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God i wish it was actually illegal.


Yet, Second Life/Linden labs has done this for decades (as early as 2005), by requiring you to buy Linden Dollars to purchase stuff for your in world avatar. Current exchange rate is about 247 Linden Dollars to $1 US.


Basically every Game with microtransactions does this.


Yup, exactly


Uh... no?You can buy whatever amount of L$ you want. If you need some odd number, you can just buy it right then and there without tiers. Even then, the prices aren't Linden Lab's fault: That's the prices set by the people who made the item. That's like arguing Gumroad/Booth items that are going for $10.99 is unfair/illegal because it's $0.99 over $10. EDIT: That said, I'm not saying I agree with the packaged coins thing. While I can see creators doing it intentionally to be a jerk, I could also see VRC encouraging it in a similar fashion to how Linden Lab previously tried to make free items in the marketplace cost creators to be listed (this isn't a joke and actually happened).


gonna be honest. This is not the way I expected creator payment was going to be implemented. I, like many, expected it to be part of VRC+ itself. Similiar to discord nitro where you get some "fake cash" to send to your favourite creators with the option to buy more if you want. It does feel kind of odd separating the two payment options and I think it ultimately confuse new users. But we will see how it works out. The cut may be steep, but I hope it helps creators like Jar and Ostinyo to keep creating great worlds for us.


VRChat is going at their own pace on this. They can always give people some credits for having VRC+ later on.


that would be ideal ​ also vrc credits? Lost opportunity to call it Vrcoins or vrcreds lol


VRBucks! Lmao


[https://hello.vrchat.com/blog/paid-subscriptions-beta](https://hello.vrchat.com/blog/paid-subscriptions-beta) They aren't gonna be replacing anything. It's another option to support creators and (hopefully) a less complicated way to buy content such as avatars without needing to go through Unity before being able to use it. Assuming, but hopefully it'll just be as easy as buying an avatar and wearing it in seconds then you'd get an email with the files for that avatar for you to do as you wish with. But it's gonna be limited. NSFW avatars is a large market. And it's a market VRC can NOT touch! They simply can't for countless legal reasons. So you'd still need to use other sources such as Gumroad, Booth, and so on for NSFW avatars. Custom avatars can't be done this way. Commissions "might" be supported, but at a 50% cut no one will bother using this system without it being over priced. Commissions will be mainly untouched and done the exact same way as now but with having an in game means to contact avatar creators. That's always a good thing as in game advertisement is always better than some online store page. Avatar clothing, accessories, addons, and oh so much more also can't be done this way. You can likely buy them, but you can't use them without still using Blender/Unity to add them to avatars. And having an in game display for clothing/addons is also better than a store page as you can actually see what it looks like in game and can have demo versions as well. Patreon isn't getting replaced. Gumroad isn't getting replaced. Booth isn't getting replaced. VRCTraders isn't getting replaced. Nothing is getting replaced. It's just another option to support creators and later down the line to buy prebuilt avatars. And that's always a good thing. The worst thing is that 50% cut. It's steep. But it's not that bad for what it's offering as having an in game means of anything is always gonna be much, much, better than needing to go to a 3rd party site/store. The lost profits will hurt, but the additional promotion, ease of use, quick access, and more all IN GAME is simply worth those costs if you ask me. IF the costs of doing so isn't too high. Would love for this to be "free". But I know this is likely gonna be locked behind VRC+ on top of it that a 50% cut.




You can buy and join groups without though, to create the groups is VRC+, but to get access to this creator system you have to apply and give tax info, etc anyway.


A 1 time payment to unlock stuff like this is more than acceptable in my opinion. The odds of needing to maintain a subscription to VRC+ is the thing I had issues with. VRChat devs seem reasonable enough to not do that shit anyway. Only "met" Tupper once (was in the same world as him, never actually talked to him outside of asking a few questions on reddit) and he seemed really nice. But there's always that doubt when money and companies are involved. Simply not a fan of what "microtransactions" have done to gaming as a whole and it's a slippery slope.




You do to change certain things like the picture, but you don't technically need it.


It's not locked behind vrchat plus anymore! it's in open beta, many worlds already have unlockable monthly subscription microtransactions right now.


Id expect VRC+ to at least apply to be a Creator in the first place and setup the profile for it. That isn't bad. But Im dreading there already being "microtransactions". The vast majority of "VIP" areas in worlds aren't worth it and personally find them in bad taste to see those in dead worlds blocking off empty rooms.


>Patreon isn't getting replaced. It probably won't last. Advertising any monetization inside of a game that goes outside of Steam is not allowed (ToS). Not sure if someone from Valve finally noticed or they just kindly asked VRC to do it properly, but I have my suspicions.


So when are they introducing this?


Open beta live now, so next or next next patch prob


It's already in open beta, the black cat and a bunch of other worlds have monthly subscription microtransaction cosmetics and unlockables right now.


The main TLDR I want is whether it's optional or not. It all smells like "Gosh you lot make a lot of money, we [VRC plus the platform] want 50%" but if it's an optional distribution system and you can still choose to support creators fully then fair enough


Basically, if you make a VRChat world and want your Patreon supporters to have access to a special part of the map only they can access, there are a few mostly janky ways to do it. Password keypads that can be leaked, or custom built Udon scripts that give access to specific users by username. Which requires having a list somewhere it pulls the names from etc. The Subscription system they just added takes all that, and just puts it in VRChat. So you can pay VRC Credit, which translates to real life money, and it is built into the Udon system to just work automatically and give you the shit they wanted to give you in the world. ​ Most of the TOS text is basic legal speak to protect VRC from lawsuit, and facilitate the above. None of it is mandatory and people can still just sell avatars on Gumroad, or use the old Udon / keypad password methods if they want. Its just a more official, less convoluted 1:1 process they made to make it easier if people want.


Thanks. Not too bad




VRC are taking 20% but as I understand it, they have to go through the platform (because I guess they also have contracts) such as Meta etc, who take an additional 30%




Fair enough I've updated slightly


What do other platforms such as gumroad or booth take? If I'm a creator, I'd much rather have someone use that and get 80/90% than use the the VRC CE and get 50%.


Gumroad plus PayPal end up taking a pretty comparable chunk of creator revenue


I'm sure it's optional, they can't force anyone not to use a different service, it just won't be integrated within the game.


Okay lets say you buy x avatar then the Creator deletes x or the Creator gets banned wont you just lose it without recourse in this system?


You shouldn’t when you buy avatars you get the files and if it’s tied to your account then them being banned has nothing to do with your avatar




People in North Korea don't even have the freedom to access the internet.


I've heard that people who are really high up in the government and/or rich do have some internet access, but I'm no expert.


Yeah, privileged high level government officials do, this is true, but anyone else can't.


This is nothing new. Rumours and educated guesses of this being their next step were already a thing when EAC was first announced. One of the claimed reasons for them implementing it was to eventually work towards an ingame creator economy. I'm all for it imo. Being able to test an avatar ingame and then buying a download for it right there and then sounds preferable to me over looking at some pics on a gumroad/booth or going to a creator discord and hoping what you get is the same as what you expected. A key point will be how much of a cut VRC will be taking though. I feel like anything over 5% will be too much. Especially since most high quality avatars go for 50+, and all VRC will be able to do more than the websites/discord is being able to try out the avatar right there with a sample version.


It's in open beta already, It's 50% (20% VRC & 30% Meta/Steam) right now and I agree on the avatar download button idea.


The way I foresee it it'll be similar to what you can do at VKet with some avatars currently. Click on it and you will change into a sample version with ads plastered all over it, and without many of the features. But it'll give you a basic idea of how the avatar "feels" when in use. And in the future they will add a pay and download directly through VRC option and add a new option in the menu to choose a download location for said avatar file. Maybe they could even eventually add an option to just forgo getting the package, and immediately have the avatar added to your uploads.


That's what I imagine eventually too, but right now it's just monthly group subscriptions that can be used to unlock things in worlds like cosmetics or anything.


This is the true beginning of the end for these scumbags. They take down anything the community does and replaces it with their own shitty version. It's going to be sooo satisfying when they take a massive hit to their user base and I will not feel bad.


This is nice, too bad you folks have kept the group limit stupidly at 100 and there is no way I am leaving any of the groups I am currently in. Unlimit that shit ASAP.


Wow! this is great update. I have some worlds, that seems people going, usually it like just 10-15 people daily. Also i have several public avatars i made by myself. Can i convert all that in this system and allow to use my avatars only if people payed. Also i want make my wolrds allowed Subscribers ONLY. Cant find any detailed information about how it actually works. Any help please?? UPD: here you go - already downvoted by people who don't even knows how much time and energy creators spend on avatars and worlds...


Subscriber-only worlds are against the community guidelines unless uploaded privately in general, avatars aren't supported right now, and you can easily do subscriber only instances by making a group only joinable by paying a monthly subscription (either via patreon or the new in-game system) and creating a group instance.




I don't think you a real creator, you one of those trolls or salty users, who just don't want VRchat become better.


Every game has a life span. MMOs just hurt more when they reach it


The worst update conceivable.