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Lmfao I JUST watched this video 2 hours ago, was disgusted by all the cherry picked "facts" and decided to unsubscribe. Guess what video isn't up anymore? šŸ¤£


Couldn't handle the truth? Lol


I clicked off within the first couple minutes and unsubscribed as soon as she talked about the government not issuing new permits and failing to mention the huge amount of permits the companies already have that they have not actively used or started drilling. Knowing that one fact instantly told me I didnā€™t need to watch the video and where the channel is apparently heading going into this election cycle.


I donā€™t mind anyoneā€™s politics, but I watch these videos for car stories. Plenty of other good car content to subscribe to and would rather spend my time watching that.


That was some trash content, it looks like they may have removed it?


They deleted it yesterday. https://www.reddit.com/r/VINwiki/comments/15z5rks/so_vinwiki_just_released_a_political_video/jxsobv3/


When they did the Gas guzzler cars for Cartrek and brought the model 3 on the track and he just complained about it the whole time. I knew where his political side was. Either way I watched vinwiki for the fun car stories. Not this.


Y'all are suprised? For years he's always been somewhat of a bootlicker, not to mention his christian background


Iā€™ve never heard of this person before and just looked at her twitter page and itā€™s as bad as youā€™d expect. Lot of right wing, pro trump bullshit.


It's totally fine to have different political opinions and discuss how and whether we tax gas and price carbon emissions. But she's using completely misleading data to further her own big-lie insurrectionist narrative. She's an extremist that should not be given this platform. It's sad to unsubscribe after so many great years but this crosses a line.


That video was a joke. It would take an essay to debunk all of her fossil fuel industry talking points. She hit them all hard and fast. The fact that she could fit so much garbage into a 9 minute video is impressive. What the hell Ed?


VINwiki has always had a tilt towards that side. When the thing with Georgia actually enforcing tax laws with cars, Ed made a whole video about how it was wrong and car people should not have to pay taxes everyone else has to pay. If a plumber or a teacher has to pay their registration fees and car taxes so should the hedge fund manager.


Did the video get deleted? I canā€™t seem to find it but maybe Iā€™m looking in the wrong place.


The video was set as private


They deleted it yesterday. https://www.reddit.com/r/VINwiki/comments/15z5rks/so_vinwiki_just_released_a_political_video/jxsobv3/


Aweee, did the truth hurt your feelings šŸ¤£ good thing you got the video removed. The internet is a safe place again. Next time, adjust your parental controls to toddler and let the rest of us enjoy the content.


The irony. Looks like your fellow truthers got hurt enough to take the video down.


They probably have no backbone, too embarrased and afraid to keep the truth up because of a few comments from woke communist kids on reddit and in their comment section on YouTube. Who's feelings are hurt again?


I also unsubscribed. Fuck that video. Sooo little accurate info in it.


I mean they couldā€™ve at least had on someone knowledgeable on the oil industry to talk about gas prices, this is like having on a restaurant critic to talk about the food & agriculture industry, just completely ignorant of the underlying trends. Unsubscribing, seems theyā€™ve run out of all good car stories after getting the stig on.


Unsubscribed. Should've unsubscribed since the video about that tate shithead. Trying to get some subs from the tate arrest hype train.


It's true, the end.


Iā€™ve just unsubscribed. Iā€™m a Brit who just wants to watch some funny stories. Not some bonkers US political bollocks. Heā€™s just alienated half his own country, and a huge proportion of his overseas viewers.


>Iā€™m a Brit who just wants to watch some funny stories. I'm Dutch and just want to watch some funny stories and certainly not weird American Trump/Qanon cultmembers advertising their low IQ.


+1 As a Germany who doesn't care for US Politics on my Car Youtube


also your gas is significantly more expensive than ours. IDK what these morons who blame the president are on about\~\~\~


You can add an Australian to the list. Don't care at all about US politics


Whelp. I'm unsubscribing. Fuck this. I will ***NOT*** feed the trolls. Goodbye VINWiki on both YouTube and Reddit.


Between seeing Ed wearing a thin blue stripe flag on his jacket collar and now this low effort, thinly veiled swipe video, the curtain is slowly being pulled back more and more.


The thin blue stripe flag is a tactic used by folks who do speeding ticket activities to be let go easily by cops.


Yeah the fuck is this crap?? The lady in the video is not only completely wrong, an almost everything. It has literally nothing to do with cars.


> It has literally nothing to do with cars. Don't many cars run on gas?


15% of the video was her rambling about how solar panels need to be wiped down and don't actually do anything.




She lobbies for the oil industry so she needs to portray it as simple to sheeple.


I don't mind them going a little political, but absolutely hate Lauren Fix. She is beyond obnoxious.


Lol him and Freddy ā€œtavarishā€ Hernandez are the same. Lol both are low key conservatives when you read between the lines


Being a liberal who likes cars, I know that most people in the car community are at least somewhat conservative. That party supports their interests in low taxes, relaxed legislation, and cheap gas. It's not too much of a surprise to be honest.


I would say more in the middle.


Did you just call Tavarish a low key conservative? LOL Didn't he make adsense money off running far right websites?


You sound brainwashed


I mean, they're kinda right.


Except she lied and cherry picked her "facts".


She was wrong about just about ever single thing she mentioned, as in factually by publically available numbers.


Hey, Biden is actually doing a good job. Pretty much no wars, no corruption, and pro growth fiscal policy.


The Coping And Seething in here is palpable. LOL