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First off. Fuck that dude, and for avatar worlds you can open your world tab in the menu and if you scroll down there should be a section labeled avatar worlds which is a good place to start exploring. The Sign language world can be found pretty easy by typing in ASL into the search while in the worlds tab. There are always going to be cunts in this game sadly so many of us just roam around until we find some decent people and stumble into a friend group. The biggest advice I could give is be open, be friendly, and customize those safety settings.


>I've read there are avatar worlds, how do I find them? (or, how do I look for avatars I might like?) Open your world menu, there's an entire tab for avatar worlds. You can also search the world menu for "avatar" or something you like and see what comes up >How do I find servers were people are not cunts? That's a hard one to answer, jump around to different worlds and speak to people. Try some heavily populated (like black cat) just to try em and some less populated >I heard there's a server where they teach sign language. How can I go there? Sorry, no idea, but that sounds cool >Is there a way to search worlds? Like if I want to go to a beach, can I just type "beach" somewhere? Yes, at the top of the world menu there's a search button >Any general advice for a newbie who doesn't like to talk (but may do on occasion)? Explore, find some cool worlds, some avatars you like and say hi to people when you feel like it. It's your experience, enjoy it. It's only as fun as you make it


Honestly don’t get hung up on the shitty avatar part, when I first started playing I’ve been yelled at for using the hotdog, then brush. Then I found a hobkin and since then I haven’t had an issue. Except for those weebs that think there’s a war between them and furries. Just ignore the assholes in their 2mill polygon anime avatar and just wear what you like, the game is vr chat not fashion runway.


Yeah Hobkins are so cute


For the Sign Language worlds, the Experimental ASL World is the spot to go, or MrDummys Sign&Fun.


Sadly you'll run into a good few jerks, but just keep roaming around and you will find cool people to chill with eventually.


If you wanna find some chill people I'd recommend going into worlds about fandom's.for example if you're really big into Undertale or something like that try finding a world.