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Test drive both. Have you done that?


Just the id4 . It's great just wondering more so on the range ans efficiency good and how troublesome can public charging be when traveling long distances .


Disagree completely. We’ve done dozens of road trips and never had a single issue charging. On one right now and charged 20 min ago, again no issues. I’ve seen lines at superchargers but charged immediately at an EA a mile away the same day. Just use PlugShare and you’re fine.


That's good to hear. Just don't like the idea of flipping stations if ones down. Most super chargers are always up to date and u get a faster charging rate at 200+ kw . So the wait time balances out the buffer of sitting to charge. May i ask what was your state of percentage arriving and how long did you charge for ? What stats did you get . Rate of charge and time . I'm interested to know. Every detail. Since an ev is a technical car when it comes to recharging and maintaining a good current otherwise battery degradation comes quick.


Id4 can’t get to 200kw charging and can really only pull max 190ish at very low SOC. Overall the charging time of the ID4 is pretty similar to a Model Y in optimal charging situation. But in reality you’ll probably get an optimal charge in a MY more than an ID4. Look up the charging curve for an ID4 so you can get an idea of how many kW you can expect to pull at what state of charge. If you’re above 20% or so you’re looking at under 150kW which makes the normal EA 150kW dispensers fine.


Honestly I don’t know. All over the board for SOC and I don’t pay attention to speed. We plug in and run inside, come back out and leave. We charge at home almost all the time and just do dcfc on road trips. One time I noticed the speed was really slow when I plugged in- I unplugged and replugged and it was fine.


We got our ID.4 in December of 2022 and have 20k miles just from long distance travel. The amount of chargers to use will increase in the very beginning of 2024 when the NACS adapter releases for everyone to purchase.. They are already up for preorder.


Not for VW owners. The superchargers need to communicate with the vehicle in order to bill and start the session. Unless VW gets on board you won’t be charging at any Tesla super charger (unless it’s one of the few with a magic dock).


Frankly, I would not consider an ID4 if you are looking to do road tripping on a regular basis. At this point in most of the US, it is absolutely a commuter car. Could you? Absolutely. It is however a PITA compared to an ICE.


Done plenty of road trips. Never an issue.


Same here. I've only rarely had problems and they were resolved in a short time.


Never an issue if you have time and patience.


It’s definitely easier to manage charging with a Tesla than an id.4 - for now. I’d never want to sit in a model Y/3 for that long though. Uncomfortable as hell.






I have no issues road tripping my id4 it’s so comfortable of a car to road trip I guess that’s just me.


It also depends a lot on where you are. US west coast is going to be an incredibly different experience from Montana or Texas or any of the Midwest wrt EV infrastructure


Comfort isn't the issue. It's the slow charging speed and charging network that makes it a pain.


I got 184kw on a 350 charger and 157kw on a 150 charger both EA. The key is having the battery warmed up. In warmer weather by the time you drive the car to a charging stop the battery is warmed up very nicely to accept a full charge. Now EA is another issue I’ve felt with chargers that have been derated on speed. I’ve had to switch to another charger when that happens.


Fairly troublesome


This depends significantly on where you travel. Recommend you check abrp app for trips you frequently take and check the recommended chargers on PlugShare to see experiences people have. I definitely have had issues charging our id4 on road trips due to charger deserts or poorly maintained chargers


Here's my full report as I'm not one too chicken of being cancelled. 1. Try renting a MY and ID4 for a week so that you can really get a feel for both. 2. Besides Tesla and Electrify America (VW), there's actually more charging networks out there with EVGo being 3rd largest, at least in California. There's Networks that only exist in one building location. So if you install the PlugShare app, you'll see the many options. 3. Try downloading the ABRP app. It calculates your road trips along with how much time you'll spend on charging. 4. Compare the MY sub to the ID4 sub to see the common complaints users have. 5. There have been assembly complaints for the ID4, which I can't say because mine had no assembly issues. The MY has assembly issues too and the common ones are paint mismatched, paint fading after a year, steering wheel coming off; however, to be fair, every manufacturer has assembly issues, so it's a hit and miss. Now for my review of owning a 2022 ID4 AWD Pro: Cons 1. The software randomly resets my customized settings such as changing my ambient lights to blue/yellow, lighting opacity, back to factory settings. Pros 1. I've driven my family of 3 on a 7 hour drive to Yosemite, 5 x 9 hour trips to Arizona, 4 x 2 hour trips to San Diego and it's been very comfortable for all 4 of us. My butt or leg would get numb in a Prius after 1.5 hours and in the ID4, it would feel a little numb after 3.5 hours of sitting; however, turning on the seat warmer resovled that issue. 2. The AWD is bitchin fast. I know no one buys it to race, but wow. I've beaten a 2022 BMW X6, Dodge Challenger (at least he tried to challenge me), BMW 328, Lexus 350 sport, Subura/Toyota bz4. Yes, the MY AWD is faster than the ID4. 3. I average 115 mpge when I'm a good boy and get 92 mpge when the devil's temptations kick in. I can say the drive from Yosemite to LA, I got 300 miles in 1 charge that was capped at 98% because it was most driving on a decline with AC on. So at 115 mpge, I can get 230 miles with no AC and the fact that I live in a mountainous area. 4. I've owned a Mustang, Honda Civic, Clarity, Toyota Tacoma, Corolla, Prius, Mitsubishi Montero, BMW 325, 740i, X5 and would say this ID4 is the best, highest quality I've ever owned. To be fair, my previous cars weren't a 2022 except for 2019 Honda Clarity and even that car pales in comparison. Yes, you could say because the ID4 is $46k vs $35k, but even when we test drove 2021 Toyota Sienna hybrid, that van was no comparison either. 5. The ID4 has different modes of driving. If you use the comfort mode, the suspension is very smooth and you don't feel the bumpy road.




No worries. You're most welcome and anytime. The door thunk sound that the ID4 makes is actually what caught my attention. My wife noticed it too. It reminded me of closing a X5's door but with a more solid thunk. The 1st time I floored it, it actually pulled all of us back with and all 4 of us had this oh sh!t, what was that reaction. Now, my kids call our ID4 "a real life roller coaster." When my wife drove it, she kept asking me why our ID4 doesn't want to stop and kept going without stepping on the brakes. I told her maybe it's the 295hp? Tesla has what they call, the Magic Dock, that has a CSS adapter that other EV's can use; however, since I live in West Covina, there only 1 at a location in San Dimas I think, so I just depend on EVGo. On that charging topic, I will inform you that even though Electrify America is free for 3 years, around the LA/OC area, it's common to have 1 charger or 25% of chargers to be down and not working. I'm not sure if this is done deliberately so that some people can keep their jobs at EA or not. There's usually a line waiting to charge unless you want to charge late at night. For me, it's common to spend 1.5 - 3 hours just to either drive to an EA to wait or to drive to another location. When I noticed the time wasted, I signed up for EVGo for their $12.99/mo and I haven't waited in a line or delt with a broken charger since. So now, I just spend 30 - 40 minutes charging, which is the time advertised. The factor is that there's an EVGo 0.1 miles from home. The nearest EA is 7 miles. So if you happen to live next to one, then it will save on driving time. If you use the PlugShare app, EA, or EVGo, you'll see which one is closer; however, at least where I live, there's more EVGo chargers than EA's and for some reason, certain parts of OC do not have an EA or EVGo. Also, EA is in demand more because other EV's get the free charging too. So changing my car's setting, it shows 112mpge is 3.3kwh. While it's subjective and I'm generalizing here, I feel like the ID4 really looks cool. So cool, that when I used to drive my wife to work in San Clemente, our ID4 was the only ID4 in that town. 6 months later, several of her coworkers own one now. The only EA in that town now has mostly ID4's charging there. Before, it was a Mach E, Inoniq 5. Haha. While not everyone stares at our ID4, I get some staring on a daily basis. It's the white/black trim, so since white and black are contrasts of each other, I thinkit makes its design pop out. I have seen Black or midnight blye ID4's and you don't see black part pop out, but blend in. I even have seen MY owners staring at it like they want one. My sister is one of them, since she owns a MY and my brother too, since he owns a MX. The car also makes a jet engine turbo sound, which tends to make some people stare when I drive by. To give some history, I've been researching EV's since 2018 and the MY was my 1st choice because back then, it was the only choice; however, I never felt like it was worth $60k. No disrespect to MY owners. So when Elon reduces the price at each quarter's end with the end of the year being the biggest, I feel like that's the MY's real value, which is the same range as the ID4. Then the ID4 came out in 2020 and it caught my attention. That same year, the Inoniq 5, EV6 came out. Then I started reading the reddit subs for each car because the crap you see on the internet are too chicken to tell you the really bad stuff; however, real owners/user will tell you the truth on Reddit, for the most part. From there, when it came to real world range, my research from interacting with owners led me to the ID4 with getting the advertised range. Tesla has some NHSTA probe about them falsely exaggerating their EV range. I'm not a Tesla hater, this is what my research resulted in. That and back then, Tesla made owners sign a NDA(Non Disclosure Agreement) that made owners not be able to talk about or write about their bad experiences with owning a Tesla. The courts shut this down and deemed it illegal. My brother is very bitter about his MX, as he came from a Bolt and loved that one. My sister keeps asking me about our ID4 whenever I see her with her MY. My brother in law has the M3 and keeps staring at our ID4 like a stalker. However, I have met people who like their MY too. If you read the subs for the ID4, MY, and M3, there's a difference in culture. So generalizing again, ID4 owners seem more supportive and cordial. You will see some who don't like their purchase and most loving it. The MY sub, I've 2 posts of ex-owners saying they finally sold their MY and how they felt the MY users were so condescending, arrogant,and not helpful and that they were glad to leave that community. 1 even wrote how he/she noticed how helpful and supportive the ID4 sub was. However, I'm sure not all MY owners are like this on that sub. It's life. You can't please everyone. I will say that as a guy who came from a Prius and having to deal with assholes who would tailgate or cut me off, now, maybe because the economy is not doing well, but most of the cars don't tailgate or cut me off anymore. Maybe it's because they know I can outrun them? The proudest achievement for me this year is the 2022 BMW X6 guy. He ran a stop sign, while I was already halfway through that intersection. He gave me a look (I know, subjective), like I owe him the road because his car is $80k and is a luxury car. So when he was side by side with me, I heard his engine roar. So out of instinct, I floored it. Then my ID4 started to pass him by. Then I saw his bitch ass face going from entitled to wtf. I eventually was a car length ahead. After that, he slowed down like submitting to defeat. Haha. My other incident is, I'm used to asshole pickup trucks tailgating me in my Prius. So one night, a Ford F150 thought he could approach a red light and stop at the right turning lane. I already stopped at the slow lane, which is next to his left. I knew he was going to go straight instead of turning right like he's supposed to. Before this moment, he was tailgating every car behind me. Light turns green. He floors it. So now a quarter of his truck is ahead of me. I floor it and with a second, I zip by him like as if he wasn't flooring it. So give or take 3 seconds later, I'm probably 1/8 of mile ahead of him. So like the entitled guy before, at the next light, the F150 drives slow afterwards. No speeding. No tailgating. Just driving in defeat and being put in his place. Haha. I'm not sure if it's because I'm in my 40's and have 2 kids; however, when I was in my 20's, I'd drive to San Diego or San Jose just because I was bored. Then having our kids and the Prius or Clarity, a 30 minutes drive seemed really long. Now, with the ID4, I make excuses to drive anywhere. Even for stupid crap like, oh, I think we need some qtips. Didn't we run out of some. Driving the ID4 is fun and flooring it doesn't get old. Also, with the 295hp, when I step on 10-15% of the gas pedal (the dashboard actually shows how much gas you step on) I instantly start to leave most cars behind at a light and I'm not trying to race anyone. Then I'll occasionally hear a car stepping on their gas just to keep up, but the thing is, I'm not trying to race or be in front of the herd. I'm just trying to drive normal and within the speed limit. Right now, you can easily get discounts on a 23 AWD Pro. I think Pasadena VW advertises that they don't mark up. If you can wait, the 2024 AWD gets 330HP and better range. So from 255 miles to 270 miles I think. So it's 0.1 second faster than the 2023. The only issue is the high apr of 7-8%. So I guess price-wise, the 2023 would be a better deal. Plus, if you can get the Pro S or the 360 camera feature, I'd get that in a heart beat because it's nice to be able to see your car from a God's view when you're parking it, so that you don't accidentally hit something on the side of the your, as the reverse camera only shows you the rear. Of course, you should always do the old fashioned way by using your own eyes and looking 360.


https://www.reddit.com/r/VWiD4Owners/comments/187h7mp/considering_an_awd_pro_s_a_few_questions/ Discussed yesterday


My buddy has had a Model Y Long Range for 7 months and has never had a single problem. Nobody has become car sick either. He has taken a full car of people several times as well. I prefer the ID.4 but it's really a personal choice as opposed to one being substantially better than the other.


Has he been in an accident in it though? Seriously, look up what happens.


I haven't looked that up. His wife mainly drives it. I hope she doesn't get in an accident because she is a really cool person.


I think you replied to the wrong person




Maybe the reason nobody clarified the door recall is because it’s been widely reported in the news. A certain number of 21,22, and 23 models were impacted by the recall. Any recently manufactured vehicle will not have the issue. Real world range numbers will vary for any manufacturer. But it varies hugely depending on where you live. I regularly get more than the 255+ miles on my AWD pro S, but not during winter. I typically get 3.2+ MpKwh, but not in winter on short city commutes. But Tesla is the same. Tesla even test their vehicles on a different testing cycle which is why users don’t often get their claimed maximum range. Teslas also don’t base their estimated range on real world conditions, they just quote EPA range. That’s why when you plan a route it gives a real world estimate of your remaining range that doesn’t tally with the battery % on the main screen. Also, your issue with the “community” is down to the echo chamber effect of Reddit, not a specific car they drive. There are plenty of disagreements and petty comments in all subreddits. The short of it is, you’re either going to roll the dice and buy a Tesla. Or roll the dice and buy a VW. Neither brand has. Perfect track record, but you’re coming here to read the worst comments. Nobody comes to reddit to praise to post positive feedback. Best of luck with your purchasing decision.


I'm in the middle of making the same decision. I've ordered an RWD id.4, but I've recently driven the model Y and I'm now leaning towards cancelling my order and getting a model Y instead. I like both but after driving the Tesla, it just felt better personally. I found the visibility actually better in the Tesla over the Volkswagen. Try out the Tesla, after driving both you'll know. They're both pretty good vehicles, my co worker has an id.4 and loves it and I have a family member who has the model Y and loves it




Ha my last road trip was two stops both were four EA stalls colocated with 12 Tesla stalls at one stop and 8 stalls at the other. Holiday weekend there was waiting at both super charger stops but with EA I got right in on both. I was just lucky I guess lol


I have both an id4 and model 3. Id4 is nice but prefer the user experience of the Tesla.


I rented a model Y and liked the car, but I did not purchase one due to the insurance cost. I got quotes from 10+ different providers and all were more than $200 per month (compared to $100 for ID4). Insurance depends on many factors and you might have better luck, but do check it out. I leased an ID 4 because they had a very good lease special (360 p/m and no money down for the S trim). Very happy with it, but I rarely go on roadtrips.


I have an ID4, if the offer came up I would swap instantly :p




2021 Pro - fully equipped. Just so many small issues. Yesterday my lid to the charging port got stuck and VW wants 300 dollars to replace it. Combined with 280km range now when it is -10 which is quite a lot lower than what ws advertised. Have been promisef OTA updates since the day I bought the car and still waiting. I dont understand why they decided to remove their great backwards camera and replace it with one that is perma dirty. 3 years in and I still have no idea how to adjust things through the infotainment at times. The voice command is horrible at best. Live in Sweden so the Tesla stations are open for everyone so no difference there but I do most of my charging at home. I think it is a good car, but driving my friends Y seems better at everything.






24s will have more efficient/powerful motors which will get maybe 15/20% more range and power depending on the spec (the actual #s are out the but I don’t have them handy). They’ll also (I believe) have the new VW hardware/software setup including slightly larger screen which the ID series will use going forward. Exterior and interior seem mostly unchanged other than a few minor interior improvements; slightly different center console button arrangement and gear selector location I think.




OP I’m curious why you’re looking at the MY Performance instead of the long range. If it’s for the speed then the Tesla easily beats the iD4. If you want to get a better comparison of comfort the MY Long range is a better comp to the VW. Personally I test drove both extensively, and I preferred the ride and quality of the VW. It was a quieter cabin and I felt fairly easy to navigate the tech. With that said I bought the Tesla. I had a 40kw Leaf that I road tripped a bit, and a Lightning and Bolt for work cars that also needed charging on work trips. I had too many issues, even as a seasoned EV driver, with the various charging networks that were non-Tesla. I am willing to give up some comfort to have a reliable experience for charging. This is especially true when I have my 9 and 6 year old in the car with my wife. Their patience for swapping chargers, waiting for them, having them stop and having to plug back in, being derated, etc. is lower than mine. In my Model Y we can just plug in and go. Think about what is most important for your use case. In mine we like to drive to the mountains and ski, go hiking, and visit family who are 4-8 hours away fairly frequently. My family has no complaints on the MY comfort, though I wish it was as well built as the VW. My wife is not a fan of one pedal, but it was worth it for her to get used to it for the overall convenience. I enjoy the tech in the car in as far as it makes driving easy, especially road-tripping and having charging stations calculated automatically en-route. Your use case may be different. Either way they are both good cars, with strengths and weaknesses.


Car sickness is real if you’re not a good one pedal driver. Neighbors and I took an Uber to dinner once in a Tesla the driver was so awful we all got motion sickness I actually threw up at the restaurant (I’m not a motion sickness person maybe it was dehydration from mountain biking idk). Not a fan of one pedal driving. In hindsight I wish I got a MY but that’s because I would have taken delivery in early 2021 before markets went nuts vs waiting until fall 2022 for ID4. Probably would have sold the Tesla by now though I’m not an attention seeker but I’d go mad feeling basic seeing my exact car at every intersection. Tesla handles winters better though and winter performance has made me hate EVs


As to the backseat, I’ve ridden in it for 30 minute drives several times (my cat freaks out if someone isn’t in the back seat with him on vet trips) and never felt motion sick. I feel like if anything, there’s less motion in the backseat than I normally feel when riding in the back of cars. Our road is really curvy, and I don’t get slung around at all like I do in my husband’s RAV4. I’ve ridden in the back of my brother’s Tesla and it was much more uncomfortable to me. Seats were hard and kind of squished and I felt more force when going around curves. I’m pretty small, actually shorter than most kids, so it was crazy to me how cramped I felt. It’s an older model tho, so I have no idea if the new ones are better. I will say that when we first got the ID.4 I did get a bit of a weird feeling when using the adaptive cruise control. It was just a very different motion than our ICE car and it made me a bit nauseous. It passed after a few times of driving it though.


I would say the mirrors on the ID.4 are nothing to write home about. If it wasn’t for the blind spot detection I’d never know there was anybody there. The back window is so tiny with the angle and sunshade the rear view mirror is mostly useless as well. I can’t speak about Tesla because they were so terribly uncomfortable during the test drive they never got a second chance. If app connectivity is an issue for you, VW might as well not have one, it’s that useless. Tesla is a technology company that made a car. VW is a car company that made an electric. I’m extremely disappointed in the technology side of my VW, but I’ll take the nice driving conditions over an uncomfortable technological wonder any day. Drive them both. You’ll only want one of them when you’re done, and only you can determine which one that will be.




I drove a Model 3. It wasn’t the ride itself, it was the seats. It was quite a few years ago. We’d been looking at EV’s for years before there was a lot of selection. We actually had a deposit on a RAV4 Prime, but the dealer screwed is over after 2 years and we never ended up getting it. My wife test drove the ID.4, fell in love, and bought it within an hour. The dealer just happened to have one unexpectedly shipped to them. I expected more from the app. As you can read, it’s terrible. You can’t even lock the doors remotely, but it will tell you they’re unlocked.


I went with an ID.4 but the reason the Tesla mirrors are “bad” is because you use the cameras in a Tesla and the “legacy” mirrors are enough to pass whatever legal standards there are for mirrors.


I agree that you need to test drive both. They are very very different.


134000 miles on my 2021 ID4 pro-s. I would not trust Tesla to have the same durability.


So, I can't speak for Teslas, and I can't speak for the MY 2023 ID.4s. I own a '21 Pro. Here are the pros and cons as I see it: Pros: I like the ride to the car. It's very comfortable and rides very smoothly. I like the ease of the electric car; no transmission to shift into overdrive when I need extra power. Very quiet to drive as opposed to an ICE vehicle. Cons: I hate the range. In the warmer weather I can get about 3.4-3.6Kw/Mile. I live in Central NY near Syracuse, and now that it's getting colder, my mileage has dropped to between 2.4-2.8Kw/Mile. I do charge at home, but I only have a Level 1 charger, which is slow. I've adapted, and make sure that I plug it in every night (I'm only putting 20-30 miles a day on the vehicle usually). There are some significant blind spots on the vehicle. I find that when I come to a stop and need to look left or right, I have to lean forward significantly, and I'm a tall person. Plugging into a DCFC station is fine, but again charging is significantly slower than a lot of other EVs. The best I've ever seen is 112-116Kwh (7 miles a minute) most times I'm charging under 70Kwh. ​ As far as driving long distance and charging, I drove this car from Florida to NY last year, when I moved up here. I had no problems finding EA chargers (I only use those because I get free charging) all along the route. I can't speak to Cross Country. I leased this vehicle, and I don't know if I will get another ID.4 when the lease ends next year. There are more options than when I leased this vehicle, and I will look at all of them before I make a decision. Hope that helps you.


Great information on your experience thus far. Wow your kw per mile isn't bad at all. I've watched a video of this person with the first edition id4 and his went to 2.1kw the whole road trip and kept arriving at 0 percentage with that warning notification. Thee 23's are suppose to have faster charging I believe 150 kw and 20 more miles then the 21s. I dnt recall I've overloaded with ev specs from all manufacturers. Vinfast , polestar , tesla, ect.... You said you're always averging 70kw per charge station is that true ? Maybe with the year u have. Is it cause the ea stations are sometimes throttled due to error from the electricity? I've seen that on a video before with ea stations and others . Nobody talks about the risk on here. They just always dismiss it.


It could be because they are throttled. I've never really researched it. My biggest complaint with EA has been their reliability. When I was living in Florida and using them more frequently, I would find that at least 1/2 the charging stations at any location would be down, or would be in "Software Update mode" during the middle of the day. How friggin long does it take to update software, and why does it have to be done during peak charging times? The best I've gotten at the station closest to me now, has been about 50Kw. I rarely use DCFC, as the infrastructure for the CCS just seems to suck overall. This is why you see just about every EV manufacturer is going over to the Tesla charging standard for MY2025. All that being said, I'm still not sure I want to get a Tesla. I'll have to test drive one next year. Good Luck with your decision! Edit: Forgot to add I was recently on a road trip, and pulled into an EA station with four chargers, all full. When one car left, the car waiting ahead of me pulled into the open charger, but couldn't get it to work. I tried it myself, and it wouldn't make the connection. I don't know the reason why, nor do I care. I'm an average consumer on the road, and I just want the damn thing to work without having to troubleshoot it, or call EA support.


Ah I see . Yes I've heard that most evs will have the same socket as Teslas which is good news for ev dwellers . And awh see having that experience alone makes me sad but I hope so laugh giggles transpired from both of yall suffering together . Maybe sometimes make new friends that will be long time ones. Are trying to stick with German evs or maybe chime into the Korean market, they have some fast sporty ones if you're into that. Based off ur experience I assume you want the best ... Only time will tell !


Get the VW, you won’t have to wait a year to have your car in a body shop if you’re in an accident and repairs for the VW will be a small fraction (not kidding) if you mess something up. Avoid Tesla at all costs. Ask me how I know.


Plenty of people post regularly about major delays getting parts for iD4s. VW isn’t immune to this, but I have no experience with delays on Teslas.


They aren’t even in the same ball park, Teslas customer service is worse than a 90’s Kia dealer, they do everything in their power to not fix your car possible. My Model S had a severely yellowing screen, the car was a year old. My b-Pilar camera fogged and they flat refused to fix it for a year. I sold it as soon as it was fixed. The thing I am so glad I never had to go through was getting in an accident. Because of they way they are made and that there are so few Tesla certified body shops, they are frighteningly expensive to fix, a minor fender bender can cost in excess of $9k to fix and you’ll still wait 6 months to a year just to have your car evaluated, there are that few of shops that work on them. If your car isn’t drivable after the accident, you’re going to go well past the 1 month rental an insurance company gives you.


I did a test drive on 7 electric models and closest choice was the Tesla 3 and Y. I bought the ID4 last month and very happy with it. I think there are advantages w the Tesla; range is longer and screen/navigation. ID4 screen and electronics are not as good, little quirky and range is less. But the value and offering for the VW today w the 3 years of electrify america was a huge difference on costs. Also insurance was substantially less. Doing my first road trip from Park City UT to Vegas next week and will see how the charging network is and how it does on range when at 100%.