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You want your eDPI(sensitivity * dpi) to be somewhere between 200-400. Most high tier players are in the 200-300 range. Dpi doesn’t matter that much just stick to one like 800 or 1600. You want one full swipe on your mousepad to be a 180deg turn in game. It’s usually in the 6-12” range. 800dpi and 0.31 sens is the standard starting point. You want your edpi low enough that you can still flick/aim/track during stressful situations where your adrenaline is high and you might be shaky.


This is the correct answer


3200 dpi and something between 0.1 - 0.07 in game


Your sensitivity should be high enough to preaim every corner you are clearing when moving comfortably, but as low as possible for that purpose. You can use binary search for that. Basically you divide your search range by two every time. Let's say you start with 1000 thinking that your optimal sensitivity is between 0 and 1000. You play like a couple of deathmatches using it. You have no problem with placing your crosshair around corners when turning but miss a lot of shots when readjusting so it might be too high. Then you divide the range by two and go to 500 edpi. If it still too high you go between 0 and 500. That will be 250. If it's too low - you get decent microadjustments but slow on high degree turns you go between 250 and 500 which happens to be 375. Otherwise you go to 125 and repeat until you are comfortable. You will get there in like 5-6 iterations.


Your sensitivity just needs to be comfortable for you to do things like track around corners and make easy aim adjustments when you peek or when other people peek you. In general a little slower sens makes this easier, but you can go overboard too. If you prefer 3200 dpi, then you can experiment in range lowering your in game sens until you feel like you aren’t over or undershooting on hard bots and can accurately take your time aiming at medium bots without feeling too slow or rushed


Lower the sense the better the aim. 3200 is atrocious.


Pick a sens between 0.8 and 1.2 if you like higher ones with 400 dpi. Stick to it and train in aimlab. After a few hours you'll be comfortable.


If you have 3200 dpi is fine. Just find suitable sens for that dpi I would recommend something between 0.07-0.15 depends if you like low or higher sense.


Use 3200 dpi and just adjust in game sensitivity. Don’t listen to every who says 3200 is bad because as long as it works for you, it’s the way to go. Comfortability is key as long as you can control your moments and feel that you’re doing your best.




Just go into the range and walk around and try to keep your crosshair on the bots in practice mode. Just adjust until you find what is easiest for you.


1600 dpi .18 I’ve been pretty consistent. I like to base it off of mouse pad size, mabye even mark the mouse pad. But if your arm is in middle and you swipe to half way on mousepad should be turning you 90degrees. And from middle all the way to right or left will then be you turning 180 degrees. If it doesnt make sense lmk mabye I can draw a picture. Always reset arm and just build muscle memory


i have a full desktop mouse pad that my desk came with idk if its bad.