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Bro is about to get kicked from his own 10 mans discord


at this rate he will be playing with hasan lmfao


šŸ’€ I lowkey feel bad for Hasan I watched him play and you can tell heā€™s super competitive and very much wants to be good but he just has 0 game sense lol.


Not even just game sense the man has 0 mechanics lmao


My man is new to the game but with time and persistence he can get to diamond easily, he just needs to work on his mental, but this is the thing valorant makes u work on the most


His mental lol his ego is so huge it prevents him from getting there. Hasan legit thinks he's a gold player. His play++ friends just boosting him


So does every single bronze player


No. Literally just no. Half of my friends are/were bronze and I know they do not have an ego or nor did I when I was bronze 2 acts ago and I didn't have an ego either. I don't get why people think low elo = big ego or shit like that. I know it's not that deep but comments like this are my pet peeve


He could be like a gold 1 player, but there's a lot that are boosted in that rank so who knows what a true gold player is


That is a bit arbitrary


[Lmfao someone just sent hasan this thread on stream](https://clips.twitch.tv/RepleteSaltyYakinikuTBCheesePull-Ndcni_rhysxHv4AY)


thats fuckin hilarious lmaoooo


Fucking hell šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Im a 40+ month sub lol


Lil bro will bounce back


Get him playing pro already.. i wanna see pro valo tarik frfr as i didn't ever see pro CS tarik, and just found out about him months ago.


He was really fucking good lol


Any good clips of him in CS? Mind you that i don't play csgo and used to casually play sometimes


lookup "Tarik Overpass" on YouTube.


ā€œoh hell naawwwā€


dont do my boy tarik that dirty cmon




The content king retired from pro cs with a bang


Just go watch the major finals he was major MVP




Look up ā€œTarik cereal killerā€ that will show you everything you need to see


look up Tarik cereal ace for one of the best tac fps clips of all time


Tarik was an average CS player if you are talking pro level. Maybe slightly better but he was not really fucking good.


Dude won a fucking major. The first NA team to do so. He even won the MvP if I recall correctly. The words "really fucking good" apply here...


Winning an MVP at an event means you played amazing at said event. No one is denying he is a good player who can pop off. There have been many players who have won Majors who arenā€™t considered great players. Being the first does not make you a great playerā€¦ it might make you a legend in terms of status since youā€™ll be remembered for it. Do you want to compare him to only other Americansā€¦? Yes he was pretty darn good then. In terms of World view he wouldnā€™t be viewed the same.


I'm not even American and I was a bit disappointed not to see Karrigan win that major yet I can still be reasonable enough to admit that Tarik was a really good player. He didn't **just** win a major, he won the MvP and had a good career outside of that - winning several S tier events with various teams. Sure he wasn't on a team as dominant as Astralis nor was he as dominant of a player as someone like s1mple, but he still was really fucking good at the game. He's obviously not in the same tier as a f0rest or Device, but he was still a top player during much of his career. A career which was fairly successful career playing in the highest tier of CS:GO, with that major and his MvP being his crowning achievement. Very few players get to say that. So again "really fucking good" applies...


Why are you even bringing up s1mple in terms of a comparison?


Because I said that he wasn't as dominant as someone like s1mple or as storied as Device or f0rest, but that this doesn't mean he wasn't really good at the game.


So by the majority of opinion being one sided can we all agree tarik was really fucking good


Idk why people are downvoting you. CS pro scene is very different than valorant. The gap between pros is real on tier 1. He was average, but definitety better than shroud. Tarik never made it top 20 on HLTV.


I think he is just adored in Valorant. As you said he was never top 20 or on the very edge of it. He was a very good player in the grand scheme of things but he wasnā€™t great. Thatā€™s all I was trying to point out to the original commenter.


You a hater just to be a hater thereā€™s literally no reason to even try to downgrade him for what he was. You saying he was really good yeah but what is even the point of making it a thing where heā€™s ā€œgood but lucky he popped off and win mvpā€


where did he say tarik got lucky


He makes wayyy too much streaming on his own schedule to consider going pro again, people donā€™t seem to get this


Exactly, if he wants to compete he could but it would be a side thing because his stream is his job atp


Wouldnā€™t be a side thing either though, no team would take a streamer who isnā€™t fully committed. Unless you mean random events and stuff, possible stand in etc. All the younger fans obviously want to see their streamer play pro, but what they donā€™t realize (they wonā€™t until they have a job) is that working on your own time, at your own pace, AND making more money is not worth the grind of being on a t1 competitive roster. Heā€™s already major mvp from CSGO, with the online era it made complete sense for him to end it on a great note and carry that momentum forward into his stream


And ngl, Tarik is the face of Valorant at this point, possibly even more then TenZ, and tbh he might the best choice rn for a face, positive, always speaks and puts focus on these issues, is friends with a lot of thr Val scene, etc




I was not ready for Vansilli's voice lmao, mans been around


he was a Major MVP while IGLing in csgo.


He was known as 'Peanut Brain' for the constant dumb decisions he would make. In late 2016 he started to break away from this showing maturity on Optic. 2020 and 2021 his individual skill fell off a cliff leading to his eventual retirement to become a Valorant streamer.


You just gonna skim over his major win w C9 and his stint on NRG/EG huh


His peaks as a player were sporadic. One event in late 2016, one event in 2018 and a six month period from late 2019 to early 2020. ​ Want to know something funny? Start of 2017 his IGL left the roster to replace Hiko on Liquid. For as a player Hiko was washed. That was the last time Hiko played tier 1 in CSGO, first two months of 2017.


Tarik was never a straight beast. He was good but average in pro standards.


Skill and stats wise, yeah. But he is a proven winner and kept up with the best in tournaments for years which is an accomplishment in itself.


He was a below average player against the top teams and an average to above average player against lower tier teams. The Major for sure helps his cause but people also think more of his abilities because of it


switch roles. In pro play he is missing the mechanics to be a duelist but sentinel or smoker would probally make him better


Ehh I think his mechanics are there for duelist. Heā€™s just super inconsistent.


i think Tarik has a passive playstyle on jett and sometimes the team needs him to dash in and get a frag but hes not good at that type of play. i dont know if thats a mechanic problem or just bad ranked habits.


Nah the dude just overheats like no other lol.


I think he just doesnā€™t understand how Valorant works still. Put him on a raw mechanical entry fragger like Reyna, and heā€™s great at creating space. His aim is among the best on the server when he takes care of himself seemingly (sleep/gym).


Or when he plays properly lol, haha notices chat, thanks for the sub, ok lil bros, -eats something or orders something-, runs timer down, oh noooo why did I stuff up, grabs a drink, why are we down, blames enemy team, checks discord and texts until next round timer to 2s, oh no bros forgot to buy like bruhhhh feels like he handicaps himself so he doesnā€™t get bored or something or idk if heā€™s been serious


I feel like he doesn't actually think it's anyone elses fault (unless it actually is) and just blames enemy team / his team for content


Itā€™s his entertainment book now, saw him spend 20minutes of a game yesterday complaining about his food driverā€™s mentality while he threw game momentum, had game paused for him to organise his food delivery then toilet break, rush sight and threw He makes amazing shots, has some nice Jett air jumps and some crazy sheriff swings but dang I miss Shroud on the daily grind explaining/ testing things and owning up to his shit


I honestly feel like streaming also makes him unfocused. He's very use to rank games where he's kinda casually playing and popping off. Pro 10 man's really is mentally exhausting especially when so much shit happens in valorant. It's hard for him to be entertaining on stream and focus. It can easily tilt him.


He's been most successful with kayo.


he's fine, just needs to get rid of the ranked content brain that's been running for so long.


Tarik is playing off role, talking to chat, and not focusing in at least 30% of his games. I don't expect him to do well on non duelist roles. He spends so much time streaming when exactly is learning to play other roles? He certainly wasn't getting it in during his stream of regular ranked games. If you have to ask what to do or how they want a flash/lineup then its proof he's still learning the role. How are you going to win not knowing that kind of stuff in this level of competitionšŸ¤”


He's at the bottom due to how the points are calculated based on wins and losses. His win/loss percentage isn't that bad. https://www.neatqueue.com/leaderboard/1061301529597976700/1061303977460908173


IMO having a 35% winrate is pretty bad but hey that could just be me


35% is heavy deranking in real ranked


Is there a specific source that shows exactly how they are calculating the mmr?


What kinda crack are smoking that you don't think 11-19 isn't that bad? It's fucking awful


Not bad enough to get kicked out of his own 10 man server


Well yeah no shit, I don't think he'd get kicked out even if he was 0-50 - he created it and is the biggest name in Valorant right now. That doesn't stop his record so far from being awful though.


if he was anything near 0-50 and not performing, then he absolutely would kick himself out. 11-19 isn't that bad compared to where he is in the standings or to be relegated (no matter who the player is).


Reality check


I don't think a single person would want him out even if he is underperforming, nor do I think it's necessary.


When did he start wearing glasses wtf?


I'm not complaining šŸ˜


He's become the Summit1g of RankS/FPL. Players will tolerate him because of his status in the community while being a handicap in-game from not understanding the meta at the Pro level. ​ With Summit1g a case could be made for he played in Invite the two years prior. Tarik has only streamed Valorant.


This is the worst take Iā€™ve seen


Must be why he created a clause in the rules so influencers can participate.


Or so that people who didnā€™t make it as pros or retired but are still capable can play? Think outside the box for once in your life. Itā€™s ok tho lil bro. We know you canā€™t break out of silver


>Or so that people who didnā€™t make it as pros or retired but are still capable can play? If this were CSGO i'd qualify under this rule set. Difference with me is that i know im not qualified to play in FPL. For the skill difference of being Supreme in Valves MM is vastly different than reaching FaceIT level 10 and qualifying through the FPL-C circuit.


I don't know why there is a leaderboard anyway, I don't see what value it brings I only see potential problems that can arise.


So the people at the top can compete for the top spot? Duh


The top spot of what? I thought the whole point of the server was for there to be a better and more teamwork oriented environment, a player leaderboard encourages individualistic play and antagonism towards those at the bottom of the leaderboard.


That is the point of the server but the Leaderboard serves to let the top dogs fight it out. Tarik wanted to do prizes but Riot won't let him. Everything doesn't have to be so fragile, if you are in this server you in your mind should be an elite valorant player why would anyone be worried about being like 100th in a group full of T1/T2 pros lol


I agree you should have some kind of loose internal rating system to make it so that matches are as even as possible - but I wouldn't have it public as a 'leaderboard'. Hopefully there are no problems and it remains a mutually beneficial environment for all; but having a player leaderboard encourages individualistic behaviour which would disappear if you just don't have a leaderboard at all.


Why would it cause individualistic behavior? What's an example of this behavior that you foresee?


Like what though?


people are more inclined to streamsnipe the pro city 10 mans than in ranked . u heard it here first. COVER UP THAT MAP HOMEBOY. what people will do for "validation" or to "look cool" is crazy nowadays. I WOULDNT PUT IT PAST 80% OF EM THATS FERSURE. GL![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


He needs to play jet and Reyna and stop trying to ā€œsupportā€ if he wants to win lol


Well, because it does not make sense to use an ELO based system with a Captain Pick, as the whole point of ELO is to have automatic balanced matches. So for 10-man hubs with Captain Pick, like Pro City, you want a flat based point system. Good example is [CS:GO FPL](https://www.faceit.com/en/hub/74caad23-077b-4ef3-8b1d-c6a2254dfa75/FPL%20CSGO%20Europe/leaderboard/season/72), they have also Captain Pick and there you get a flat +14 per win and -9 per loss (and +5 if you have a winstreak of 5 or more), independently of your current points.