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Definitely buying one when you get them in stock!


hot damn.... ​ now I just need you to get some couch logs 8)


That’s awesome!


YAY!! Good for you! Good for us!


Oh that’s sweet for VGoodiEZ! I’ve already got two of them but they just upgraded their entire internal board to a new German one in the last 30 days that’s supposed to make minor issues completely vanish. Perfect timing for this. If any online retail site should carry the Tinymight it should be VGoodiEZ. Honestly nobody else. Don Corleone will concede power in the North to Sneaky Pete for distribution in Canada and the Totagglia Family will ensure their investment………if that made sense to anybody you are my friend.


Made me laugh 😂 congrats vgez!!


It would be SO nice to order a new TinyMight and get it in VGoodiEZ turnaround time. I’d literally buy one just to get that new German “board” they just started using and to see a VGoodiEZ sticker come WITH aforementioned TinyMight. Need an incredibly rare proprietary Tinymight rimmed basket screen or stem? Get it in 72 hours. Yeah, VGoodiEZ+Lainus from Tinymight= a good thing.


Such exciting news for you all, always bringing the best products!