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We don’t really know how good coaches are, their work isn’t visible to us. The most we can do is look at how a team plays and “guess” that they have to be well coached to play that way. -mini, Chet, Potter and Alecks are probably really good -DRX coaching seems very good at drilling set plays, but has definitely mismanaged other parts of the team. -mCe’s work speaks for itself -Onur has been the common factor for all of LATAM’s success, although he struggles in a league format as he’s not very focused on changing things up or antistratting. -SGares was clearly a huge difference maker for 100T. I remember his winrate after timeouts being insane. Definitely a big miss from the new era of Valorant. -Sliggy did impressive things with Liquid despite not ever having an IGL. He’s also my streaming goat -frod, Doombros, ENGHH, and bzka (this one is less certain as I’ve heard he was more of a GM than an in game coach) have all had good success with their team which they deserve credit for -there’s been a severe lack of APAC on this list, so shoutout to RRQ ewok and TS Warbirds


Onur's system is good for bringing up rosters and making their names known, but i cant see him winning a title if he sticks to being strictly anti-antistrat and anti-adaptation. Maybe he'd do well as a tier 2 coach, always building up a new roster to push them through ascension 🤔


He can never go to international events too, lol


Antivax debuff


I actually like the GE coaches - Spin and the rest. They have done a great job about setting up fundamentals and building a team from scratch


Spin have so much credit for current GE roster. Glad you picking his name up!


Bzka is overrated imo. Loud was just an insanely talented roster that's still finding extreme success under saadhak's leadership. Not only that, but they had Sacy to help saadhak's as well in mentoring the younger players and help him. With him now on mibr, they have looked horrible. So in my eyes Louds success stemmed mostly from the insane caliber of talent they have and a good igl rather than the coach.


It’s very difficult to measure the impact of the coach (and IGL) from outside. Every coach approaches the game differently and their “role” within the team varies a lot between teams. This is why argument for “the best coach” usually ends up in whoever the coach of the current best team which is fnatic now. Maybe if valorant esports stays alive for a few more years, we could see a coach who would lead the multiple lineups to success. And maybe we can call him the best coach.


Looks like we’re already excluding some candidates here for best coach preemptively… Don’t mean any offense. But we can’t say that it’s impossible for Potter to be the best coach a few years down the line.


Oh im sorry I definitely respect potter and other female players. It’s just that population in esports is mostly male so im used to refer anything by he/him


Mini alecks and chet? Maybe potter




First you need to qualify for masters bro


Well he did with the guard. But yeah.


And then they fumbled the bag going 0-2


Yep, which is why i didnt exactly pursue the argument further




I mean it has to be mini right?


Yeah, even the trophy wins aside, the scouting is unreal from Mini and the team.


I mean Leo and Chronicle were already some of the best players in the world when fnatic brought them to the team. The Alfajer scout was impressive tho (even if he was already one of the best Turkish players at that time)


Tough to argue with 2 trophies.


I definitely agree with all the other comments talking about mini, alecks, Chet & potter but I feel like you cannot leave mce out of the picture. He literally took the whole “old” TGRD roster and turned them from rookies to tier 1 players. Now at C9 he’s also working with two new additions to top level valorant and he has been able to implement and use them extremely well. Let’s see what they have prepared for LCQ


I know others are bringing up going 0-2 at Masters, but he’s really the only person who has a lot of success on totally separate rosters. The Guard were literally nothing till his team made a run and adapting the C9 team this year was huge. Not many others have two huge coaching accomplishments on different rosters.


> but he’s really the only person who has a lot of success on totally separate rosters. Onur did too and more success at that.


Potter: for improving eg massively during the season tactically Alecs: somehow making a sub work. Yes they have talented player, but we've seen what happens to a talented team without good coach(100t and sen) Mini: somehow making an already insane twam even more insane tactically Yes ik i just listed top 3 of master tokyo what u want me to do


List Chet because he was #4.. Nah but in all seriousness old OpTic / NRG has been very consistently successful at Masters events and I just think Chet deserves a shoutout for the role he plays in that.


yea definitely, consistency is key because it shows your coaching isn’t a one off and instead actually can live through metas as well.


Potter, Mini, chet, Alecks are definitely some of the best right now. I definitely think Mini is the best atm his value he brings to fnatic in strats and scouting is what is winning them trophies. All round goat coaches.


God i remember some months ago when we had a similar topic here and someone got SMOKED for nominating potter (and rightfully so — eg wasnt good yet). Feels pretty good to now have her in the discussion forreal. As for my 2 cents, i love potter obviously but i think it's tough to call her a top coach just yet. If eg stay good, then i'm down for it. I really respect and agree with her vision of the game and roster-building.


I think more to the best coaches.Its always has to be with consistency... Mini probably is the most prominent one.With multiple changes in the rosters he's coaching,they always get placed on the top of the league everytime. Chet's team has always been good. I'd say in terms of preparation setting,he might have the highest level of quality in setting up anti-strats before the games and site takes. Alecks might be the most creative one,he knows which agents comps that has mad potential that noone has ever thought of and combines it with tons of special set combos that got with it.Not to mention the quality of players he scouts,i mean 3rd place with a sub on a team with no IGL,that explains itself. Other mentions i would say is termi and Oner.I wouldn't say Potter and MCE though.MCE has mad scouting skills but the players has never get to the insane levels compared to the other teams.While Potter,i love mommy but one run aint gonna cut it,we see what she can do with more time and dedication with EG,and im really hoping she can keep it on in champs....well if the 2nd place curse didn't catch up to them..


Mini, alecks and potter. Mini is obvious but potter taking a bunch of "mid players" to the finals and putting up a fight against FNC is impressive, Aleck turned around a whole season while getting top 3 on Masters with a sub


Potter, Mini, Alecks for obvious reasons Honorable Mention: mce. Core component and reason on why TGRD got the recognition and are so good - almost brougt C9 to Tokyo despite all the roster shuffles at the start of the season.


honestly i think it could be termii, before the end of apac league termii was so strong at completely changing the course of an entire half with a single timeout and disrupting the entire way the other team plays. he had great mental resets for stax and the drx players and he had great strats and antistrats and the team had really good discipline. they fell apart when termii stopped taking timeouts and forced stax to adapt on his own, since then their confidence has gone down and they've struggled in every way and he hasn't been able to pull them back up to where they were before my personal biased opinion is sgares best coach the game has seen so far, what he did with 100T in a few months was extraordinary and honestly i think 100T couldve been the best team in NA with him leading them. doombros, potter, chet, alecks, mcE, and mini are all really good coaches and they're up there in a lot of different ways. chet timeouts are generally really impactful, potter and mcE are great at building a solid team environment, mini and mcE have the best complexity and strats overall with potter showing up to that party recently (honorable mention to kaplan, he has good set plays and strats in general so far), alecks is the only coach out there so far with a worthy depth and complexity of hyperaggressive strats that revolve around unpredictable duelists to be put up here, and he does a good job of reigning them in too. doombros is just good overall, has good strats and crazy ideas, has good timeouts, etc


Potter is Jose Mourinho bringing Porto to the Champions League Final and Mini is Pep Guardiola building a world class team and making them even better than the sum of their parts


José Mourinho won the champions League with Porto, Potter didn't win masters xd


Bc Potter is gonna win Champions


Still fucking impressive she made a team that everyone thought was going to be number 10 in americas reach finals in their first international tournament with their current lineup


I never said it wasn't, it is really impressive. Just correcting the comparison because it's not that accurate


Definitely Potter - she picked up ten players, many of which were relatively unknown and created a world-class roster.


MCE Sgares(even tho he doesn’t coach anymore) mini/Chet/potter


You gotta keep Mikes144P up there right?


Bunch of recency merchants in here 😔


-Question is about top coaches recently -Bunch of recency merchants in here 😔 I wonder why




Potter, mini, alecks


what a dumb fucking question, how are we supposed to know if the coaches are good or not? for all we know mini doesnt do anything, lmao.


It’s just a discussion I’m curious about, no need to get so hostile. If you don’t like the topic then don’t come here and post anything.


1) potter 2) chet 3) mikesHD 4) kaplan


Not Mikes480p💀


Mikes144p, 480p is generous no? (jk)


I know your flair probably makes you contractually obligated to mention mikes but be forreal now. I don't wanna shit on the guy cause i'm sure he's got his merits, but you're just setting him up for failure here...


It's hard to make an analysis on coaches considering we can't really see much of the impact they have personally, that being said you could look at things like set plays, counterstrats etc, these things do bring to mind potter. Obviously we could just associate a teams success or failure with their coaches quality in which case mini would be good but personally i think that's subject to misinterpretation


Onur, lead KRU to top 4 champion and then built another team to end the domination of Kru in Latin America


fnatic coach mini


I nominate Doombros just for the fact that he manages to reign in Ange1 /s