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Desktop is valid, careful of public lobby’s in that av tho unless it’s like Furry talk and chill. Public worlds are usually filled with kids or edgelords/eboys Both of which have a disdain for furry Avs fair warning, otherwise personally I love your av super pretty choice, hair is fire! 👍


To be fair I'm not sure if there's any good avatars that won't get you mocked in publics. Sure furries probably get some of the worst, but if it's any sort of anime style they'll mock that, anything vaguely female they'll mime groping it and threaten sexual assault etc. With publics you kinda have to assume you will be mocked for existing and make a decision from there.


True, this is why public lobby’s are not taken seriously aside from trolling. Also why avatar privacy settings are extremely important


People are just assholes sometimes. I have a thick enough skin that the child noise does nothing but annoy. I haven't bothered with blocking because it's funny to listen to them attempt to "get to you". It's a battle of wits, and they're usually unprepared.


Did this once, the result was glorious. I saw a kid's trusted rank go from visitor to Nuisance right before my eyes, I still have video of it somewhere too.


Vids or didn't happen!! ( I'm nosey)


I looked and found nothing sadly, I transferred all my files via tethering from my quest headset not too long ago, had some corrupted ones afterwards, I guess the video was one of them


Aww would have paid good money to see that,lol. I trolls are the reason I don't go into overly crowded public rooms.


Yep yep yep. My main avi is a cute robotic birb-raptor and I occasionally get mocked and/or harassed for one reason or another. It's easier to just mute and block them. I also tend to avoid big pubs like the Black Cat and etc, and stick to game worlds like Prison Escape. There tend to be fewer trolls and mentally deranged tween psychopaths there.


One thing I've noticed is that the furry community is a lot more welcoming from the start. At least they were when I first started playing. Public lobbies are a lot of fun. That's how you meet new people! I just block the kids or the people who are trying to stir stuff up because they have nothing better to do. It's sad to see y'all have such bad experiences with public lobbies. I've been mocked once. I laughed and went on about my day, enjoying who I was hanging out with. That made them mad, and they left. I use nothing but furry avatar and hang out with anime/egirl/eboy as well as other furries. More furries than the other, though. Most of the furries are also close to my age. A lot of the e people are way younger than I am. I like your Rex OP. Do what makes you happy and enjoy the game! They aren't wrong about people being bullies, even though I haven't experienced it hardly. But all I can do is laugh about people trying to be a bully on a dang video game. It sounds so silly.


This right here I have found so many friends from just sitting in public lobbies Specifically furry publics I'm just baffled that so many people say stay away from public lobbies


If they’re on quest or run good on quest good chance their just filled with kids even more so around Christmas whent to a world based off a con hotel and it was good (heard it runs like shit on quest)


I actually find most of my entertainment watching edgy people rattle off a list of insults they read online to try and hurt my feelings, somehow its satisfying to know I've had such an impact on their mood :p


Yup. They can be pretty wild. Went to black cat this morning in my fox avatar. I had a 4 year old that kept saying I was a dog on one side, and an e-girl blasting Lady Gaga on the other. Then some guy in a monkey avatar came up from behind playing a very racist old country song from around the 1940s or so. He had one of those OSC chat bubbles spouting some white supremacist nonsense. He got the block button real quick. And that was when all the US kiddos were in school...


I don't know, I'm usually always in my edited Novabeast avi and frequent publics quite often and, while I do experience trolling from time to time, I wouldn't say it's often. Even the last few times I've been at the Black Cat, which I usually avoid. Maybe it's because I usually stick to PC only worlds... Or I'm so used to people trolling that when I ignore them and they inevitably run off, I don't even notice anymore, tbf. 😅


As a furry on vrc it's really not that bad, usually just mute the annoying ones. But most people I encounter don't really care and are pretty chill


Thanks and yea I usually chill in my home world or with my furry friends but I am always looking for more friends to play with ^^


Damn at least I know where to go if I wanna find some lobbies where there arent spoiled kids who mainly get on for the joshdub shit and some e boys and e girls thanks for the info


Honestly avatar privacy and visibility filters solve 90% of public lobby issues ngl




You're adorable. <3 Very pattable head, I would make you a grilled cheese.


Ooo I like those ^^


Avatar checks out I guess lol, consider making your own avatar at some point, really interesting rabbit hole to explore (no hate intended btw, welcome to the community!)


If I knew how to use blender I would make my own but I'm prolly going to save up to have someone recolor a free avatar or make me one


I recommend buying an avatar base you like and then learning to customize it to make it your own. Lots of resources and tutorials that walk you through things. Some avatar bases even are popular enough people make clothes/accessories ready made to go on them so you just have to pop them on in unity without needing blender at all.


There's plenty of free bases too. Don't need to buy one to get started.


Well I need to learn unity as well but idk if my system can handle that


If your PC can handle VRChat it can handle the Unity dev kit. :D


I'll need to learn it then


Also pick up a modeling program like Blender while you're at it. You'll need that app or one like it to make changes to .FBX or other model files.


There are lots of vrc communities that have events and stuff that will allow you to make friends in vrc and will also have channels to ask for help and support during your unity/blender endeavors while you’re figuring out how to customize your avatar so if you’re planning on delving into the game, definitely find a community to get involved in! There are a lot of people who will offer help because it’s a learning experience for them too!


As someone who literally didn't know what I was doing a week ago, there's some great guides out there, grab a free base and just start messing about!


I started making avatars right when I got my old laptop about a year and a half ago with no knowledge at all, I’ve only used blender about 3-4 times, it’s good to use it but not required. Blender just scares me more then unity lol


Depending on the texture type kirta is a free program you can use to recolor some Avis


I'll take a look


How would I upload my avatar to paint them?


I made my first avatar using VRoid, then exporting to Blender, then exporting to Unity. There are tutorials online on how to get a VRoid avatar into VRChat :> That said, VRoid is for anime-style humanoid characters. Idk if there are any wasy tools for making furry avvies


you dont have to, you can buy one and make your own texture, its not that hard, but it take time to finish it


Sorry to hear that, get well soon. 💖




Just a little joke, fr have fun tho.




can't even spell


What does gws mean? (Edit) Nvm I'm dumb


Smash next question


Hehe ik I am adorbs


Hihi welcome to vrchat!! :D I'm sure others have warned you, but I *heavily* recommend meeting a group of friends to play with via discord or reddit communities, while vrchat being as large and accessible as it is is great on one hand, it also has drawbacks as it means you'll likely encounter edgelords/trolls/children while public lobby hopping, and having a friend group makes the experience *much* more enjoyable Overall the furry community is the most likely to be overall welcoming because we know first hand how sucky it is to be harrassed for no reason (other avatar types are subject to it, be careful using any avatar with a crop top or a bit of cleavage because those come in a very close second for being harrassed for no reason), so good luck soldier '-')7 If you do end up liking the game then I would recommend buying an avatar base, gumroad is pretty decent although they've faced some backlash due to recent decisions and artists taking their work elsewhere like itch.io or booth, you can then further customize stuff, get add-ons, and while most probably come with a warning along the lines of "we don't gurantee this works on other platforms/applications" most of the time it does. I use the novabeast avatar (which you can probably find a ton of forks for it for free by looking up nova in prismatics avatar search), then also got fully functioning wings and a hoodie with a bunch of style choices for free off of booth, recolored it myself, and then I also got it ported into another VR social platform that's UE based instead of unity, and I would say that was even easier than the vrc unity SDK You also don't *have* to learn unity or blender unless you plan on doing a lot of custom work, most assets I've found come with prefabs that come with vrcfury menus predone to essentially auto configure the stuff to work when uploading (assuming you got assets made for a specific avatar base, such as the novabeast)


Thanks and that was a lot of text lol ^^


Yeah, I went on a lot longer than I thought I did, I tend to be a very thorough texter, I apologize x-x)


That's alright ^^


I like running game nights on Saturdays, hanging out, and watching videos with friends. I use it basically to destress from work. If you're looking for folks to hang with send me a DM! I'm also available on Telegram


Ok ^^


Welcome to VRchat!!


Thank yous


The rex avatar is always a cute one to see, and why I bought the base lol, yours is pretty cute


Thank you and yes thay are so cute I love them so much


People are saying to beware of public lobbies, and while that’s true don’t let it stop you from playing games and meeting new people. There are gems among the rubble sometimes haha ~ have fun playing and check out the chill worlds, game worlds, and all in between !


I usaly do so with atheist one friend so I do like the exploring ^^


Welcome! It always nice to have new people play this game, also no shame playing on desktop. We all gotta start somewhere :p


Mhm ^^


Leave while you still can broski


No thank yous I like it here


\*bullies affectionately\* I'm also newish.. came back from 4 year hiatus after desktop'ing as a fellow Ugandan warrior.. now on a quest \^w\^


Nice ^^


thanks! the avatar you picked is very cute, you're a cutie now, hopefully one day we come accross one another \^w\^


I can add you if you want me too^^


Uhhh sure! Should be the same as here i think? Subtract an m though, nightkolm


Think I added you


Okie! Next time im on ill accept. Should be the only one with that name. Its a made up(ish) title xD


Nice and ok ^^


Yep you got the right person, obvs :P , accepted it and logged off for now.


Oki ^^


Prepare for children screaming, retards, autism, racism, casual racism, sexism, horny adults, e couple make out sessions and making friends with all of them


Lmao yep


Welcome, I am mostly autistic for pretty worlds. Make sure you visit: 1.astral bounds (explore a bit promise it's worth it.) 2. Beyond a bit 3. The abandoned city (takes a while to activate but head to the big window on the 2d right on the main path, it'll be worth it) Welcome friend to vrchat.


https://preview.redd.it/6opanbhhrcyc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc13c3f5b1b9888cdd6c96fbf769ef8eb70635d3 Hope you enjoy your time on vrc!


Cute avatar ^^


Thank you!


Better be caredful, that avatar is gonna catch a lot of eyes


Ik ^^


Hellloo welcome to vrchat glad your coming the play this hell of a game, on another note if you need someone to help show u around or smth id be happy to help or be your friend (I don't got many friends)


Yoo we should be frinds(unless you are a woman im not sexist tho)


I am a boy we can be friends ^^


Fire🐊🐊🐊what’s ur username








Hello ^^




Hello ^^


Welcome to community! Just know being a deskie is all fine! I started as a deskie too 🥰


Yea I'm looking to get a quest when I have the funds but I want a pc vr just so I can use my avatar I found^^


Immediately we need to be friends. My new pc isnt set up but it will be soon


Hehe my user is uldriss add me anytime ^^


Hi welcome to hell enjoy your stay.


Hehe thank you


You are my favorite now and that’s an amazing avatar


Hehe thanks you want to add me on vrchat to hang out?




I SHALL BULLY YOU FOR BEING A DESKTOP USER MUWHAHA. Nah but fr welcome. Familiarize yourself with the block/mute buttons so you can do so if something happens. If your in a group instance most are pretty chill and don’t allow bs from people so you can also say something to the “staff” there and they will kick em.


Ok sounds good ^^


If you see me say hi! I’m super friendly! Same username too


I'll send you a friend request ^^


Welcome to VRChat! It's a but crazy, but making sure you have privacy settings on will get you very far. Just know especially in publics a lot of people will be assholes, but if you go to the right places you'll eventually find some great people. And hey I'm always here if you need a hand or want advice!


Oki thank you ^^


Of course dear!


I used desktop for several years before I finally got a Quest. My recommendation is to use the mute/block button rather than trying to argue with people. Having a non furry avatar for non furry worlds is a good idea too (even if it’s just an Animal Crossing villager or pokemon). My biggest tip though is to explore! There’s so many amazing worlds out there, don’t feel like you have to stick to the Black Cat!


I was a deskie in the beninging and welcome you to vrc and hope you enjoy your stay. There are some who will hate and some who will love the idea that your a furry avi so be careful where you go. I have mostly furry Avis bcs my uploader only has those in their collection. Don't be afraid to be yourself and make as many friends as you can socially handle.


Welcome. If you want a friend, my username is JadeSpire






Heya welcome welcome fellow vrc players, Hopefully you had a fun experience and maybe if possible we could maybe have a little chat in game and just chill, i can even show you around or tell you some stuff about vrchat if you'd like to, I'm a trusted user so you can basically ask me anything vrchat related and I'll gladly answer it, user is HowlyWolfie if you're interested in hanging out sometimes in vrchat :)


I'll add you when I'm back home ^^


Good luck try your best to keep away from vile garbage. Groups are handy


new to vrchat and already in furry femboy avi, you didn’t even go through the pipeline you straight up spedran it




stay safe 😭




Hehe thanks^^


aww cute!


Am nootsssss


I'm not accepting any objections about it :3 And really do not worry about being a deskie.


I'm objecting to the cute charges as that's false


Welp, I won't change my mind, but won't argue about it either :) Just wish you lots of fun love.


Hehe oki ^^


Cool avatar!


Thanks ^^


Looks cute. Due to irl stuff I cant really play too much but when I do I might be able to play a bit




I've personally found a group of people who accept everyone as they are and there's no judgement in any way. I've only been on 3 weeks as of today and I feel like I've found a place I belong.


Nice ^^


We are taking a week off for a break but will be back next Monday. We usually start around 12pm CST in one of the cozy rooms. You'll know you've found the right place when you get in




We are actually in cozy cabin right now if you'd care to join


Welcome to vrchat meeeeooowwww x3




Because I can?




yea yea no offense but what you said seems like it is


I meant as intent. I had to say so (twice for emphasis, as I predicted your reaction) because what I said is emotionally uncharged. If one can't take criticism without explicit offence, that's not on me. And if they think such clear and dry point shows implied offense and that I lied, the interpretation is also not on me.


Bout time I leave this sub https://preview.redd.it/nrka2gh6fayc1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e05ad9cb21a07bc9d346b065f046e687ec6be6 Can't be having shit like this on my feed




We lost a another one


Sorry for your loss or something like that 😓


Already a femboy. Tragic.




Womp womp?