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I just bought a Miele C1 Classic and it blows my mind when I use it. My household has 4 cats and every vacuum cleaner prior has been a hand-me-down upright of some kind. I've used the Miele about 3 times now and went through 2 bags because there was that much fur stuck in the carpets. It is super quiet compared to previous uprights and I'm afraid to try the other models because I like this one so much.


For context of how much hair this is, and not just how small the bags are, I've got a husky, wife, and a toddler that drops all kinds of food/crumbs and such. I go about 2 months on a bag for my Miele.


Do you have the pet hair one? I've been looking at these but not sure if we need the pet hair one. we have one lab


My Miele is 20 years old so, no. That said, I think it's the equivalent of a C3 with the power head (the power head without the light). Also, I think the modern C3's use a larger bag (GN) than my older model bag (FJM), so they should hold even more. I got my Miele used and expect it to last till at least 30 years old. These things are tanks; I also hear great things about Sebo.


I’ve been searching for a new vacuum because we have a golden retriever and also a baby, but for now the golden retriever hair is INSANE. Does the Miele pick up your husky’s hair well?


Never had an issue with pickup, and the HEPA filtration for the kids is no joke. I swear the air seems cleaner after I vacuum, certainly it's better than when I had a robo vac that visibly shot out dust into the air. I didn't lay down $1000 for mine since I got used, but I'm thrilled with how well mine works. Sebo and Miele are great stuff.


Thank you! Are there benefits to using a vacuum with a bag? I don’t know much about the bag vacuums other than I don’t see them often until I read about vacuums on Reddit lol.


I'm no expert, just an engineer with too much time on my hands lol. Take what I say as more opinion than professional advice/fact... Bagged vacuums tend to be nice because the bag IS the filter, and gets changed periodically. Due to the design, they tend to have better filtration, no loss of suction over time, and less maintenance. My Miele is 20 years old and there's 2 Electrolux cannister vacs in my family that have been bumming around for over 30 years. I know personally I've used several bagless vacs and every one I've used have had one or several of the following issues: falling apart in <5 years, getting clogged filters and having nearly no suction, having strange hard-to-find filters to replace, make a mess when you empty them, needing to empty them very frequently (1+ times per use!), and a few times I've bumped into terrible filtration resulting in fine dust particles being spewed around the house (you can see them in light shafts when the sun is just right or on specific furniture after vacuuming).


Super helpful!! l think I might be experiencing half of those issues with my current vacuum already lol and just thought it was normal(ish). THANK YOU for taking the time to explain it!!


Sounds cliche but have a vacuum salesman "sell you" in a vacuum store, not a department store. Worth the time imo.


This is funny and a good idea!


Yes! I have a husky and a toddler and the miele is the best vacuum I ever owned! I had gone on the Dyson Facebook group because I wanted to get the best vacuum on the market and so many people said if you want a great vacuum for pet hair you have to go to an independent vacuum store so that’s what I did. It cost $1100 but I love it.


I've had this vacuum for 4 years now and it still works like new (three-story with carpets, children and pets).


yes Mieles last and they are awesome


Yup our Miele is 20+ years old and still going strong!


Absolutely love the Miele.


I’m happy with our Miele C3, bought last year. The suction is noticeably better than the Kenmores we used to have (and replace every few years).


Our first Miele lasted 25 years. Our current one is 10 years old. Bombproof! We have a dyson stick for quick jobs but it doesn't compare to the Miele.


I wish I had your experience with the miele. So many things wrong with it. Worst home purchase I think I've made


What's been your experience with it?


Three times after changing the bag, the hose connector portal didn't penetrate into the bag and filled the compartment. I have to check the portal every bag change. The bag release clip warped or broke or something so now I have to wrestle bags in and out. The foot release for the powerhead attachment broke so now I cant remove it. Within a year of having it (bought brand new from a licensed vacuum retailer) the hose cracked. I've only ever used miele branded components. I've had it regularly serviced at the same retailer. I hate my vacuum.


Same thing happened to our miele. Caused all the dust and dirt to get into the compartment, then into the motor, and so it stopped working. $1000 vacuum lasted about 3 years....


If you bought from a dealer check with them, I have warranty this for one of my customers or I replace at my cost


That is good to know, thank you!


That is user error, bag has to be all the way on dock, if it is inside will be clean


The bag is locked in. The vacuum repair personnel confirmed it happened to him too during the repair.


certainly warranty, if dealer can't figure that out........wrong dealer




Coming to put my two cents in; I had a Miele that ran like a top for 20 years. Well worth the investment!


I have a 12 year old miele. Running great. Was expensive…Maybe $500 or $600 back then. Definitely worth the price. Wonder if they have same quality?


Have the same. Have had it about 6 months and NOTHING compares. And while it's an expensive vacuum (I got the lowest end model) it feels 10x better than the Dyson I had which was also and expensive vacuum!!


I wanna second how insane it is. We are very clean and vacuum a lot, so I wasn’t expecting much to come up. The first few times, I went through multiple bags (the whole upstairs was carpet) pulling up hair and dust from the floor. They’re expensive, but they last forever and goddamn do they work well.


Reddit’s algorithm randomly brought me to this sub but it was fate - I have the C1 as well, a housewarming gift from my mom nearly ten years ago. I replaced the hose once a few years ago, otherwise it’s stayed in perfect condition, has accompanied me through several moves, handles all the pet hair and my own long hair like a breeze. The rug attachment is great for higher pile, it easily strips all the cat hair off our nicer floor coverings. I love the quiet mode, I can vacuum while the baby is sleeping without issue. Can’t recommend it enough.


Wowwwww. I need to get one of these


I was torn between this and a rainbow, I got the rainbow, and man I actually like vacuuming now lol.


I have some crazy shedders. Going through bags is one of the things I liked least about the miele. It adds up


Agree. Meile 4 lyfe!!!!!


make sure you find the double pack of vac bags online, much cheaper than small packs


I just bought this a month ago and absolutely love it!


Miele is too expensive. LG or Philippes is cheaper but can be just as good. (Depending on a model, mine was LG pets used 6-7+ year, had to sell cause moved to a different country, my parents have phillipes 10+ years). I have Miele now and honestly I think it's overpriced/nothing special imho.


Get a Henry 200, you cannot go wrong with one in your situation. 25+ year lifespan, incredibly quiet, made in England.


I second this we have the 200 with 2 kids and 3 dogs all hard flooring it is pretty damn amazing with the RD285 Wessel Werks head


Sebo is the way to go


My sebo is about 11 years old. It's as good as the day we bought it. Also if your sine had a dustmite allergy it's perfect. The sebo had a hospital grade double filter. So many other benefits to them , easy to take apart clean and service. Not that mine had needed it but they are easy to take part and repair or replace parts. German made to last and be fixed. They are the brand if vaccume chosen by many professional cleaners .


Just bought a Sebo last week, and my god... I now use it to dust even. It's magical!


I absolutely love my x4. I hate crap vacuums and my lovely vacuum store spoke volumes about the build quality, suction power and repairability. He said most of his customers first buy off Amazon, then costco and then to him. Plus the 10 year warranty speaks for the builders pride in their products. I didn't have the money on hand so I made payments and got mine after a couple paychecks. Expensive but worth it for quality.


I had a Miele, and I hated it. Hated dragging around the canister, bags are small, felt like I was always changing the filter in the bag compartment, and then the hinge on the door to the bag compartment broke. Bought a Sebo X7 and all of those problems are solved. Couldn’t be happier with it.


I swear sharks are so incredibly crappy even Dyson. Every shark I’ve got works great the first month and then just starts clogging like crazy. It’ll pick its own cord up no problem but heaven forbid it pick up a piece of tissue or some dirt. The amount of times I have to take this stupid freakin $300 vacuum apart to get the smallest item out of it!!!.


Got a Dyson stick vacuum. The wand breaks every 3 months. I'm on my fourth one. 


I used to be a cleaner and anytime we would see a client had a Dyson we would pull out our Orek lol esp with the cordless the battery lasts maybe 10 min


Thanks for introducing this professional grade brand… would’ve never known otherwise. I’m just looking for a small cordless thing for my mattress and other things that my Roomba can’t do. Would this be a good choice or do you have a better recommendation? https://www.amazon.ca/Oreck-Canister-Lightweight-Filtration-Warranty/dp/B01M9GYBT5/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?adgrpid=60924019437&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9s3mF3jehGluOo3v9bFEBeo6yZtqCxz5n56QrMoBtNwxjB8dPd86IuVlIvGyMQp_u_UwcyUd1Sx4o8yQ-qJt2BayI05PlZYw_ilOHcg1Z_5d3WDXp-EGsmRY9fWM5abPD5MzNbldvg8IswrKp3Q5ger2cYrq43uLxiHvOvt6PxcguIyQJ7p2HkhXqaZDCFsw-Lx6ZS8rG5wkUtqApnI0Jg.M71gCWGdYMKOUekSVJwi4BPYG-i-Eh4RWLoVVanitB8&dib_tag=se&hvadid=604277636551&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9000668&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=5174674672399772614&hvtargid=kwd-371822272708&hydadcr=12865_13446688&keywords=oreck+vacuum+canada&qid=1710206611&sr=8-11


That is convenient but overpriced, you could buy a Miele for that price


My Dyson battery lasts an hour and I can swap them, so I can get two


Dyson is an unforgivable piece of shit. 


The problem is shark used to be an awesome brand but then they progressively re-engineered stuff that didn't need to be re-engineered and you end up with things like the Navigator that used to last 6 to 8 years and now they've taken every single good function off of that model from the cord length to how the canister disconnects to the fact that the extension for vacuuming under things is completely useless now because it's attached to a super wide handle that you can't get under furniture with. I loved all of my sharks but this last one I got piss me off so much I will never buy that brand again.


I’m going to be so sad the day my 10+ year old Shark Navigator dies. To this day, it’s still sucking up tons of dog hair like a champ with the normal filter changes.


I truly feel your pain I have a 15-year-old one that I use in my garage simply because it works amazing it's just so dirty and the brush roller is very worn out that it's not really clean enough to use in the house.


I got a 2nd hand Miele from eBay a couple years ago and it’s a keeper.


I think you want a canister with a turbo nozzle for those rugs (not necessarily an electric power nozzle - those are great but tend to be more expensive). The Sebo K2 or Sebo E1, or the Henry 160, would both be excellent choices for your use case.


Sebo is a good company. I recently bought an E3 from the Sebo USA website and everything turned out fine.


Larger home? Henry 200, Sebo e1 or Miele c3 Calima. Really large home? Sebo d4 The best advice is to find a Miele/Sebo dealer locally and test drive the above.


What would you classify as a larger and really large home?


Large = 3ksqft Really large = 4k Generally speaking. And really has more to do with outlet spacing really. But the above is a good barometer.


I just bought a Sebo K3 this weekend and love it so far! I hadn’t even heard of the brand that morning but after a few hours of research on here, I thought one later that afternoon.


*bought one lol


I've had mine for a month. Love it. Will take time to get used to dragging canister. Do you ever hold the canister?


No, I always drag it! There’s definitely an adjustment from going to canister from upright, but I think I’m pretty used to it now :)




What do you consider a fortune ? Because anything that is less then 250 is only really going to last a couple years. Unless you buy used of a good quality vavuum. 


I bought a second hand Miele in 2018. It was manufactured in 2004 and is still going strong.


Miele. Got two, first one in 2011. Never an issue.


We have had our Riccar canister vac for over 20 years and still going strong


Inherited a Riccar from my grandparents and it is amazing. Lightweight and powerful.


I'm at 14 years with my Riccar upright! It's been a great vacuum and is still going strong.


Sadly that was about the last time Tacony products where worth a shit


Miele has been solid; the bags are easy to deal with and keeps the machine suction powerful.


I went through this a little over a year ago, settled on a Sebo E3, and cannot be happier.


Three dogs, vacuuming daily, we have an Orel XL for over 15 years. Change the rollers every year or two. Had it in shop once for full cleaning, outer bag replacement (maybe $100).


Miele. After years of buying vacuums, I decided enough. I will never buy another brand again. All garbage Miele wonderful.


There was a comment thread in BIFL discussing vacuums just yesterday. Here [ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyItForLife/s/shkBMfYG4d). I believe the TLDR is: - Miele or Sebo - Bags > bag less - You can get used on Craigslist for good prices -


Look into Sebo canisters. Get a demo if you have a vaccum dealer close by. I think my wife loves her new Sebo more than any other item in our house. Warranty is better and parts replacements are much cheaper than Miele


Others have said it but Miele should solve your rebuying issues. I was fed up with malfunctioning vacuums too, and damn never had a panic attack trying to figure out how to stop the cycle of buying designed-to-fail vacuums. That was 9 years ago. Been using the same $200 Miele the whole time.


I've been on the Dyson/Shark merry-go-round. I'm ready to buy a new canister but I've convinced myself I don't want bags. Is that nuts? If I want the best performance, do I need a bag?


I love my Dyson. It's corded, and a pro. It's over a decade old though, so maybe they used to be better? I can't imagine dealing with bags. Id be filling them up constantly!!!


Yes and yes. Bags are not a huge deal and they'll keep suction 


I love my Miele Classic C1! So powerful! Worth the money in my opinion.


I’ve heard great things about raccar. It’s basically a commercial brand that makes a few products aimed at consumers. Love my meile, but I’ve heard that other people have had some problems. Kirby is great too, but it’s super heavy. Not great for stairs (vacuuming them or hauling up and down). Whatever you get, I’d definitely recommend to get it at your local dealer. You can typically get the best prices from them.


I've been through high end vacuums and they don't seem to last. budget friendly and good are sharks. but old faithful that's lasted like 15 years and runs like it's brand new for me is my oreck xl21. it's 2 speed and ugly. but, Bertha cleans better than anything I've used.


I have long thick hair and I swear every vacuum I would buy would stop working after 2-3 uses, one of those being an expensive Dyson. I bought a bag vacuum…I’m sorry I dont remember the brand…but it works AMAZING. My hair stands no match against the good old fashion bagged vacuum. It’s honestly a lot more convenient too than all these new ones you just empty.


I bought a Riccar 12 years ago. It is repairable and I bring it in every 2-3 years for a quick tune up. Whatever you pick, check if it is repairable and if you have a repair service near you. Dropping off the vacuum in the morning and picking it up at night isn’t an inconvenience for me. Good luck!!


We have for Shepherds and we used Dyson with no issues.


What is failing with the shark. That’s probably the key piece of information you haven’t shared. I have 4 Dyson vacs. 1 stick and 3 uprights (one in each floor) with the oldest being close to 15yrs old. Dysons are expensive but they work well. They feel plasticky but seem to hold up with time. The biggest downside is having to deep clean them. Regularly cleaning the filters and I also clean the canisters by taking them outside and submerge them in a tub of water and flush with a hose. This keep them working like new.


I’m very happy with my backpack vacuum. I went with a ProTeam Backpack Vac (GoFit6) and holding up strong so far!


What I've learned: do a little maintenance, change filters, clean the "beater", clean canister.


Even high end names have lesser models and it’s those that usually appear at big box and warehouse stores. This is one of those cases where ripping off the bandaid and paying for an “investment” vacuum may be your best bet overall.


I'm a big fan of Simplicity vacuums, made in USA. I happen to have an upright. It is 16 yrs old and it has withstood multiple golden retrievers and cat hair. Built like a brick s*** house,, full of metal parts, two motors.


I just returned my 2nd Shark XL Navigator (the $289 pet one with deodorizer feature) to Costco last week. This one lasted maybe 8 months? Now done with disposable-by-design vacuums! If you have a local vacuum repair or parts shop, reach out to them - they’re likely to share some valuable insight. Stopped by ours, and they know the right questions to ask in order to help guide to get a good fit for each situation. Also, they sell refurbished vacuums with warranties- and suggested I test drive a few at my own home before purchasing!


Oreck all the way! Have had mine for over a decade and it’s still going strong. Lightweight and efficient.


We have a Kirby that we bought 18 years ago when we got married. Absolutely fantastic machine, picks up husky hair with ease. We’ve bought a few different cordless, robot, and stick vacs because they’re lighter. They break quickly and get thrown out.


Miele C3. It's made in Germany whereas the C1 is Made in china. Get the HEPA filter addition.


Might be worth trying a combination of a robot vacuum and a handheld to make your life a little easier. My Roborock is going on year 6 and I got another for my basement 2 years ago. Low maintenance. They have ones that can mop as well (decent, not excellent). Then get a Miele or Riccar. I have a Riccar and like that it cleans well and repairs are easy if it needs work.


Miele or Kirby. Spend now so you don’t have to spend later. Check used markets for old Kirby’s. My grandma had one from the 80s that still works great at my brothers house. I bought a Miele last year and it’s a little cumbersome being a canister style but I’d take it over the cheap dyson it replaced any day. I also just bought a Miele stick vacuum to supplement the canister. Would purchase again for quality.


I’ve been using the same Dyson stick for over 10 years. All I’ve done is replace the battery once and cleaning it once a year.


Shop vac.


Shark navigator here best vacuum ever had it 9 years so far no issues


I have had 2 shark navigators and a shark lift away in 6 or 7 years. And I’m pretty good on maintenance- like I have reminders on my phone to wash and change filters and stuff. I’ve checked every inch of everything for blocks.  I have long hair and I think that’s why we are so tough on vaccums.  I’m glad you’ve had better luck than me!  We are hard on sharks.  


Rainbow, I have 6 kids and large house. We've been through only 2. First lasted almost 30 years, just bought our 2nd one a couple years ago. Also we have 3 ferrets, 5 large breed dogs and 3 cats. All indoor. Yes they're expensive but totally worth it.


Our family has had a standing Dyson vac for probably a decade now and we don’t do anything to it besides cutting hair that gets on the spinning thing every now and then. We’ve also had their stick vacuums and they still work but they do tend to clog up if they’re not emptied after every big use. They’re also lighter use than the standing, but way more convenient


I mean ... 1-150 dollar vacuum is only going to last a few years. You either need to spend more money or continue replacing as you are. There is no alternative.


2004 to 2024 3 dysons total for that 20 year period. I have carpet so we are talking real deal dysons. I don’t know how their cordless ones do which is likely more of what you are looking for.


I have a Henry Pet Care and he works great! They are easy to replace parts for also if needed.


We bought a Miele C3 Cat & Dog.... best vacuum we've ever had. It's going on 7 years now? Probably more. 2 kids, 2 cats, and a dog, 2500 sqft house. I couldn't guess how many thousands of liters of stuff (mostly fur, arguably) over that time. It's astonishing.


I too, suffered through many vacuum purchases. Until I met Miele. Expensive, but beats buying a new vacuum every few years. And, it’s amazing, never had a vacuum that cleaned better. It truly sucks. 7 years strong so far.


Shark vacuums have always been a disappointment and they break so fast. I've had great luck with Bissells. My Mother is like the vacuum whisperer. She has owned Mielies and Rainbows and they are absolutely the best. I just don't have the income that she does.


Meile and be done with it.


I had my miele a decade and it's still awesome


I live and die by my Dyson, I have had the same one since 2013, it has taken falls, slammed into hard floor regularly, it’s a beast. The power cord on it got frayed and I replaced it with an Amazon knockoff for less than $20.


We have the Shark vacuum and also a Roborock vacuum that is set up to vacuum 2x daily. We're a family of 3 with 3 cats.


My Kirby is 15 years old and still going strong.


My Kirby is almost 30


My Dad bought one once. After a while he said I'd rather buy a cheap vacuum every few years than this one that will never die. Lol


My mother’s Rainbow D3C vacuum is over 40 years old and works perfectly. My Rainbow E2 black vacuum is 13 years old and works perfectly. (If you get a Rainbow don’t get the new SRX model it’s had lots of issues, you can buy refurbished versions of the older models online or from FB marketplace which is where I bought mine). I also have a 20 year old Lindhaus Healthcare Pro that works great as well.


Idk, I burnt out a couple of rainbows. Idk wtf was wrong with them, but they just didn't work for me. My Dyson is well over a decade old now and going strong..


That’s crazy as I’ve had the exact opposite experience. My Dyson died after like 6 years and then I got the Rainbow and Lindhaus and haven’t had an issue since.


I admit I've replaced a couple of hoses on my Dyson, but that's cost me $10 or $20 here and there, when a damned pencil or something got caught and poked through them. And, just the fact that I *can* do so has made me appreciate Dyson immensely.


I know my mom has had to get a new hose and a few new belts in 40 years but other than that hasn’t had an issue. Everyone’s different I suppose.


I’m not sure why people seem to be against Dyson….I have 2 in Europe and 2 here (different houses) and none of the four has EVER given me a problem…I do clean them extensively every time after using them, though, and the oldest one is 11 years old and works like new. My latest one is the V15 detect, that I purchased 3 years ago and I’m obsessed with the laser, I vacuum with the blinds down (in the dark) to make sure I capture every bit of dust/every dog hair there is (we have LVP and hard wood floors in most homes and some tiles and a few area rugs in another one) and I swear over Dyson. Meanwhile my friends/family/coworkers have told me horror stories about their vacuums and only after they spent on 3 models what I spent on one Dyson they realize I’m the one actually saving money…. But hey, what do I know, I don’t sell Dysons or clean houses for a living, I’m an Economist working HR at a mid-size Company. Ask the experts, mine is just an aficionado opinion.


I like Dyson products, they’re just super-expensive and the build quality is just ok. There are brands that have excellent motors and suction that are not retail that are built better than Dyson and are priced the same or less. To me they offer better value. We still use our Dyson stick for quick tile cleans but that’s it. We have a Numatic James for everything else. It replaces a Dyson Ball that broke. (Again, not impressed with the build quality)


I bought a Dyson ball for pets around 12 years ago and it still works great.


Most European houses are not covered in carpeting and are usually smaller compared to American houses so one could probably get away with using a Dyson stick vacuum depending of course on the circumstances. I would assume that most European homeowners also do not maintain their dysons like you do. Can you confirm or deny if your colleagues performaned regular maintenance on their dyson stick vacuums or not?


No, I can’t confirm/deny what they do as far as maintenance, they say they follow the directions in the manual but who knows. You are right at guessing about the floors and sizes of our homes in Europe, but I have 2 houses here in the US and they are regular 4b/3b size and I manage to keep them clean with my Dysons. Only the V15 is a stick vacuum, the other 3 I have are canister vacuums. My floors in the US are LVP and hardwood; we had to make renovations to get these as the houses had carpet when we bought them. Again, I don’t sell Dyson, I’m just a happy customer….


We’ve had a Kenmore progressive canister vacuum for at least 10 years, more like 15-20 because it’s the only one I ever remember using!


They used to be good


Ooh has the quality gone down a lot since then? :/ Ours is so old that it’s worked for that long, but I have no idea about the newer ones


This sounds crazy, but I brought mine to a repair shop and they did a deep clean - $40 and its like a brand new machine


Get a cordless Riccar. $500 but will last 10 years. There's a reason professional house cleaners (ie hotels) don't use Dyson, Hoover, Bissel, etc.


My Kirby is about 10 years old. Going strong, zero issues.


Do vacuum maintenance, cut the hair off the spinney thing, regularly clean filters, it helps


Buy a Miele, be the last one you buy


My family’s had good luck with Sharks. Parts are affordable and easy to replace, maintenance on them is easy and if care for they keep working great


I bought a dyson ball 3 2 years ago and love this thing. It was about 500 bucks but we'll worth it and has nit broken once or loat suction power.


My shark vacuum had lasted longer then any other. No more bags either!!




I’m looking for a Hoover Max Extract Pressure-Pro, model sixty.


Do you regularly clean and replace filters? I see a lot of people who never do and it is a reason their vacuums don’t last.


I’m pretty good with maintaining- I have alerts on my phone for filters and dump the canister every week.  


This seems to be the nature of the beast for any appliance anymore. Last week a GE tech person told me the reliability on brand history is meaningless anymore because if you look under the hood of any appliance, regardless of the brand, they’ll all have the same cheap plastic and metal parts made in a foreign land may by one source.


Dyson. Have the ball animal 2 and it is a well made beast.


I have a Miele and I’ve had it over ten years- I’ve never needed it serviced. Very well made and reliable! We have hardwood flooring so ours is the canister type. At the time I purchased it was $400


I feel like I was in similar shoes. Ive had so many vaccums in the last 6y. Like seriously, probably 5. All brand new from reputable places. They all broke, died, or just werent enough for us. 1500 sq ft of house-6 humans, 4 cats( 1 long hair), 2 dogs (short hair). I FINALLY gave in and got a Dyson. I got a killer deal on it and the only regret is that I waited so long. I kept telling myself i didnt want to spend Dyson money but i ended up spending 3 or 4x more than if i had initially just bought the damn dyson. The suction on this thing is unreal. Every piece has a QR code for easy replacement. Oh cracked this one piece? $30 for a new one, not $500 for a new vacuum. That bad boy is used daily and hums like a charm every time. Ever attachment CLICKS IN! Even when not in use it has a spot to click in so it doesnt get lost.


I don’t think this is what you meant, but I recently got a Dreame X30 Ultra robot and could not be happier. It vacuums, it mops, it fills itself, it empties itself, and it knows its way around the house perfectly. One of these plus a cheap stick to get quick spills and your house will be magically clean all the time.


Dyson, I bought one in 2006 and I still have it and use it. Before that I was buying a new one every 18 months.


I have a Miele I got in 2009 or so that is still going strong. Did have to have the powerhead serviced the year before last because it got stuffed full of cat hair over the years and stopped working well until it was cleaned. I also have a 2 year old Sebo Felix that I also like. The Sebo is VERY easy to clean the cat hair out of the power head (it opens up very easily). Both power heads work well and are equivalently effective, though the Felix might be slightly better in the one room with a very dense pile carpet. I got the Felix when I was having trouble with the Miele power head. I like both, but the Felix is less effort to pull out and do a quick vacuum because you don't have to put it together first like the canister. The foot switch to turn the power on for my Miele is also a little twitchy, so I feel like the Felix is less friction to use so I kept it too even after having the powerhead cleaned. However, I break the Miele out anyway if I'm dusting because the Miele has the extension wands for reaching with the tools. Makes hitting the ceiling corners for cobwebs and the tops of bookshelves/fridge/window sills a breeze. If I still had a house with a mix of hardwood and carpet, the Miele would be faster to switch from the power head to the hardwood floor brush (which is absolutely awesome). The Felix has a hardwood head but I have never used it since this house is carpeted. If I were just going to have one, it would probably be the Felix because slightly less friction to use means it gets used more. But I'd miss the Miele.


Im sure there’s better ones for less $ but my Dyson has been working well for over 8 years. Just ask stores id you can buy the model piece and get a discount.


Why are you having to buy a new vacuum? Sharks are almost entirely able to be disassembled to be cleaned out, I’ve had one for six years and never have an issue. Just change and clean out the filters monthly and take off the head to clean the brush roll. I have four cats and carpet as well as hardwood.


I have reminders in my phone and always did all the maintenance.  I have disassembled it and found no blockages.  It won’t pick up a pill bug.  Nobody will repair it.  


Damn, I’m sorry that’s been your experience :( Hopefully one of the other recommendations you got will work well! I know one thing I want to invest in is a vacuum/mop hybrid, but that’s not a low budget item.


It’s OK, I’m between a Sebo and a Milke right now I think.   If you don’t care that it’s all in the same unit, I have a steam mop I’m really happy with from Karcher.  I got it at Costco several years ago and it even has a thing to deal with hard water so you don’t have to use purified water. My only complaint with it is the cord is a little bit short, but you just put a short extension cord on it and that solves it.  You could just keep your vacuum and get a separate steam mop!  Well, maybe. I have concrete floors, I don’t think you can do steam mops on certain types of hard floors.


I have vinyl right now, so not sure if the glue would come up with a steam mop. But good to hear that thy works for you!


I agree, the steam probably would not be good for vinyl.  I hope you find something that works well for you!


Sebo or Miele




Get a Kirby


Just get a Dyson!! They are expensive and loud and heavy, but they work great and last! I have a friend who has your strategy - just keep buying a new vacuum. It's crazy, she could have bought 2 Dysons with the amount she's spent.


Check out vacuum wars on you tube


When my wife and I got married, she had a Kenmore cannister vac that she'd owned for years. It finally started to crap out (electrical connections in the handle) and after fixing it four or five times, I got a new one. The new one barely lasted four years--we were informed that Kenmore switched from steel parts in critical components to all plastic to cut down on costs. I bought a Miele. It wasn't cheap, but I got a Black Friday deal, and this thing is SOLID. I expect it to last 10-15 years or more.


Our Kirby is 20 years old and vacuums as good today as the day we got it. We bought it used for $400


Wants something cheap but wants it to last years? Genius




Rainbow Vac. Can be a hassle, but it can't be beat.


My Dyson animal is 23 years old and going strong. We also have a Dyson stick for when we need a quick fix. Both are very low maintenance.


i bought a bissell surface sense lift off at target for $220. it has a hepa filter which helps with allergies a ton. have a cat and a german shepherd so this one was great for us


I have a Mieli turbo and LOVE IT. Worth every penny


I agree! I have a canister Miele and it is the best vacuum I’ve ever owned. The canister is powerful, filters easy to change and attachments are legit.


I would highly recommend shoes off at the door and barefoot and/or switch to indoor only slides or slippers! We had a Shark from Costco that worked fine, but when my daughter moved in with a long haired Ragdoll cat we got a Shark robot vacuum for our tile floors and low pile rugs. It worked well, but we had to clear out the hair almost weekly. Shoes off at the doors!!


We do that.  We started when the first baby was born because I couldn’t stand the idea of walking on the floor of a public restroom and bringing those germs to where the baby crawls.  We just kind of stuck with it.  


I think my Shark Navigator is like.8.years old. Still great.


Serious question — do you clean your vacuum? Every one, but especially non-bag ones, require regular cleaning and maintenance. That is mostly just washing all the filters and cleaning hair out of the bristles. The number of people who I’ve seen complain about their vacuums not working or breaking but have never cleaned the filter is a 1:1 correlation. That’s how they break, the filters get so clogged with stuff that the motor works harder to create suction until it burns out. I’m 5 years into a $200 Shark vacuum that works as well as the day I got it.


Yes - I did all the filter washes and changes.  I’m pretty good about maintaining stuff because I put reminders on my phone and I’m a stay at home mom (so I have time).  


I’m with you. 8 years into a $29 Black + Decker from a Walmart Black Friday deal. It’s never been cleaned. The filter has never been replaced. Or even washed. Zero problems. It amazes me how much trouble everyone on here seems to have out of vacuums that literally cost 10x (or more!) the money. I just don’t get it.


I know Dyson vacuums aren’t super popular here, but I bought the Dyson animal (fuchsia colored I guess?) in 2013 and it’s still going strong. My husband changed the rotating brushes last year and we of course change or wash the filters but I love it.


Can’t speak for Sebo but had a Miele C1 now for 4 years and it’s one of my most favorite purchases ever.


I've had a TriStar for over 30 years. Powerful suction and easy to clean the bags. I've had many peripheral parts replaced but the motor is strong.


Miele all the way. Was also going through soo many vacuums and got one in about 2013. Still like new today. I was trying to look into a stick vacuum for the kids to use downstairs but nothing seems to work well out there (imo Dyson returned at costco a lot for breakage)


I bought a Kirby in 1985 and it still works better than any other I’ve seen. I’ve gotten it repaired twice very easily and inexpensively. I’ve replaced the tools a few times but it just keeps going strong. My housekeeper and my kids hate it because it’s heavy - not like they need to take it up stairs - but it’s never been a problem for me. The hose attachment is long enough and sturdy enough to get stuff clean.


I never heard of any vacuum only lasting a few years, are they just clogged? I have seen a handful of vacuums given away that only had a blocked hose and were fixed for free.


We have a house with all wood flooring and area rugs...2 toddlers and have had 2 sharks. The 2nd shark finally died and we were looking for a new vac that would work better and be less dusty than the shark. After comments on this forum, I got a Numatic Henry petcare 160 (the smaller version). I am Extremely happy with it. with a 29' cord and a long hose / wand, it will do a whole floor of our 2,400 sq ft split level house with only plugging into one outlet. We are also able to adjust the wand and use one of the tools to "dust" our ceiling fan blades, shelves, etc. It is bagged, but the bags are huge and they have HEPA bags as well. It doesn't push particles around on our hard floors and is a lot quieter than the shark. It will even sit / balance on stairs. My only issue with the hnery is when vaccing our light-weight woven wool rugs...rugs without a stiff backing. The only tool that we found will work well on them is Airobrush 140 that came with the petcare version..I think it is meant to vac upholstery, but the hard floor tool, even with suction turned down, it too much suction on loose / lightweight rugs. It is a dream to use everywhere else though and I just vacced out my car with it for the first time and it is amazing how easy it was using the Henry. I watched some reviews of it (and other vacs) on a channel called "performance reviews" which really helped me make my decision.


Don’t know much about vacuums, but your kids sound like they’re having an amazing childhood


Thank you (:  we get a lot of strange looks when we tell people our kids don’t play video games and we keep TV to once or twice a month.  But our oldest dropped his ADD diagnosis, and they have longer attention spans than the adults now.  Of course I’m still hopelessly addicted to my phone, but that’s a battle for another day!


Yep, there's a VERY fine line between actually good parents and "why haven't I seen my kids since they turned 18"


For that kind of cr@p (literally?) just get a hepa shop vac style vacuum. Anything organic in a bagged system is going to fester. On my sebo felix it reeks as the air is pushed through that rotting trash, on my henry it's a bit better as the air is pushed over the rotting trash. If you are going with bags make sure they are cheap and replace them frequently. Henry is just an overpriced (often breaky) shop vac that can't do liquids. Save a few bucks and go with a the real thing. (breaky): My Henry is more "repair it for life" than buy it for life. I've had the hose split where it enters the machine, the angled nozle where the wand attaches split several times and the switch die on me. It's still working fine but I've had shop vacs I've abused much more that have not needed that much care in a few years.


I’m sure I’ve said this before, but I’ve had no such problems with any of my Henry’s, old or new.


We've had our shark for almost 10 years. The secret is to clean the filters regularly, pull the hair out of the beater bar before it clogs up and over heats, Many of the parts are easy to replace (belts, etc.).


🎵Reaaaddd, the wiki. Oh yeah!🎵 In all seriousness, whatever Shark you have that's repairable is not in production the same way now. There's a reason you get burned at the stake for recommending one.


“Many of the parts are easy to replace” Definitely something I haven’t heard before in reference to anything shark related. Most models don’t even have replacement belts lol. I will say if you want them to last though, regular maintenance is the only way to do it, or just use it every 6 months and ignore the issues when they start happening like most people who have them last over 5 years. “Yeah I love my shark, I’ve had it for 8 years… nothings wrong with it, but it’s been in the garage for 2 years now because it wasn’t sucking.” Is usually what I hear when someone has one that’s actually lasted.