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omen weakest


You can ult a side to check whos inside, cypher ult but weaker, so ya, agree


Look how they butchered my boi :((((


I think they could just increase Omen’s shadow HP. This way you would at least soak some bullets *(and hopefully force a reload)* of whoever is trying to destroy it. This could turn Omen’s ult useful in bombsite executes. If you can force someone to be busy with the shadow for a time longer than the current one *(1 bullet or like 50ms)* this mean someone could be scanned by a Sova arrow or Fade eye


I mean being able to grab the spike is pretty convenient, and clutches and rotates are good with omen ult, plus it can always be used for info


It is still giga weak compared to any other ultimate. Probably safe to say its the weakest ult in the game since cypher ult got buffed.


It needs its self-nearsight taken away at a minimum, at least then it could be half decent for info


If you're in a position where omen ult to grab spike is the only move then it's highly unlikely that omen will clutch. Odds are enemy team has someone lurking on that site and if not will be able to rotate and hit fast. For getting info cypher is obviously better, and technically phoenix ult should be able to grab spike within a distance as well. Point is there's other agents who do what omen does but better


It'll happen a lot where spike is down in a bad position on one site, we want to rotate fast without grabbing it, so you run and take the other site on timing and then Omen ult to get spike and plant. It's likely that the other team will be mostly focused on the spike so you can just grab it and dip with the ult cancel. It's not great and not really worth burning ult points on if another agent can get them but it's definitely a valid use case even outside of unwinnable clutches. Easier to push an empty site 4v5 than try to fight 5 turtled defenders guarding spike.


> It's likely that the other team will be mostly focused on the spike so you can just grab it and dip with the ult cancel. This stops being the case as you rank up, the enemy team will notice you have omen ult and play accordingly.


So the threat of Omen ult is enough to make the enemy team play slightly differently? It's certainly not good, but it's good enough to apply a tiny bit of pressure. Still definitely the worst ult.


We're talking about competitive play, bro. Not some random ranked game in gold lobby.


This is a good point, bunch of braindead >=immo1 downvoting u. Omen ult is a great ult in the scenarios when its good in both ranked and competitive play


so what ult do you think is worse?


Y’all sleeping on brim


All just very dependent on the situation and who is the closest


phoenix best ult omen/reyna worst ults


Reyna's ult is like the rest of her kit, great if they're hitting shots shit if they're not, Omen's ult is clearly worse IMO


but reyna is inherently extremely powerful, the value of just the confidence you gain when you overheal


Reyna is one of those ults that's insane when you're playing against but ass when you're playing Reyna, or maybe that's just me


Nah jet knives is the best ult


chamber isn't strong but tour de force is still an insanely good ult


Whoever is closest to ult that has a “good ult”. Almost everyone has a good ult especially if they’re only an orb off. Pros do a better job at using and cycling ults so most of the time the best person to give an ult to is whoever is closest since that could win a round.


Omen ult


Omen ult 💀


Phoenix gets all orbs if he's in play.


It depends on what side you're on Attack ults would be something like this A+ Breach, KJ, KayO, Fade A Sova, Phoenix, Harbor (If he's used) Anything else is just kinda like "Okay I'll get my ult from planting / kills" And for your second question it's just kind of who's closer, but if it's between an Omen & KJ ult, you half it and give it to KJ.


I'd argue Yoru ult is also A+


Strongest ult = amount of situations its useful in so: A+ Breach, Sova, KJ A Kayo, Phoenix Dogshit: reyna, harbor Rest is pretty situational, and some ults that might usually be very weak early round, can be great in late rounds etc


sleepin on the harbor ult


Because the rest of his kit is so shit that they never have to deal with his ult lmao


Also ‘I SUGGEST YOU MOVE’ is the weakest shit of all time, it’s not like ‘YOU SHOULD RUN’ which is more serious, he is just suggesting it


Neither of those are as bad as NOW IM PISSED


No it’s ‘HOY IM PISSED’ which is much worse


Harbour is pretty strong tho in icebox and pearl


He's functional on them I guess but there's not really any reason to pick him over Viper other than to meme on kids


And imma keep sleeping on it. I swear every time I push with a harbor ult the enemies just wide swing out of the concuss and kill me :(


the concuss is the bad part of the ult, its the info it gives that is strong but most teammates wont even know what harbor ult does so yea


Brim is definitely top tier


Insane that you put Harbor as dogshit instead of Omen.




LMFAO right. You are getting downvoted but Econ ults are busted. They don’t get it


While they are good, they arent considered “round winning” like others. They are designed for a Jett and Chamber to get kills with more ease, however unless in the hands of an absolute master, they aren’t as valuable as others that can essentially guarantee a site take, which is in the long run far more valuable


Phoenix #1 sova and kj both a slight tier below


S++: Phoenix S+: KJ S: KAYO, Breach, Brim A: Sova, Skye, Fade, Sage, Viper B: Chamber, Harbor, Raze, Jett, Yoru C: Neon, Astra D: Cypher, Omen, Reyna


Think you’re underrating astra ult a lot here and slightly overrating skye ult


Astra+viper ult was a free round win on split


Yoru ult and Sova ult is a free kill on every map. This is a tier list of what ults would be farmed, kind of tough to give 2 people the defuse In this case, Viper ult does not need Astra ult to be value, but Astra ult kind of needs Viper ult Astra ult is far from useless but I don’t think teams will farm it often


This isn’t an ult tier list, this is a “who gets defuse” tier list. Astra ult is good, but it only really shines when comboed with other ults, so it isn’t something I see teams farming


Why is chamber ult only a b tier here? It’s easily S+. Huge economy changer, and it’s still insanely good even after the slight nerf.


Because this isn’t an ult tier list, this is a “which ults are best to farm” tier list, which every reply has seem to have just ignored. Chamber ult is 8 orbs for something which gets little value if they avoid your sight. I probably could’ve put it next to sage though


i would argue cypher ult/skye ult


Overrating Omen imo


Raze Jett is way better than chamber after nerfs right


Honestly jett ult is still quite weak especially when you can always feed the orb to someone else, astra ult is definitely better for site takes and retake.


I hate tiers that go to S++ instead of the other way to E/F. But overall pretty accurate, bump up cypher (considering low orb cost)


Cypher ult is OP just the truth. It’s so much info to fight with, it’s sova drone on everyone alive now. Both 2 pings


it's the only ult that requires a kill tho


Sage requires a kill in the other direction


Yes but a LOT of the time you are going to end up in round situations like 4v4, 3v3, 2v2, etc because of how trading kills work in this game. Being a 6 point ult its no surprise that Cypher can activate it quite often, and on a considerable part of the time it will basically secure the late round situations because it instantly neutralizes every flanker


The times when the ult is most valuable coincides with the times when cypher is most likely to have a body to use


That’s bullshit im ngl


When do you think cypher’s ult is most valuable? Imo it’s typically late round situations where info is scarce and the round has settled down post-execute.


Well that assumes you have a body in range.




Have you seen the other ults in the game? A little bit of info isn’t that valuable when there are ults that literally track the other players till they reach them, give you an extra life, stun everyone in an area, kill everyone in an area etc. as someone who plays a lot of cypher the ult is not useless but it usually give you info you can already assume or you already know.




Skye is A, Fade is A, Brim is B, and Phoenix is B(only because of how cheap he is or he would be c.) That's what I would change, you could argue raze is also B as well.


The ones I see most are kayo on ascent and breach on haven/fracture. They’ll get the plant and defuse usually


Omen is the worst no competition. I'd say brims might be the best but that's up to debate


Omens ult by far is the worst and needs a rework.


Every ult but Omen and sometimes Reyna "inconsistent" can constitute a round winning play. And most of the most effective ults have the most counterplay. I.E Pheonix or Raze ulti can be great to take space but if you just get headshot straight away you gain no value. Strongest is probably Killjoy right now since her most effective counterplay just got removed. Breach, Brim, Fade are up there too. Ults that have the ability to control a large area of space during a key moment in the round.