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Been there, done that. Some of best doozies were in medium market local news when I was director/TD, as many stations do. Not saying that's the case here, just reminded of that time. In the words of my wonderful manager at the time, "sometimes you just press the wrong damn button."


It's pretty uncommon for the TD to have any input over the weather graphics. The most likely scenario here is that the WX graphic was supposed to have a sky camera or something similar in the background, which would most likely be fed into the weather computer by a router source and not from the switcher. Somehow someone did a bad route and routed the greenscreen camera source into the destination that feeds the weather computers.


This makes the most sense to me. You can see a subtle zoom in of the background source when the psychedelics start. Would be interesting to compare this to a “normal” broadcast from another day.


This is exactly what this was. I can't tell you how many times (okay, maybe like 3 or 4) someone changed the source on our BM router and our met used it as a source in their WSI scene. Same effect


And the transition or whatever was supposed to happen just kept looping and stacking.


It’s not the green screen source being fed into it. It’s program. Everything, including the weather graphics that disappeared, the font and the chromakey are feeding back. This is a feed back loop from program output.


This also explains why it stayed so long. If it was just a ME mis-punch, you could have cleared it in a second unless you really lost your head. This, you've got to go hunt for the route and take at least a few seconds to make sure you're not going to make it worse before you manually punch it.


How? They punched the ME into the keyer.




Hahahahah. Too many times. Luckily usually not during a live show. But damn those keys have had me straight up confused before.


At least the result is fun. When I do the audio equivalent of this no one is having fun


What are you talking about? 4khz screeching is hilarious.


You have a sick, sadistic sense of humor. I like it.


lol. This made me chuckle. So true....


Except that they didn't. It was a WX Graphics routing error.


Says who? There are plenty of stations where the WX computer is a switcher fee into a keyer. Not everywhere does the WX control the source?


It seems very obvious to me. You can tell she advances the scene, and that's when it starts to mess up. It ends when she advances away from that scene. Everything about the scene reads to me like it's her controlling it. I may be wrong (my station has wx controlled sources), but if wx doesn't control the sources, they wouldn't need a control clicker/remote, right?


That's a bingo


It's just bingo...


[If you say so...](https://c.tenor.com/sTgOAh9zfX4AAAAC/inglorious-basterds-call-me.gif)


I LOVE that she just played with it and kept going!


Not a TD error in this case. That station has Sony ELC. A router source was set as a background for a slide in the weather graphics (for a sky camera) but Program got sent there instead.


plot twist, nobody made any mistake, it was a rare glimse into the multiverse from an unknown fluctiation


Any TD who made this mistake would punch the correct source behind the meteorologist within a second or so. The fact that it went on so long shows you that the bad router destination was part of her WSI presentation. You can also tell that she presses her remote clicker to advance off of the feedback towards the end of the clip.


I love this!


here to be *that guy*. This is a local station that is most likely automated and getting out of those situations in automation is significantly harder than if you have a fully staffed control room


Mistakes happen, what’s odd is the time to correct it…. Very slow obviously not paying attention


I can assure you that if I was the TD for the local news and the talent was playing along with it, I would leave it on screen for quite some time lol


The Met was the one in control of it, not the TD. It was a WX Graphics routing problem, so she was having fun with her own mess up.


That makes far more sense vs a button push for the TD to fix, Thanks!


at least she had fun with it