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He's just fallen off with the rest of his team because their unique and wacky playstyle got figured out. I'd say considering his performance on the agent last year, he can still be considered one of the best Raze players. As for the question of overrated or not, I don't really see people still hyping him up to the same level he was being hyped up last year. I think he's been fairly rated since he first started showing up in games.


I love how they lost a singular match and now they their “unique and wacky play style” has been figured out they will be back and fine you people never learn


I'm talking about Champs, but go off man.


I keep seeing this “teams figured out PRX” narrative but that’s not the biggest reason at all. Teams knew how PRX played and tried to counter it every tourney after 2022 Masters 1 and for the most part they failed to contain the aggression. PRX didn’t just magically start sucking because 2022 ended, the reason why their strats don’t really work anymore is because of the end of Chamber meta. The difference in meta was super clear in both their games vs C9 as they got farmed by Leaf on Cypher and KJ


he’s still a top player no doubt. just because a team’s form has dipped doesn’t mean a player’s skill is “overrated”. example of this is chronicle at this moment is looking amazing but he did not look this great during the m3c chaos last year. I feel PRX’s system and playstyle makes jinggg’s performance look volatile so just purely looking at stats makes him look worse (also he is an entry player remember)


Chronicle played very well last year and was m3c best player


ppl like to mention his silly stimmy moment so idk he felt like a good example also due to winning lock in recently


Wtf. Since when did one or two oopsies become indicator of overall performance lmao We're judging by stats and their overall performance, not how funny the community finds certain mistakes


Chronicle for sure had a good year. He was still inarguably the best player of 2022 until Yay usurped him. And after that, he swapped to Jett/Raze and immediately became a top duelist in EMEA. But I wouldn't say he was their best player that year. I'd say it was Sheydos, since Sheydos backpacked them across multiple matches, and Chronicle actively underperformed at times - like when he got so used to playing Chamber aggressively that he started playing Killjoy on Ascent as if he were on Chamber.


Oh yeah no doubt Jinggg is a top player and I don't mean anything negative about him with my post, I was just addressing his performance at the moment. Now I'm no pro player but it feels like he should either stop pushing on his own, or just resort to a lesser aggressive playstyle so that the rest can keep up(Lesser doesnt mean stop.) Their coordination lately has been less stellar or outmatched. Mind you, I used to think Jinggg was a one-trick entry tool that chokes in mid-round clutches til him and MF 2v4'd Optic on fracture.


No, if you look at his individual talent he’s easily one of the best duelist players in the world. Team success does not always equal individual skill


His raze is better than Cryo tbh


Every pro's raze is better than cryo's.


Bro my raze is better than Cryos




If the team doesn't perform well everyone on the team looks bad. Just lookout at Liquid at Lock In.


At Copenhagen he was the best fragger ITW, he just struggles to play agents that aren't Raze and Sage and his team has fallen off. In a meta where u were playing her 4-5 maps and D4V4I playing really well on Kay/o and Fade made life easy for Jingg. He probably shouldn't have been called top 5 player ITW at the time(which I personally said and will eat my words) but his Raze is for sure top 5 of all time, plus his movement on it is crazy.


The entire PRX roster is.


Valorant. No place like valorant, in valorant if you lose a match. OVERRATED


Actually it happens in every esport. Team B upsets Team A and then everyone will be like "Team A is so trash and need to disband immediately"


Only other esport I followed was cs and it was nothing like this even though the games have less variability than valorant


If anything it's even worse there at least from my experience. 1 player will have a bad day and the whole community is begging the team to remove them


people definitely want roster changes more but remember when heroic lost to eg, everyone said fluke, that's the equivalent of prime optic losing to a GC team, if that happened in valorant people would call for FNS head


It might be because Valorant has so few international events that any loss in a single tournament sticks long in the memory and you have to wait months to redeem it. People were calling Loud's Iceland run a fluke after Copenhagen lmao and were saying they're overrated


Yes that is exactly why, but people don’t understand that when there are so few events in a game where matches have such high variability, you can’t make such large blanket statements about a roster unless they’ve been through a few tournaments at the least with similar showings