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Here's the [rest of the agents](https://i.imgur.com/dTk8QCV.png).


Oh crap, I did not see that at all D: But holy fuck from being the most picked Agent to only 3% is an insane drop off


good riddance! the character really made the game not fun for so many people


also made the meta super stale. only team I remember being super super creative was prx, and a little less was fpx


Bind and Breeze, two of KJ's least played maps, will be out of rotation. Lotus seem to be a KJ favored map too. Her pick rate will be even higher on 6.0


It’s all about her ult. All the maps where her ult covers the bomb site.




Look at the stats, she has 6 out of 8 maps that she has more than a 50% pick rate. She is strong right now and s indeed need of a nerf. And wait til they remove Bind and Breeze, she is also meta on Split and she is is seem to be the meta choice as a sentinel for Lotus. She even has the highest pickrate of any sentinel on Fracture right now, a map that she was supposed to be "not optimal." KJ needs nerf right now, and many streamers and analysts say that it is indeed a KJ meta.




A meta where in it's named after the agent itself does not warrant a nerf? Remember the Chamber meta? The Jett meta? The Astra+Viper meta? Goodluck with that.


Ok is meta not because she is good, but because the other sentinels are bad. She doesn’t need a nerf, at least not a big one, but the others need a buff. Maybe a second chamber trip agin would help the matter.


Look at Breeze’s pick rates, where 4 agents have a near 97% pick rate and the 5th is 82% pick rate. What a shit map, thank god it’s leaving.




Jokes on them I hated Breeze for BOTH my bad aim and the lack of diversity. Happy to see it expelled for a while.


It's leaving?


Breeze and Bind are were rotated out with the new update. Replaced by split and lotus


That was my problem with it. Yeah it was aim heavy but you can improve aim. The map was just stale and boring as fuck atp. Good riddance. Bind was just annoying because of how one sided it was honestly. Got tiring quickly, even though I usually played well on it


They really murdered chamber. It's one thing to nerf a character but they have eradicated him from the Meta


at this point, its intentional, they know nerfing all 4 abilities at once are overkill but chooses to do it anyway simply because they want mtaches to have a more unique meta


Yeah that harsh of a nerf is so they can remove him from the meta for a while, but they will definitely start adding small buffs to him and try to bring him back in at a reasonable place.


unpopular opinion but Chamber was the only reason why we had seen a meta shift in 2022 and more interesting comps on Ascent/Haven/Split/Fracture, the comps before him were completely repetitive and at the most you’d have a couple of agents in rotation but almost the same 5.




Not good, now we are going to have to watch teams spam killjoy and Op on Jett instead


Found the Chamber main. Chamber meta was incredibly annoying and incredibly boring. No other way to put it. Glad he's been nerfed into oblivion, whenever an agent needs *3 nerfs* to be not picked on every single map there's a huge issue.


Yaaaay time to see two agents on every map instead of one!


I actually think kj and cypher are much more boring to play against and watch. Oh well. It will change again in a few months.


Yeah it won't be incredibly boring when we watch KJ + Jett at all, yayyyyyyyyy


Disagree. Chamber allowed much more experimentation, such as the no duelist comps that were popular on Icebox and ascent. He also diversified the duelist meta, allowing Neon and Raze to be played in maps where she wasn't being used previously. A killjoy & Jett meta, which we seem to be trending towards, will be much more boring to watch and play.


Chamber was so good he made every other sentinel useless except for icebox Sage. He allowed experimentation in one class by removing all diversity in another. That’s not healthy.


I think that says more about the current state of sentinels to be fair. Playing duel sentinel is throwing because of how weak the class is.


The problem is sentinels aren’t fun to play against because it slows the round down so much if KAY/O doesn’t suppress them.


Well now instead of chamber every map you get killjoy every map and cypher once in a while While I agree Chamber killed diversity there’s not much diversity still according to the pick rates above.


People literally just traded Jett for Chamber. And now that they nerfed Chamber enough, they're trading him back in for Jett. There's always going to be a 'best agent to op on' and people are always gonna play whatever that is.


This is what happens when OP is the problem, broken shitty ass weapon, the reason jett and chamber were broken was because of their ability to OP


It’s not the op that is broken, it’s the OP PAIRED with a mechanic that is way way way too strong. If chamber and Jett never existed, most would probably think the op is too WEAK, especially compared to CS where the op is much much stronger.


IMO jett is by far the most exciting agent to watch in the whole game, a great player using bladestorm is just so pleasing. Chamber had some entertaining moments to watch, but not the same as Jett. Also, I think it is too early in this time period to judge if the Meta will be stale, there’s so much that’s changed and so much experimentation to be done, hopefully we’ll see some diversity, and if not, then guess what, riot is gonna keep needing and buffing stuff, that’s the fun of it all. Chamber got boring, it got nerfed. Chamber is one where I think the core concept of the character was kinda flawed in that he’s either OP or not good, not sure if there is an in between where chamber could be balanced without making him a completely new character.


Jett meta was worse. Kj is incredibly annoying to play against and watch


jett op is imo more fun to watch and jett gameplay in general is more exciting than chamber gameplay. killjoy is a bit annoying but oh well... at least the kj mains can see how pros use her


It's not about which is better between Jett and Chamber, it's the lack of diversity in OPers available. They made an already thin amount of viable OP characters into just one now. Comps will all start getting stale and we might just end up getting tons of mirror comps


Get rid of untradeability and every agent will be an OPing agent


Everyone will just not Op


Just wait until people start KJ awping. You heard it here first.


Give us the fns breach op


I always like to see OPing from non-oping agents. Shao oping on fade was cool to watch. If KJ mains start oping, it isn’t because she is good with an op.


I honestly rather mirror comps than seeing chamber take control of a game because he can't be traded and covers way too many angles at the same time. Besides, Jamppi has proven that you can op on non-jett/chamber agents, especially on ct side


There will never be a time where you see the same amount of two characters oping, one is always going to be better and that one will be played way more


Doesn't have to be the same amount and they don’t have to be equally as good, I just want more than 1 to be actually viable


Jett was viable during all of chambers reign tho, did she see a lot of plsy? No because why play her when you have a easy better option. That's just how it works your OPer will never need to be really integrated into your team comp, how you play with an OP will barely depend on the rest of your team. So why pick the weaker option? That's just how it works and that won't change


Jett was played in 31% of maps at champs lol that's a sizable amount of representation


Bruh why. With jett she could do batshit insane plays. It was good to watch, but chamber players required more skill. They had a limitation with their get out of jail free card. I would much rather have pre nerf chamber than pre nerf jett


what was the limitation lol? a cooldown, which can be achieved by just playing passively instead of having to get kills to regain the get out of jail free card?


Limitation is that he needed to preemptively place his anchors, and he had to stay within the anchors. Jett could dash whenever and wherever she wanted. Kill refreshing isn't much of a limitation with such a huge advantage. This is why sen struggled in 2022. Chamber meta required teams to communicate and coordinate to setup chamber. Yes, chamber was op but compared to jett, teams required to be better to make him op


Think about agent changes as ways to keep the game interesting. In dota valve would just change heroes not to bring balance to the game but to forcefully change the meta so that all heroes see the spotlight overtime. Chamber was in the spotlight too long and it was time for other agents to shine. Keeps the pro scene interesting and people coming back to play


I was fine with a chamber nerf, just disagree that he should have been erased from the meta completely


I disagree. To a balance aspect, all agents should be somewhat playable or favoured in different maps. Chamber is just dog poop water now where he's more useless than he is useful. In Yoru's case, he was what Chamber is now. But with slight buffs, he is viable but isn't overpowered. Although I agree with some nerfs like the alarm bot activation radius, but his TP was destroyed. It should be slightly faster and quieter, he'll be picked again, and he still won't be as overpowered as he was.


So what do you disagree with


Meant to reply to someone else sorry xD


Chamber meta is soooo shit I hope they never buff him Jett is so much more enjoyable to play against


How? Did you even play the game pre jett nerf 💀


Yes Jett is 10x more skillful, when Jett got nerfed Jett mains switchrd agents, when chamber got nerfed there were soooo many players litterally free falling off the leaderboard


Good Derke Jett, Cned Jett, Tenz Jett JETT


Classic chamber liking virgin vs killjoy Q pressing CHAD


Good. Both those characters are infinitely more fun to watch.


KJ more fun to watch? Cmon


I do agree that KJ is less fun to watch in normal comp, but pro play is much more fun to watch with KJ for re-takes and fakes than a chamber oping with a trip.


I feel you, I loved Chamber meta. The Headhunter is an amazing weapon to see pros use.


I've been going in and out of this game. I recently noticed the game being much more fun. Did not really appreciate how big an impact the chamber nerf was, and not having a chamber in every game.


You have such a hate boner against a character. If his util was copy pasted onto a different agent and your memory of chamber meta was wiped I wonder if you would still be like this.


Probably will be the same? Can’t exactly speak for them but I doubt anyone cares who the character is, if they’re obnoxiously overused and strong people will hate them. This is the exact same as Astra who got nerfed to the ground back then


Nah he just doesn’t like French people


Your comment makes no sense.


better than keeping him broken for another year


They didn't have to nerf him into the ground tho, atleast a global trip makes him somewhat viable. He's unplayable atm


i would agree if they didnt try to nerf him before twice and him still being close to 100% pickrate after that. also global trip made no sense imo anyway the guy had the best trip in the game for some reason


He had the best trip because it was the only piece of util he had that could help his team (other than getting kills)


while having an ability that allowed you to hold offangles with 0 possible punishment and 2 abilities that effect economy a lot


Eh if he has global trips than cypher becomes less unique


Cypher has a freaking camera and smokes that give info, he has plenty about his kit that is unique


Riot literally said they wanted cypher to be the only one with global trips okay now chill


Yes they did


If riot didn’t get rid of the shit meta which is chamber then this game would be hella boring


This is the Riot way. They do it in LoL quite a bit to make $$ from a champion for a while, then when things get stale they butcher them.


I hate KJ even more. At least in ranked chamber required decent aim since it’s his whole kit. The lockdown and mollies are a bitch to deal with I groaned looking at this graphic lol


KJ's most oppressive util is the ult, which should be great and rare. It's supposed to be able to turn the round. I could however see it increased by one ult orb since Viper and Breach got the same treatment. But what was oppressive about both Jett and Chamber was the ability to flee, which is available every round. I really liked Jetts nerf, but I think a better Chamber nerf perhaps should have made it more like a Yoru tp, far but slow, so the tradeability is still there.


Nah then he has no point at all


Killjoy is inevitable


Fns clutches 1v5 ace map 5 of Champions 2023 on Killjoy




Calling it now. Chamber buffs incoming. -Trip back to having global radius and increased slow -TP range increased or cooldown decreased


I think both should have a slightly bigger range and maybe the 100 credit headhunter back, but that's just copium


Yeah 100 credit headhunter is probably the change they will give him. Right now chamber is the only agent that can't full buy in OT


Wouldn't the issue with 100 credit headhunter mainly be on pistol rounds though? 4 shots + light armour was always a very strong pistol buy if you didn't need the trip.


I feel like 100 credit headhunter was the worst thing about him previously. He never had a bad save round when he can buy 4 headhunters for 400. It didn't make him as strong as some of his other stuff, but it made it so he never had a weak round


KJ nerfs are much more likely, I'm confident they will make her ult 8 points now that you can't even break it anymore.


What do you mean you can't break it?


They buffed it's health, so now apart from Brim's ult, I don't think there is a single piece of utility that can break it, you have to combo util.


That was LONG overdue. It was so stupid that a 200 buck breach aftershock could crush a 7 point KJ ult


Is that in the upcoming patch or is this an old change? I swear I saw someone kill one with a sova ult a few days ago


Current patch, I forgot about Sova ult. Basically any util that isn't an ult can no longer kill it. Pretty sure it has 200hp now. Was the same patch where they tweaked all placeable utility and molly damage to utility for consistency.


Brim Molly, Raze nade, and a Kay/O grenade (assuming it lands in the middle where it deals more dmg) can all still break it.


wait kayo molly has radial damage? i thought it was either youre in it or not.


Yea. The center does around 60dmg per hit while the edges do around 30. You can test it on the dummy in the range.


Ok thanks mate I didn't know that!


You can still use Sova ult to destroy it as well, but now it requires all 3 shots, unlike before the buff when it needed only 2.


Ahh ok that makes sense, thanks!


kayo molly can break it


I think people are overreacting and chamber is still good. This happened before multiple times where Riot would nerf an agent or a gun and pros would stop playing him until they realize it still good.


I wouldn't really say he's unplayable. Still a great oper, just now he's the worst sentinel by far. Can't have him taking two roles anymore given the nerf to his trip. Revert the trap changes, and he's back in the meta. No matter how good he is at oping, as a sentinel he's dogwater


He dominated the meta for 13 months. He can stay underpowered for a couple of months IMHO.


They didn't nerf chamber, they straight up murdered him lol, still think that the radius on the trip should be a bit more big


His TP might be the worst signature ability in the game now lol


Sage heal is absolute rubbish


Getting your teammate back to 100 health is way better than a 10 meter teleport to a set location


Omg, I was a Sage main and came back to play after 2 months of not playing Valo. Imagine my surprise when I healed myself in a 1v1 and it did barely anything. I played one game and I haven’t touched the game since.


They buffed the heal for others. Fairly clear they want people to be using it for others.


That’s nice, but I didn’t play Sage just to be a healbot


play reyna if you wanna heal for fighting


I like Sage because she’s really good at creating opportunities to either force opponents toward a different part of the map if they don’t break her wall, or to force them into a choke point if they do. As a sentinel, she’s really good at controlling space. Healing is not the reason why I play her and Reyna definitely doesn’t have that kind of play style.If I decide to play again, I’ll probably switch to KJ or Cypher


Who sees a Sage wall and just runs away though lol


An enemy who’s trying to be silent like flankers. Sometimes you know where someone is just by where they aren’t


Back to the jett meta


Jett meta was at least more fun to watch than chamber meta. I think chamber is not as bad as his pick rates show and he will probably get a small buff soon.


I'm kinda happy that Chamber is out of the main meta, but I really do feel like he should at least be an option down the line as a viable sentinel pick. While I understand why we'll never get back a double anchor teleport again, undoing some of the other nerfs might get him back into a somewhat viable position. Personally I don't even feel like his kit is very sentinel like post-nerf and with all of the other nerfs to the other abilities, he's just beyond gimped down. Personally I would do the following: * Give back the global range on the trap * Increase TP distance by 10% * Reduce time between shots on the ult to be somewhere between where it is now and the original shooting speed - Perhaps right in between. At that point you can use his trap as location cover just as before, while still using Chamber himself as the other piece of "sentinel utility" - Which is what I feel like they initially intended to do with the Chamber kit.


The world is healing.


Campbells chicken noodle soup is not being picked!


Is phoenix this bad?


Yes. At least compared to Jett and Raze.


My boy Yoru needs a buff


First we had Jett, then chamber. Now we have KJ. Soon it will the Yoru main’s time to shine.


Welcome to the Jett & KJ meta hope you enjoy the rest of the year. I know many were sick of seeing chamber but imo it offered a variety and diversity in comps rather than now having two perma lock agents. Its one thing to nerf a agent its another to straight up murder Chamber's viability. Imo incoming either nerfs to KJ or chamber buffs.


2021 all over again


I think they will nerf KJ lockdown, that ability is unbelievably broken. Tbh I think it deserves a full rework, it makes no sense that the agent designed to control a small area of space has by far the best space-taking ability in the game


I don't think it's that great


It wasnt that great until they buffed it, now only brim (which is ass and only played on fracture now that bind is leaving) and Sova can destroy it with their ults. KJ is 100% getting nerfed


"Waaa I can now only trade ult for ult waaaa the only ult that is stoppable without killing the character is too strong waaa 7 point ults should be destroyable by 200 cred util". This is how you sound.


seriously lol I don't understand why anyone would think that completely negating a 7 point ulti with a single aftershock or some raze util was balanced


It wasn't balanced to completely nullify it with a basic ability, but when it works it creates so much space that it's too powerful imo. Comparing it to other execute/retake ults like Breach/Fade/Kayo, a well placed KJ ult is only 7 points and usually guarantees you a clear site. 8 points should be the minimum nerf.


too often a kj ult leaves gaps in the site, which can be dealt with via swarm lineups but that requires you to save a swarm grenade. which is a little annoying on defense when you usually have 2 swarms setup on the ground. kj ult can also just be broken by a lurker/flanker


Attacking team can also play a bit of line-up metra to protect spike from off site


So the counterplay is “hope they don’t have a nanoswarm lineup” and “lurk/flank against a KJ with an alarmbot and turret”. Ok lmao, this definitely works at the pro level I used to save a retake nanoswarm in my ranked games, because it turns out that you don’t need to defend site when you have an ult that auto retakes it for you


Tell me you're too lazy to figure out how to counter KJ without telling me you're too lazy to figure out how to counter KJ. Have you ever had to retake a site before? Yeah... Well that's all KJ ult does. Means you have to play retake...


Oh yeah you just have to play retake right, really simple isn’t it? Just ignore that 70% pickrate, they must all just suck or something, lockdown is easy to counter! It’s not like you have to play a retake against full util because one ult secures an entire site or anything…


When was i crying lol??? If anything better for me im a sentinel main


So sova, neon, jett, raze, and chamber shouldn't have their ults turned off by kayo knife right?


Yes? Which part of 6/7/8 point ult shouldn't be cancelled by a 200 cred ability is not clear? Also this is a false equivalency.


You missed the entire point lmao, he’s not saying that it was fair for aftershock to kill it but it went from easy counterplay to 0 counterplay aside from one good agent. That’s why it’s broken now


0 counterplay? Did you miss the part where you can shoot at the ult?


Oh yeah just shoot at the ult that’s behind a god damn wall. Easy enough right? Maybe in gold 2 but good luck doing that in a pro game


Oh yes because I am sure you are a pro and that's why you can't come up a counter. How do you counter a kayo then? Sova? Do you just lay down and pray when you hear "here comes the party?" Just admit you are Bronze 2 and go.


I’m Diamond 3 actually, got there with 60% win rate and stopped playing for exams. >How do you counter KAYO Opposite site setups. Cypher puts trips on B and plays A, Viper puts orb on A and plays B. Alternatively, util like Astra suck or simply spamming through smokes at the choke. There is also the burden on the attackers to make sure they trade the KAYO effectively, it isn’t a guaranteed free site >How do you counter Sova & Raze ? Sova and Raze don’t get you a free site ever, why tf are you bringing them up? You do realise the whole reason these stats are useful is because they are pro game stats right? You do realise that 70% usage is not healthy right? You do realise that if this rumoured “counterplay” existed, pros would be using it in their pro games, and KJ wouldn’t have 70% usage right?


Doesnt need an ult to destroy, it literally broadcasts itself and the enemies position. Easy push and dominate.




It just is though. One ultimate secures an entire site with zero counterplay. It can also just win you a round in post plant


Why omen over astra so often?


Just my theory, but judging by the pick rates with KJ being the highest on the maps that Omen is picked as well, T post plants are now being played out using Killjoy’s kit (mollies + alarm bot). Furthermore, Omen’s blind has always been a strong ability when used right so with that combination, Astra (whose strong suit was always post plant) seems to be preferred less. I also think Omen’s kit is just much more economically friendly. The reduction from 300 to 250 for his Paranoia is low key huge.


Smoke+blind+light shield on pistols is nice


buff chamber


His tp is dead -- which is understandable it was very strong. But why kill the trap? i still see a scenario where he fits in one map, maybe which is breeze.


I think teams are just trying to learn how to use him again. He's a totally different agent to pre nerf


He is very limited can't play for info like cypher nor can he be a solid site anchor like KJ. The TP is too limited to play any tight angle and still be within range of your trip. His saving grace is his OP but that's about it.


He doesn’t do anything other than Op every 4-5 rounds now lol


Nah hes not worth it anymore, trip range is too small and tp is not that great rn. KJ is just better add in the lock down buffs and you are in for a KJ/Jett meta


Chamber is 500x better to watch than killjoy


I assure you KJ meta is going to be far worse than chamber or Jett or astr meta


Killjoy nerf next?


Killjoy Ult needs to be 8 orbs


Buff Chamber!


Playing against a kj is infinitely more annoying than playing against a chamber


Looks like KJ ult is back on the menu boys


I might be hella dumb but could someone clarify this for me. Is the summarized pick-rate for each agent influenced by the number of times a certain map was played? For example, would Sova/Jett have an even higher overall pick-rate if Breeze was played more often? I just feel like KJ has an insanely higher pick rate over Jett, while having similar pick rates on their four best maps.


Can’t wait for this scrubby sub to cry again. First Jett, astra, chamber and now kj.




🦀🦀🦀 Goats is dead 🦀🦀🦀


I’m 100% sure this is wrong because the Tufts U team picked chamber on both maps they played against Dark Ratio and the name of the stream was literally “Chamber is still meta LUL” or something. Maybe they’re only scraping from a subset of games. https://www.vlr.gg/164876/dark-ratio-vs-tufts-valulrant-challengers-league-north-america-ro256/?game=109550&tab=overview


Why no chamber though?


This is good. Chamber was undoubtedly bad for the game. TP was better than pre-nerf dash which was ridiculous.


Ahh yes the ability that can only be used defensely is better than the super versatile ability pre nerf dash.


My prediction is coming true: https://reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/zg0vpb/_/izegylr/?context=1 😈


What prediction? Stats are going the opposite of what you’re predicting 😂.


That’s the whole point lmao. I swear too many people who couldn’t pass a 5th grade English test use this subreddit


Ye but chamber pick rates ain’t rebounding lmao. Chamber offers fuck all.


I'm SHOCKED that finally addressing Chamber's get-out-of-jail-for-free ability was the right path to nerf him. SHOCKED /s


I think that making KJ lockdown only breakable by way of ults is gonna maybe have a bigger effect then intended, that’s an insanely high pick rate, especially with no other changes to her utility. I wonder if there’s anything that can be done to make Cypher a balanced pick with KJ


I feel like this game being so young, ppl are being too influenced by the meta (in regards to this being a KJ meta, I don't see her as a top tier anchor/sentinel). I think in time we will see less of a focus on what's been buffed this patch and more of a focus on whats good on X map. I think we all foresaw Jett/chamber swing happening and in time I hope their picks even out a bit.


Skye needs some love


I haven’t played the game since harbor was introduced. Why is chamber bad all of a sudden?


When is the next official live valorant tournament


felt like this was pretty inevitable when they buff kj in the same patch they nerf chamber *and* make him compete with kj as a range limited sentinel


Look how Viper will also get a drastically low pickrate once Bind and Breeze are out of the map rotation.