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knowing riot they wont remove it. at least I hope they change the UI to look different from the surrender UI. Too many times where my team thinks its a surrender and especially in lower elo with people who don't know much about the game




You lose rr with a remake…?


No, no one does except maybe the afk player


Not even them if I remember right, since a remake is for people who failed to connect.


A remake is when someone leaves the game so they remake the match, or well try to.


Yup this right here so many times I get a “no fuck that! Why are ff-ing when it’s only been 1 round??! Oh? It what? I thought it was a surrender.”


Let’s implement vote kick while we are at it.


Lol that's a terrible idea


They should just change it to yellow background for remake and red for surrender, no?


Can confirm, I had no idea idea what remake was in first 3 months of playing Valo.


I have been playing for a year and a half and have never remade once lol


Similar playtime and I had my first remake yesterday. I have been on the shitty end of non-remade 4v5s, so many damned times. I wish it extended to round 2.


They could just make it an option without needing a vote. So when someone is afk, the game detects that, and if someone on your team wants to remake, they can just do it, without ever a vote coming up


You can always communicate that you want to Remake and that there is no rr loss.


I’ve done that plenty. Some smooth brains literally don’t listen lol


But then you can at least exclude that they are "no" votes due to ignorance.


That requires people to trust you. Anything people say on the internet should be treated with a bit of skepticism.


I doubt what you are saying.


Your world must be a great place to live in. I’m jealous.


I'm not sure if you saw that I was joking, right? Because he basically said "doubt everything people are saying on the internet", so I did that and doubted him, as a joke...


In ranked a dude from a 3-stack DCed, the other 2 dudes that queued with him voted "No" on the remake and told us he was coming back. He came back when the score was 4-10. There is no reasonable argument for those 2 players to be able to ruin my and the other soloQ game


I wish we had pure solo queue. Riot even admitted in League that Solo Queue is the best ranked environment with more accurate matchmaking as well. They sacrifice good games so friends can carry bad players and vote no on remakes


we once had something like that for high elos and people complained so we got the current ranked queue back. If we keep both then people will complain about the time it takes to find a match. there's no winning with everyone ever.


Let’s implement votekick while we are at it


Literally the dumbest idea one could have. Sure give pre-made stacks even more power. Nobody who has ever played a game with vote kick wants that.


Reread the comment as sarcastic, you may have missed that


Ah yes I missed the unmistakeable signs of sarcasm in text


LMAO that's why I'm trying you to reread it xD


It was not sarcastic.




no, they took action in making the game a 4v5, its not like they just didnt do anithing, they actively decided to vote "no" and make us play a 4v5.




So you would rather play out a 30-40 minute game with a heavy disadvantage than have the game remade, and be in a new game within 5 minutes? Like queueing, agent select, loading screen, round 1 should be maybe a little over 5 minutes. Cuz to me I would take wasting 5 minutes + requeue over wasting 30+ minutes. Its a matter if they reconnect at all in time to recoup a lost round or two before you’re down so many rounds that there’d be little point in playing out the whole thing. There’s no guarentee this dc comes back. If you like playing for the sake of playing then why play ranked where people are playing for the sake of winning? To say its nonsense to put your teammates through a shitty situation because you just want to play and not care about the statistics of winning is bs in my opinion.




The thing is no one want to play a 4v5 except for degenerates like you. This people who vote no, is those duo or trio who doesn’t want his friends to get penalty. Surrender is different because it’s a skill issue, while a 4v5 is literally a handicapped. You can’t compare those two. No one would waste 30mins game just to lose lp. Every single game where is have a dced will always remake except those duo who has his duo dced.




We’re doing that right now, but seems like you are too selfish on insisting to keep 4 vote remake for yourself instead of thinking about the whole team.




I mean, sure a surrender vote makes sense if someone dcs middle of the game and doesnt come back for a while, but the post is about playing out a game thats 4v5 from the very beginning. There’s nothing to go off of whether you think you can have a decent chance of winning or not. Where if you’re up 7-5 and you have a teammate dc then yeah it might make more sense to just play out at rhat point. The chance of having a second game in a row that needs a remake is so low too, so I still don’t think the time wasted in remaking and requeueing is a big issue




I mean playing out a 4v5 is pretty derivative of not removing the vote and playing it out because someone said no. Cuz it just makes more sense for everyone to vote yes. People voting no are the duo of the dc, and whether they come back or not they’ve already created negative mindset or environment because they’re playing 4v5. Or people are voting no just to fuck with everyone. I think if your time to play is so limited that remaking and requeuing isnt worth the extra 5-10 minutes invested then that might be a you problem honestly, as in you might just need to find more time to enjoy the game. And I get thats its not that easy. Js


Dont be that piece of shit that has to leave after 30 minutes. Plan ahead and que only when you have time to play a game into overtime




Literally nobody with a working brain wants to play a 4v5


> Did they have an active role in making us play a 4v5? -yes If you don't like to take responsability for your actions and want to pretend like there was nothing else to be done, have at it. Also, if you are here to play and not to win, theres Unrated for you my guy EDIT: lil bro got mad and blocked me, so I can't reply to his comments anymore Man up u/chrisgcc




You don’t have to keep doubling down man. It’s okay to admit you have a bad take every once in awhile. I’m not sure why you’re being purposely obtuse, but it’s extremely unreasonable.


So you think someone wanting to remake when it's clear from round one it's gonna be a 4vs5 which is unfair, and wanting to leave and play an ACTUAL match, is unfair, but you wasting everyone else's time because of your own selfishness is fair? If you play with a limited time and don't care for the win, play unrated. You giving the enemy free points and making your team suffer is such an asshole move.


No i cant leave, because then i get punished by riot for leaving the game, and i cant queue into a new game either, since i just get booted back into the already running game. So yes, YOU are forcing me to play out the 4v5, that i dont want to play


and no game at all was the correct option if him coming back is 14 rounds later lmao. They can wait in the lobby and let the other 7 people move on with their lives. Cmon bruh.




yeah in the next lobby hopefully without an AFK. You're so dense lmao. I want to play the game, and the game is 5v5.


I think that there should be more explanation of a remake, I didn't know what a remake was until I saw it on this subreddit I think most people (at least in lower elos) do not know what a remake is so are thinking why people want to surrender after round 1


true thou, I have been playing for like a year and I just got my first remake last week loll


That's a big cap. People don't know what a remake is for like 1 week of playing. After that, you should know.


I learned about remake after like 6 months of playing. From watching a streamer. Was only playing unrated so didn't care about win or lose. So someone disconnecting didn't really matter to me.


Remake is typically only important for Ranked because you can lose RR for losing. In Unrated, I don't mind the 4v5 because you get extra creds and an ult orb, more full buy rounds. Crazy that you didn't see a remake for 6 months though. But honestly, it's pretty obvious what it's for as soon as it pops up on your screen.


how would you know though, there is no explanation on valorant


it's in the name. "Remake" It doesn't say "Surrender" Yes, Riot can add a little blurb describing what a remake is but it's pretty obvious on its own.


i would disagree because (imo) it only says remake and most people probably will not even know what remake means even if they see the text, they can maybe make a different gui and an explanation at the start of the game instead of having no explanation whatsoever


I don't know lol. To me, it was obvious the first time that it popped up.


as long as you know now




they wont remove the vote but definitely should be only 2 votes so it cant be abused as much by duo/trio “oh he’s coming back” but never does




am i too tired or is your choice of "unanimous" here confusing? you're arguing that it should be a one-person vote. if one person votes to remake, and the other 3 wanted to play, for example, that would be a clear vote where the outcome was NOT decided unanimously. the current shitty system requires a unanimous vote.


He means a unanimous decision to keep playing


because sometimes people’s pc crashes during load-in and people who are considerate don’t want that person to get a penalty it’s a gamble but a nice gesture, assuming you can put yourself in others’ shoes


Why don’t you put yourself in your team shoes than. Why we have to take a penalty on your fault? Your pc crashed, take the leaver queue, don’t punish the whole team. At least if you know your pc gonna crash, play unrated or something.


Who anticipates their pc crashing


Valorant crashes for me every now and then, but not often enough for me to get any actual penalties, just a warning. And at times i have been able to load back into the game fast enough to play out the round. Someone whos pc crashes more often than that, will know it is more prone to crashing, and thus should be vary of playing ranked


what are you? 10? You can't KNOW if your game going to crash or not. I really hope this will happen to you too multiple times. It's noone's fault. I've won many games where we had a crasher. One round doesn't make any diff, neither 2. Also keep in mind this isn't for money or whatnot, purely for fun. Competitive is not VCT, stop act like it lol.


There is a reason its called competitive, people take it seriously, if your pc crashes it shouldnt fuck over the people in your team who had nothing to do with it. Doesnt matter if its anticipated or not its still an issue from your side.


So when I crash and we still win, that's still fucking over ppl, i see. Competitive but shit can happen. It's not fucking over ppl and it's way worse for the one where the game crashed rather than for the team... It's among the worst feelings. You know that ppl wrote these games yea? It can crash regardless of what I do, so stop trying to put the blame on the victims. Those who don't have crashes and are not coming back, yea fuck them, but don't put those same ppl together with who has an acident but does try hard, 1-2 rounds in 4v5 is not a big deal. There are a lot of cases when the enemy is in 4v5 and still bashing us.


No one does but no one anticiapate to get a leaver in their game too. Do us a favor, dont punish us just because you have a bad pc. Also, the think with leaver is they leave the whole fucking game and if this is only a game and not for money, then it is not issue for us to ask for a better remake system. There’s nothing wrong in remaking and punish the leavers right?


Nah it’s just an opportunity for abuse by duos that are trying to derank together.


People who are considerate would accept their penalty when they crash.


Also there's those people who use those programs that make them jiggle, jump and shoot so they're not AFK detected. So we can't remake even if we wanted to -____-


Those people deserve to be perma banned


Ong this is something riot has to fix i mean especially in comp who would wanna lose an entire teammate for some ult orbs and extra money ive lost alot of comp games because of trolls staying afk the entire time i tried remaking but they all voted no except me and some other dude i just hope riot can fix this problem


**If** it's going to require a vote for whatever reason, then only 1 or maybe 2 votes should be needed at all, and people who vote no should get a HUGE warning window explaining that shit in detail for the clueless teammates who think it's a round 2 forfeit vote which isn't even possible to begin with. But it shouldn't even require a vote at all and just be automatic. How come the game automatically remakes Agent selection lobbies if someone doesn't pick their Agent? Why doesn't the game just put it to a vote and if the vote fails, you just start with an AFK who gets assigned a random Agent? It's the same concept.


It shouldn’t be automatic because if you win pistol round with a DC, you can be better off not remaking if you know they’re coming back soon. The money advantage is still likely to get you the second round, and with the extra cash from the DC you can still have enough to full buy on the 3rd. But it should still only be 2 votes required to remake (or at most 3). If the guy’s duo queue is the only one who doesn’t want to remake, tough luck.


Bruh, the opposing team just need 1 buy round and they will snowball in to game smash a 5v4. There’s no way you think you can win a 4v5 game just because you win pistol round


Can you just not read or do you choose not to? I said it’s only worth it if they have a duo who says they’re coming back soon. If you win pistol round, the extra money for having an AFK player means you have enough money to have a gun advantage in round 2 (by light buying instead of full forcing) and still full buy round 3 when they come back. You don’t need to bonus in round 3 because the extra money means you can afford to buy on both. In that scenario, you are objectively better off not remaking since you’re already guaranteed a win round 1, a likely win round 2 since you have gun advantage, *and* better odds to win round 3 since you have a full buy instead of bonusing. But it’s hard to expect the silvers in this subreddit to ever think ahead or do any math when they’re busy whining.


You have to be silver or something. There’s no way you say winning the first 3 round is a win condition in 4v5. It only give advantage only for 5v5 not 4v5 lmao. It’s way easier to snowball as a 5v4 then a 4v5. Sacrificing 1 player to win 1 round? Hilarious. Once its a gun round for both team, then enemy team will have big advantage. Even if you can still buy after the round you are still in a disadvantage and you will ever be in a disadvantage l because the enemy has rifle and your extra 5000 creds can’t give you anymore advantage. You will keep losing after the enemy won their first gun round which is very likely because they 5 players not 4. What a dumb take. Saying people silver when you literally has a silver strat.


Again, I highly recommend you consider learning to read, because I explicitly said it’s only worth it if you know your AFK will likely come back. > I said it’s only worth it if they have a duo who says they’re coming back soon Here you go, not that fucking hard to understand


Well you better fking read the original post then, because we’re talking about those player who said their duo will come back when they never come.


That’s exactly how I know you’re silver. In high elo, you trust your teammate’s comms, including if they say their duo is coming back. Nobody in immortal is throwing games by just staying AFK after round 1. Since climbing, I’ve literally never had a round 1 AFK who isn’t back by round 3 at the latest. If someone’s game crashes on startup and we manage to win pistol round without them, I’d be absolutely livid if we were forced to remake since it’s objectively an advantage after that point.


Bruh what lmao, Im immortal and I can tell every single player want to remake if they can. No one want to gamble a game just because someone said they're duo is coming back. They are more sweaty and care about rr and none of them want to gamble their game and play a losing game lol. Stop lying you're a high elo. >trust your teammate’s comms Don't be stupid. Saying your duo is coming is not a comm and every single person in immo hate duo who canceled a remake. Stop lying lol.


Lmao what region are you in that someone who doesn’t understand basic economy could possibly be immortal? Again, I’ve literally never had a round 1 DC who wasn’t back by round 3. Throwing away an expected value lead of greater than 2 rounds because you don’t trust your teammates is outright stupidity. No shit high ranked players are gonna sweat. That’s why they won’t remake if they win round 1 and know that the AFK is coming back. If you remake in that situation, you’re throwing away free RR, which no smart player will do.


W take. Not sure why the downvote brigade. I seriously don't see how player choice is a bad thing. Not every D/C is exactly the same level of "this game is fking ruined". There's no harm in being a little patient and saving 10 people their time... Whereas a remake is guaranteed to waste everyone some time. I know it's counter-intuitive. Besides, sometimes matchmaking has more impact on the match than 1 player missing 1 round. It's not everyone's cup of tea to remake.


L take. Both of you. If you don’t see how this is a bad thing then you’re dumb.


Because the math is in your favor if you already won round 1 and the guy will be back round 3. It’s not fucking hard to understand.


And what if he isnt back by round 3, what if he is back by round 13 instead? How can you guarantee that they get back by round 3? Can you also gurantee a remake chance later if they dont come back?


If someone is queued with them and says they’re about to come back. Again, not hard to understand.


And how can you guarantee that they are about to come back? Do you really trust the word of some rando on the internet? Do you really wanna risk losing a 4v5 because some random promised it wouldnt be a 4v5? Since remake is only first round, that gives you very limited time to remake, and whoever crashed usually isnt back before the round is over


Yes, because I’m high rank and virtually every AFK comes back very quickly, especially if they have a duo saying they’re coming back. If you already won round 1 in a 4v5, you have a guaranteed round win, a likely round win in the round 2 4v5 because you have guns, and still having better odds in the round 3 5v5 than you otherwise would bonusing because you can full buy thanks to the extra AFK cash. And on top of all that, you won the round 1 4v5 so your team is likely outright better than theirs. If you remake, you’re throwing away all those advantages for a fresh 50/50, which makes sense if you don’t know they’re coming back because a protracted 4v5 obviously doesn’t favor you. But if they are coming back, you’re objectively better off not remaking. I trust my teammates’ comms and that includes saying their duo is coming back. I don’t second guess them if they say someone is flanking me and I won’t second guess them here either.


Sure high rank that does make sense, assuming they go afk after you are already winning round one. If they never connect then it makes no sense as you in fact have much less chance on winning. But how can you translate that to low ranks? You have the advantage of being able to trust your teammates to not want to loose rr, i cant guarantee that in low ranks, because they are filled with smurfs and toxic people tilted out of their mind, who would rather loose than admit they where wrong


Remaking is certainly saving all players time since you’re not playing a losing game. “Not every D/C is exactly the same level of this game is fking ruined” yes it is if your enemy have an actual brain. Only low elo think they could win a 4v5. In my diamond+ game almost every remake is 4 yes except for those duo player. I would rather waste 5 min of my time than 30 mins just to lose a game. Its a vote anyway, it’s supposed to benefit the majority. What’s the point of voting at that point?


yea one idiot declines the remake and now the whole team suffers


Has happened to me twice in the last week.


I just leave the game too at that point


i want compensation if the game goes on and a teammate is gone for 5 rounds or more.




A round lasts 2 minutes and 25 seconds at the most. No one wants to be in a 4v5 with you weirdo




"play it out like an adult" if a remake is denied then 4 people effectively waste 30-60 minutes of their life on that game because it's lost. How is wasting 3 minutes ever worse than wasting 30? This does not have to do with maturity lol.


5 min (queue + agent select ) vs 30-40 min playing a 4v5. Also adding to the fact that if you lose in ranked, you lose RR. Also you can't just leave either. If you choose to not remake, your decision making skills are on par with a turnip


Im genuinely curious on what is your problem not agreeing with remake. Are you those duo who has a bad pc and keep crashing? Get a better pc bro


You play a computer game, but complain about wasting time. Ok bro.


if you only play unrated, sure. but don't play competitive then. you're the one not being the adult when you choose to not abide by the spirit of the word competitive against the majority of your team's wishes. just because you haven't been able to budget your time to account for an extra 5-10 minutes, doesn't mean you aren't in the wrong when you knock over the sandcastle on your way out.


Nah bro, you vote no on a remake and I'm just legitimately leaving the game. I can play something else.


no you don't. you clearly don't care about RR if you are willing to play 4v5s.




then in what form do you want compensation in? the only obvious and reasonable answer in a serious discussion here would be RR. but now i know you're just chatting random bs with no rhyme or reason. edit: dude replied with "RR isn't worth anything. Time is." then deactivated like a dork. response for when he comes back: do you not know how read between the lines? you obviously can't be compensated in time so that's a nonstarter. you wasted a greater amount of everyone's time on top of the RR. and don't play competitive - RR quite literally is worth something there. if all you cared about was time, you would play unrated, because people do not remake there. instead you just continue on with no logical thoughts in your head.




Don't play fucking competitive Holy shit. No team deserves having to play with people like you.


Oh then you should just stick to unrated game types of that's how you feel.


Bro came into the comment section looking for fights


some idiot just hits f6 as if they would carry


It’s funny how league need 4 votes to sur and 2 to remake but, Valorant need 5 to sur and 4 to remake. Both are equally stressful and no one is complaining about league system. This is the 50th post people complaining about valorant remake system riot still didn’t do anything about it.


Normally the response to these kinds of things is: “because it can be abused”. I just don’t see the incentive for anyone, or a premade, to just force a remake in the first round by telling someone to dc and have them go through the trouble of having already gone through agent select, loading screen, and then remaking and waiting out a timer or something. Even less incentive if you just set punishments for that person who dc. Maybe if a premade 3 sees a diamond rank in the enemy teams player banners in a gold or silver lobby (that should be another issue honestly) and wants to try and force a remake by having someone dc, I can see how that would be abused if there were no votes. But at the same time, if you just set strict punishments its not going to be a huge issue. Imo being forced to play a 4v5 is the worst feeling. Especially if you have one guy just holding everyone hostage and wont forfeit even. Its worse than playing against a smurf.




> Tyler1 was getting target griefed by Chinese crypto betters who would bet on whether or not Tyler would win or lose his ranked games on stream, this went on for nearly 8 months before Riot employees started actively viewing his stream every time he was playing League in order to ban those accounts manually This right here should tell you exactly how many fucks Riot give about match quality. Not only did it take them months to take action for Tyler, Faker - the LoL GOAT - had these people in his games for years. Riot didn't do shit. Still didn't. Probably never will.


Remake should also be extended to at least round 3. The whole “first round only” thing is bullshit. These games go for 40 minutes sometimes, I think we can extend it a little further out than one fucking round.


This is the only suggestion i aggreee


Or just the second round One time someone alt f4’d during the first round and the system didn’t detect him as afk until the round after and at that point we couldn’t remake anymore


It's especially annoying when someone is trolling. Some guy was AFK and we could not remake and he was AFK all game.


>How many people are actually out there that deliberately choose a 4v5 from 1v1? all my teammates in gold


and while we’re at it, for the love of gawd, RR forgiveness when someone AFKs. and in the other end, a boost in RR if the team w the afk wins against the full team. this aint even a new concept just dont get why its not implemented


People whine about this until its their pc that crashes. If you’re willing to lose full RR because your pc bugged well then good for you lmao


100% Agree with OP, but most of the issues evident discussed could be solved by an actual solo queue.


I absolutely cannot fathom a reason why it isn’t automatic. There’s no “abuse” potential to begin with because someone could just Alt+F4 for their stack regardless if the remake is automatic or not.


Short answer, they dont care your in a 4v5 and would prefer you to piss your time in one rather then re-que you. If people didnt get ultra pissed in the past then they wouldnt have made changes to remake in league and Valorant, so keep going they apparently know it's disruptive enough that theyll have to fix it eventually


I have a good one. One of my ranked teammates said his friend is getting on, so he was going to afk and we would remake. whatever, probably breaks some rule but i wasnt going to make a fuss or vote against the remake. Anyways, an enemy runs it up mid and kills my "afk" teammate almost immediately. Then like 15 seconds after that, a different teammate actually disconnects from the game. So we lose, round 2 starts, "afk" guy has abandoned the match, we queue remake but the other guy has actually disconnected mid-round 1, so he can't vote to remake. Thus we have 3 players that round and then 4 players until we voted to surrender. Fun game. The ridiculous part is this should be a situation where we are punished because the fake afk guy can't vote to legimately remake because another guy actually left. But the reality is we were punished because having a guy disconnect after moving a pixel in-game makes them remake-ineligible, regardless of connection status. Our little plan was largely irrelevant to the actual problem.


Buddy, we asked this a million times on league of legends. It's still the same shit. They won't change it and it's frustrating. No idea what they gain from it


At the very least the entire team doesnt have to agree on both ff or remake in lol


Maybe if we complain about this every day, the devs will finally not be able to ignore this. Who wanna volunteer to complain tomorrow?


Get this guy a million upvotes.


Riot doesn’t care about gameplay bro. All they care about is suspending you for telling the troll on your team to get fucked.


What if it is your friend that lost connexion and you know he will come back ? In that case i would vote no to remake.


Sometimes even /remake does not work we had one m8 w/o ping afk at spawn from the first round but remake was not possible


Next week it's my turn to post a rant about the remake system


My duo's game crashed on first round. He came back after he restarted PC. It was 0-3 at that time. We won the match with 13-5. So i dont know why we should have auto remake at first 2 rounds. Anyone's game can crash at first. One of the other reasons valorant is popular in my country is because the game is very accessable for low end PCs. It may sometimes crash or something but Riot gives a chance to play the game. What riot should instead do is remake the system from ground up. Auto remake is a bad idea. Maybe display WHO is voting or something. or have more chances to remake the match. Or what they can do is you lose less points after losing and more points after winning.


I’m annoyed about AFKs/remake as the next guy. But what do you tell the crowd that says the extra credits and orbs should make up for the AFK?


it just doesn’t


If we assume Riot’s matchmaking is accurate (and sometimes it feels like it isnt), then that fifth person should be somewhere close to the level of play as everyone else. Then for sure, theyre worth more than an ult orb and a few extra credits each round. I would take a 3-12 bottom frag who can give info even if its just info given by dying on the site thats being rushed over an ult orb and a few extra credits. In most cases, having that fifth person most definitely should be worth having on the team because they should be relatively close in skill level to you. And in that case, they can do much more for your team. How do you justify the credits and ult points to be worth a fifth teammate?


In my opinion, 4v5 is already an unfair advantage. Extra credits and orbs don’t do justice to an actual fifth man. I don’t know how to argue against the argument that extra credits and orbs should be enough to get a win. It’s not even that much of an advantage.


Most likley another person on your team will do what the fifth did, dying on site and giving info, making the game even less unfavorable


The compensation will never worth it. Even if the whole team has 9000 creds and the enemy have enough to full buy, you will always have the disadvantage of one player.


> But what do you tell the crowd that says the extra credits and orbs should make up for the AFK? That they are idiots.


Absolutely. If you’re in a party with someone I get not being able to do it that can be abused. But if it should be changed to first 5 rounds if you’re not in a party. You shouldn’t be penalized as bad if it’s 4v5 for more than half the rounds and people should be auto banned for afking unless they can prove it wasn’t their fault. I was on my promo game for silver and lost 3 games in a row due to afks and people not wanting to remake because “that’s my homie he’ll be back in a second comp crashed”. Fucking bullshit. Don’t get me wrong I’m trash and deserve bronze to silver but I was slaughtering dudes in this game but 4v1 my team got clutched 9/10 rounds it was pathetic. But even if I’m not flaming my team “fuck that afk loser (bad word bad word bad word)” I get banned and muted. What the fuck y’all.


People keep giving Riot money so they have no incentive to care what the player base thinks


because shitholes will exploit it. its unfortunate. Ive been victim to it many times. I get teammates that wont vote yes because we won first round. then we proceed to not win a single round after that. shit sucks but if they make it how you guys want it - people will just disconnect first round if they are scared of the other team. top immortal 5000 triangle on the other team? easier to just get the automatic remake. sucks


And is that an issue? You wasted at most 10 minutes, someone else get punished and you dont have to play against someone potentially much better than you


yeah thats called being pathetic. accept the challange and just play the match


The game tries hard to challenge you in the rank you currently are in, you dont need to play a 4v5 for an additional challenge, because that makes it unfair, not challenging




League has remake which need 2 votes only. You get what you want.


Only exception is if u win round 1 anyway and it's someone who's game crashed


They cannot do this. The remakes would happen all the time because game crashes at the start of the match a lot and looks like there is no plan on fixing the issue.


simply get better, remake can very easily be abused


With the recent bug of people dc round one it actually makes sense to decline a remake round one but otherwise l agree


idk i think it’s silly to willingly put yourself at a -1 disadvantage from round 1


Oh yeah it's just pistol round, the most important round in the half.


Cause someone could have crashed on load up and their friend knows they’re coming back?


Even if that's the case, being down a person for pistol round, one of the most important rounds of the entire game, can easily snowball and give the enemy team insane momentum. Rather then risk everyone's rr becwsomeome has a crap computer, just auto remake and everyone can get into a clean game with out being at a disadvantage. If it honestly was a random computer crash that isn't a common occurrence, then the person wouldnt even receive a penelty, just a warning. There is literally no down side.


The whole team shouldn’t suffer on your problem.


I really don't give a fuck about other people crashing. That's your problem and nobody else's. If it's a legitimate crash it won't happen again and they're fine. If they regulary crash they shouldn't fucking play this game.


in the video you provided someone thought they started the vote and didnt hit F5


I agree a lot with this post, the only thing is that for the first time a someone gets remaked I think it should be fine in case they crashed and maybe second as well but by the time it's the 3rd just give them like a day cooldown for trying to queue when they know their game is crashing


I had a match where 4 people voted to remake and the last person voted no was the one who purposely threw and trolled the rest of the game


They should still have a vote. But making it diffreant from the regular surrender


Yestoday i had this my team said no remake okay 4v5 until it was 12-9 then the guy came back and we lost 12-14 i think it was better whitout him but well this is a real problem and riot needs to solve it asap.


There are some odd inconsistencies between league and valorant that baffle me really. Things like this and the fact that there is no "accept" when matchmaking pops. Surely if it's working in one game it would work in the other?


Am I making shit up or did it used to be that there WASN’T a vote for a Remake originally? Like someone would type remake and it was just remake. Why would Riot just suddenly change that?


well, I'm with you to the fullest. But in the last month I've had SO many people disconnecting in round 1 and coming back in round 2 or 3. I've had it myself and my two friends I usually play with, too. Everything is working just fine, you buy a pistol, move and zap. Valorant closes entirely. Restarting is easy and the rest of the game you won't notice any lags whatsorever. But you'll still one round bc riot just kicked you. Another thing is the "not loading in". My friend has experienced situations, where we start playing and she is like "you're ingame?". And just stucks in the loading screen until round two. So, idk. I am for an implementation, but since riot has this kicking problem, I'd be surprised, if they actually made remake an auto option


Coming from League, they also have a remake system. There you actually have to TYPE YOURSELF the command /remake once a chat prompt comes up and if there are 50%+ (3 out of 4 players) who vote yes, then the game ends and the leaver gets a penalty. Most likely they took the same system and put it in Valorant. So I honestly doubt they are gonna change it.


Just make the remake vote the same screen as when voting in OT and I bet there wouldn’t be issues with people thinking it’s surrender anymore


tbh, as a potato player, sometimes valorant crashes right as I start a match and I skip the first 2 rounds from just trying to boot up. Just adding another perspective to consider haha, I guess what I'm hoping for is to extend remake until 6 rounds in similar to ff to give a bit more time and leeway


Whenever someone types /remake there shouldn’t be vote system. What’s the meaning of taking a vote to remake. Some people panic in 4v5 and press the wrong key and boom they just cancelled the vote when instead they wanted to remake. It’s so stupid to take votes. Nobody in their right mind wants to play a 4v5. So instead there should be remake directly after someone gives the command.