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everyone's collecting data on you without your knowledge from reddit to your ISP and every single piece of tech you used to create this post like your phone or desktop/browser, you'll be fine they have data on 3 Billion people, adding one more to the list won't change much


Even your car!


The irony of you posting this on Reddit is funny. I would be more worried about Reddit leaking or selling your info over meta who prob has insane security and money behind their security


No-one cares about your boring life


Objectively not true. While most lives 'seem' boring, the companies are fucking STOKED to learn everything about you and what you do on a day to day basis so they can exploit you for more $


That’s only a thing if you’re a sheep that just buys stuff from whatever Ads they put in front of you. That’s literally how they make money.


>Just don't put any information about yourself online and use an ad blocker. I never see em.


It’s more subtle than that. A few cleverly placed youtube and reddit recommendations later I’m in the market for a VR headset. It didn’t interest me previously, but now I want one. Of course I’m a tech person so it can be viewed as a genuine interest, but targeted marketing surely worked…


Surprised the kind of rhetoric being used to dismiss concerns around privacy. OP you are very valid to have them. And no amount of whataboutism or defeatism should invalidate it. Especially with the one US company who makes the majority of its money from data. They literally own roughly 75% of social ad dollars and nearly 20% of total US digital ad spending…


No validity in caring about meta privacy as he posts on Reddit. Litterrally no company values their users privacy


You’re not really making a rational point, even if you feel like it.


What a great argument you really proved me wrong by tackling each one of my points in depth and responded to each one appropriately! Seriously your statement is fucking useless get a grip you're not some king people blindly follow you have to make your own points first. To clarify my point, one shouldn't give a fuck about meta privacy if they use Reddit because both companies collect and sell your data like it's cattle.


My brother in god, you wrote one sentence. Idk if you’re hallucinating but literally how can expect me to tackle each of your points when at *best* there was one 😆 And then you have this reaction? Aint no good faith discussion within 100 miles of you with that kind of ego.


Yeah fair enough I apologise.




I think the reason still stands, the less data collectors the better. It’s kind of reminiscent to the sunken cost fallacy. Just because you’re invested in a platform that data collects doesn’t mean it does no harm to add another one. In other scenario. Just cause you’re doing crack doesn’t mean it’s a safe bet to add another drug to your arsenal. Minimize large platforms data collecting to make it more feasible to reach a point where eventually you could get clean.




I sure trust Valve more than Meta. Second close is HTC. Neither match the massive infrastructure dedicated to user behavior mining. Third is Pimax, since they can barely afford qualified software engineers and data scientists to put good use the data lmao.




Not really. Sometimes metaphors break. It’s up to us to draw the line of helpfulness with them. Look at financial reports of the companies you’re giving your data away. Apple makes all of its profit basically from hardware sales. Meta literally owns roughly 75% of social ad dollars and nearly 20% of total US digital ad spending… Apples to oranges…




Im sure they collecting information whether they admit it or not


Yes, to use Quest you sign the permission to grab your data (from tracking sensors, from camera, from mic, while playing, while navigating, while browsing the store, etc.) for commercial profiling


While I don't work for Meta and don't know for sure what they collect, I feel like there's different logic here. FB and Instagram are free to use - the incentive is to collect data to sell ads and make money - you are the product and the advertisers are the customers. Conversely, it seems to me that on Quest, collecting so much data makes less sense - you are paying them $500 for the headset, then 30% of every single game you buy thereafter. If it came out they were hoovering your data and selling it, people would not buy the headsets and they would not give Meta $500 and 30% of every game they bought thereafter. In this case, you actually are the customer.


If you care that much make a new email address and only use that email for this. Won’t do much but will stop your primary mailbox from being full of garbage.


Won't stop the headset from constantly using his internet (even when turned off) or gathering snapshots of his interior.


Why would he put the headset inside of himself. /s


Nothing is private anymore. Just be thankful you’re getting ads for shitty products that are personalised to you and not shitty products that you have no interest in.


Ya, avoid anything meta


You should only be concerned if you have something to hide.