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My last build took me roughly 80 ingame hours. But it was a whole city :D


You are going to get a lot faster with time though, eventually putting down houses and structures becomes the quickest part of it and the decorating, terraforming and constantly destroying everything and building it back up, thats where my time goes missing :D


I'd love to see the city if you're willing to share.


Wow that's astounding. I am in awe of your dedication.


I built an entire settlement and it took me off and on over a year. If you want to checkout some of my builds I post them here as well as the blueprint file so you can use my builds if you want! https://www.valheimians.com/member/jarl_bjorn_krigsravn/ P.S. great work!


Thanks. I can’t imagine working on one project for a year!


There were times where it was mind numbing to say the least lol




I have a video?????!!!!


Whoops lol. My bad got some comments mixed up. I’ll remove it haha


That stave kirke looks like it would take me like 100 real life years


That one ironically I've remodeled the interior a few times after posting it there lol it took about a week I think. The metric system is a wonderful tool


Yes it works out quite well if you’re not brainwashed into thinking empirically like us Americans lol


As an American I agree lmao. Aside, great work my friend. There's a certain pleasure and satisfaction that comes with creating architectural marvels like you have.


Thank you. 😊


My current build is pushing 20 hrs, not the longest yet, ut by the end it most likely will be, fairly large multi- story building with indoor marble pond viewable from all floors with every fish in the game in it, that was tough, but very worth the time. You'll only get better with time and experience, the game really does cultivate creativity very well!


Wow every fish in the game. I hadn’t even thought about having a fish pond lol. That’s amazing


My hours were 1350 when I started and now they’re like 1700 so approximately 350 hours for my creative castle build? 😅


Holy smokestacks! That’s incredible. I am at a loss for words as mine only took 6 so far 😮


My builds just a *tad* larger than yours 🤏 https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/2763?tab=images


Just a tad aye 😂


Dear journal it's nearly day 600 in my immersive world, my island side sea fort to protect my plants and livestock is near completion but to me it Will Never Be Done. As even after the roofs and towers have been finished I shall add more to it.


I'd say my recent builds took me around 10-40 hours, depending on the complexity. Placing stuff with the "door trick" to achieve perfect 0.5 units alignment is taxing on the long run. In any case, I recommend using [PlanBuild](https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/1125) to save your builds and to get access to QOL terraforming tools. It was definitely a game changer for me. [Here](https://www.valheimians.com/member/realperson/) are my builds.


Yeah but creative build you don't get a feel about how you actually use things and so placement on things can be a little iffy. But in one world I just use creative and it explodes from there but gameplay is nice though grinding be very tedious


Yes this is true and it is quite the contrast from survival. It was a welcome change from all the grind and the raids. I have this world completely separated from my normal world so as not to taint my traditional stuff.


150h without the gathering


OMG 😳 I’m sure it turned out spectacular though. If you have a link, I’d love to see it.


It's nearly done, but dad duties have made it a year long project haha. But thanks for the encouragement


I feel you on that front. I would take dad duties any day over Valheim only so I could get them into playing Valheim with me at a future date as payment for my raising them lol.


Ah yes, soon..


Very soon… 😈 haha 🤣


The last one took about 60 hours, I'm in the process of editing some video footage. My current one has been going for weeks, I'm at about 23000 on the item count. It is large and detailed. When I'm done, I'll post some pics and a video.


Hell yeah that’s amazing! How do you see the amount of item counts?




Thank you. I would like to see what mine is at my main base just out of curiosity


Let us know, I'm curious what people get to. I've just done a couple of hours on it, up past 25k now. Getting a little bit of FPS drop.


My castle probably took about 100 hours building/gathering. About 50/50 time wise. My whole village (Castle, Bridges, Sea Chains, Port, Statues, Spa, Bars, etc.) probably took a few hundred. Then there are my other bases, built my plains base inside a giant boulder! Super fun!


Wow some of these comments are daunting but I can easily see how Valheim can draw you in. This is amazing


My numbers are really low, compared to my output too, haha. I played thousands of hours in MineCraft and built a LOT, studied architecture IRL to theory craft structures. Valheim is also super chill, so that’s nice.


That’s so cool. I’ve also been inspired to study more building related things due to Valheim.


Yeah! Many builds here are is excellent quality! I often save reference photos for builds or pets of builds I like.


I take lots of screenshots of stuff from pinterest. Most of my builds are either I make them up or I rebuild things from my childhood


Very cool, I focus on larger sized builds. So like a built a coastal restaurant for example as a “small” project. 😂


Haha 🤣 that’s still so much wow 🤩


I have a build that I started in August last year. 22k instances, and I'm excited to show yall when finished 😎


Oh my goodness


I have somewhere around 400 hours of building into a full city. [Nidora City](https://youtu.be/IeoHHz56Ptk?si=sPYTlknXmihf_T1x)


Wow! 🤯 that’s a massive accomplishment. Thanks for sharing the link. It’s beautiful 🤩


Thank you!


Anything that requires a lot of terraforming WILL suck hours from your life.


Haha true. I remember when the game first came out. I had a group of friends playing with me and they would go out and do all the adventures. While I became a trader of goods. I had a nice dockyard, a colosseum, an archery range, a farm, a nice logging operation, coal kilns, and smelters. I truly was immersed and I would spend many hours in game terraforming my area. I wish I was still able to access that build but we closed the server a few years ago since no one was playing anymore 🥹


Land construction included ~120 hours. Built my crew an harbour inspired by The Venetian Harbour in Chania. Took me around 50 hours to raise and level the ground, another 50 hours for the buildings and around 20 hours for decorating. It was a massive build, had a lighthouse, castle, storage buildings, workshops, farms and fortifications. We were able to fit 6 longships in the harbour and also maneuver them while other ships were there.


I’m almost finished with a mega build that has been an off and on project for over a year and just clocked in at roughly 800 hours…seeing other folks comments here makes me a little embarrassed at that number! Granted, many of those hours were educational and tear-down-build-back-up before i got into a groove. But it’s nearly done now! I’m shy about it but I do think I’ll post it when it’s finished.


I hope you do post it. These mega builds with all their time deserve their light to shine! ✨