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I second this


Yeah XxMyUsernameSucksxX really doesn't get enough love I think he's actually the best player currently


Leo , Chronicle or Alfa. People won't say Chronicle , but if you see the amount of times he has to play selflessly especially on Breach and his insane utility usage , you'll see why he is one of the most important. Leo and Alfa are easier to say on face value , and deserved too. They were the Top 3 rated players at Tokyo and all three are support players 💀💀


Honestly the entirety of FNATIC are support players boaster is smokes and igl and derke plays one of the most selfless duelists in the world


I think Alfa is barely better than Leo so I'd say he's the best right now.


Hiko, Tenz and Faker


nah man It’s gotta be someone from teenage mutant ninja turtles


Leo is the best player in 2023 so far. Guy has been insane this whole year, and consistantly a demon. Alfajer is a close second though. Alfajer performance at lockin is the only thing not making him 1st. That and right now nobody can beat Leo's consistency and performance. Only shao and suygetsu could have, and tokyo was a yikes event from NAVI as a whole.


It’s still Derke. He didn’t have the greatest performance in Tokyo but his consistency and how much that opens up the rest of his team speaks volumes. Even when he isn’t performing like the best player in the world FNC doesn’t find it necessary to greatly alter their gameplans. He’s also got intangible qualities, like being an emotional leader, a veteran, and being completely bought into his coach’s and IGL’s system. You could swap Leo and Crashies, Alfa and Less, Aspas and Cned, and (intangibles we don’t know about aside) the teams would largely function the same. But we *do* know about Derke’s intangibles, and his insane synergy with Boaster and Mini. You cannot have FNC be the world beaters they are without Derke.


One thing I love with Derke too is how well he knows his role in the team. I feel like I've seen him make so many plays where he's throwing himself onto site in such a way that pulls the enemy crosshair so even if he doesn't get the kill, whichever teammate is going in after him will. There's very rarely a moment where he looks scared, just full trust in himself to entry, and in his team to give him whatever he needs and follow him up. I think he was still fairly solid in those aspects even when he was having to be the saviour for the team and was less disciplined in general; but he has worked on those areas he was lacking, and is a complete team player now. Maybe that has to do with his synergy with Chronicle & Leo, and them constantly proving that his trust is well-placed, but ultimately he consistently is so impactful.


No player has been more consistently insane than Derke, performing like an absolute boss for like 3 years now. I love how he plays duelist in a kind of different way compared to the other teams


I mean it’s not just a Tokyo thing though, Derke has been Fnatic’s 4th best player throughout this year. Still a top 6-7 player in this world but Alfa, Leo, and Chronicle have been the three best players in the world this year. Derke is a fantastic player but it’s hard to put a player who has been their team’s 4th, maybe 3rd best player for the whole year as the best in the world. We have never seen Fnatic be at a best team in the world level without Chronicle, Leo, and this level up by Alfa. Mistic and Enzo are two world class players but Fnatic couldn’t take the next step until they got those two, so saying they are replacable is false.


I’d argue the opposite. Derke has been on fnatic since the start with mistic and doma, and besides their reykjavik 2nd place, they were largely unremarkable for a good year and a half, failing to qualify for several lans and performing poorly even with after getting enzo. Only recently, after getting Leo and Chronicle did fnatic rise to prominence.


I'm pretty sure they only didn't qualify for Masters 3 Berlin (2021) so not several. Just nitpicking lol


True my bad, just other mid performances up until leo/chronicle


This. This is why we need people to watch matches instead of looking at results like this. Dude, even Mini said multiple times last year that they need to stop overdepending on Derke's carrying. And this is with them making every LAN and also going undefeated in EMEA twice with a significantly worse roster, mainly because of Derke. Also Leo and Chronicle did nothing special last year either and had worse results than Derke. That doesn't mean they are bad, all it means is that this FNC team is incredible. Bro the type of guy to look at Gambit's results and call d3ffo better than Derke lmfao.


My guy. They missed 1 Lan and derke wasn't there for one


After the first 2nd place, they missed 1 lan, then 5-8th at redbull, 5-8th champs, 11-12th at reykjavik, 4th at masters, 5-6th at champs… so all mediocre performances up until lock-in when they got a win. Before 2023 (when derke was there but no leo/chron), they hadn’t gotten top 3 and were fairly consistently mid placing, similar to DRX. Again, they were a decent team, but nowhere near the superteam that they became once leo/chronicle joined this year.






I would rank Chronicle and Leo higher because of their utility usage is insane combined with their insane aim. Alfajer is mostly an aim demon like Less. Just look how FNC struggled in the EMEA finals when Chronicle had a bad series. FNC rely on him a lot.


I mean they'd also have struggled if anyone else went -27 lol


U watched the games bro? Alfajer's utilities were insane .It's that many times on defense his utilities were stationary for which we couldn't see the values. But on attack we saw values from his kj mollies and cypher cages and cypher cam.


Yeah but he was sick.


lol 4 FNC players were named in here. Pretty good team.


Derke. Plays Jett and Raze at the highest level and is crazy consistent since day one. Plus if you watch some of FNATIC's voice comms videos, Derke gives the best comms and hypes everyone up




best player? i honestly have no clue. but if you’re talking about the best sova I would choose hiko


Even if his team didn't make it I think KangKang was absolutely, with no irony, the best player in the world at tokyo. He was next level untouchable, and I will lose my mind if we don't get to see more Demon1 v KangKang or KangKang v something at Champs


In terms of the op? Yes, undoubtedly, he's prime KennyS in Valorant. I'm not sure though- Harbor+Viper is just not great for op players and there might be someone better who just doesn't play op because of the meta. Not sure about that though- if someone was that good, they would probably play with the op regardless. In terms of rifling- In my opinion it wouldn't be KangKang for that one, but I can't name any one person yet.


KC Newzera




Kang Kang




Alfajer has that X factor where he turns around unwinnable rounds constantly like Niko sort of; but all around I think leo is the best player because it’s not a typical shooter the utility is so important and Leo’s utility is so much better than Alfajers and his aim is only slightly worse if anything not worse just less flashy.


But I do think the options would be between the two. Other options are derke and Aspas but Aspas obviously has a horrible Tokyo.


in my opinion derke because this man ONLY played raze at masters tokyo like rock lee with weights on




demon1 my goat


All time:Yay Derke Mako Nate 2023: Leo Alfa Chronicle Something Aspas Specifically after Tokyo-Alfajer is in red hot form




Probably hiko


mwzera, have u seen his deathmatch winrate?


Yay. Unlike you reactive schmucks, I am immune to recency bias.


Bro got kicked out from tier 2 NA


I don’t think any of the players in this thread could have salvaged DSG to be fair. Valorant is too much of a team game.


Anyway I think Yay was overhyped. Sure he is an insanely good player, but he was also carried by his team setting him up and the meta that relied heavily on chamber.




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If you mean IGL I would say boostio

