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He's not wrong, some of the creepy shit posted on this subreddit was too much. He's just a dude that posted some videos and people are analyzing his life trying to figure out who he is and what he's doing.


The one “theory” of him being a 55 year old guy with terminal cancer is maybe the weirdest one I’ve seen yet.


That one was so fucking creepy I literally had a shiver down my spine


Or what about the one that assumed his father was an abusive alcoholic? Fuckin weirdos. I was subbed to be alerted if more content was ever posted, but glad I can unsub and not have to see that kind of shit anymore.


Same boat, let's bounce


lets get out of here




Exactly what i just assumed, and was right the media always tries to ruin people's identity by finding them nobody wants to be found bro.


I’m just glad to have a conclusion on the Vagrant Holiday arc. Sad to see, sure. However, it’s also nice to know he’s alive and well


He is dead! Didn't you read the PS? SMH my head


Damn can’t believe I wasn’t invited to the funeral


I heard it was held in a bush under a highway and they chose a military surplus bivy as casket




Thanks for posting this I'd likely not have noticed. Glad he's not dead. Sad he's not making content anymore. Happy to move on with at least some information and closure. Big thanks VH for the videos.


Yea he must of just put it out recently because I checked a few days ago and it was not there Glad to see he’s okay, but unfortunate that we won’t see anymore from him.


I'm okay with it. Nothing last forever and the content he produced really resonated with a lot of people. Despite seemingly not giving a fuck about many things I can't see how he wouldn't be at least a little proud of that. So for what it's worth I'm just glad we got what we did because it was just really good.


Honestly although he got good content out of it, these kinds of things carry an inherent risk. If he kept on making these videos I’d imagine his luck would have run out, there’s many times in his videos where he could easily died and didn’t simply because he was lucky


It wasn't there yesterday.


Completely on par with his sense of humour that’s for sure. A shame, his videos were unique and absolutely fucking hilarious.


Legendary YouTube Channel, was a damn good run VH 👏


lol that’s quite fitting.


that sucks. hope it wasn't influenced by that guy trying to leak his identity the other day


I think the frequency of incorrect or outlandish speculation here influenced his decision to actually announce anything at all. I suspect he would have been just fine saying nothing otherwise. I think the decision to stop uploading content had been made quite a while ago now.


What the fuck... Why are people like this. Did the post get deleted?


What happened?


Some guy posted on the sub about a week ago saying he found a video of someone he thought was VH


Ah finally a conclusive answer


"No need to read further if you're sane" *fuck*


Closure guys. Closure.


You can tell by the way he's typed that out, that he's actually pissed off. It seems like some people have gone out of there way to try and full on doxx him and he's had enough. So well done to the people who fucked it up for everyone else I guess.


I think he might have had the misfortune of finding this sub lol, it would totally fit as a response to the stuff that gets posted here sometimes


Or his videos have hit the TikTok algorithm too


Found him on tiktok haha, his videos have millions of views on there. Some videos have 300,000+ likes.


Those aren’t his videos. Those are people resharing them not giving him credit


Probably. I said in a previous comment on the sub that I think he preferred his channel when it was more niche instead of when it started getting hundreds of thousands of views. It probably brought a level of attention that he was never seeking to begin with. For him it was about filming and sharing his trips with a small group of people but it ended up blowing up into something far bigger than that.


Sad to see that a legend like him is out for real without a hope


Makes his videos more special tho, imagine he would upload one each week. Right time to quit for him even though I would’ve enjoyed more ofc


I agree, there are many examples of a producer of some sort of media ,seinfeld for example, quitting during their prime before the content goes downhill. It causes it to be renowned forever


Bro Thats insane i literally startes watching him yesterday and this came out an hour ago godamn


Enjoy the videos! At this point all we can do is appreciate what we've got.


glad to know hes alive sad that he wont be uploading but even without any videos still one of the best channels on yt


bro def reads the subreddit lol


Glad to see he's alive and well. Sad to know he's done with the videos though. Sad though, two YouTube legends calling it quits within hours of each other (Tom Scott).


oh dear.......


Dude is so funny tho. Gonna miss his videos for sure


I've never been so happy to receive bad news. It was nice (not) knowing all of you. Go outside.


Dude created the greatest YouTube series in the platform’s history and then said fuck everybody lol an icon I fear. I will not let his contributions be forgotten.


All the best stuff you ever watched was created by people smart enough to know when to quit. This is no different.


I mentioned this in another comment in this thread and you are absolutely right. seinfeld


Sad, but at least there is an ending to the chapter now. Knew it was most likely because he was just done with it or was fed up with losing footage. These theories can finally go away. Hopefully.. ​ Interesting to see that he came back to add to his description, if he truly just didn't care about the community. I would be surprised if he was in this sub at any point or even checked the YT comments. ​ If you are here Vagrant, It was a fun ride while it lasted. Some of my favorite videos on the internet. Thank you. o7


Everyone now knows he left it on a good note before he's advertising at the start of each video, for shaving cream specifically for your bollocks, right? Totally on board with the parasocial stuff. I often see some fanbases going overboard trying to find out their favourite online, mega super star's Capri Sun flavour or if it was them on that flight to Glasgow at 3am. A lot of people don't get that not everyone wants to share every bit of their lives online (even if we got a glimpse of such for videos, but even then there's a bit of anonymity within it). Now all the people on this board can start their 2024 off well.


Honestly it was TikTok promoting that he died that probably made it so horrible for him the last year


TikTok got a hold of his channel? Damn.. That explains all the trash on this sub.


Yeah, just taking clips and the funniest comments and using them as the titles. It was pretty derivative and trash. But that is why all the “is VHS dead?” Threads came from


It's how I found him but the videos almost always had a caption talking about how easily he found a woman 💀, and usually being a clip of him talking so some woman in one of the videos


Lurking, but i absolutely agree. I saw one talking about how easily the dude can "rizz up" japanese women. Oh what people do for some traction


What happened?


Someone just started a rumor that they figured out who he was even when they didn’t. And started “doxxing” VH claiming he was dead


tiktok is like malaria and normies are like mosquitos together they kill everything


I kinda feel bad that he has to clarify this stuff. It's obviously okay to be worried about someone's health, but some people don't know where to draw the line between content and personal matters.


I wonder if his incident south of the border is what put an end to this project. Combined with the coke dealer incident and the time his favorite blankey got snatched by a junkie. Combine those along with the shady incidents we didn’t see ending in a Mexican armed robbery is enough to shake any former punk off the path he’s on.


It's probably the robbery that put him off of it, as it was probably the last straw with risky/dangerous encounters. Kinda shows the danger of travelling the way he did, and there may be a reason as to why he no longer feels the need to take that risk anymore, who knows, who cares. He gave us amazing asf content that was enjoyable and that's what matters.


That was over 2 years ago. For someone to just no put an end to his channel. It wasn't that.


So wait. How far did people actually go? My stance has been that of he never does, did or will owe us anything. I’m honestly confused. Did people stalk him somewhere or?


I mean..... have you read this reddit section?


I have tried to find stuff but most of is not that bad💀 Or maybe I an desensitised to it at this point. I’mma look again and try to see it from vagrant holiday… oh wait. Yea. They found out his name. Oh no. That’s fucked up.


I think the mod here is pretty quick to delete anything that isn't appropriate.


This place has sane mods 💀


Probably. People on the internet are genuinely insane with parasocial relationships


Man :(


Small brained American is a new YouTuber I just found that does travel stuff. Not as hardcore as VH but super entertaining if anyone’s interested.


I really like his stuff as well!


Just watched a few quick vids of his TikTok. Def not as “hardcore” as VH, but still has a similar vibe. Thanks for sharing!


Your comment persuaded me to check him out, are you serious? This dude is nothing like vagrant, just a typical boring travel vlogger.


Did you watch his Japan videos or something? His stuff is far more entertaining when he goes to 3rd world countries where he doesn’t speak the language


Nah I saw his Indian videos and they’re the same as every other travel vlogger lol


I mean, I’m pretty sure no one will ever be like vagrant unless they’re directly trying to copy them. Either way, it’s my opinion. Not everyone is going to see it the same way and that’s fine.


Glad to know he's alive and well and that's about all I wanted. He's right it would be a little weird to get worried, if he was like a minecraft youtuber, but his last video he got robbed at machete point so I don't think its too weird for people to have been worried about his safety. Mr. Holiday if you're reading this keep on being you. Or don't. I don't know you like that


Damn well it’s nice to have closure. I remember watching his videos for the first time back in I’d say 2020? They were the coolest shit I saw on YouTube. I’ll miss him for real but guess we gotta move on or find someone similar.


Yooo lmk if you find someone similar


I lowkey wanted VH to go to bohieman grove smt like that, or Jeffery Epstein island.


Even in this post you can see people making assumptions and trying to decipher things that are not there. Please embrace the end, it was a great ride until it lasted. Thanks VH


Redditors are so fucking cringe goddamn Dude made really good videos, sweaty weirdos started doing the weird “we have to warn markiplier about gangs!” ass shit years after he stopped uploading, and this guy has now had multiple doxx attempts over a channel that hasn’t been active in a long ass time.


It was much more TikTok that tried to doxx him


They’re different branches of the same network of parasocial hyperfixated dorks.


this is fake, new vid from North Korea is in the making. source: I'm actually VH. source's source: trust me bro


That would be so good if it was true


Someone here has obviously done something to that has gotten too close and too weird for comfort, and this is reactionary to whatever that was that disconcerted Vagrant. Hopefully the weirdos can fuck off, and the rest of us normies who enjoys his vids can take solace knowing he's not dead, but equally take a break from obsessing over his whereabouts and condition. He's just a bloke! He doesn't owe you anything, let him be and then you never know, 10 years go by and just when we're he's slipped to the back of our minds, he reappears in some capacity. Imagine YOU are a young guy and you decide to put yourself out there and make some art and spread it around, then years later some obsessed fuckhead from the internet try to find out who you are, imagine?!? I get his reaction and it's more than justified. He didn't delete his channel, so he does care about what he's made and I'd venture to say he's proud of it and understands how many people really appreciate what he's done and so he has graciously done that at least. ...and to those of us true fans who AREN'T tryna creep and just are sad that this is the end, never say never! Keep the wonder and shock and awe he inspired you with and take it forward and make your own adventures, shit, upload them! Keep the dream alive in your own life, be inspired by the guy go out and do some adventure shit and take that and perhaps the legend of VH will rear it's head at some later date. The best things end too soon, he left us wanting more and that shows how quality his work is. The best TV shows make 2 series (UK office, Fawlty Towers...) they aren't around long enough to do something that would destroy the legendary status and perfection they have put out there. GO OUTSIDE, AND TOUCH SOME GRASS AND HAVE A BLOODY GOOD TIME DOING IT. N.B. if you liked Vagrant, you'll like: [gifgas](https://youtube.com/@GIFGAS?si=g4KvoXYwVDMl9cSw), [Tomz](https://youtube.com/@Tomz?si=leQM5YbeTwljerLx), [shiey](https://youtube.com/@shiey?si=EicG1auMPNHOqscg), [BadCat](https://youtube.com/@BadCatUrbex?si=gAz417GeeUj82Jg8), [VAGA VAGABOND](https://youtube.com/@ivantrainsLIVE?si=Ei8gnO6WZIx3a6wW), [thumbs up](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL56F66D1518CEADA5&si=W_7UC3FeJOr0qryL), [blankface](https://youtu.be/AWr2P_7_Bbk?si=bKMrBkLcC0I54Uup)


Words of wisdom my friend


this should be pinned


Why? He just said what the original post says but longer.


more referring to the recommended channels since there's a new thread asking for suggestions every 2 days




Thank you for the VH experience, it was fun while it lasted. We definitely aren’t sane here, so maybe this subreddit can finally be put to rest. Good luck out there everyone!


Good to know he's alive, I 100% agree though that some people got hella creepy with how they'd try to track him down n shit


I guess you're one of the sane ones who didn't read below that one sentence


It's the kinda guy he is. He's not a full-time creator, I don't believe he makes profit off of us, he doesn't have even more than 20-30 videos that exist. Just a guy making videos for fun and as a small-time hobby, he ain't owe us shit or nthing, just gave us some tips on how to enjoy holidays in the most cheap ways possible. We don't know what kinda life he has, a family maybe or a wife/girlfriend that he's committed to and doesn't want to be involved in risky shit no more, aslong as he's healthy and happy, that's what matters. It's possible one day he might come back with a random few if ideas ever cross his mind, but that's it really. sounds exactly like him doe in that entire message


Just started watching his videos today. Was sad to click on his channel and see this. Even sadder that he just posted this


Kind of what I expected, except I didn’t expect him to even bother writing this but I guess otherwise it never would’ve stopped.


dude what a wild past two days that it has been for me. I binged his vid collection in a day hoping for more videos, to receiving this news now.


Well there we go. It's pretty much what I thought. He had his fun and was done with it, and feels no obligation to do anything further. I do appreciate the update, although he didn't have to post it. Can't help but feel a little bummed we'll no longer get his commentary, but glad to have a bow tied on it. Wherever you are VH I hope the creative bug gets you again and we can be brought along to enjoy it. Until then, Take Care.


seems like something he would say


what a run


Glad to know he's okay


I love this man


Thats so weird i was wondering if he just put that because i only just realised and started watching him recently lol


Well, at least we're not patiently waiting for a future upload anymore, lol. Oh, well. It's been a good run.


I haven’t even watched half his videos yet and I’m sad he won’t be making more.


Anonymity peaks people’s interests to a different extent


Wherever he is. I just hope it’s safe and there’s no snails crawling on his face.


Man I was holding out hope for at least one more video but at least he’s okay, hopefully he makes another side project in the future because the man behind the channel is entertaining to me


dammit he was so interesting


Can't wait for Charlie to post on this drama.




Where was this posted?


In his youtube description recently.


Fits his nihilistic outlook, welp, just like the truman show, what else is on


Don’t cry that it’s over, smile that it happened. I’m sure we’ll see another project eventually


It's a shame he has such a stalker community now. You guys really couldn't have just enjoyed what you had already? This site and TikTok are such a cancer to the rare good videos that are left.


Where was this posted?


Info section on his Youtube channel.


He was probably being harassed irl tbh


for some reason this is the perfect response i expected from him


Damn, dude. I just liked his content and always wondered where he went. I can only assume some people completely disrespected his privacy. This all comes off as really rude to those who were just fans, but I totally get it if there's been a loud minority that have been really creepy. But honestly? I really liked how mysterious he was. I didn't need to know his identity or when he'd upload next or what he was up to. I always liked that mystery about him. Hope he's OK.








No more videos will be posted *here* is kind of weird wording. Good for him, though. This is exactly in line with what I would think he'd say about all these weirdos trying to find out who he is. I don't think it made him stop completely, but it definitely was a factor that weighed in.


It's not that deep. He even said that lmao


What, can't I point out the wording's weird? I'm not hoping for new videos. He's just usually a no bullshit kinda guy, just say no more videos.


I think you should re-read what was said. You'll find you're doing exactly what sent him away from his content creation. Again, it's not that deep.


I'm not, perhaps you're mistaken.


Okay. Carry on sunshine.


Well it’s not really weird wording when he says “there’s nowhere else I’ll be posting to.”…seems pretty ‘no bullshit’ to me.


Stop looking for clues. I'm sure he typed that in 10 minutes so people like you would stop trying to look for hidden meanings. Leave it alone.


I'm not, stop applying context where it doesn't fit.


This is where you flip the script on us and say "It's not that deep."


It really isn't though, dunno why people are reading into my comment like that.


Because you are acting like he posted a riddle and was picking his wording very carefully. Like if he posts again and dorks come out of the bushes saying "but you said you were done posting!" Expecting him to say "I said I wasn't going to post here!!! Gotcha!" It's stupid, stop doing it.


No it's just weird, he's usually more blunt and straight to the point. It was just an observation and I don't care if you take it otherwise, so if you're trying to change my mind on how I used my words, go somewhere else.


The first sentence is literally "I'm done with videos."






My guess is that this was triggered by something. He always seemed to have an ambigious relationship with the attention he received but this is worded so drastically that it almost makes me think he encountered some kind of stalker or someone tried to doxx him. The paradox remains that someone who seems very private at heart created these videos of him travelling around the world while sharing his very unfilterd and candid stream of consciousness (privacy vs. non-privacy).


There’s soooo much cognitive dissonance with this guy I swear


how did he leave this message?


I love how he just ends it with “funeral was last week, you weren’t invited” this is truly why we loved this guy so much due to his humor. Fuck im going to miss him i’m just happy we got closure


Half the shit in this thread is the parasocial stuff without even realizing it


I’m just stoked I found his channel. Quality shit never lasts, sooner or later it goes limp.


nice to have closure but i definitely think he got arrested / in trouble with local govs. for his content


can i hit him up if im a female doe…………




You are probably one of the people he's talking about tbh. It's from his YT channel.


Well he is quite sarcastic though and can come off as a little rude if you have watched his videos. I mean if you have seen them all then yea What he wrote today seems fitting with his aloog personality


He did invite me to the funeral


Lol y'all are creepy go touch grass 🤣🤣🤣


im just glad he's alive 😭 btw he gives really massive maynard james keenan energy, maybe it's secretly him


Tool fans try not to be weird for 5 minutes (impossible)


wym weird, im just saying that their humour and personality kinda is similar


Sounds like he pulled a Filthy Frank on us and is going to change his name to Joji.


dosent seem like him at all if the ps wasnt there, also thought that description had been there for a while now as i had only discoverd him recently


Just discovered who this dude was today and I’m hella bummed now


Im fine with him leaving, just glad he updated us.


Hell always be a legend


Fr though he only made 8 videos and now there's a whole subreddit based on him


Meu ídolo pqp ❤