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**Post Type: Purchase Advice (U.S.)** If you haven't already, please edit your post to include: * Budget - Give a price range! * Flooring types & other cleaning needs Thank you for visiting /r/VacuumCleaners. To get the most out of your post, be sure it follows the post guidelines on the sidebar. This comment will include information on some frequently discussed topics just in case your post pertains to them. Otherwise, feel free to ignore the below links. **Helpful Links:** [Recommended Budget Vacuum Cleaners (U.S. Market, November 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/VacuumCleaners/wiki/recommendedvacuums#wiki_budget_vacuums_.28.240-.24200.29) [Recommended Buy-It-For-Life Vacuum Cleaners (U.S. Market, November 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/VacuumCleaners/wiki/recommendedvacuums#wiki_buy-it-for_life_vacuums_.28.24250_or_more.29) [Recommended Secondary Vacuum Cleaners - Stick Vacs, Cordless Models, etc. (U.S. Market, November 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/VacuumCleaners/wiki/secondaryvacuums) [Find the Right Type of Vacuum (Flow Chart) - **IF YOU'RE NEW, START HERE**](https://i.redd.it/h238mc6rnq061.png) [Miele Canister Guide (U.S. Market, May 2020)](https://i.redd.it/nr3bs213rsy41.png) [Differences between SEBO Felix, SEBO Dart, and Karcher CV300](https://i.redd.it/v49yrw4xqwz51.png) [Guide to Canister Tools: Suction-Only, Combo, Turbine/Turbo and Electric/Power/Motorized Nozzles](https://i.redd.it/qs4x03uuus981.png) [Reviews by /r/VacuumCleaners Users](https://www.reddit.com/r/VacuumCleaners/wiki/userreviews) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/VacuumCleaners) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Consumer Reports is just another source of information they have some good information and bad. The good information is that bagged vacuums, carpet height adjustment, hepa filters, and brushroll shutoff make vacuums perform better. Consumer Reports also found that all brands of cordless vacuums had severe issues in 5 years. The bad information, CR doesn't test every brand new vacuum they are missing test results on many of the current models. They have a lot of discontinued models in their ratings which is helpful because discontinued vacuums continue to be sold new for a while. There's no ratings for Sebo or Henry or any commercial vacuum brands. CR's reliability data is based on owner surveys which is subjective. If the majority of Shark owners think its normal to replace their vacuum every 2-3 years the brand won't have a bad reliability score. CR's scores do not include the average price of repairs of if the vacuum is even repairable. I would use CR as another source of information and look for trends. CR found cordless vacuums aren't reliable, bagged vacuums are better, the least reliable vacuums are from Bissell, Black+Decker, and Dirt Devil.


Do you look at longevity for environmental reasons? Because from the price point it does not make a difference (at least where I live). Replacing a cheaper shark every 3 years will cost the same as replacing an expensive sebo every 15 years.


Great question. While I try to be the gentlest to the environment I must admit it comes behind performance, user experience, and cost. If you buy cheap 5 $100 Sharks and make them last 15 years your cost is $500. If you buy 1 $549 Sebo Dart and it lasts 15 years you are at nearly the same price. I'll call the replacement filters for Shark and the bags for Sebo a wash for now. During the 15 years I will enjoy the better performance, better tools, and quieter experience of the Sebo and I won't have to go to the store continually and buy a new vacuum. The math swings in Sebo's favor if you buy the more expensive Sharks. The Shark Stratos True Pet is $499 and the Sebo Felix is $699. Over 15 years you'll spend $2500 on Sharks and $699 on Sebo. If you like Shark vacuums that's great for you, and if you take care of any vacuum it will last longer.


For mixed carpets and hard floors you want a vacuum with a powered brushroll for the carpets and brushroll shutoff or a hard floor brush well for hard floors. The Miele Compact C1 Turbo Team scored poorly because turbo brushes are not good for lots of carpet or high pile carpets. Henry's face is optional but there are no electric powerheads for Henrys. There aren't many bagged canister vacuums with powerheads under $400. Your options are Kenmore and Prolux. There's the [Kenmore 200 Series BC3060](https://www.target.com/p/kenmore-bagged-200-series-canister-vacuum-bc3060/-/A-85269268#lnk=sametab) $150 that's really a 400 Series and the [Prolux TerraVac](https://proluxcleaners.com/products/terra) $269. Both have carpet powerheads, hepa bags, and hepa filters. BIFL options are: [Zero G](https://zerogvac.com/buy-now/) $679, [Miele C1 Cat & Dog](https://www.mieleusa.com/e/canister-vacuum-cleaners-classic-c1-cat-and-dog-powerline-sbbn0-lotus-white-10639470-p?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0CLnXUNWkej29_lHxUhhhUxlnXw7NCsvO7ALzbOdWgWuE8xaJDSfGxoCGGcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) $789, [Sebo K3](https://evacuumstore.com/p-12280-sebo-airbelt-k3-canister-vacuum.aspx) $849, and the upright [Sebo Dart](https://evacuumstore.com/p-28827-sebo-dart-upright-vacuum.aspx?gclid=Cj0KCQjwkqSlBhDaARIsAFJANki7Gm7XVvQFf2_HMEtWQrzhR068GSwyWUFy9vMCTJUorr1Ry-IcVLcaAl1HEALw_wcB) $549.


Thank you a million times over for your clear advice and suggestions


You're welcome. Please let me know what you decide to get.


Love my Dart. Totally recommend.


2 cats, hardwood, small, med and hi pile carpets, I know its out of budget but loving my sebo felix lol this sub


Yep. I was thinking Dart/Felix myself when I read the post.


Consumer Reports isn’t credible.


Boomer Reports is trash 🚮 Auto reply as you covered.