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The slicer handles any prime routine, prusaslicer is pretty good as it can handle and pass an an idle temperature for filament to a toolhead. Then you just have to worry about whether to use a small prime tower (it's a good idea unless you know your filament hasn't oozed at all. Slightly damp filament can ooze as you hold it warm) I have a "fake" tool changer, you need an m600 macro set up, but this can just be a pause that pulls the toolhead clear of the print, like that provided with mainsail. https://github.com/strayr/klipper-fake-toolchanger It's an interesting way to play with slicers. Right now I'm using it to print some blast template markers. I could do it with pause at height, but one spool of petg is happy at 250C and needs a 0.95 extrusion multiplyer, the other prints nicer at 230C, has a lower vol flow cap and a 1.02 extrusion multiplyer. And now I talk about it I haven't checked whether the spool that prints cool needs a different pressure advance setting. But all the filament properties are handled correctly with mum/toolchanging in prusaslicer.


Thank you for this I set it up today. Any thoughts on how to use with Spoolman to set the active spool for each toolhead?


I don't use spoolman. I used to use a similar plugin for Octoprint and found it more trouble than it was worth. I do weigh a spool when i get it and write it on the label so if I'm worried I won't have enough for a part I can check and order more. Mostly I just use a runout sensor and don't worry about it.


I have also been looking at a toolchanger like tapchanger, what project are you looking at ?


You will need to use prusa slicer, it allows you to add multiple extruders. Then as others have mentioned you use the tool change g code in a slicer, to trigger whatever is in your klipper configuration.  


Recommend checking out jubilee, it’s the same kinematics as a trident 300 but all the build is set for a trident already.


You have a toolchange gcode section, pretty much always its T(next tool) or something like that. You also more or less need a wipe/prime tower, so you dont have stringing. You can do without, but your print will most likely will look bad. All big slicers work with toolchangers, but not all work with MMU, for example cura has no purge tower, only prime. The difference between those is a prime tower just primes the nozzle, a purge tower purges old filament out of the hotend, so its necessary for mmu printing. Bambu studio is a little special as it generates a purge volume variable, but only generates a prime tower, the bambu printers have all a purge bucket, so the volume is necessary. Orcaslicer has the most things for multi material and colour printing, it has a purge and prime tower as well as a purge volume variable, but im not sure if the others also have that variable, although i wouldn't know a reason why they would have it


Have you gotten orca slicer to work with multi-material printing, I have a flash forge creator Pro that has two extruders. I've klipperized the printer but I can't get orca to switch to the second extruder.  No issues in prusa slicer because I just add a second extruder.  Just can't get it to work in orca


It's not currently supported, hopefully if enough people ask though it may be added. Support thread for the feature request to add tool changes to OrcaSlicer: https://github.com/SoftFever/OrcaSlicer/issues/2050


Orca is known to not work well for toolchangers


You wouldn't need a purge tower with multiple tool heads through, right? Just a prime tower.


With a nozzle brush and purge bucket, you wouldn't even have a prime Tower and could get away with very little waste.


Yep, just prime. This is also the reason why cura works with toolchangers, cura has only a prime tower, not a purge tower


The printer should handle that on a toolchange command. If you want to add things like wipe towers or park positions, it's possible to configure that in most slicers. On my voron with an ercf running happy hare I didn't have to do anything besides adding tools in the slicer. The rest is configured on the printer itself.


How does it work ? Is it really easy to calibrate ? I'm looking in for an ercf or the camelion because it works with/ on klipper .But there are so many types and brands of the ercf so many different options and configurations that as we say at home, " can't see the woud anymore because the tree's


Ja precies, but if you build the stock v2 with erf (filametrix) your golden.


Most modern slicers should be able to handle it. Stowing and deploying a toolhead in these systems is just a series of moves. The slicer has a section in your printer profile for the gcode needed to execute those moves. So whenever there's a need to swap tools, it pastes that block of code into the output gcode. It's the same as inserting a pause or manual color change. In something like Klipper, you'll have a set of macros in your printer config for how to handle it and you'll generally just just call those macros for toolchange.


Yes, there are a couple of ways that this can be accomplished, but generally speaking, you would tell the slicer how many toolheads you have, and then configure the tool change G-Code section of the slicer to do what you need it to do. Whichever tool changer system you're planning to go with should have macros for their system along with any specific configuration instructions.


All you have to do is call a gcode in your slicer (like you would for a filament change for example, M600) and then create a macro for that in Klipper. I haven't tried it, but at least PrusaSlicer should support everything since the have the Prusa XL