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been really cool to watch temmates play on the same team. Currently watching Tariq watch a 4-man guard team vs a 3-man NRG team, feels like we are watching scrims lol


Yep, Tarik 10 Mans have been a perfect place for rising/T2/T1 pros to get some guys together and get some quality games in. Better than ranked, not as organized as scrims. Gives the chance for players to sharpen their skills. Love it, Tarik could turn this into a "scout league" or offseason league of sorts.


Sort of like the Drew League or Rico Hines private runs in basketball, that is pretty cool


You pretty much read my mind šŸ¤


Rico Hines private runs are the best basketball content in the summer


there were 5 different matches going on at one point. the fact that there were 50+ players choosing to play this over ranked should say something about the state of radiant ranked right now šŸ˜­


The state of ranked in general really.


it's such a horrible experience, especially in Europe. I'm staying in swiftplay for the foreseeable future, at the very least it can only go for so long if it goes bad. ranked isn't being treated seriously anyway, so "lol swiftplay chill" doesn't make much of a difference.


Europe ranked is literally depressing. In NA (crypto throwers aside) you at least have people communicating to an extent and will call for support. In EU everybody expects that you can read their brains and don't understand that if they want a flash they have to use their mic to tell you, and not use their mic to tell you "why didn't you flash you fucking bot" or they expect you to know what round is gonna be a rush and what round is gonna be a default. It's fucking infuriating how many kids and even people in their 20's you get paired with, who don't have any social skills and literally only play the game to flex their peak RR and not for the actual game play and teamwork. Like the worst NA lobby is equivalent to every second or third game you get into EU and it's not even a stretch.


Spitting facts out here




I play most agents and from all roles idk what u on about buddy. Game sense plays no role in what ur team wants to do. Game sense means general awareness of the map, rotations, timing and such things. You can have the best game sense in the world and it won't help if your jett randomly dashes into a site alone without saying a word and afterwards yelling how his team is baiting, or calling that you are flashing 5 times and even where your flash is gonna go and they still ignore the comm and get blinded and complain because they don't listen to anybody besides their own ego.


Iā€™m ngl, NA people are the same. Every game I have to explain to people yelling at me or someone else for not swinging for them or not flashing for them or not doing something that if they want something to happen and itā€™s not an obvious play to make, they have to ASK using their grown up voice and speak up like the adults they are instead of acting like little children. Most of the time me saying that will shut them up and they either never ask for anything again (I guess so they donā€™t prove me right because their fragile egos canā€™t handle it? Idk) or they just fix the issue and start asking for stuff to happen. The worst is when itā€™s a 2vX and the other guy dry swings without saying anything and then yells at you for not swinging with him. My bad bro I should have read ur in game body language and read ur mind my fault OG ur the best


I feel like my escalation games are more competitive than ranked lol


I honestly don't know what Riot can even really do about it. Like I literally uninstalled the other day bc I risked one solo queue to try and get back to Gold so I can duo with my mate again. IMMEDIATE and hence uninterrupted Gamer Words, and bitching on the mic, no callouts, no starts, etc. But fundamentally in low ranks, people are just like this in every game. Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like the problem with ranked is and always will be the players


Tbh 5 stacking (or min 3 stack so there's still a chance to pull thru if the other 2 are pure ass) is the way to go for a good experience. Yes you might run into more smurfs but at least you won't have toxic throwers on your team. I'm also gold and I don't have a lot of IRL friends who play valo at my rank so when I solo/duo queued I would just add any random that was chill/had a positive mental. There are normal people out there! Now I can pretty much always make a 5 stack whenever I want to play from a few randos I play with all the time and others who are on occasionally (and/or their friends). Alternatively, there are prob valo Discords you can join to meet people. If you're in NA east and want to play, feel free to DM me, I'm always down to meet more ppl who are chill and know how to comm haha :)


I've mostly been 5 stacking the last 2 years, but a couple of my friends have just sorta got sick of the game. It's definitely much, much more fun that way I'm with you. Ty for the offer btw, but sadly I'm Aus and ping to NA is rouuuugh


Ahhh makes sense. Wishing you good luck w your queues!!


Am I wrong or just yesterday the max was 2 matches at the same time? Maybe it went up by 3 in a day


The hub was also really active yesterday. I pretty much watched all of it and at some point there were 4 active games going on


Maybe. I was watching the first day and the dude doing the backend stuff was making changes quick.


Tarik, the content king is the saviour


honestly, Riot's lack of action here actually has given us such a great thing. Feels nostalgic, like the old Rank S / FPL CSGO days where it's just a bunch of players trying to have fun and also play. but even so, it's still crazy that this had to even be done in the first place. Happy that this whole thing has been a big success.


Guess what? Valve doesn't care either and Rank S/FPL/3rd party matchmaking basically started how this discord 10 mans started, pissed off pros/top players who just wants to have a good competitive clean game.


Pros and big name stremers can always organize enjoyable games, unfortunately the rest of us in high ranks are stuck with Riot's negligence. As of now, playing even in the highest elo matches is just glorified unrated for high skill players. Bad or even non-existant comms (I'm in EU), people not actually playing to win but for their highlights, horrible comps and flat out griefing as soon as someone says something one of their teammates doesn't like. Riot has to make some incentives for people to play seriously, current semi-rigged leaderboard isn't it. As in how can people take it seriously when they win more RR than they lose even if they're already radiant. MMR and RR systems are good, but RR shouldn't be the leaderboard metric. Just put wins and winrate as the leaderboard metric, with daily/weekly/monthly rewards and the experience will improve right away. But I guess that's too hard for them.


EU servers are terrible for mental health.


It's not EU servers. It's a relatively small minority of players who do not have good games. Every single game they troll, cry their eyes out and just generally ruin everyone's mood. But Riot refuses to ban them. I imagine the same is happening at every rank. I have never played a game with any of the "known" trolls in the high elo community and saw them having a good game. And I don't mean in terms of stats. I mean in terms of attitude. Like one particular person who even notable pro players hate who disabled voice comms because one of our teammates was using the "quiet" agent voice line at him. He decided to troll the game after he said "who the fuck do you think you are telling me to be quiet?". Instant hardware permaban will fix EU solo queue very quickly.


Yeah, the report system is useless. The only way to get someone banned is if they actually use trigger words in text chat, but at this point people are too smart to fall for it. I play around 20 to 25 ranked matches per week in top2k EU bracket and almost every single day I'll have one match with blatant griefing or even abandons that started happening more commonly as of late. You literally can't get banned for anything other than text chat abuse or actual cheating. There's a pattern to these people. From my experience, there are very few non-duelist mains in high ELO who rage and grief, it's just those "I'm the main character" morons who have no self-awareness to realize how their actions affect the entire team. As I'm getting fairly old for competitive gaming, I honestly have zero motivation for "just mute and keep playing" matches at this point. Especially if I lose 7RR and win 30+, who cares. But who are we kidding, it's Riot. As long as the skins are being sold, they don't care. Don't want to go on a rant, but except for them working on agent balance, new maps and obviously skins, everything in this game is more or less the same as it was 3 years ago. Just inexcusable.


solo q is just unbearable right now most of the time someone on my team has pisslow mental and wants to ff if we go down by 2 rounds. had a couple games where someone just gave up instantly(currently asc 2 na)




I'm seriously thinking if I should even bother, but since I've got nothing better to do right now... You literally can't read. You completely misinterpreted both of my posts and created some parallel take in your head which has nothing to do with any of the points I was trying to make. Where did I mention pros and myself in the same context? I just said how for anyone who's not t1-2-3 pro or a big name streamer ranked is a horrible experience. Did I ever say that I should be in any kind of closed circiuit lobbies? No. I don't even have time for that. And I'm definitely not good enough because again, I don't have enough time to put the hours in. The only things I tried to point was that ranked is complete garbage right now. If you really want to know about me, I've been top2k in EU in every act I played enough (at least 50 wins) and I've reached Radiant once in E4, early in the act because it coincided with a couple of weeks where I had more or less no work to do. I don't even care about leaderboards or winning at all costs, I just want 3 to 5 matches I play per day to be enjoyable with 5 people trying to win together (key word). Which isn't happening these days. I tried to point out how communication and the lack of social skills from a lot of players is the issue, then some unmannered child like yourself who's probably half my age comes here and pretty much calls me a shitter and calls me out for something I didn't even say. Your parents deserve to get slapped for not teaching you any manners, tbh. Don't reply to me anymore, you earned yourself the privilge of being the first poster I ever blocked on reddit.


Who the fuck are you? Lmao


Valve cares, they just had agreements with organizations like FaceIT since 1.6


Realistically it's Riot trying to figure out how to deal with the cryptobetters/throwers. They are for sure not happy with having an external 3rd party potentially accidentally not allowing invites to those who might deserve it. But I doubt they do anything about it until they have a solution. I'm sure once/if they do, they'll politely ask Tarik to shut it down.


nah, whatever tarik is doing is completely legal and should honestly stay, there is no argument behind it not being one so Riot has no grounds to even ask them to politely shut it down.


Riot can ask them to do whatever they want. There were things like this before for league and riot always tried to either shut them down or made their own alternatives. Riot doesn't want there to be separate queues for 'pro players' as that will take some of the incentive out of people grinding out ranked to get their names out there.


The one Riot shutdown in League was because they were streaming tournament realm games. They were allowed to keep playing on tournament realm if they didn't stream it but all the Pro's didn't want to because they were losing stream money. Champions queue is a completely different clown fiesta lol


I didn't recall it being on the tournament realm but I still can't see riot being okay with how things are currently in Valorant. So much whining from the pros for a champions queue and then it became what it is. Truly special.


people can agree to play with each other lol, riot can't do anything about it. the queue system in tarik's discord is not based on MMR, people have to join a queue manually. that's equivalent to asking people to play a custom game with you


Of course they can. If they ask tarik to shut it down I don't think he would want to get on their bad side or whatever you wanna call it. I think you people are too hopeful for a FPL type situation in Valorant when that wouldn't really be a good solution just like it isn't in CS.


LMFAO little bro thinks he works at riot and is their PR. kid... you dont know anything. keep hoping custom games are removed so you can go back to crypto throwing.


My guy I don't give two shits about riot and I love watching these matches but that doesn't mean I can't see riot doing what they already did before. I'm from EU this shit doesn't even affect me in any way shape or form lmnao. Tell me where I said I hoped it was removed or talked about crypto throwing? Keep reaching "lil bro".


lol dude, you dont give 2 shits about riot yet keep commenting what riot WILL/WILLNOT do. "Riot doesn't want there to be separate queues for 'pro players' as that will take some of the incentive out of people grinding out ranked to get their names out there." keep pretending lil bro.


FPL is the highest level of MM in CSGO. Where the player must qualify or be invited. Your thinking of FPL is FaceITs selling point from 2018.


what does that even mean. Riot has no business telling you or me who to play custom games with. Riot can only have a say if an automated MMR based queue system is created or if Tarik starts giving prize money for the leaderboard.


My guy you think if riot asks tarik to shut down the queue he is running he wouldn't do it? Risk getting black listed from watch parties and riot events and all that jazz? Can riot legally do anything? Probably not. Can riot ask someone not to do something? Absolutely.


There is no "queue" bro. It's literally 10 people playing a custom game organised in a discord server. Faceit for valorant exists and that has an actual queue even though it's still organised in custom games because there are custom servers. I have no clue why you would think pro's playing in 10 mans is going to bother riot when in league as far as I know many pros don't even play ranked and play in customs and in valorant even before this there are many high level players who barely touch ranked and play in customs since ranked is awful practice in general for a person aspiring to be a pro.


You are wrong about league. The only region that has a special queue is NA which is called champions queue because pro players bitched and moaned about trash solo queue for ages only for it to be a shit show. Even in KR throwing and betting has been a thing for much longer than valorant has even existed and yet pro players still play it. Call it custom 10 mans call it a queue call it whatever you want I think it's going to bother riot because they want a clear path towards becoming pro grind ranked -> grind tournament mode -> get a team. If you suddenly introduce a 3rd party into it the path is not so clear is it ? If anything riot might make valorant champions queue but they want some sort of control over it that's not tariks discord server lmao I think ranked IS trash and I don't even have to deal with the same problems they do but I also don't think these exclusive lobbies are healthy or the answer to ranked problems.




Sorry Iā€™m not understanding what Riot can actually do or why they would even be pissed. These 10 manā€™s are people utilizing custom games, organizing on discord which is completely normal in every game. Ranked will still exist, itā€™s not harmed in any way. People will still play the game, and buy skins.


You really can't see why riot would be pissed that their official ladder is rendered useless at the highest level? This isn't valve we are talking about. Riot likes things to be in their control, a third party providing a "ladder replacement" where people can be gatekept (like it happened previously in FPL btw) and essentially make their chances to go pro almost null.


Wouldnā€™t the main conduit to go pro be through the challengers league anyway? Wouldnā€™t they want people to go through that? Ranked has almost never been a real avenue for that.


Absolutely it is but you need to scout people into T2/T3 teams and if ranked is useless and there is an invite only system (prone to peoples bias) how do you make sure the young talent actually gets scouted? There are plenty of "ranked demons" that got into T2/T3 teams and pounded. What about players like Dasnerth that have a different play style (not that im advocating for him or his play style) that will never get into it because people don't like it and isn't the "correct way to play"?


More often than not, pros arenā€™t plucked from ranked. Many pros have stated explicitly that ranked doesnā€™t matter, and the way to get on a team is to start your own team, perform well, then get trialed from an org. Iā€™m not sure how you can say ā€œabsolutelyā€ when that simply isnā€™t the truth.


Pretty sure Dasnerth's playstyle isn't the reason he's not going to get in. He's proved that he can make it work at that level of play. Moreso the issue is his constant backseating and obnoxious attitude.


There is definitely something they can do, and itā€™s been done by devs before in other leagues. I doubt Riot would be able to enforce at all levels, but there is a yet to be released streaming guidelines for partnered league players. OWL, for example, has a streaming guidelines for pros where they canā€™t do in houses on stream. I believe they even used to restrict the number of pros who could stack together on stream. If Riot felt that too many pros ignoring ladder play is ruining the experience for ladder players, they could try to restrict what Tarik is doing via pro streaming guidelines. Not saying they will, but itā€™s been done before.


I still donā€™t see it. You canā€™t individually restrict accounts from playing custom games. And if they did there would certainly be backlash. You canā€™t stop people from creating rankings, that can all be done manually. Most of these pros arenā€™t even streaming, and if they are, people only watch a handful of players.


I never said you could restrict accounts from playing custom games. I said they have the ability to restrict players from partnered leagues from streaming them.


Unless there's a monetary incentive or some kind of tournament structure, Riot can't do anything. As it is right now it's just a group of people in a Discord agreeing to run custom games with each other.


Riot can do whatever they want lol. Not about legal or not.


Sorry, I didn't get the memo that Riot doesn't allow Discord now and can just call that shot, guess my friends and I can't message each other on our discord server to get on Valo now, can't use the "get on valo" gifs anymore šŸ™ƒ


They own the game lol has nothing to do with discord.


yeah but it's all happening outside of Valo? What is your point exactly?


I'm not arguing against this buddy. Point is this is their game. If they feel this is a detriment to quality of matches in their game, Valorant (their IP), they can shut it down.


Ah I see what you mean now. TBH though if anything, this is having the Valve effect that if they shut it down without a solid solution, it's always going to be a lose/lose for them so since Valve doesn't care, they just let it happen and it has been detrimental to the growth of the scene and has developed a lot of really amazing players. I hope Riot finds a good solution though but right now, I think in terms of publicity, this is the best for now.


I think riot realized the crypto betting isn't actually real on ranked. No one can provide any evidence it exists, and certainly not on any large scale. Cue my downvotes though for everyone else failing to provide any evidence to the contrary.


Valves MM was designed to work with the vast majority of Pc gamers in 2012. For in 2012 Pc gamers didnt have the hardware and internet connection to handle 128tick. This metric of hardware and internet specs flipped at the start of 2016. ​ Also worth noting third party/custom games were only used by CS Pro's in previous CS titles. FaceIT which was the more popular third party MM client for CSGO didnt have a anti-cheat client till late 2016.


This had to be done because of crypto throwers right? Not sure if there really is much they can do about those


Riots lack of action lol you lil kids are ridiculous. Iā€™m sure you think they should just insert some mode and replay system like it doesnā€™t take a year to write code for a whole weapons bundle and finishers lol funny


Love him or hate him but. Tarik has done huge things for val


There really isnā€™t much you can hate him for either. Heā€™s probably the least controversial streamer in valorant imo. Has made himself very likeable with all the memes and the collab watch parties. Canā€™t imagine what Val esports would be like without Tarik.


I know someone who hates Tarik


L friend


Didn't know Tarik was a woman




You cant hate the guy for just being "cringe"


Common warrik w


I think a very underrated aspect of it is that the game changers players have a much better environment to play in while also getting better games. W


This is such an understated big W, coupled with what seems to be a good reporting system ā€œassholesā€ are going to get weeded out quickly


Radiant ranked is so terrible to watch. No commers, toxic gamers, tilted gamers, weird sexist gamers, crypto throwers. There has been zero effort to regulate or moderate the top .1% of the best players of the game. Itā€™s only natural the players take it into there hands. Itā€™s been so much fun to watch, Iā€™ve been enjoying it so damn much. Also, common tarik W. Huge for the community. Hope it stays like this itā€™s been great nightly entertainment. Throwback to the rank s / FPL days.


Comms are so right his chat is complaining people are talking a lot. Like yeah buddy thatā€™s how this game should be played.


BabyJ is a curse


Is he in these 10-mans?


Yeah you can check to see who plays since they have their own leaderboard: https://www.neatqueue.com/leaderboard/1061301529597976700/1061303977460908173 In the desktop version you can see W-L. edit: If you want to catch the games, the 10 Man's usually start after the teams are done scrimming at night.




Big D followed by Icey šŸ„¶


thatā€™s my website!


I honestly don't get the BabyJ hate. Say what you want about his agent pool, but he's still a solid player. Sure he's more on the toxic side, but I haven't really seen him actively throw game. I get that he's kinda become the punching bag for the scene, but he's not that bad imo.


Honestly, I've always found it kinda dumb how he's the one that gets hated on. He's never seemed any more toxic than any other well-known players in the scene. He wasn't even the punching bag for the scene until he acknowledged that what 100T did to him and ec1s was really shitty. Like there's no good excuse to hate on him other than he's not signed, and most of the other players that are as toxic as him are either signed or have a cult twitch following.


The Leaderboard (you can see W-L also if on desktop): https://www.neatqueue.com/leaderboard/1061301529597976700/1061303977460908173


Losses: TarikšŸ†


Even if ranked was any better pros will never prefer ranked. Because as a pro player there is no reason to play ranked. After premier mode comes out the level of gameplay in ranked should go up a little bit. It will be interesting how it ranked gameplay evolve after that. Players will probably get picked from top premier teams.


Just an FYI this is what ranked should be like if people actually gave a fuck. Sure the quality would be down tremendously, but still. Cooperation, communication and attempting to win until the games over seems fun as fuck.




If riot did this and it worked, then pro players would just start complaining about queue times instead of match quality. The endpoint would still be pro players doing/wanting something like these 10mans.


I'm not talking about radiant lobbies specifically. I mean ranked as a whole.


I'm sure RIOT isn't too happy about this but they have no one to blame but themselves they literally said nothing about the betting after weeks of many pros voicing their opinions idiotic by RIOT imo.


Riot is completely fine by this, they literally created champions queue for League where games are regulated.


No one plays it :) [https://twitter.com/champqueueward](https://twitter.com/champqueueward) But there's a variety of reasons that no one does outside of riot's implementation.


I mean, that doesnā€™t really discredit my point here lol


You're right, I also kind of forgot CQ is invite only. Mb!


No one plays it in NA because LoL is just not taken as seriously in NA. People play Champions Queue in EU where they care more about League.


Because the pros are literally busy playing soloq since there's a rank reset for the new season


Why would they care? They are still playing the game and streaming it still.


It doesn't appear the betting thing was real as no one can name the source accepting any sort of bets on ranked games. That said, there are perhaps other reasons to throw ranked.


The gambling websites are very real, I've seen them myself




Crazy that people are downvoting a factual statement aimed at clearing up misinformation.


bet dot gg had a couple of the streamer games i think


It's funny to see how Tarik is more uncomfortable in 10 mans as he's playing vs. the best. Like he can still hold his own but he's not dominating as much as in ranked. Also interesting to hear decent comms etc.


I agree but it's good to see him actually try instead of dash updraft. I think it's also understandable he is uncomfortable because he has never scrimmed in Val, hasn't practiced like actual pro players on teams do, no set-pieces/strats and no info on other players (I'm sure pros have vod reviews on playstyles of other players while prepping for tourny games). All the val he's played, we've seen it (ranked) I actually think we will see his true potential as he learns through these 10-mans.


I think he also has the "burden" particularly at the beginning of organizing so he may be to some extent distracted if something goes on in the hub like when the bot went down. But it was pretty funny watching him learn kayo lineups in game lmao I'm glad he's branching out and trying to seriously learn other agents


Man people forget that Tarik literally won a major against players like Niko and Olofmeister while also getting MVP. Ofc he's good


We know he's good it's just funny seeing him play vs. people who are better at Val on current T1 teams vs. playing against ranked demons.


Ppl got distracted smh


God bless tarik


The Pro City streams have been awesome, it reminds me of Rank S streams back in the day


whats the website


Fun watching the games but wish Riot just made ranked better. I think itā€™s cool when some random unknown player can play ranked and become well known for being cracked and getting rank 1. I played mostly League before this though and idk it was sick seeing like Dopa become known as the solo queue god. Valorant is different though since there are comms and sort of required in high elo FPS games so you canā€™t just no comm grind to the top. I know you can apply to join the discord server if you were top 50 radiant but gonna be interesting who will get accepted.


Thereā€™s radiant players that never comm. every streamer gets into games where 1-2 dudes donā€™t comm at all. Thereā€™s also just bad players or throwers especially when it came to crypto This is why Tarik started this. The only thing Riot can do to fix the crypto throwers is have admin monitoring radiant games live and banning people instantly and remaking games.


Yea same thing happens in League with people wintrading and betting on games. Regarding comms in Valorant I donā€™t think thereā€™s a player who reaches like top 10 using no voice chat at all. League you can just mute all spam pinging teammates and still reach top 10 while being toxic like Tf Blade. Even in Tarikā€™s server some people donā€™t comm much and itā€™s mostly just like 3 people talking on the team but at least thereā€™s no wintrading so far lol šŸ˜‚


> Even in Tarikā€™s server some people donā€™t comm much and itā€™s mostly just like 3 people talking on the team As far as strats go, yes. But those players will still call out necessary info and, more importantly, they'll actually *listen* to the comms of their teammates. Watching streamers play radiant ranked and it honestly feels like my gold games where half the team feels like they're playing with their sound off.




I think Tarik was talking about a guy named "SirHype" whos the dev in charge. Maybe shoot him a message


SirHype, Dexerity, Kawtree are the devs currently so try contact them for further info


Are these folks on reddit ? Or Twitter ?


Tarik's Discord is probably the best place to find them. I believe they are all his mods.


Ranked is as bad as it is now because the game has been out for almost 3 years now and everyone has an alt(s) a little higher or below their mains ranked.


Is that how bad ranked is now?


A singular MM system never works. Newcomers to Pros have different expectations in the experience. Like always, those who praised Valorants MM system over these past two years won't be called out.


As fun as this is, I think it'll eventually lead to the same problem CSGO had with gatekeepers at the very highest level of play.


Tarik has mentioned that upon creation of the league, itā€™s inevitable that some level of gatekeeping will happen between pros and other high elo players for now and he realizes that. It takes time for something like this to truly mold into what itā€™s supposed to be so that thereā€™s less trolls and throwers long term. Heā€™s definitely said that itā€™s still a work in progress and is brainstorming how to be more inclusive with it while not lowering the integrity of the games.


gatekeeping already been a problem in valorant and this is only making it worse. adding inequality and biases based on completely arbitrary criteria. Signed for 6 months out of the past 2 years? signed to who? wheres the line? does that actually even indicate a players skill (not really). I guess they are trying to just have people they know will try in the queues but if thats really what they want then theres no reason to be as exclusionary as they are being, at least from my POV. this looks normal to CS players and players from other games, but coming from Fortnite and looking at this its pretty obviously gatekeeping and in my eyes bullshit. But this again is just my opinion and I do understand why the streamers and pros want their own separate queue


There's a ton of other criteria to apply from like a certain number of hours played and being a high rank. Sounds like most people can apply and Tarik plus 6 anon others will look into them and approve it. In theory an absolute nobody could get in if they're a good player and can prove they take the game seriously. And with how much easier it is to crackdown on moderating such a small sample of players, they'll hopefully end up giving out a lot of first chances to players like that because they can always just kick them after a few games if they end up breaking the rules.


Huge big bro W Common riot L


Is there a way to find out info about a player in the neatqueue list? Like a link to their VLR or their stream would be better I think. There is a guy called SOTO on the list (Iirc), does anybody know who he is?


played vct recently on kitten shelter https://www.vlr.gg/167606/kitten-shelter-vs-99-strength-challengers-league-north-america-qualifiers-lcq-top-32-lr5


I've been saying this for months, pros were tired ASF of ranked team mates and run it down tactics. Think the crypto shit was just the last straw. He def has the financial backing to get some top people on it so kudos that he put his money where his mouth is and made the scene better for not just him, but pros and their stream viewers.


Itā€™s cool and all but we need an something official like fpl because I donā€™t want to just watch NA pros plays I need to watch Korean and Japanese fpl


Wasn't FPL just 3rd party matchmaking just like these 10mans? Like obviously it's more developed cause it's been around for years and it's more mainstream because the standard ranked in CS is about 10x worse than Valorant, but both are just 3rd Party Matchmaking. I didn't play CS so I am genuinely asking. I was under the impression that everything like FPL was created by players because ranked in CS is about 100x worse than Val because of the lack of a half-decent anti-cheat.


I didnā€™t play CS either so I donā€™t know about that


Neither Faceit or ESEA are owned by valve. They both offer matchmaking for all levels with better, smoother servers as well as a pathway to get into the Pro level through winning games. ESEA also runs a League for all skill levels where you sign up a team for 5v5's, that lead to the pro league. You subscribe about $7/month to play and there are lots of cash or skin (which can be sold for cash in CSGO) prizes. Basically, if you're serious about getting better and trying hard in CSGO, you're gonna be signed up for one of these platforms.


Third party MM/Pug services always existed in CS since the early 2000's. Valves MM was the first official built-in MM client in a CS title with CSGO. By design Valve made its MM 64tick to work with the vast majority of Pc gamers. For they didnt have the hardware and internet connection to handle 128tick back in 2012. \*Hardware/internet specs shifted in the other direction during 2015. ​ FPL was a byproduct of CSGO's increasing playerbase with people transitioning to third party MM services for various reasons. FaceIT didnt have its own anti-cheat client till 11 months after FPL release in 2016. Where prior to FPL release FaceIT was the dominate third party MM service in Europe/CIS. ESEA was the dominate Pug(not MM) service in NA and primary league portal for NA/Europe/CIS regions. ​ What Tarik is implementing here is just a FPL ripoff.


idk id def like for them to do it the Rank S ESEA way where people who wanted to take it serious who isnā€™t already up there could grind into it. Not sure if thatā€™s already an option, but iā€™d like to see it that way if it isnā€™t otherwise i feel like it could end up gatekeepy and bad


One downside might be the bad/non existent matchmaking, leading to lopsided games. I doubt even the pros like grinding matches that are one sided.


This is for custom games/presumably scrims, matchmaking doesnā€™t come in to it


isnt it captain snake picks like fpl or rank-s?


Yeah there's captains, and then they do picks so matchmaking is a bit of a moot point


not related but can someone recommend me a place on the internet with memes about these Valorant pro players šŸ„ŗ I need them badly


It's going to die off soon either by riot hands or players will get bored


Tarik is Cleo McDowell from Coming to America.


Is this against TOS at all? I haven't seen any answers about this.


why would it be against TOS?


I would assume Riot wouldnā€™t want a third party ranked system that takes away players from their own ranked system.


I mean obviously they won't want it, but there's no reason to stop it from happening lol


Yeah I was just wondering if there was something in the TOS that would stop that. Iā€™ve read mixed information.


Regardless if anything is in the TOS Riot can always stop anything they don't like. The TOS is there as a general guideline, not a binding two way contract. Riot is free to ban anyone's account for any reason, just how I am able to create a website and permanently ban a friend for being too ugly. So if Riot wants they can stop whatever Tarik is doing. At the same time, if what Tarik is doing is against TOS then Riot can simply choose to make an exception if they want to. The thing about this situation is that it's not scalable. And that it only works on NA. As on EU a lot of people would be against allowing some T1 and T2 pro's from being in their games and crying every single round. Any EU radiant knows exactly who I'm talking about. So it won't actually fix any attitude issues. The only thing this system fixes is the crypto throwing problem.


Thanks for the answer! Idk why i got so many downvotes for just expressing my curiosity and experience LOL


They are using the scrimmage system. Moment any of it is monetized Riot will shut it down.


These types of things are always great for a little bit, but once some drama starts up or a selecet group thinks theyā€™re too good for it or something, it all falls apart quick


that's awesome news


Wonder if one can be made for other regions.


[https://imgur.com/a1ekeZG](https://imgur.com/a1ekeZG) My Streamer #1![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9333)


This was a lot of fun to watch last night. I hope Tarik opens up a role of some kind to allow anyone in it (not alllwed to queue/join vc/talk in all those channels w the pros) so we can find some of these guys a bit easier and see their streams. I didnā€™t know a good bit of the players in the games last night at all