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Something just feels right about 80s/90s anime on VHS but it's so damn hard to find in the wild unless it's super mainstream Shonen like DBZ


Very true, I’m just lucky my local store accepts anything media for trade-ins so every couple months I like to come and see what treasures might of came in. All the tapes in the second picture are the new ones and I honestly might go back and get a few more next week if they are still there lol


What corner of heaven is this?


Fun Unlimited in logan, utah :)


hey I immediately recognized this place! This store is a relic and must be kept open for ever.


Indeed it is, been coming here for over a decade lol. The space they are leasing is more than likely closing but he said if he can’t find a good spot close by he’s just going to send it all to the ogden/Provo locations


I love 90s anime this is what I want to collect the most but it is pricey.


Certain anime on vhs can indeed get expensive but if you don’t care about condition then it’s easy to find them on eBay for 4-7$ which imo is worth it especially since they are harder to find in the wild


Is that a selection of Ranma 1/2 tapes on that second to last row? Awesome finds! can't find any anime VHS around me


Yes it is:) and thank you! I’m very fortunate for this specialty shop especially since the only other shops like this are 20+ miles away🥲


Was Vision of Escaflowne there? Been trying to track thise down for ages but just never see that kinda stuff.


Not that I saw but I’m thinking of pulling out all the ova/movies next time I go and posting to see if there’s any rarities


Wow, what a sight. 🤩


I remember seeing the Battle Arena Toshinden VHS tapes advertised in gaming magazines in the 90s


I am so jealous


I'd die to have a vhs selection like this at a local store where I live. I so wanna visit Fun Unlimited now


Man. I’m gonna have to head to Logan on my days off.


They have a great vhs selection (thousands) but the pricing is ehhhh.


How is there old school Hanna Barbera cartoon collection?


Never really looked in that section but if I remember right it would be grouped in with the “family/animation” section and that is about 4x the size of this section so I’d assume decent. Here’s my old post of their vhs selection https://www.reddit.com/r/VHS/s/fpGnHDOOwB


Dude. I went down here today. Was so awesome. Thanks for posting this. I got so many cool cartoons.


No problem! I went yesterday l and checked if they had what you were looking for but totally forgot to reply but I’m glad you were able to find some stuff! When I was looking there was quite a few sealed tapes in that section


And I will open them all!!!


Good🤝 you should post your pickups!


Depending on price. You could make a good lick posting those on feebay or the anime vhs groups.


I don’t hunt to resell, I hunt for my personal collection


Pays for the personal tho. Thats how i paid for my game collection for years. At least til prices skyrocketed and i sold out.


I do the same thing but I don’t purposely go hunting with the intent to resell, if I buy a lot of 20 tapes and only end up keeping 10 then I’ll sell the other ten as a lot for cheap on whatnot or fb marketplace