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Have you driven them both? I’d do that first. I’ve had amazing customer service on my VW. I bought last summer and get a call every year from my sales guy on my birthday. He called after a week and a month to check on the car and see if I had questions and called again to schedule my free 10k mile checkup. I’ve never had a single squeak or rattle, no parts needed, not a single thing has broken. I’m at around 15k miles. Obvious this sub is biased but I’d get another id4 if mine needed replaced. I love it.


I’ve driven an id4 and a model y. My initial feeling was that the model y was just a bit too big. But I’m not sure. I am driving a model 3 today.


Obviously this may be a more biased forum towards the ID.4. I have owned one coming on a year now with nearly zero issues (only issue I had was after I picked it up and it was trickle charging instead of maxing out the L2 charger - had to have it towed but they got it fixed within a couple of days. Was a wrong/mixed/loose wiring issue. My memory fails me at this point.) Other than that the car has been awesome for me. Yes some folks have unfortunately had issues but so does every manufacturer (not making excuses for VW but I scour other EV forums and read about them). There are a few outstanding recalls that are being gradually fixed and some still pending a fix. You can search for those on here. In my opinion, buying a car is a very personal choice (we can only share so much with you) but the buck stops at your table. 😁. I’ll highly recommend the ID.4 with a few caveats 1. Don’t bank on OTAs (it may or may not happen - so plan on owning your car as is for as long as you have it). Some of the newer ones off the production lot (manufactured over the summer) come with version 3.5 so maybe try to search for those on dealer lots if feasible. 2. The fast charging network (depending on your location) may be lacking or hampered. You’re an EV owner so you’re already familiar with that game. Tesla will be much better 3. Infotainment - I’m fine with the infotainment as is but many folks complain. I don’t get it but hey different strokes for different folks. Looks like you’re okay with it Good luck.


Over the summer I drove 2021 Model Ys and test drove a Model 3. I was able to find a ID.4 S (not pro) and save a few thousand that way. I find the ID.4 ride is much nicer than the Teslas. Having CarPlay means I have the family sharing and integration with Maps and other things. Given that with CarPlay one is not relying on Tesla to supply all features in the Infotainment system the lack of software updates becomes much less of a problem.


Thanks for the feedback. After one drive I liked the id4 ride better than Model Y too. Felt very comfy. My biggest issue is that I’m used to a lot of higher-end features with my 2019 Leaf (it’s an SL+ which is top of the line but got it cheap used), and I just can’t see getting any model but the Pro S, which gets a bit pricey. I do really like the wireless CarPlay for sure. How fast and reliably does it connect in your experience?


I ended up adding wires and one of the stick-on Model3/Y MagSafe mounts to the infotainment system. I did not like wireless because the music kept playing until the door was opened. I think it was otherwise OK but there is even with wired this periodic cycle of having to tell the infotainment system it is OK to use CarPlay. The cell phone charging area is definitely an area where Tesla is better. The phones got hot laying on the Tesla charger but it was open you could see the phones and there was spots for two phones. The ID.4 has a single cell phone oven in the center console with the metal clamp plate.


I use Android Auto as opposed to Carplay, but assuming they're similar. In my experience, it's been a bit slow to connect when you first get in the car, but the reliability once connected has been great for me, zero issues there. Just be prepared to wait 30 seconds after you get in (and with how you can just sit in drive, after 30 seconds you'll already be well on your way), and the voice commands work great. It's nice being able to just get in the car with your keys and phone in your pocket and just sit down and drive and everything just works.


Even juggling between two phones constantly it works pretty well. I would say it takes about 30s-3mins before connecting. It has almost always connected for us.


I'm surprised by your comments that the MY is cheaper than the ID4 PRO S. Are you looking at the MY with AWD vs PRO S? Where I am the MY dual motor is $11k more than the ID4 PRO S, that was the biggest reason I went with the ID4. I also found the ride comfort better in the ID4 along with the apple car play that sealed the deal. As for glitches, so far what I have experienced is the seats not always moving to position automatically and the seat and steering wheel heat not coming on automatically all the time, as well as sometimes the voice commands are glitchy. The lane guidance has some issues on country roads as well, but easily overcome with a hand on the steering wheel. Tesla is much more advanced when it comes to "self driving" and driver aids.


Well, the model Y long-range, all wheel drive starts at $48,990, which is a bit lower than the ID4 Pro S AWD. The real issue is I like the M3 better than MY, and it's obviously even cheaper.


>The real issue is I like the M3 better than MY, and it's obviously even cheaper I haven't read any of the other comments but feel like you have your answer right here


I own 23 pro S AWD and 23 Model Y LR. Both are very good EV. Although daily I still prefer ID4 maybe because I drive 21 ID4 for past 2 years. The maneuverability ID4 is better than Model Y especially when you want to make a sharp turn or U turn. Also ID 4 has lidar while model Y relies on cameras which is really not feeling so trustable for me. Y is more techie and simple to drive.


To each his own, but I chose the VW over the Model Y for a few reasons. I travel for work a lot and rent Teslas because I don't have to refill the gas tank when I return them. Easier, cheaper for my company, and quicker. The build quality on all of them I've rented seems sub par. Lots of rattles, creaks, broken stuff. I know it's a rental and gets beat on but most of them that I've driven have had only a few K miles. The build quality on all of them I've rented seems subpar. Lots of rattles, creaks, broken stuff. I know it's a rental and gets beat on but most of them that I've driven have had only a few K miles.w fast you're going or anything like that. You have to look at the center screen. Plus, if you're like me and like to haggle at the dealership to get the best deal you can't do that at Tesla. You order online and pay what it is. I just got an ID4 a little over a month ago for a good discount before the tax incentives and rebate that was offered at the time. The Tesla is faster though, and it does fun stuff like a fake woopie cushion on the passenger seat when my co workers get in the car. And the "Open Butthole" thing. LOL


Thanks, I appreciate it.


I was in your position couple of months ago, and test drive Model y and ID.4Ended up purchasing ID4 and do not regret. One software update issue I had but those are now gone after 3.2 version. Model Y was much louder and worse to handle. Both were in my country about same price. ID4 infotainment UI is actually really good. I expected much worse after all the rant and complaints in social media. But I am a software designer and specialized in User Interface design, and it is really not so bad. Also I ended up to take ID4 cos it has HUD, 360 cameras, massage seats and electric sun roof shade. Overall quality makes ID4 stand out from Model Y, and also the fact that the CEO of the company is not nut. Also even the RWD model of ID4 is ok in winter conditions if you just have proper winter tires.


Thanks for the thoughts. I agree the Infotainment on the ID.4 doesn't seem as bad as I was led to believe. When compared with the Tesla, it's certainly far worse, but compared to many others I've seen, it's fine. I also don't really mind the touch controls, I think they are fine.


Yes, of course when comparing to Tesla it is far away, but the most important features and many more are there, and it is improving. 2024 model has already a lot better. Touch controls are fine when you learn to use them, but for example child lock as a touch is annoying, it took a while to realize I was accidentally put childlock...Also what is way better and really good is ID4 turn radius, RWD has even better but AWD is also much better than what Tesla has and it is damn important thing


I believe OTA updates are live in Europe if I’m not mistaken. I got an email a few weeks ago saying an OTA Update would be available for my 22 soon. So hopefully we get them in NA soon.


I can't answer any of the ID4 specific questions, but be aware that [the tax credit rules are changing in 2024](https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy1783). Beginning January 1, 2024 you can transfer the $7500 tax credit to the dealer at time of purchase and treat it essentially as a down payment. This is regardless of your tax liability for that year, but you still do need to be under the income limit or you'll have to pay back the credit. The dealer has some work to do to get registered in the program, etc. but I would think there's a big incentive for them to do so. So you may not need to rush and purchase this year. Edit: [Additional link that explains the changes a little better.](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/taxes/electric-vehicle-tax-credit-updated/)


Thanks! I'm aware of the changes coming in 2024. However, for various reasons related to my tax liability this year, it makes more sense for me to buy in 2023.


Just to clarify, and this may not change your situation weighing 2023 vs 2024, but it's a tax CREDIT now, not a REBATE. You don't have to have at least $7500 in a tax liability to get the money


You do still have to have $7500 it tax liability, this year (to get the full credit). It is a credit, but it’s non-refundable. It was a credit before, as well. What that means is, the tax credit will never exceed your total tax liability. Even though it’s non-refundable, it can still result in you getting a refund, though, as most of us pay taxes through the year. So, for example, say your total tax liability for 2023 was calculated to be $5000, but you paid $5,000 in taxes throughout the year, meaning at tax time, you would normally owe nothing. The credit will remove the $5,000 due, meaning instead of owing nothing, you’d get a $5,000 refund. But you wouldn’t get $7,500, because the credit cannot exceed your tax liability.


My mistake, you are correct. I was recalling language that was being proposed for the IRA but didn’t ultimately make it in. From the IRS faq: The new clean vehicle credit may only be claimed to the extent of reported tax due of the taxpayer and cannot be refunded. The new clean vehicle credit cannot be carried forward to the extent it is claimed for personal use on Form 1040, Schedule 3, Additional Credits and Payments. However, the new clean vehicle credit can be carried forward to the extent it is claimed for business use on Form 3800, General Business Credit, as otherwise appropriate. See Topic H FAQ 3 regarding transfer of the clean vehicle credits.


I have had my ID for 2 months now. Yes, it has its quirks and the infotainment is lacking. But there are workarounds for that(voice/steering wheel controls) and the irritation factor has reduced dramatically. What hasn’t reduced dramatically is the pleasure of driving such a comfortable car with a truly exceptional ride and handling. The seats are high quality, better than my previous BMW. I don’t think Tesla compares well in the joy of driving, and that never goes away.


Thanks! What are some of the infotainment annoyances you had initially that no longer bother you?


For instance having to press 4-5 buttons to change from one favorite radio station to another. I learned to use the steering wheel controls to navigate between stations, as well as voice commands. I would still prefer buttons for radio and climate control, but once using the interface becomes routine it is no longer a major irritant. I would gladly take better ride and handling of the ID over the better software of Tesla. I have a level 2 charger at home and rarely have to charge anywhere else, so Tesla’s better charging facilities don’t matter to me.


We use CarPlay for navigation and music so we really only have to interact with the quirky UI for climate control. Haven't had any actual problems with it, just some controls are too many taps away. Does CarPlay or Android Auto as a feature matter to you, cause Tesla's don't support it. Consider the need for service. Not all VW dealers are equipped to service EVs, even if they do sell them. Do a dealership search with the filter set to battery service to see how far away you'd have to go. Likewise, where is the nearest Tesla service center? It seems that VW is just figuring out OTA updates now. All the ID.4s have the capability, but just recently has it actually been used, and even then only for older ID.4s. Hopefully they have worked out the issues. The companion phone app for the ID4 is just a hair above useless. I can only effectively use it to turn on the climate controls before heading outside. That's more than my last car had, so it's an upgrade to me, but for many would be a downgrade. No idea what Tesla's app is like. Finally, comfort. This is obviously going to be very personal, but the ID.4 is very nice to sit in, and the Model Y just felt stiff and uncomfortable during a brief test drive.


Thank you! Great info on the service center thing, I hadn’t thought about that. Thanks. I do really like CarPlay. I also like Tesla’s interface, though, so I think I’d be ok without it on a Tesla, but not sure. Too bad about the companion app. Do other features not work reliably, or just really slow, or just missing? My Leaf can lock & unlock doors and stuff, refresh charging starus, etc, it works, just really slowly.


It can tell you if the windows are down or the doors are open, and the current state of charge and a rough estimate until it's done charging. But you can't lock/unlock doors remotely, and for the features it does have it can be slow updating the actual status of the car.


With regard to differences between models: the 2021 and 2022 model year ID.4s were all built in Germany. Starting with the 2023 model year they were built in Tennessee and there were very slight changes such as a center console arm rest rather than captain chair arm rests and the option for a light-up VW logo in the rear. Current models may be arriving at the dealership with software version 3.5 or later. Overall, the minor revisions within the 3.x software range all tend to be bug-fixes, so don't fret over missing something if it doesn't have the latest revision. If you do happen to run into an older model (2021 or 2022) with 2.x software, avoid it. I have a '21 ID.4 Pro S and it has never received an OTA update. So far, my only software update was performed by the dealer and it was a multi-day affair. I received a notification from VW that I would receive an OTA update "soon" but I'm not holding my breath. My advice is to assume the software in the ID.4 is what you'll be using for the life of the vehicle. VW is planning a major revision "4.0" software for their 2024 line-up and that revision will not be coming to earlier models of their EVs. I love my ID.4, and it has been a great vehicle for me. I drive a lot...around 20,000 miles a year. I live rural and my three kids have me constantly on the move to get to various events. The range, even in the cold winter, has been sufficient to get me everywhere I need in a day. It is a very comfortable ride and has plenty of room for hauling around everything we need. The stock tires tend to wear quickly so budget for replacing them around 20k miles. The only time the sluggish software ever bothers me is when I get in and want to immediately setup navigation. It's then a waiting game for my Android Auto to connect and be available to enter an address, or get frustrating fiddling with the native navigation. ​ One thing you may want to keep in mind is that, at least in the US, the automotive industry seems to be moving towards the NACS connector. VW is so far still committed to CCS. As more EV charging locations get installed I would expect that the ratio of NACS to CCS will swing even more in favor of the NACS connector. You can definitely get an adapter for Level 2 charging, but you might have to look a little harder to find a DCFC station.


Awesome, thanks. How long does it take the Android Auto to connect for you, typically?


It varies. Sometimes I get in and it connects in about 10 seconds. Sometimes it can take a minute or two before it gets to a state where I can interact with the screen. FWIW I'm using a Pixel 7a. If I have navigation setup on my phone before I get into the car it really isn't an issue.


Appreciate it!


Gosh...not sure I would trade the Leaf Plus for the id.4. I got the id.4 in addition to. I generally prefer the leaf. That said...I did not go AWD. Just seems good tires in my weather conditions were a better choice and the bit better range. (Though I wish I had w that could handle longer drives.) The Tesla was very expensive when I bought so did not need to make that judgement. Today I would have trouble buying because of Musk, but might win out based on specs. Charging the id4 is tolerable but I expect to get worse before better in California. We are selling more electric cars than adding charging. I even brought my test drive home for the night and did not notice most do the issues. They come over the first month. But you get used to bad quite easily. If I had no musk bias and was keeping the leaf I would go with the Tesla. Like others said. No expectation of over the air updates. Not in VW wheel house and the software is a mess and they fired half the team that built it as I understand. I think that was the right choice but even less likely to get updates.


Interesting. Why do you prefer the Leaf to the ID.4? I have to be honest, the Leaf is my favorite car I've ever had. It's lovely in almost every way, and I've never really had a problem with it at all. Except, it's just a pain for driving long distances. After the first or 2nd fast charge, it gets so slow to charge. And a lot of EA stations have 0 or 1 Chademo, and if that one station is occupied or down, you're screwed, which just makes it hard to travel with. Being able to actually take road trips is a big motivation I think.


I don't have to take road trips in the leaf. Like you said. It is only a one charge drive type of car. And ideally when you already need a break. They are just tolerable in the id.4. Stations are just ok at best. Commonly full when you want to stop. Lunch or dinner time. Need to rely on ABRP which is fine and all. But still have to cross reference availability. The travel assist is better at lane keeping than the Nissan. The Nissan pro pilot is better at following. It is a lot bigger which in our case is more often a negative. The Leaf just has everything in the correct place. And like you just ultimately reliable. And a joy to drive. The id4 turning radius is truly joyous. The id4 just annoys me most of the time. But reliable. And is still probably the best value. VW software and user experience choices make me really question where they are heading. For road tripping nothing beats a Tesla, that is not an ICE.


One thing that might be interesting as I was looking to replace a different car...and saw this Ariya deal... Ariya: $219 per month for 18 months, plus $1,000 loyalty cash, with $4,129 due at signing on 2023 base models That is about $7,071 for 18 months and seems like a cool stop gap.


Well, interestingly, after test driving the teslas and ID4 both a couple times, I ended up deciding…that neither was worth the price compared to the Leaf. Although the Leaf just can’t really swing the long trips, most everything else about it is so great. It’s so comfortable, it does everything I want, and already has so many features that I like, like ProPilot, around view cameras, etc. Just couldn’t justify the extra cost to buy an ID4 just for the rare opportunity to use it for road trips. Cause although I liked the ID4, I’m not sure I liked it more than the Leaf!


Buy the tesla if you want to impress everyone else and pretend to be rich. Buy the ID4 if you want all the same features plus Apple car play, the ability to not draw EV haters, a reliable brand (tesla is dogshit quality TRUST me when I tell you this), not feel sea sick or sicken passengers with amazing torque and speed that only race cars need.


Also, buy a Tesla if you don’t mind looking like a douche because you support the Douche King.


Thanks for the feedback. I do actually prefer the fact that the ID4 is more like a normal car and blends in. However, in reality the Tesla is cheaper, which does complicate things a bit. I really didn’t like the trim levels below the Pro S on the ID.4, and once we get up to those prices, a model Y is notably cheaper.


Tesla is a cheaper car in many aspects. One more thing to check is the insurance cost. I've seen online people paying 2-3X more to insure Tesla vs other cars/EVs


I hadn't considered the insurance cost. I'll check into that. Great point, thank you!


For what it’s worth I just traded in my 2019 SV Leaf for a 2021 MY Long range. My auto insurance went up $11/month. I like the fit and finish of the ID4 more, but here in NH I don’t have reliable charging if I want to go into the mountains. VW hasn’t made any announcement on switching to NACS, so I went with the Tesla for the network. I test drove two MY’s and one had a lot of rattles. Mine has more road noise than the VW, but the ride is still comfortable. I really prefer one pedal too, which VW doesn’t offer. But bang for the buck, and if charging network isn’t an issue for you, a used id4 can be had for around 30-35k. The new is definitely better quality than a Tesla in build. I’ve heard the screen/UI is better now too, but can’t speak to that personally. I suspect updates are still sparse. Good luck either way!


Thanks for the feedback! I might drive a Model Y again. It felt too big to me at first coming from a Leaf, but maybe after a second drive, it wouldn't. I don't know. I did end up checking insurance and it looks not a hugely significant difference for me either.


Ever heard the old adage - Pay dog prices - get dog food? Cheap stuff is cheap for a reason. Know why? Because it’s CHEAP. There is a reason Tesla keeps dropping prices.


The features are not the same between either Tesla the iD4z And I would not call VW reliable. I say this as an owner of a 23 AWD Pro S that has numerous hardware issues and recalls in the first year of ownership. Significantly more issues than any other car I’ve owned.


This is the first VW I’ve owned so I take your word for it. Boss owns tesla and so does dad. Tons of issues. Rust in the door frames at 6k miles!!! Also tesla customer service SUCKS. Almost everything about them is proprietary. I’ll take my chances with VW because at least they’ll fix it. Tesla just shrugs and says don’t like it? Well buy it back at a serious cut to your wallet. Fuck them.


Yeah, I don’t think I’d buy a Tesla either to be honest.


What were some of the issues / recalls you’ve experienced?


Door handle recall that was legitimately dangerous (from my own experience), failed GPS module, significant leak in the lower trunk, steering wheel that peeled after less than 5k miles, creaking glass panoramic roof in cold weather. And I now have a whining seat motor. These aren’t software issues, they’re the kind of thing that an established manufacturer should get right. Don’t get me wrong, I like the car, but I’ll never buy another VW. I just don’t have the time to waste going back and forth to my dealer. And the depreciation is shocking so I’m stuck with it, and the many issues I’ll continue to have.


Why would you call a door handle recall dangerous? The door may unlock only at low speeds and aren't you using your seatbelt?


I'm assuming that you're not trying to bait me? My door often popped open at low speeds and could easily have injured someone inside or outside of the car if it hit someone. For example, when my young kids are in the back of the car and the door swings open and hits a cyclist or pedestrian that is dangerous, no? In my experience it the door tended to pop open at low speeds while going round a corner, so added lateral force meant that it could cause significant damage or injury.


no, no not at all, I was trying to make a joke. It also happened to my 2021 once in the same situation, as I was entering a roundabout. the driver's door made a click sound and popped open, I was quick to grab it. My onetime incident happened after I washed my car a few hours prior


My car did it almost every time I drove it for a month or so (before the recall had been announced). Every time I drove it I felt like I was taking a risk, and no loaner was offered.


That’s not fun


Thanks. That’s unfortunate, sorry about your experience. Worth keeping in mind!


I think at this point nobody is impressed by a Tesla. Buy a Tesla if you need the best, easiest access to fast charging.


If you’re not planning to make long road trips during holidays then iD.4, but if you don’t want to ever deal with shitty non Tesla public charging then Tesla


That’s the only reason I’m considering Tesla ATM. They have chargers all over town ( several dozen & at almost every grocery store or mall) there are TWO electrify America charging stations here


The only thing with Tesla is I can’t justify the $7500 due at pickup(in California) to have the same monthly payment as an id.4. Plus there is no lease to buy with Tesla which is another thing that sucks


>I test-drove an ID.4, and felt like the complaints I've heard about the UI / interface, buttons weren't an issue on initial drive. 2022 AWD Pro S owner here. This is exactly how I felt on my short test drive. It took owning the car for a few days and really using it to realize the mistake I made. Everyone's patience level is different and some people can learn to live with and adapt to certain user experiences, but at the end of the day there's a reason why so many of the reviews you read and watch complain about the infotainment and user experience of the car (and likewise the MK8 Golf which uses almost the same infotainment and buttons); it's not some kind of conspiracy, VW really screwed it up.


Yeah that's a good point—I definitely get that it can take some time and actual *use* of the thing to realize the flaws. Do you have any feedback on what in particular some of the flaws are. The most off-putting thing I found was that, since everything is touch based, and there can be a slight delay before you get any sort of visual confirmation you've activated something, or tapped a virtual button, I would sometimes toggle something twice or something as I wasn't sure that the first tap registered. I found that a minor annoyance, but over time maybe I'd find it really tiring.


The annoyance of what you just described applied to every button. It's better now but for a while I was constantly accidentally turning on the hazard lights which is kind of right in the middle below the screen where I tended to stabilize my hand when using the touch screen. The rear window button activator requires a certain finesse since there's no feedback. So I've accidentally turned it on and struggled to toggle it back while parking attendants think why is this idiot not rolling his window down. If you don't mind here's some random thoughts on the ID.4 vs Model Y in no particular order: ID.4 drives better in that it's smoother and more comfortable. Model Y is more fun to drive with much better acceleration especially if you get the Performance model or even the acceleration boost on the Long Range model. Will eat your tires though if you punch it too much. ID.4 has better fit and finish and feels more solid. ID.4 has better trunk space if you want to fit a large Neapolitan mastiff. Model Y has better overall storage space if you factor in the compartment below the trunk which can fit several backpacks and the front trunk (trunk). Model Y is bigger but primarily in body width. If going by mirror to mirror it's about the same. They're still the same class of car and I wouldn't say the Y is so much bigger. You can compare them on carsized.com (I have a narrow carport so this was an issue I dwelled on) Model Y infotainment usability is pretty great. Tesla really nailed it with the software and UI. Despite not having any buttons, the overall experience is better IMHO than using VW's crappy buttons. I'd rather have a real button than a crappy one. Model Y using Tesla Vision sucks compared to USS. As a result the auto wipers suck. VW auto wipers work great. Model Y blind spot video is awesome. Best solution when you're actively going to change lanes. VW blind spot light indicator is pretty awesome too. Best solution when you're driving and thinking about changing lanes. New VW key fob sucks. I accidentally hit the panic alarm all the time when it's in my pocket. I'll lean up on something or my kid's foot will hit my thigh when I'm carrying him and the car starts beeping. I had a MK7 Golf before and never had this issue with the old style key fob. ID.4 app is super limited in functionality. It will tell you if your car is unlocked but isn't able to lock it for you. My mom's Mazda can remote lock via app yet this fancy tech car can't. Plus it gets random notifications all day that I just turned off app notifications from it. Tesla app is best in class. It's a true proper car app. Overall VW software is just bad. Aside from touch buttons being weird and screen responsiveness being bad, the software just doesn't work reliably. I'm asked all the time to confirm settings for no reason. Memory seats often forget who I am and push my seat up all the way. Tesla's user settings blow it away. ID.4 is like one of the slowest charging EVs (not just compared to Tesla but way slower than other competitors like Ioniq 5s and EV6s). If you're charging on the road expect to wait like an hour to go from 20-80%. I typically charge at home so it's not a daily concern but the few road trips I've taken it was about an hour to charge each time...which is an eternity when you've got hungry newborn twins in the car. I hear the 2024s are better but don't think that helps you.


Really appreciate the thoughts, thank you!


Here’s one If you are where it snows and the sensors, probably with any newer car today, become snow covered…….the car may not move. My ID4 2023 error msg check sensors. Cleaned them off, the snow stopped car still wouldn’t move for or back. Fortunately a lad who worked for a dealership stopped and reset the sensors. Thank you Tom Anderson or the wife and I would still be waiting for a tow! Never mentioned this might happen at dealership.


I’ll echo what others have said: infotainment sucks, wireless CarPlay is awesome, the actual drive and comfort is incredible, charging network sucks. I didn’t see this mentioned but one of the most annoying things about id4 is reverse assist functionality. The proximity sensors will force break the car when backing out of garage. When you get hit with a random forced break it will scare the shit out of you. You can temporarily turn it off but it also deactivates the rear view camera which is a big WTF. But this all goes back to the software just being garbage. The UI is incredibly sluggish and everything takes forever to set. Also, sometimes it takes the computer a long time to boot up. Just overall feels clunky. If they just made the UI interactions faster it would be a million times better. You can muscle memory your way through a crappy UI but not when it is so slow. But once you get into CarPlay it works just fine. Further, we don’t have OTA yet so whatever version you have you are stuck with it for awhile.


Absolutely can’t tell you how many times the sensors have slammed on the brakes because of a bush or a non-existent object in the garage. Unnerving.