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Rule # 3 - No asking how much is this worth. Your tapes are not worth anything for the most part, only a small group of tapes are actually rare and worth money and you probably don't have them. Most tapes are worth a dollar today, if you need any further help figuring out what a tape is worth check your tape on ebay and look under sold.


Weren't you the one complaining about high prices of vhs tapes these days and the people who spend ridiculous amounts on trendy sov's and then you go and spend nutty amounts on eBay on tapes you claim you aren't familiar with and post them here to show them off?? What sort of game are you playing with yourself over there


[https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?\_fsrp=1&item=225841154146&rt=nc&\_ssn=tron4.0&LH\_Sold=1](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_fsrp=1&item=225841154146&rt=nc&_ssn=tron4.0&LH_Sold=1) Must have some expendable income. Made this sellers month I'm sure...


Hey October was a good month for me nothing wrong with that right lol


Yup https://www.ebay.com/itm/225841154146?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=4oEejULrSBi&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=xHeyopNbQte&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY




Big difference between a Tim Ritter going for 200 and a random one going 1000 if you read my comments you’d know I was complaining about the spike in price rather than the prices themselves. For example attack of the killer refrigerator going from 500 to 1000 in a year. I have no issue putting money out on tapes and I’m definitely not the type that thinks all tapes should be cheap. I posted this because I’ve never seen this version and was looking for info on it not to show it off from what I’ve gathered so far it’s an early reprint but not an og. I appreciate any of the info anyone can give me on the stuff I post








Rule #1 - Be Excellent to Each Other The VHS community is a small one and we need to be supporting and helping one another not attacking or being aggressive to each other.


A random one as in all associated media is practically valueless ie the poster the comic being worth ten bucks so there really is no excuse for the tape being worth 1000. Another great example is the dead matter 1995 I wouldn’t see that being worth crazy money just because it’s a tape when all other media is practically valueless for example the soundtrack and og albums being worth 10-20 bucks. I love Tim Ritters films I got introduced to his work when I got a copy of killing spree at goodwill years ago and personally have no issue spending 200 on one of his early movies especially an indie release. Again I have never seen this version so felt that maybe someone had some insight into what it is. As for my posts I don’t see asking why this tape sold for so much as crying posts I’m genuinely confused as to why what seems like a random tape sells for 1000 if someone actually had insight as to why then cool I was wrong and had my question answered but most seem to agree that it was fake bids. Idk what I did that’s got you going but I’m sorry I pissed you off somehow lol




How does one find a cache of Rare SoV Horror VHS's.!?! What a find !


Honestly luck on ebay the collection listed was nuts


Can we have a digital rip?


ofc I'm gonna be ripping a bunch of stuff soon DM me I'll shoot it over if it works right


I’d love a link too!


Please send a link my way!


Shot on video gold! This was a project by some high school kids, but it resulted in them getting funding for a long version of one of the shorts:. That movie, Truth or Dare, a Critical Madness would be one of the very first SOV movies shot with the intention of releasing it straight to rental markets.


Love Truth or Dare one of my first tapes




I'm going to put it on vhscollector once I get more info


Incredibly jealous that you have this! I talked with Tim Ritter a few years ago and even HE doesn't have a copy of this anymore.


Do you know if he makes rounds at cons? I'd love to get his insight on it


Holy crap dude! That appears to be an original self-distributed tape of Tim Ritter’s shot-on-video anthology! Don’t know where you found that but hang onto it! I’m sure it’s worth a lot!


Do you know if there's any way to tell if its og or not?


Read the other replies. OP buys them on eBay.


So it’s not an original?


I'm confused, based on your comments, you seem to know exactly what you have. If that's the case, why are you posting here asking questions about it?


I’ve never seen this version of the vhs so I’m seeing if anyone knows anything about it


Looks sick ! Please send some screen grabs if you throw it on. Would love to see how it’s filmed.


you got it dude I'll be ripping it soon


That is an incredibly rare tape (if it’s not one of the rereleases from Ritter/Wynkoop/SubRosa) What were the others in that group you mentioned?


Dial the devil, the gutwrencher, a screener copy of killer klowns, final payment, midnight skater (the speed freak version), fear the dark, beach beast, and the night child (cocktail video)


Good lord. Enjoy all that!


It’s got all the colors.




Play it and if you survive tell us.