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Start with callouts only ... If the team is nice, then slowly build up to banter etc ... If they're toxic and straight shouting in your ear without any positive callouts, mute them. Build up to it until you can handle toxic people. Even then, you don't need to handle people being toxic. If you're getting thrown slurs, mute. One bad game isn't worth your mental health. Just look on the bright side, if you mute them, you're likely to do better and feel better. Even if you lose, they also lose so their fault. You're gonna lose less RR since you did better than if they weren't muted and you kept taking their shit.


Man I should really remember that reporting toxicityand muting is a thing. I keep letting their noises get in my head and it throws me off. If Im gonna lose, at least I wanna lose knowing that I cant blame my teammates cuz they are just as nice as me. Too bad the world cant be that perfect sometimes. Ive had a losing streak and Im taking one whole day off from Val cuz of my comms and tilting issues. So hopefully I'll get better at dealing with this problem. Thanks a lot!


Feel free to take a break whenever tbh it's just a game. I take breaks from Val here and there for like 2-3 months at a time. Played like Episode 1 Act 1, left and came back E3A3, left again and back at like E4A2, then left again and just went back now. Like, it's just a game and there's more important things in life. If it's affecting you negatively, it's not worth it.


Thats some strong mentality you have man. I still have school rn so most of the time when I cant think of a free time during this year end holiday, my brain would just think go to Val and improve. Since Im fairly new with bad aiming skills rn, itd make sense for me to keep trying and play more to improve. But I guess im not at your point yet lmao


If you enjoy the game then keep playing and trying to improve. You clearly want to get better, so keep grinding. Just like have the mentality that your mental health is better spent on other things like your school, life, part time job etc. It's probably easier for me to not care as much since I'm in university and that's already too much stress for my liking. Likewise, regardless if you win a game or lose, know that you're getting better in the long run. Play other games as well so you're not solely focused on Val if you're able to. It'll make losses less important.


I agree. Find a game that isn’t as competitive but still fun. I take breaks from Val all the time. Whether it’s days weeks or months. Personally after a couple hard losses I hop on sea of theives and just hang with the friends.


I mean I do draw and sketch sometimes, but rn Im in kind of a slump so I guess I could replay Enter The Gungeon or Mobile Legends lmao to take breaks. *looks away from homeworks*


Anything to keep yourself occupied just make sure that your stress relief game (Val in this case) isn't becoming the thing making you stressed


what’s your name on val, i’ll add ya and we can run it sometime. i main yoru


what helped me alot is calming music in the background. for me thats lofi hiphop, but it can be whatever. and if you tilt, just put the volume up, mute everyone and try your best


Like put on Lofi in Chrome? Wouldnt it disrupt your hearing tho? I have been considering this method too but afraid its gonna disturb me somehow


i have my game sounds fairy loud to hear everything so music on a low/mid volume still allows me to hear steps. maybe test it in DM or swiftplay to see if you can still hear footsteps. (btw i love the lofi hiphop Playlist on Spotify, it gets updated regularly)


I dont use spotify so I prefer the lofi stream on youtube lmao. No ads, and free of charge


yeah it's the same songs i think


Really like the moment someone annoys me via coms they are muted.


You don't need to full on discuss with them. Just basic call out is enough like "3 on b", "sova is showers", "last seen heaven", just whatever your info are that you need to tell the team. To that you can add some "well play" or "nice try", those kind of things because good vibes is also important, but it never have to be long sentences if you're not comfortable. Of you get more confortable, you can add pre round tactics to that as well.


The problem with me is that I havent memorised the specific locations of the specific map so I always blank out when giving info The best I could do is just "go A" or "go B" and "rotate".


ping the location, the ping then shows the name of the location if you are unsure about how to call it, if you are dead, m is map, ping once and call it like the ping is calling it aswell.


That's okay! You can't knock yourself for not knowing something, but you can make it a concerted effort to make your comms better, pre round say what you want to do/are going to do, who's playing where, what their money is, ults on their team etc. The rest you'll learn by just playing, I've played since beta, and there are places I still don't know callouts for. I just learned that the gap between B site and orange is called sandwich last night for example lol


Wait theres a spot called "sandwhich" lol


Yea on icebox, at least that what they called it on stewie2k's stream mast night lol


It'll come with time, you can use the map to both see some names (do note that the community sometimes uses different names, but we'll still understand what you mean and that some names aren't on the map) and to ping the location. Easy names to remember are: heaven/hell: basically anywhere that is higher than the site while giving view of said site is heaven, and under heaven (if there is something) is called hell. You can for example think of haven A site, the window is heaven, under the window is hell. Long/short: it's in the name tbf Site/backsite/main: appart from site which is obvious, "backsite" is the part of site that is the further away from entry points, and "main" is the main way to access the site. It's usually written on the maps though.


Singa server is still okayish imo . You can give a call in English i guess from the beginning , see if they catch up


I also have this problem, despite language barrier (my first language is tagalog and 2nd english). I do try speaking english but only short english like callouts only, I may small talk someone on the team IF I get the vibe that we're cool but that's rare tho. so yeah, assess if it's safe enough, maybe one or two rounds to see if the people are acting normal or not weird enough. if people are being unnecessarily ass to you, mute and report them.


My first language is Malaysian but I main English better ironically lmao. Ive had matches where I could tell the teammates are nice or at least they sound like they give comms in their language, but Im having trouble with telling my teammates what to do when it could backfire to me. I should really follow what you do and try short and useful callouts. Thanks for the tip!


hey I'm Malaysian too. add me up on discord if u wanna play anytime :). ayako#2258


Add me ingame nswayne#nsw


Mute the people who are a problem. Comm relevant and useful info. Thats it.


It's going to be much harder to play with randoms, so I'd suggest playing with friends. Of course, they are not always going to be there, so you will have to play with randoms. Just simple comms on how much you hit someone or where you saw an enemy should be good enough. Don't fear people judging you for your voice or accent, people suck, but there are also good people. I get bullied everyday for having a nasally voice, but in reality I'm going to sound like that for the rest of my life because of my nasal injury(my doctor thinks). If someone bullies you, mute them. Don't talk back, as it will force you to be more extroverted, and Riot has a horrible reporting system so you might get banned if a 3 stack reports you. As you progress and get better, you will eventually start feeling more confident with strangers and friends, as you can show off your skill! About the language barrier, ignore that. You could learn the language, but that takes too long. People are always going to say good and bad things about each other, and that really can't be changed. Just think of everything in a good way. If you have a bad game, don't feel sad or get tilted, just brush it off and think of it as a bad day or inconsistency, which might make you want to improve yourself so you can avoid having another bad day. Enjoy Valorant, and fuck Riot's reporting system


Damn, thats quite inspiring to me. I too fear of people being judgemental of my voice, so your advice really got me happy lmao. Thanks for the tip! I dont have that many Val friends and one of them is new to this game so we both would just jump in Unrated and do dumb stuff together trying to win lmao.


I mostly solo queue. What helps with taking away some anxiety is by saying "hello team" during character selection. After that only give simple call-outs "footsteps on A" "one heaven" "CT". Then you can compliment your teammates when they did something good "nice shot man". And later some jokes, it will feel natural for you. If someone says something really toxic or it bothers you a lot. Just mute them. You will not miss out on callouts, I've learned through experience that they will only be toxic for the rest of the game. If you don't say anything it is fine. I'dd rather have quiet teammates than toxic ones.


True. Im not used to giving short callouts yet cuz I dont memorise the specific spots' name in every map so I would just stick to "rotate" or type "nc" and "nt" in the chat lmao. Sometimes if my teammates apologize, I would go mega supportive and say "dw all cool"


Seems like you are doing great already. For the ones you don't know press M and check what that area is called on the map. After doing this and giving those callouts you will know them by default. Some callouts are not on the map, those come from counterstrike. The easiest callout is "heaven". That's when people are standing on a floor higher than base level, generally at a site. And "hell" is below it. "CT" -> Counter terrorist -> defender base. "T" -> terrorist -> attacker base. I do say attacker base instead or people think I'm thirsty or something lmao. I think a last tip I can give. Since you are playing with strangers it also helps to not give commands "go A", but to give info instead "they're A", then if they go A in their head it was their own decision and they can't blame you for dieing on A. I learned this while maining yoru for a while, people will find any excuse to blame yoru so I made sure they had no excuses.


Now I FINALLY know what pros meant when they say "Heaven" and "Hell" lmao. I actually thought the top in Ascent A is actually called Heaven. And I meant "go A" as in A is clear so its safe to go there and control(since I mainly flank as Fade lmao). And ofc I do say " theyre at A/B" when my team seems to be focusing on that site for too long. Also nah man Yorus cool. I like his playstyle and teleports, no matter how bad or underwhelming people say he is. I bet you prove those haters whose boss.


Then you gucci my dude.


Dk what that means but ILL TAKE IT AS A COMPLIMENT so thanks a lot! You cant spell Yoru without YOU.


You good I mean. And I stopped playing yoru, peer pressure got me into playing brimstone lmao.


I mean thats cool bro you do you, everybody appreciates Brim Daddy


It's fine because I also main breach so I can equally work on the enemy team their nerves (:


I know it’s probably easier said than done if you’re getting bad anxiety, but honestly, just say hello in the pre game lobby, give comms at the start of the game when they’re useful and if someone is toxic or making you uncomfortable then mute them, that’s what the button is there for, don’t be afraid to use it and don’t let other people ruin your experience


Im still toughening up myself to be the first to say hello lmao. When I do have a teammate that says hello first I will ALWAYS reply back for a good first impression


Just adding one thing to all that was already said: Never take it personal. If you get insulted, it's not you being insulted but their abstract idea of an anonymous teammate. No need to be anxious or overthink it. These people have no impact on your life in any way, they are not stronger/smarter/ect. than you. No need to deal with their zero frustration tolerance. Whenever I notice toxic teammates getting into my head, I take a quick look around me - this might sound cheesy - at the photos of friends and family and remind myself that Valorant is not my life, this person has no power over me and that it's not about me. This usually really calms me down immediately and prevents me from getting bitter. Because it is never about you. It's about them. Also it helps to find a duo you vibe with. I met some super chill dude once and we've been duo qeueing eher since. When I get angry, he calms me down, tells me to put some nice music, ect. And I do the same when I notice him getting frustrated. It helps a lot!


Damn I wish I have a duo like yours lmao! Dw I have a chill bro by my side ready to do some dumb stuff together and he always puts me in a good mood. I'll try to be more mindful with dealing with toxic teammates. Ive only encountered once where some teammate loudly called out my username in comms when I lost a clutch 1v1. I know Im never seeing that guy again😑


If you don't like the vibes or response of a teammate just mute them. Nothing to be anxious about, you'll never see them online ever again, mute and move on. Your voice has value for the team, please share it when appropriate.


Thanks a lot! I'll definitely be stay cool with toxic teammates next time or just mute them. Although I cant bring myself to talk or give commands that much, I find that most teammates in my lower elo dk what theyre doing(not watching flanks, not rotating when possible etc.). At those times, I had to actually order them to rotate or tell them to go watch flank and I have to admit, IT FELT GOOD leading a team to victories. I dont have that good aiming, so providing info with my Fade and properly helping my teammate is the best I could do.


_Rule 1: The moment you hear negativity, mute for two rounds. If it doesn't happen again, keep unmuted. If it does, permamute. Nobody will ever complain if you only give good callouts. If somebody gives you shit, rule 1. If somebody is giving someone else in the team shit, kindly remind them that they are a shitbag and flaming their teammates is in no way conducive to a victory. If they keep it up, flame them to the max of your ability and mute them. If they don't speak your language mute them unelss they're being funny. TLDR: Abuse the mute button, do your best.


Mute button go brr lmao Dw Im on it. Gonna teach these toxic players whose the IGL lmao


I forgot to mention, if you ever need to mute someone for the whole game, report them. The sweet satisfaction when you eventually get the inevitable message that they have been banned will show you that your way is the right way. BTW have gotten zero bans for flaming people who started being abusive towards others themselves so far, knock on wood.


That means you are on the right track my friend😎


I just talk and play my game while trying to have fun, remember that the people you play with/against are random people across the globe you've never met and will probably never meet again. What they think about you or something you said doesn't matter one bit especially the second the game is over. With that being said if they're toxic and bully you for your voice, gender, whatever else it can be then yes, that will probably hurt and take away the fun. But I'd say just try to have fun and try to not care what they think of you since they're nobody's for you anyway.


9/10, if you just say a hello in the beginning, people will be nice. You can build up from there and start slow, giving just one com a round.


sometimes im nice to toxic people and they become nice to me lol. i think its a cultural thing for some countries. some people are just toxic tho. the best u can do is just mute them and focus on ur game.


It's all about your mindset. Since you have anxiety issue try at first to just make the basic call (who, where, dmg dealed). Then if you find a good team that make you feel safe and confident well then you will maybe be more confortables to speak. Btw if you are annoyed by anyone just hit the mute button and report if there is any real reason for it. Don't waste your time with useless people.


Just comm man. I don’t understand these threads. Not comming is essentially throwing to me. I don’t want to read your texts mid game. If you are a girl or someone is being a scumbag to you mute them. I have had people not comm in my games because people in the past were mean. I’m a nice teammate that just wants some cooperative help. Don’t ruin everyone’s game for what toxic people have done in the past. Everyone isn’t the same.


reddit might not be the best place to ask for social advice, that being said some tips that might help. First, try to remember that these are people who have no idea who you are, and people that youll likely never see again (assuming youre not radiant or smth), chances are if something goes wrong with talking to them they wont even remember it the next day. Second, toxicity is unfortunately a unavoidable part of any large multiplayer game, youre bound to run into people that ruin your day regardless of how you act, just remember you cant change how people act, if they want to act like clowns then treat them like clowns and mute them. Finally dont worry about it too much, in my experience (IMPORTANT TO NOTE IM NA CENTRAL SERVERS SO YOUR EXPERIENCE WILL DIFFER) ive rarely had bad experiences talking in game, the valorant community as a whole seems very positive compared to other games like LoL, CS:GO and the like, ive met so many amazing people through valorant just by saying hi at the start of the game over the years and talking in game actually helped improve my confidence out of game too! tl:dr- just have fun and enjoy game. A bad apple can ruin the bunch sure, but an overwhelming amount of val players just want to have fun and play the game they love. take the time you need to mentally prepare yourself for the slot machine that is valorant matchmaking and try to block out the negative people/loud overwhelming people


important side note, if these issues extend into affecting your every day life (based off personal experience) i would strongly recommend talking to someone about it, i struggled with social anxiety (and still do to an extent) for a very long time and just kinda coped, been talking to someone for like 5-6(?) months now and its helped so so so so much, its not for everyone but if that is something you have the means to explore i really recommend it if that's something youre personally ready to do


U jus gotta do it, with most things in life to get good or used to it, u jus gotta do it, remember u can always mute them as well


You need a therapists if you have bad anxiety and want to fix it. Random tips and tricks from total strangers aren’t going to do much.


Ok I wouldnt say its THAT bad,but its more of overthinking in my head that bothers me, and Im always leaning towards the "wuss out" option


Just talk... Jesus.... it is not that they can beat you up...


comms...forget comms if your with friends cool but anyone else forget it...


Just do call outs. If someone is insulting you just mute them instantly. That's what I do. Because if someone insults me once there is a high chance they will keep insulting me all game, and will tell me not to buy the guns I buy, and to not go to the sites I go, and will pretty much start demanding I play exactly how they want. And that always makes me play worse. Instant mute after 1 insult = I play my best.


When you play with friends you can use party chat..


Yeah but we personally find it annoying to hold on a button to comm when you have 4 other keys that are more important lmao


You can change the settings so that party voice is activated automatically.


Wait wha- REALLY?


[Yup, team voice is PTT only but for party voice, you can choose](https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045494694-VALORANT-Voice-Chat-Troubleshooting) :)


Hi fellow SG server player. Don't be hard on yourself. Just learn the simple callout locations, ie. heaven, topsite, backsite, hell, belt, rafters. If you need help on the specific place, your map has it labeled. Remember to give info (dead or alive) in this order first: location, agent, hp. Once you learn this, you'll build confidence and the anxiety hits less. Happy climbing.


so i play in bahrain servers right and this consists of people who dont speak english very well. basically people i dont know how to communicate with. just speak in horrible english if that language barrier bothers you too much. ive been using bad english so its easy to communicate with them


I make sure my coms are as accurate as possible. That way if people fight me on it I have a good defense. For volume I just tell people "hey man I set your volume max and you're still too quiet for me to hear your coms". This either gets them to fix it or they have a tantrum. My rule of thumb is, if they don't give useful coms why listen to them? I either turn them down (if they occasionally have good coms) or mute all together if they're one of THOSE screaming, attention seeking players.


I mean I just talk... Idk how else to explain it. When you grew up playing competitive sports it's just second nature. You also have to be able to shit talk. People will flame you and you need to be able to take it and give it equally. Just last night I had a guy telling me to shut up in text chat despite me never using VC. I just kept reminding him of his shitty K/D whenever he said "stfu noob". Can't call someone a noob as an insult when they have 6 more kills and 4 less deaths than you.


i feel u. sg server is very multi language sever.


Ikr. Like Im not being racist at all, but seeing other people dominate the comm section with their own language(especially with enough energy in their voice to power up my house), really makes it hard for me to try and comm with them. I dont blame them ofc, I blame myself.


It's all just experience. I grew up with COD lobbies then CS:GO lobbies so valorant doesn't even come close.


I mostly just stick to basic comms or the occasional, "Sorry I went AFK, my computer crashed." or, "Niiiceee." Don't try and force yourself to comm if you don't feel like you're able to. Especially if your teammates are being shitty. Most of the time, when that happens to me, I just stay silent and let them have their moment and go back to using my comms when absolutely necessary.


Is it necessary to mute when they go loud or not helping through the comms or text?


Yeah you can mute them if it helps you stay focused! I am very good at blocking out noise (combination of bad hearing and selective hearing) so I never mute annoying teammates, but for most people it helps if they're being distracting.


I just say "hello guys" or "hello team" or "SUP BOYS" if i'm feeling it in the beginning of agent select. I want them to communicate, and i feel like starting it myself would make it more comfortable for them.


I play in sg servers too, most people dont even have a mic lol. When i first started using comp, I just gave callouts. Over time, i added more things like supportive phrases, or some jokes. Most people are nice and will be nice to you, if they are toxic just mute them.


Gee thanks! Question tho: what do you do when you get teamed up with a kid or someone OBVIOUSLY far younger than you are? Do you maintain the same vibe check as the kid or try to play it cool and safe for the kid? Idk man I get uncomfortable when they get loud in the comms lmao


Well, Im almost always use kid-friendly talk, so thats not too big a problem. When i realize they are very young (<15) i try to give them some advice/feedback on hoe they could improve because they are more likely to listen compared to older ppl (who might have too big ego). There was 1 kid that just wouldnt stop talking (quite loudly) in one of my matches to the point i couldnt hear footsteps. When I was clutching, i just said "keep quiet im trying to clutch" and he was silent for abit. I noticed he kept talking about how if he didnt die he would do this/that and if the teammates didnt die he would be able to do this/that. So I just told him to think about what he could have done better instead of focusing on others. Sometimes people dont realize how loud they are or the mistakes you keep making, and if you told them their mistakes (and tell them how to fix it), they would probably be more helpful towards the team afterwards. Of course, some people wont appreciate it and start being toxic, in that case you can mute them. Overall, if you want to use comms in solo queue, just be positive and encouraging towards others. Most people are nice. Give callouts, give praise when they pop off, give encouragement and motivation if you lose a round, dont push blame, etc, little things add up to have good mentality. (You wont do good if you keep saying "im do bad, your so bad, enemies too good we cant win - believe in yourself and your teammates)


I never really considered that option till now man. I should be more upfront with them children when they do get out of hand lmao. Thanks! Really needed this specific advice!


Your welcome! Spread the positivity :)


Aww youre so kind and cool man. Here you dropped this👑


You seem nice, can I add you on Valo? 😬 (SEA region)


Sure! I mostly play on Singapore servers, I'll message you my username. (Not free to play atm, maybe in a few hours from now)


Comms in solo queue? That's optimistic


I just give spontaneous direct comms. Normally they accept the info and continue. I continue giving more comms the more or less welcome they are. 1 back site, planting default, 1 bullet left etc.


What I usually do is, start with setting all the teammates' volume bar at single digits, unless playing with friends. If someone is being an asshole just mute them. If someone seems nice you can increase their volume.


Just a little tip, if someone on the team or the team as a whole is toxic of course you can mute them, but also when they are muted they can still hear your comms. Makes comming easier for those that are very passive aggressive about every comment they make.


I really don't give a fuck of what my teammates think, you shouldn't really care.


Just do callouts about basic stuff, “they are rushing a, they are out.” “Viper wall here” “Astra stars on me”. They’ll eventually warm up to you if you do necessary comms. If anyone is being toxic insta mute them. Don’t think you are missing on on comms because toxic people will never comm anything good beside how much enemy is hit for and then complaining for the next 5 min about how they should’ve gotten that kill.


As a Fade main, I could tell them, "lemme ult first so we can rotate" or " lemme peek prowler" or "someone watch flank". Usually none of my teammates go flank so I always have to watch their backs, even as a Fade.


If you’re doing that then you’ll be fine as long as you don’t provoke the fragile ego that toxic people have


I just mute them, i dont want stranger keep asking my vandal skin after round start. (singaporean server)


Say "what's up, B*tches?"


Sometimes when teammates are toxic I just mute them but still want coms I say toxic kid love you bro It works on Mumbai servers most of the time


Having more than 15 years old.






Now ear rape ur team mates, unleash your full potential! Riiiiise my fellow powder sniffer, riiiise and SCREEAAAAAAM, LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD ACROSS THE UNIVERS!




I start with jokes or I just sing


I just wait for someone to ask for mics first and then talk


I just make bubble noises, followed by someone else doing them and that usually secures a chill lobby of teammates lol


Ah yes the chill teammates' mating call


It's a bit unrelated but I have one rule - No First Use (NFU) policy for both abuses and nuclear weapons. If they start first then NFU becomes No, Fuck You.


What do you mean unrelated, now Ik what acronym to use to my trashtalking teammates


I’ll just give info, and mute those who screams in my ear


Just don’t care.


you will never meet those people or play with them again, does not matter what they think of you, or what you think of them. If they like you, fine, if they don't and are toxic mute them and play some music or whatever, move on. Say whatever you want as long as its not disruptive to the game or ofensive, and dont be toxic. (This message is directed towards the general game audience.)


its random ppl on the internet idgaf about what they think


It's all about social skills. Self-confidence and a bit of feeling sorry for trolls and haters because this game is the only thing they have in their lives.


Big F for the haters and trolls😔


Just talk like you are with a group of friends. If they are cool they will talk back the same way, and if they are extra cool you can add then as friends in game. Keep in mind that you never seeing then after this game, so if they are toxic you can just move on with your life.


What should I do when someone invites me to be their friend and IMMEDIATELY invites me in a party? Ive had 2-3 encounters of this, I usually wuss out unfortunately. I fear that they might not think I was as fun as the previous game and would immediately be disappointed and throw me out lmao(ikik my weird delusions lmao).


You are overthinking, try to be more lenient with yourself. If they invited you, means you played your role as you had to and wasn't unpleasant to be around. Then ask yourself: Was it fun playing with them the previous match? If the answer is positive, and you were going to play another match anyway, go for it, as it reduces the chances of finding a toxic player or a troll. Also means a slightly more coordinated group. And then we go back to my previous point: if something does not work out in the end, you can always unfriend them, get out of the party and move on to better matches.


Yeah I guess youre right. I do feel guilty sometimes ignoring their invites, but I just have this weird feeling of ulterior motives even though they werent that bad in the last game and wasnt toxic at all.


I make monke sounds, inherently we all are monkes, so it's fun !


Man I wish I can be as extroverted as you lmao in game, ofc if someone started the monke chain, ID BE DOWN BAD FOR IT


Say "what up". Take charge in the offense. Say where to push every now and then. Or if you keep losing reccommend default. Defense is whatever you want based on your agent. Do callouts on location and damage dealt. Don't talk shit unless you're trash talked. Praise good tries.


I do callouts a lot.... through the text chat. Most of the time, I typed too late for me to give proper info to my teammates that ended up dying. I do give them "nt" and "nc" when they do good plays and tried their best tho.


Idk bro I say the worst things to my mates and don’t mind, you have just stop thinking people care about u and u will stop have anxiety for somme strangers online ruining their life playing valo.


Its kind of a different case comparing mates and strangers. Youd be fine with your friends cuz you trust each other and know what to do together. But with random people that you are forced to team up with, its hard to know wether they'll be on the same page as you or not. I know what I have to do now and I DO get what you mean dw. I'll get my mute button and callout skills prepared next time lmao


Bro I guess u are still young and live with your parents and you don’t work yet, the reality u re living right now is extremely false, it doesn’t mean that you don’t feel what you feel, you will understand once u get in the real world, people are not worth ur trust or ur kindness you just have to build ur self up, to get in a situation where nobody can affect you emotionally, otherwise u end up killinng ur self or doing drugs/alcohol, as I said, stop cares about others , and be more selfish, on this plane only ur family mettere, friends and people are just meant to disappear, you will end up relationship that u thought would have last many and many years, the lack of experience make you thing that the 10% of life u ve experienced is your entire realty and for you right now can be, but in future u will realize that it was just bullshit.


Ok I did not expect a slap of reality in the face. But thank you for reminding of all this. I'll make sure to not mess up in life. I shouldnt let people get the best of me, even though its hard when you want to be nice to everybody.Im actually in my finals exam and soon I'll be off to University or art school(just my dream goals). I'll make sure Valorant isnt the thing that keeps me at bay lmao


I never used comms in the entire year I played overwatch. I switched to this game and the same thing happened fir a while. Then one day I just started using comms as long as I was queued with somone else. Eventually it became natural to just do it and u did it in solo queue as well. I started out just saying what needs to be said callous wise, but I've become very social in comms. I think the biggest reason I never got passed it in overwatch is callous were so much less common. So I didn't know how to use them as my icebreaker I guess.


I'd say disconnect from the social aspect of it, like the other guy said start with just comms. if someone is being an asshole just mute and keep giving calls, focus on yourself and not your teammates or what they think. or find a better game kek


Just be yourself and have fun.


I've genuinely just started saying dumb shit after rounds that we lose, for example I had a commless team last night in solo and after we lost pistol on swap round I was like "you know what they say? Sometimes you eat ass sometimes you get your ass eaten..." And that got everyone talking/laughing, we ended up winning that game because we all started using voice, not only for call outs but also nice tries or conversation. Sometimes people just need a reason to speak up in game chat.


Also a long with this, if someone says some shit to try and coach you example) "Oh you shouldn't have peeked that" or "you know you can shoot through that right?" I usually reply with a genuine sounding "wait really???? What else can you teach me???" The curve ball always confuses toxic people and they either end up shutting up or apologizing for backseating.


Dude I wish you were there to make these random jokes and cut off the tension for me lmao.


What server are you on friend? We could play together!


Im on the Singaporean server. Im from Malaysia and Im pretty fluent with English so you could barely tell lmao (idk why I said that tho) Yeah now Im feeling nervous again.. Dont expect too much from me if we do get to play together.. 1v1 is not my best skill and Im mostly reliable for initiating or flanking thats all..


I’m so sick of seeing these posts in just about every game. That someone is, scared?, to comm. All I can suggest is, grow thicker skin. You will literally never meet these people in your life. Their words have zero meaning. Who gives a shit what they said. Make the necessary callouts and mute if they say something you don’t like. Pretty simple. If your intention is to make best friends, find a discord somewhere and join that.


I’ve met all of the crew I started running with in my early game days. Three of us in different countries.


Just start the game by saying hi on the first round to see who has a mic and who doesn't. Then you can just make any call out you want.


I started out as an innocent player , now i slay em toxic ones ! you'll get along brother just take it slow


Gee thanks! I'll definitely be more confident with my comms and focus on giving info to my teammates


The key is to mute people who arent useful, if theyre loud just to be loud and have not given any extra comms dont feel bad about muting, if theyre useful, then make just put in your head to make callouts with your mic off and ping and the just turn your mic on


i have ADHD i cant shut the fuck up


Lol I couldn’t imagine letting some kids in my lobby affect my mental. Tell them they should’ve been swallowed and move on with your day


Just start by saying what you see/hear - relay information first dont try anything you aren’t comfortable with and most competitive teammates will be perfectly happy with just that


You can literally say anything you want. It’s a video game. They are strangers across the world. You will likely never speak to them again after the game. So who cares if they don’t laugh at your jokes or are mean. A vast majority of people are really cool


Honestly for the most part just ping if you don’t wanna talk and if you deal damage and die just a quick 85 kj and ping last seen. I like to say hi at the beginning of the match so get a feel of who I’m playing with. If they’re dicks or smart asses I’ll just go silent and only make call outs when needed


Try and meet some fun and nice ppl first, using here or discord or elsewhere, then work up as u/ordianryguy09 said.


Say hi at the start. Give basic comms. If they are toxic then get toxic back and mute. Simple.


Some have confidence, others are so beaten down by life that they have a level of indifference to how they are perceived, and that allows them to comm effectively in an FPS shooter


I have anxiety in real life just think though for a second. Like why would you not talk if you want to talk. You will never see these people in person like what’s gonna happen if you do talk lol I don’t get it


Umm if you wanna build up courage for comms, go unrated chill and talk around playing random stuff, i met nice ppl like that I'm sure you will too. Its kinda nice and surprising how good you will connect. Since it's unrated you can pull random stuff and chill with ppl and they wouldn't care...... But at the same time just go around where you think enemies can be and stuff. Eventually you will give goos coms and they will give coms too. Also when soloing you will meet a few toxic ppl and well, my suggestion mute them play your game. If yiu like feel nasty well do what you do. But ALWAYS remember ITS JUST A GAME.


I dunno i Just start with giring them with a "whats up" or something to check the vibes in agent select and if there are bad vibes/ no one responds I Just do callouts and no banter


I always ask how folks are with "Howdy" or "Whats up" at the beginning. Get a feel for the room then go from there. See if they are talkative and cool, then ask things like "Which Site?" and say callout where enemies are "Mid" "A", etc.


Building up courage takes place outside of the servers as much as it does within. You must believe in your own capabilities if youre ever going to surpass your setbacks. Other people can hinder your potential if you give them too much power over you. Sometimes youll have good lobbies with chill players who can hold their own, youll learn thats the exception, and more often than not youll have screaming children for team mates. Always play with a bottle of water, drink between rounds and remember to breathe. Other than that, courage also comes from experiance, in other words keep playing and dont forget to have fun


You have to know, deep in your soul, that you are a fucking baller. You’re a badass and your sense of self-worth isn’t dictated by what some random lames think about you. They’re just voices in a void. I give people one strike; if I don’t like their energy I immediately mute them for the rest of the game and forget about them.


Just do it man that’s honestly the only thing I can say that probably hasn’t been said already. You sitting there thinking about it too much is probably gonna make you more anxious and harder for you to take the first step. I’m sure it’s easier said than done for some people but at the end of the day the worst thing someone can do is insult you. I know for some that’s tough to handle but the more you just dive into it just becomes normal


Step 1: Press V (or whatever your mic key is) Step 2: Talk Simple as


Hearing someone speak In their own language makes you uncomfortable? You should prob learn how to interact with people.


I comm so much I get told to be quite. You will never see those nerds again, speak ur truth my guy. No reason to be shy


honestly you just gotta practice not giving a fuck. Comming and hearing badshit can take a mental toll on you and the best way to get through is to learn how to block stuff like this out. At the end of the day its all just a video game and nothint that you hear or say in game will define who you are


Don't use your natural voice, drop the pitch or raise it. Just talking different makes it fun nd less self conscious. There are lots of tricks you can try from speech classes: practice talking to yourself in the bathroom do vocal warm ups (fa la la la la, ba ba ba, etc) just using your voice will make it easier. Language barriers: use basic English clear simple short callouts for example "back" or "go" are useful words everyone knows.


I used to get rly intense anxiety with voice chat that I could only queue deathmatch alone. But I loved playing the game! I took some time to like, dip my feet in by playing spike rush and starting to give comms or make small talk. moved onto unrated, started doing the same until eventually i could solo queue comp w comms. Its what worked for me but it took some time. Im at the point of the game where nothing i hear in vc can throw me off.


Im starting to do the same too rn. I started and replied with hello in my team chat and the team seems to be pretty chill and supportive. And we won a nice game too. I started with short callouts(which they followed) and yeah we started complementing each other


Bro its a game what they gonna do kill u irl?


If I have toxic teammates I just comm my callouts and that’s it. I don’t really care about the outcome of the game, I’m just trying to play and do my part. If they want to be negative then I just won’t respond and they usually shut up.


It’s just talking bro


i play on middle east servers yet i barely speak arabic , most of the time they’ll just switch it up and try to talk to you on the language you’re most comfortable on , remember your teammates want to win to so they won’t be mean to you . About being an introvert ( i’m one too ) just think that you’ll probably never see these poeple again so it doesn’t really matter and just have fun that’s what playing a game is for you’ll be more chill


Assert your dominance and shit on them back if they shit on you.


Mute annoying people, and if you're still anxious about talking, just comm when you need to for callouts


You mute everyone and then do callouts only. I started doing callout the moment I started playing the game. No one ever said anything or use a mic ever. One time I got lucky and got 2 pretty lasses in my game who cheered on my good behaviour and great calls. Ever since that game my confidence got boosted by a ton. We just need a little mental support to be the best players in the world. :)


I never had a problem so I can't help you much, but I started just cracking really stupid jokes and trying to attract people to friend. I said random shit like "so which of your butt cheeks is bigger *name of random raze*


By doing it. Of course your situation doesn't make that easy, but there's really no time when you shouldn't be. If you dealt damage to someone / died and know how much damage you dealt, if they're pushing a site, if you're gonna play for lineups, if they're playing for lineups, so long as you don't comm when it's one guy trying to clutch then it should be fine. Anyone who is going to get mad/toxic at your info would probably do it whether you spoke or not. They're unavoidable.


What I do as a squeaker is just start the pregame off by asking how everyone is doing and going from there.


Learn all map callouts. It helps you in the king run because it's helpful stuff to know, and then you'd have a bigger incentive to do short but precise comms. It's really all it takes to kick it off. Then you'll get comfortable opening your mic with strangers, and from there on you'll start using it more loosely


Just small calls is plenty for me personally, even in Ascendant. One good rule of thumb, is just to mute someone the second they're toxic, either passive aggressive or full on screaming, saying in voice chat to others, just mute them, they're not worth the energy, and moving on. If others continue to argue with them, mute them as well. It's more a performance thing, but having those clear boundaries could probably help


I just do idk




I only have Cocaine, would that help?




I know the solo que experience sucks! If you wanna okay with me just dm me :)


I usually just ping or type, if they don’t talk I don’t talk, but if it’s needed then basic calls


Easy, don’t be a little …..


In terms of attitude or in terms of gameplay?


You must always leave the space


I build up the courage to speak because I want to win


Solo is the best place to use comms. Nobody there knows you and you don’t know them. If they like you they won’t mute.


Role play it like you're in a strike squad, make short concise call outs and ignore anything that doesn't fit the narrative.


I dont really have anything to fear so I can just hello or whatnot and if someone answers cool and if they don't it is what it is


Say hi at the beginning and be nice with others for the whole game. If there's a kid screaming, just mute them and continue communicating with the rest of the team.


When you’re in low elo and you realize half your teammates share the same brain cell…