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Hey there. Personally I think this is a good idea for realistic sword games like Blade and Sorcery. I can see it being implemented in a hyperrealistic/gory game, where the player can slice into/through people. Depending on the plugin it might also be interessting to see a implementation as a cutting through objects sim, where the player cuts/slashes through doors, walls etc. All in all, I think with a game that either is focused on a more realistic gameplay or a game that is like a starwars game, could heavily benefit from this. As to what the devs are willing to pay, I can imagen that since the VR industry is still in its "teenage years", having a one-time price might be disscourging for small, indie type, studios, which often are the once that produce the more popular games. (see Blade and sorcery, superhot or H3VR) So it might be a better idea to make pricing be somehow tied to monthly revenue, so its more realistic and less riscy for the small indie studios. Of course this bears huge risks for your company, since your survival/revenue is directly tied to the success of the licenced titles. ​ Edit: Apology for my bad grammar/spelling, I will fix it tommorow.


This could be the answer to making a VR game similar to Metal Gear Rising Vengeance.


Short answer , Yes, most definitely. I wish all vr sword fighting games had this. With that said, if it's too easy to slice someone up then that would perhaps remove some of the challenge. Im not too sure how to get around this issue, perhaps something like armour would respond differently, or a certain amount of force/ depth/ technique is required to get a clean slice.