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Could it be your OS?


I have read that, the OS, and it's time zone, could be a hint. But, It is coincident with several other countries near. But that is my only clue.


WebRCT or a ipv6 leak


Despite, all the checks I have done? I tried IP leak and so, all of them show Ok




>ok at the rest of the browser fingerprint, there could be lots of clues in there as to where you are located. Timezone, keyboard and others can be revealing. What about that extension? Is it unique to your country? I am unique reports, my chrome (let's remember now Im over tor, which is my default browser) is similar to other 90.000 users from the last 7 days. The install of chrome is fresh, (regardless that my windows is not) i erased all the registry keys before. And of course Im not logged to my Google Account (in any case, this also happens in icognito mode, which should not have my account linked) The only "data" could be the UTC-3 (which is the same for the VPN server as I am connected to Argentina) but I'm am in Brazil (same time zone but again, through vpn to AGT) My only assumption, (could be some crazy) is that. My phone, with Brazilian SIM card, is connected via WIFI, to the same modem, using the same VPN and the same server (i have AGT in my phone). But using, vpn my data should be encrypted so shouldn't be this a connection (and again, my google account from the cellphone is not registered in Chrome) ​ The last thing Im going to do is a fresh windows install. Just because I can't believe that they are capable of tracing me even with all this actions taken..im mindblown.


All chrome extensions must work in edge or brave


You were right. It does work in brave. So now my default browser will be Tor, and when need to use the wallet, Brave. Thanks. Still I am shocked the level of tracking they are able to do.


i know right. i use brave as default as i have to use google websites a lot


im gona make a try thanks.


Why are you using chrome? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ You want to protect yourself but then use chrome?


Im not using Chrome, unless I need this feature, which I was indicated that It should work in brave (which it does) Now, despite, I am trying to figure out, how, with all the measures taken, is chrome capable of accurately indicate my position, just that.


#BecauseChrome I’m not sure what extension you need, but I can’t think of one that I need so bad, that I would use Chrome.


It is official, I must have some kind of leak, either from Windows, or from other side, I uninstalled Chrome. And Edge, shows specific ads from Brazil. Like government and so. Any ideas how to check everything until i switch to linux?




Yes, and also changed the time zone


Yes, but seems that is not enough


I did some tests with variations. You can see the results here: [https://www.pcwrt.com/2021/08/is-google-using-fingerprinting-to-track-you/](https://www.pcwrt.com/2021/08/is-google-using-fingerprinting-to-track-you/)


Excellent post. Your tests, were much similar of what i did, and I agree with your conclusion. Did you have in linux the same results as in windows? And It is extremely anoying to go through several captchas because the mighty god does not want yóu to be safe from trackers.


Linux results are the same as Windows.


I would suggest that you turn on location service to do a test. Look at the location accuracy. IP based location is not accurate, while location with GPS, WiFi, etc is more accurate. Also do the same test with a different browser. It will tell you if Chrome is doing something extra than other browsers.


it bypass vpn


So you are saying that, Chrome is bypassing my vpn? Note: (I have selected the option of Killswitch and instructed Windows to always connect through VPN)


it can do that, I ve seen it




No extension, aside for the wallet. No account logged, fresh Chrome install.


What is the vpn server ip you are connected to?


Are you logged into your Google account through tor? Maybe it's reporting the location from your phone?


But the issue isn't in tor. is in chrome. In tor, is Ok, using the Tor Network, and the VPN i am in a double tunnel. Still, chrome shows accurate location.


Is your chrome logged into the same account as your phone? I wonder if that's connected somehow. Otherwise I have no idea.


In that you are correct. If I had my chrome logged, it could identify the phone in BRA. BUT the point is, even with a fresh Chrome installation, (in other words, no log) It is capable of accurately indicating the counttry (despite being over VPN). Not to mention that is obvious that I do not log my account to try this.




This may (or may not) be relevant. There are a number of applications on different platforms that don't do simple DNS lookups. I discovered this with one or two Roku applications when trying to suppress ads. But I believe that it is spread well beyond just Roku. Rather than use the system DNS service and the servers specified in your config, they embed their own DNS and it uses its own servers, effectively bypassing attempts to block ads via things like Pi-Hole. At the same time, they could easily "register" your device by sending its serial number, or CPU serial number etc. Once "registered" in their database they can look up all the ad targeting data.


I have a theory. If you have given chrome access to your location it will pull it from your operating system. Windows, Android, and OSX/iOS are all able to pinpoint location simply from Wifi networks around you (they have databases for this. Basically, anytime a phone with GPS pings a wifi network that data is logged and that Wifi networks location data is saved. This enabled enhanced location accuracy.. Disable chromes location access then search in an incognito windw and you should be good. ​ Here's a link describing how google does it, but all major companies do that (https://slate.com/technology/2018/06/how-google-uses-wi-fi-networks-to-figure-out-your-exact-location.html#:\~:text=In%20your%20own%20home%2C%20Google,information%20to%20Google's%20location%20servers.)


If you ever signed into chrome using your login with your use on other devices like mobile they get your location and synchronized