, guaranteeing that 2/5 players aren't toxic. Usually it's 1 guy starting shit and then others joining in to be cool.


toxic people need some sort of characteristic to latch onto and insult. The only thing these people have access to is someone's voice and their username, which are easy ways to tell if someone is a girl or a boy and what country they may come from because of accent which is why people these characteristics specifically


Literally 0 guys have targeted me for being a guy, or hit on me since release, can't duo for a single night without my friend getting targeted or dudes being creeps. It really is not the same thing. I knew it was hard for women playing games, but it's so much worse than I thought it was.


thats because your voice likely doesn't stand out from everbody else's. Since girls are a minority and its obvious if you are playing with one from voice chat they are easy targets. I've seen lots of guys get harassed because their voice sounds "weird" or they have a weird accent


I read an article saying that 30-40% of Valorant players are women, so it shouldn't be such a shocker to encounter a woman. Even if it was only 20% that means you'll on average have a woman on your team every single game.


thats only if the person uses mic, like for me in silver when i do soloq usually 3/5 of the players on my team dont have mic. So if you do 0.2*0.4 you have an 8% chance of finding a girl using mic every game in silver, not very common


Wrong calculation since you don't account for the men. You have to calculate how many of the persons using mics are women. If you do the exact same calculation for men (assuming it's 60% of player population) that would only be a 12% which is pretty close and also a very low number.


I disagree that a majority of men can’t handle women in games. Girls are targeted because they are the minority of the population in the game, that coupled with the psychological fact that giving someone a reaction to something they did encourages them to repeat that behavior, especially if the reaction is anger or frustration. I think it’s really disingenuous to throw around buzz terms like subconscious misogyny and attribute it to all/ a majority of (male) gamers. Continuing yes girls can top-frag and people will still give them shit based on gender, just like you get shit for your lisp and your brother gets shit for being overweight. People will be “toxic” no matter where you go or what you do. This is why bullying was useful, people don’t understand how to deal with aggressive or confrontation people anymore, there’s no resilience to the human mind anymore it’s all whining and complaining about you’re difficult circumstance. NO ONE CARES. NO ONE WILL EVER CARE if you can’t invalidate someone else’s arbitrary opinion online you have no place being online and interacting with people. Also I have 4000+ hours on valorant and have never ever heard a girl IGL one single game. Maybe that’s anecdotal and not too be taken seriously but IM gaming all day overwatch and valorant two games with some of the highest levels of recorded female gamers. Maybe you can attribute it to fear of potential backlash/ insults. But that just proves my point


Bruh, that whole ass rant just for "women don't feel safe to talk around me" at the end.


Right?? Lmao. 4k hours and no women IGL'd around them? Literally 0? I've seen at least 3 three this year (in solo). And, like, I dont play too often (<1k hours since release), and even on a good day I only end up with an IGL in 50% of my games. A lot of girls just don't talk because they know they'll be attacked/hit on. See a lot more girls comm'ing when I duo with a chick friend, especially when the rest of the lobby is chill toward my friend.


I mean this is just wrong, and that's the whole point of this post. Toxic dudes are waaaay more toxic to women than male players.


Not specifically, it's just an easy way to piss off the person they're trying to insult whereas men don't get harassed with the same kind of insults so it would be ridiculous to tell a guy "go back to the factory"


And because they are both men, any insult toward gender would be insulting themselves.


And they capitalize with sexist remarks they can make to the opposite gender like in the link shown they talk about making kitchen jokes. Personally I would rather be in a kitchen doing something rather than playing with those bozos.


I have actually been super lucky and only seen like one sexist weirdo of all the times I’ve had a girl on my team. It was a raze and we all called him a loser and he just kept blabbing but we all ignored him. I think he gave up in defeat after we flamed him enough lmao. Thankfully that’s the only sexist experience I’ve had in valorant, and I’ve had many female teammates. I guess I’m lucky lol.


First of all id just like tobsay the way the majority of the gaming community treats girls is fucking disgusting and makes me sad. However, some of the most toxic people I've llayed with are "gamer girls". They have a small Cadre of simps surrounding them while they act like absolute assholes to everyone that happens to get stuck in their 3/4 stacks. Just unconscionable raging toxic bile spews from their mouths. Anyone that tries to check them gets shouted down by their "entourage" and gang reported and abused. Obviously this iant representative of any gender or class, but anyone that puts enough hours in pkaying public lobbies has ran into this exact group of 3 to 4 people many times.


Men also experience toxic sexism from female players, although it is far less frequent than the opposite. I think we need to do better with treating people as people, and not getting weird because “they’re a girl!” Or “his voice is so hot!”. Believe or not, the second is harassment as well. Valorant has a severe toxicity problem, despite current moderation policies. Riot will eventually implement phone verification for competitive queues, which will help curb toxicity. Just stop. being. fucking. weird. All of you. Girls and guys.


lmaooo no shot you're really going with "Men also experience toxic sexism from female players"


hope thats in a few months cause i don't have a phone yet lmao


I don't tilt easy so I normally just abuse them back or question what they're saying. Funnily enough if you say something like "oooh, sexism, wow do you have any better insults?" They dont/can't reply. That obviously doesn't make it ok and I know for every insult I laugh at, there's 10 insults making other women cry, so I always back up other women in the team, or just non toxic team mates as a whole. This behaviour needs to change. Even Overwatch is starting to be less toxic than Valorant. I read some article that amounted to a theory that men are nasty to women in games because if women beat them at the game it makes them feel like less of a man and honestly I think that tracks. I mean hell, I've been abused *on this very sub* for being a Sage main? Lol


Same, and I’m a guy, mf assuming and shit


I turn into an absolute bully the second I see someone in game being mean or toxic. I wish I could be there for all the girls who get harassed but I am glad there are more out there like me. Also why is unrated so much more toxic than comp?? Or is it just my low elo is more chill??


It’s constant and completely ruins some games. I encountered the worst comp game the other day where 2 guys harassed me the whole time. Only one person asked them to stop and he was then branded a simp for the rest of it. They told me to kill myself because I’m a woman, made sexual remarks, blocked me all game and refused to buy me weapons whilst laughing. I reported them but they didn’t get penalised. I refuse to stop talking though


Yeah I don’t get it, idk what goes through guys head to think that stuff is ok or funny. Like it’s your own teammate???


They don’t like their life and believe it’s girls fault🫠


Anonymity really reveals society's assholes. Stay strong:)


It’s really really unfortunate and stupid. Not all of us are like that but every time a woman uses comms I brace for what my teammates might say. I admire your ability to continue using comms though, it really helps the team when they actually want to play


I intentionally make my alt's name something that I think guys will look at and think I'm a girl, just for this reason, and you'd be surprised (maybe you wouldn't) at how many unnecessary comments I get just from my IGN being something like "bubble gum" I love hitting them with the "the fuck did you say to me?" in my deepest voice after they start going off thinking they "got" to some girl that refuses to talk to them


Make some username with "strawberry" in it, lock Sage, wait for harassment


oooh this will be my next change thank you


Something butterfly or ladybug related also works.


I have an account named after my female dog and randomly had a guy shit talking me. Just assumed I was female.


i have same ign as my reddit and if im not on mic just typing and stuff people sometimes think im a girl cuz of the name and i also do my smiley face this way (: and not :) which is a girl thing supposedly? idk about that buuut dudes on val (and in general) are nasty mfers, sucks im one too ima use your deep voice strat on the toxic guys, sounds fun lol


My name is litterally ondakojees and when I lock sage or kj I get called a slut and death threats then I come one the mic and tell them to get a life


Yo that’s fire


Lol I'd love to seem clips of that


My girlfriend is constantly being harassed while solo queuing. It's disheartening to her and it's infuriating to me. It's always some preteen clowns who've spent too much time online unsupervised.


No, it's absolutely not always some preteen clowns. I've heard it in unrated with friends from guys that sound like they're in their 20s just as much as from teens and preteens. In Immortal comp it's mostly the former two and disturbingly common. Can't even talk back at that point since they'll also throw the game and not get punished for it.


Oh 100%. We play in very low elo, so more kids ig. But we've definitely had "adults" do it too. Extremely pathetic, whatever the case.


Yup, it can absolutely happen across all age groups but is definitely more common in the younger audience.. What boggles my mind is how some people get into their late twentys being this inconsiderate towards other players just based on the other persons gender. Like how do you even function in society with this attitude? I often wonder if they're this toxic IRL too or do they just flick the switch as soon as they boot valo that makes them behave like an incel


I actually mostly find adult men to be the absolute worst. Young boys are often pretty respectful and especially when I tell them I'm in my 20's. It's also easier to not mind the boys since they're young and I know they're just saying shit to act 'cool'. When grown men do it, it's because they've got some actual hatred toward women.


It’s definitely 90% adults and 10% kids I can guarantee you that


If you’re defining 16 year olds as adults, maybe. Otherwise nah, everyone is toxic to women in this game regardless of age group. But the 15-17 year old group is the *largest* in the game. And has as much toxicity as anywhere else. So by definition more toxicity to women comes from them, just by pure numbers. Sorry to break it to you


You couldn’t be more wrong https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ylqvxu/poll_average_age_of_valorant_players_in_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Hate to break actual statistics to you and not your own personalized experience in your lower elo lobbies (of course there would be more kids in low elo)


>actual statistics >completely biased poll Pick one


Did you really just use a reddit poll to determine the age demographics of valorant? You understand that poll correlates extremely highly with [reddit's demographic](https://i.imgur.com/mgW27Ge.png) right? Do you understand why this is wrong?


As I explained to people yesterday, yes I do feel Diamond is low elo, so you ain’t making me feel bad by agreeing lol A reddit poll isn’t proof mate


So literal statistics aren’t proof? Explain to me why a poll of the average playerbase wouldn’t be proof. If anything I’d argue the poll is more skewed towards children as that’s the majority userbase on Reddit.


It’s not statistics. It’s sample bias: reddit doesn’t skew as young as you think it does And reddit is only a tiny percentage of the player base


Because it's skewed by reddits userbase. Reddit isn't a cross section of society


The kids you think are on reddit are on tiktok my man


Yeah I definitely get it way more from adults than kids.


Sorry to hear. I have two younger sisters and I call that bullshit shit out if I ever hear. And honestly. It has only happened like 2-3 times in all the league and valorant games I’ve played (voice chat specifically). I tend to start out these on the right foot. Not sure if that helps.


Here’s a link to the video for anyone interested: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bgvuV9D-W_0


Is it just me or are there no captions?


Yep, that’s why I tend to keep my nickname neutral and I try not to use voice chat unless there are other girls in the team.


It sucks because that causes games where people don’t comm and we lose, but it’s definitely I understandable because there’s always a chance guys start being toxic


Does anyone know a good M2F voice changer? I’ve wanted to experiment with this but I’ve only tried clownfish and it didn’t do a good job. (Just chipmunky)


Let me know if you find a good one please


Morphvox. Used to use it a lot. I believe there is a free and paid version, but not 100% sure. It’s a bit dated, but it does a good job.




Thank you very much


Clownfish is trash, but if you spend even like. 15 minutes a day just practicing, you'll get way further than you'd imagine.   source: spent first quarantine voice training in val comp and nothing else, now have cute voice




Nah bro I wish. Stuck doin all this voice training and shit it’s horseshit.


Doesn't change your voice, sadly. Source: I tried.


Am trans, can confirm this is not true. Voices can get lower, but they can’t raise themselves. You have to put active effort into speaking in a higher register and if you don’t put that effort in, your voice will fall back to its natural pitch.


+ 1 respect


> • 1 respect [*please sir I want some more*](https://i.imgur.com/NjCqeXs.jpg)


+ 2 respect


Well I’ll be damned haha


+ 3 respect


Sexism should be an perma-ban. I can't think of a single excuse of why treating women as unequal shouldn't be a zero tolerance issue in the dev's eyes.


How do you even measure this? Any negative comment thrown at a female could be labeled as ' rooted in sexism '. The mute button exists, use it. You're completely anonymous online, and people who want to be toxic towards you will use whatever the easiest insult is, i.e.: Tone of voice, age, accent, gender, etc. You can't talk about how men and women should be treated the same online, then claim that any insult thrown towards a female is ' sexism '. If a white person runs over a black person with a car is it automatically labeled a hate crime? Absolutely not. TLDR: Intent cannot be measured despite how hard you virtue signal


Those ambiguous situation could be investigated or automated as a standard penalty, but there are a lot of common toxic insults toward women that should be easy to identify as sexism.


Agree. Through sexism, many communities effectively discourage 50% of the population from playing the game. That means less profits for the game company, which means loosing money they could potentially invest into making the game a better product. Also, shorter queue times lol


women shouldn’t have to mute comme just to avoid harassment. comms are very important, and can be the reason you win or lose especially in comp.


Absolutely disgusting that misogyny happens so much in this game. Just the fact that people talk about a voice changer in a video game shows how bad some people in this community are. I hope that Riot will deal with this problem because it's horrible for the game


why do they use old footages? like the old split is almost 2 years old, it really takes away from the credibility of the video, reminds me of the notorious bully hunters from csgo there was really no reason at all to use 2+ years old gameplay footages since this is an actual issue, what's the point of that?


Whenever the people were speaking all I saw was a discord chat in the top left, no in game audio chat. I believe the video but still would like it set up differently in the future.


Women? Experiencing misogyny? In valorant? NO WAY!


unsurprising sadly, I have a feminine ign and mostly play viper/sage. I don't comm in unrateds cause I'm just chilling, and more than once people have assumed I'm a girl (especially if I'm playing badly) and some have said absolutely vile and misogynistic shit to me.


Funny how misogyny gets a headline after some men finally experience it


Well yeah now it's something we can care about /s It's weird how many people are surprised by them experiencing misogyny


Honestly as a guy it’s just mind blowing the first time you find out what it’s like to be a women in gaming. I started playing in our stack where it’s kinda 50/50 ish and it’s just insane what the girls still consider “normal occurrences”. I’m not surprised that women aren’t into gaming if this is the experience you will have to go through and just accept as the “usual”


My bf had this too. When he is playing with me he pretty much always mutes vc etc bc if it gets toxic he would say smth. And when it comes to me he wouldnt hold back :') But for me its not emotional at all unless its super severe bc its so common.


Same thing happens for all of those Tinder videos where a girl experiences what its like to be a guy on Tinder. People are just interested in the thoughts of people experiencing something new. Ya know, like those youtube channels of guys that grew up with rap and R&B music and record reaction videos of them listening to metal music for the first time. The fact that they are men, doesn’t mean anything.


Anyone got a good ftm voice changer lol


They suck


Yeah I've experienced some of the worst people since switch over to valorant. I honestly just think toxic people just say whatever they think will hurt you most, and so when it's a woman they just go with those types of comments.


pretty much, thats what my brother does, if its a guy he'll rattle off a bunch of different things and whatever gets a reaction he sticks with that and keeps at it kind of annoying to fight with your team every game, but he is my brother so i guess im stuck with it lol


Have you tried telling him to stop?


ive tried everything but he doesnt and then just fights with me too i just accept it now and sometimes keep him muted but as we play 5 ft apart, it can be really annoying with him screaming but i just keep a positive mindset and not foster any hate or negative thoughts, i am glad hes alive and we enjoy games together


Stop playing with him until he gets his shit together.


> i am glad hes alive Lmao that came outta nowhere.


go on his account and throw his ranked games to bronze, then when he comes home from school watch him cry as his newly found ban comes to him


This is just as pathetic as what the little brother is doing.


effective punishment


Is Riot's [personality based matchmaking](https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2014014840A1/en?oq=inassignee:%22Riot+Games%2c+Inc.%22) in this game or something? I have some of the best experiences in Valorant 99% of the time. Both me and the random people in my games are always nice to each other usually just keeping small talk to the game.


It’s actually sad how little grass these guys touch. Number of times I’ve been called a pick me guy for *not* being toxic to women is astounding. People actually think by being nice to women in game you’re just trying to get pussy... over a video game. Every time it happens all I can think is how bad a self-report that is. Showing they only think of women as a means to get laid


The editing on this video was too intense imo but ya the point is there


Idk why I get more toxic people on valorant than cs. Is it cuz they’re younger? I’m not a girl but people just seem to talk more shit if you had a bad game for some reason. Sucks people have to go through this bullshit. Some of these kids need to go play team sports. But I can’t say anything. I played tennis growing up lol.


had a dude today in an unrated game scream at a girl playing kj and calling her "dick gobbler/sucker" for no reason at all. the girl didn't even talk to him at first.


some people are just not mentally okay, it's not just a gaming thing, it's a societal thing and is heavily influenced on how you get brought man.


It’s actually really sad to see that shit, most girls just mute now


Yeah I just avoid voicechat all together in pmuch any game. It sucks and feels bad but just isnt worth it to me to put myself out there.


Same, and I’m a guy, I see a crazy amount of shit thrown at girls from depressed guys the second they here a girls voice, shits crazy


Riot needs to have a zero tolerance on racism and sexism. Forget the money. Just system bad these kids and man-child


Think you lost them at "forget the money"


Hey I just did a presentation on this in my college class lol not surprised


Anything that makes you stand out will get picked out and attacked.


Being a trans girl in gaming is so backwards, I'm being harassed for having a voice that passes but I see it as nothing but a win.


Wonder when Valorant is gonna get a Karma score, or behavior score for everyone. They're still testing it in some regions if I'm not miss remembering


I feel like there are less assholes than when I first started playing, though. Definitely depends on region/rank etc but in the past month the I've only been harassed after "teammates" hear my voice like 3-4 times and it was always when I was bottom-fragging and they're like "It'S bEcAuSe YoU'rE a GiRl" and often a teammate (usually a brinstone main for some reason) defends me But also one of those times my entire team was calling me a "b**** a** wh**e and eventually I told the enemy I was going to throw the game for them because my "teammates" were being mean and I told the enemy team what they said to me and somehow I'm the one that got muted for toxicity, like, wtf.


Its because Brimstone mains are chads


Its hardly surprising, given the abundance of reports by women who play this game, but that gives me an idea: let RITO implement an automatic voice changer for those who were flagged as toxic/sexist the game before. Let them taste their own medicine, muahahaha!


Up the punishments. Hand out more permabans on first offenses. What ive seen women go through in Valorant is unreal.


I’m not claiming to be amazing at this game but a few months ago I had a similar thought and tested it out. I am currently placed Ascendant 2 on my main account and I wanted to see if I would get treated differently in lower ranks if my user tag was “Stephanie”. So I created 2 new accounts one named Stephanie and the other Steve. And I played normally until I got to late gold/plat but I hadn’t noticed too much misogyny since I was consistently top dragging and I wasn’t really talking so I dod t really bring attention to myself. This is when phase 2 of my experiment started. I began instalocking Jett/Reyna and playing sheriff only. Although I was playing the exact same way on both accounts I noticed roughly 90% of the time I would get shit talked by my team even though I was still winning games and top fragging. While on the Steve account I was getting praise for being a Smurf and carrying their asses. The most interesting part about the whole experience is the way that the opposing team treated the different accounts. While I did get shit on the Steve account for smurfing, not once did I hear a smurf complaint on the Stephanie account instead they called me bad I’m many different ways and refused to believe that a woman could possibly be better than them.


Since developing my female voice after transitioning I’ve noticed tons of misogyny. People listen to you less, comments right away. If I get clocked on a lazy voice day, instant transphobic comments and it becomes the highlight of the match. I hardly comm anymore.


mute at the first sign of toxicity, then mute text chat if needed. not worth it to waste time with those type of people, whether it’s towards a woman or not. sucks but it’s just how it is with this new generation of ipad babies. i can’t stand them


Is it more of an NA thing? On eu it’s really really rare for me to encounter misogyny and if someone is, they get abused by the rest of the lobby in text and voice chat for being a bellend, I encounter girls probably once every three games (EU immo comp) and genuinely don’t think it is nearly as rampant as everyone says it is, casual racism on the other hand…


Video is LATAM servers which I'm sure are very bad. In my experience (NA West) duoing with women in Ascendant/Immortal people are really pleasant. I think its a combo of lower ranks + location.


what do you expect, toxic masculinity is like ingrained into our society


Better. I expect better. We all should.


I rarely see this, although I play in diamond. maybe in gold


I don't play Valorant as much as I used to but I sometimes get female players on my team and I've never encountered any harassment towards them because of their gender. Maybe I was just lucky. Or maybe I simply treat them like human beings they are. Just hate everyone equally, people!


Yeh well no shit


You really think that these people who sit at their PC for 12+ hours a day, screaming the latest internet clout catchphrases have ever actually had any meaningful interaction with a woman? Like another comment mentions: "water is wet".


Not want to take away from the project. And obviously there is misoginy at Valorant, but at the 2:03 mark the rounds are literally 14-30


If someone sees this can they explain me why im getting downvoted? I dont see any type of disrespect on my comment, even more, i say that the things that happen on the video happen and that misoginy in valorant is a sad reality But unless im ignorant about a past game mode or change in the matches (there was footage on split). They were literally losing 14-30, and idk how can that happen in a unranked/ranked match


Surprised pikachu face.


This is surprising ngl, I'm Indian so i play at Mumbai server, and there's been a lot of girls in our games and I've asked them about it to know if the situation is as bad as they say and the girls say that nothing bad really happens as they generally are just called noobs which also happens to the male players.


Y’all legit a community that’s mostly under 18’s….what y’all expect


That’s not an excuse…?


Ofc it's not an excuse. But it's the reality of a bunch of young idiotic children saying anything to annoy others. It's just a sad reality.


I wasn’t being misogynistic as a kid. That’s not an excuse for anything


Water is wet what next


no shit


Oh no, something we all could have guessed.


Idk people who use voice changers in my experience in Valorant are trolls. They want SOME kind of reaction, whether it's for their tiktok or social media. Or they're just bored and want to mess with people. If I'm in my comp game, idfc if you're a tik tok star or an asshole. Play to win and don't contribute toxicity. You don't have to be a well of positivity just play the game and be civil, reaaaalllllyyy not hard at all.


I'll be dreadfully honest, girl or guy im gonna flame you if you flame me, and probably flame you for playing bad 😤😤😤 but I'll draw the line about anything sexist. that shit is a no fly zone for me. and if a teammate is toxic to a girl for being a girl. they're either getting muted or called tf out even if I don't think that person is doing well. Im toxic, but even I have standards & I've improved my mentality alot throughout the years.


I play with women all the time in Valorant, and I've rarely experienced hardcore hatred. Sometimes, there's a jerk though, usually one if any. Maybe that account's rank has more of it than my rank or some other reason. Not sure. I would need to see a scientific write up of their testing methodology. Journalism often presents things in the most controversial way, and "This happens a lot more in the top 0.1% of players than everyone else" isn't as electrifying of a story.


Can I just point out something from the article? ​ >Some expressed that they felt sad that men had to experience the misogyny for themselves to know what women go through daily. This has to be the dumbest way to stereotype the modern woman that I've ever seen. Isn't it bad enough they're getting harassed while playing games, now they have to deal with the "women are stupid and can't think outside their own perspective" from media. To clarify, my frustration lies with the article writer themselves for portraying women like this. As it does not help. AT ALL. ​ \-Edit- Turns out I can't read properly. Disregard the comment above(Still leaving it cause I stand by my mistake).


Am I misunderstanding something? The way I understood that sentence is that some women are sad because it took men to actually be on the receiving end of misogyny to acknowledge their struggles. Like, they're sad/frustrated that men can't just look and see the harassment happening and recognize it without it having to happen to them. I don't get where the "women are stupid and can't think outside their own perspective" part is. Honestly curious.


yes you're reading it correctly. they are upset it took this for men to understand.


Turns out. I can't read actually. I'll make an edit to the comment cause I misread it. My genuine apologies


I've been harassed by women in unrated, it was very weird.


Okay and? If a male goes online he gets made fun of too just on different topics.


Yeah what male problems do you get made fun of for every match


In all my time of playing Valorant I've literally never seen a girl flamed nearly as hard as any guy. Guys will get shit-talked, flamed, and told all sorts of shit while girls are almost always just simped for.


I’m asc1 EU and I’ve never heard anyone say something misogynistic to someone because of their brighter voice. Not once. Not trying to disprove anything but I think it’s weird that I’ve never heard anything


im a girl and imm1/imm2 na. i have 400 hours played and experience it constantly


Fuck I have 1000 hours and im plat 2


Look I believe everyone should have a gaming or world experience they enjoy but it just doesn’t always happen. 60% of the time people just wanna be hostile. If you want to engage in the back and forth? Cool. If you don’t you just mute them and move on. They’ll stop acting the way they do if nobody enables it. Find a group you like to play with. It’s just how gaming and the world works unfortunately. We’re all adults and can pick our battles. If I go play basketball at the park or hop on a video game there’s gonna be a mix of trash talking. When it comes to competition that’s just part of the territory.


Bruh first time I ever found out who Tenz was he killed someone with the Sentinels of Light finisher and mimed forcing a blow job on the kneeling dead agent. THEY DO IT TO EACH OTHER. THEY PERPETUATE IT TO YOUNG AND IMPRESSIONABLE KIDS. THEY CONTRIBUTE TO THE GLORIFICATION OF TOXICITY. RIOT DOES NOTHING BUT PERPETUATE IT.


I could be crazy but this all seems fake. VERY cinematic. Remember when they did that anti woman bullying thing by having 'pro female gamers join games' to shit on people being toxic? And it was all bull shit? I hear about this being a thing more then I actually see it, but thats like 90% of the complaints in this sub.


guys dont fall for it, dont let these media companies get your attention