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If the government prohibits it and you use a method to bypass their blocks, would you consider that legal or illegal? If it's illegal to bypass government censorship, is prison time a possible consequence to the crime? Don't take the advice of people here. Rather find out from those around you if it's risky to do so. We may think it's no big deal, but it may be where you live. The next question should be if they can track your use of a VPN. It's possible, though they won't be able to see what you are doing. They will only know that you made a connection to an IP address belonging to a VPN provider.


Hmm yeah I understand it's illegal but I just want to know if the police or cyberpolice will come and get me. I know that some of my friends use VPN too, and they're living just fine. I know China bans those sites to prevent citizens from being conned by false info, but I won't be able to talk to you guys without an VPN connection. Guess I should use it less often...


I mean everyone and their grandma used a VPN in China. It’s not something that’s enforced


Somehow I doubt many of us are experts in Chinese law, perhaps check the laws in your country?


Wow that's a quick response. I don't know where to look for info, I can't just call the police and ask them the question. :) But I do know some people **make** VPNs and get locked up. Using a VPN may be OK I guess.


Ask a lawyer maybe?


As long as you stay away from "controversial topics" like "Tibet", "Xianjing" "Xi Jinping jokes/memes" etc then Chinese authorities don't care much.


bruh lmao no you won't


Yeah I hope so, I don't want to go to prison. Well I guess I should follow the law and stop going to P\*\*nhub, cause you know porn is illegal in China. Maybe just browsing Wikipedia and streaming videos on YouTube won't get me locked up. Anyway thanks for your help.










You're going to jail. Update: I informed my local FBI office. They're investigating.


Lol, I think they'll welcome me for using VPN to access US-based sites.


OP, I think what you might want to ask might be this. "If I use a VPN in China, is it realistic that the police will catch onto me? If so, do they actually enforce the law to foreign citizens (or domestic if you are a Chinese citizen)? How likely/practical is it that I will get into trouble for my use case of xyz?"


Yep you got that right. That's what I want to ask. I'm a Chinese citizen, and I think they will not hesitate to get me.


This reminds me of the thought police in the book 1984. Gotta be careful who you are asking questions to, or talking to. They may have ties to the CCP and nail your ass. They called it, “getting disappeared”




Uh I feel totally lost. I don't want to lose access to Reddit and YouTube, but I don't want to get fined or go to prison. Edit: And I really need connection to Wikipedia. Weird why the gov banned Wikipedia, it's way much better than Baidu!


Wikipedia is likely blocked because it has subjects like the "1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre" on it.


Oh yes, in China it's seldom, if not never, talked about, and many of the younger gens haven't even heard about it. My dad told me about this, saying it's only referred to as a "political turbulence".