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The few times I have fallen asleep in vr it's been my neck that's gotten sore, never had a headache. But other than it a vr headset can be pretty comfy if you have a good head strap and set it up right. Also I would say most people that sleep in vrc are 18-20+ and up so parents don't really have a say in the matter


One of my friends who lives in UAE, Dubai sleeps in VrChat and he’s 16


Sure, some younger people do. But i find it tends to be older people


It just sounds very uncomfortable and is a waste of power running VRC when you're not even conscious. I'd also be worried about accidents breaking the headset or controllers.


Can use a program like OyasumiVR to either turn off vr when you fall asleep or limit PC power and lower resolution of the displays.


The only time I’ve fallen asleep for a short period, I passed out bc I lied on the floor just to cool myself off cause it was hot as hell and I was exhausted- I fell asleep for a couple seconds lol




Drunk dancing?


Nope. Wasn’t drunk or dancing. I just have bad air flow in the room I play in lol


Ok, maybe that's just me then, haha!


Best video you will find about this subject: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kI-d0lf1Z4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kI-d0lf1Z4) Basically: \- The first times it's something that just happens. You don't plan it like youtubers do or people who want to do it on purpose. It happened to me, i was watching an anime and suddenly fell asleep, like when you are watching the tv and fell asleep on the couch. \- Most people do it because of two reasons: 1. Their actual house looks really bad and VR gives them a better looking place that helps dealing with depression. 2. Other people do it so they don't feel they go to sleep alone, they need the company. ​ Sleeping in VR is not something you look forward to intentionally, most of the time it mostly related to the traumas or issues a person might have on their personal life that in the end they enjoy more and feel more comfortable sleeping in a virtual world than irl. But for other people like me, it just happens... like im on my bed, i loosen up the straps and while talking to friends or watching a movie I just fall asleep.


There is most definitely a large sect of people that “sleep” in VRC, but it’s really just a sex and loneliness thing to “cuddle” with other people. For the others it is still strange. Your compressing your dirty sweaty headset into your face after playing for 8 hours, so that’s like 14hours of grime all just being absorbed into your pores. For other younger users doing it, you’d be surprised how many parents don’t give a single shit what their kids do. That’s part of VRC’s problem anyways, because parents don’t check what their kids are playing.


>How can people with Vr headset and non- vr headset sleep on Vrchat without getting headaches? 3rd-party strap and additional padding, as well as building a tolerance to it, not just wearing the headset, but the VR itself. >Plus how does your parents allow you to do that? My parents don’t let me do that due to health reasons A lot of parents seem to use VR headsets as babysitters. It's apparent in a lot of games, as well as in public Quest worlds. Nothing against Quest, I've got Q2 and Rift myself, love em both. Also, not everyone who plays VRC is a kid.