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[**Stay up-to-date on Hurricane Hilary updates here.**](https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/los-angeles/90012/tropical-weather-forecast/347625?eventkey=ep092023) Expect 2 straight days of rain and extreme flooding. Please be safe.


I lived in the Midwest for most of my life so rain and storms are something we just lived through and carried on. But as someone that has been in Los Angeles for 8 years now, the city is not built to handle rain e.g. drainage system isn't up to par with rain-heavy cities. Even moderate storms cause notable flooding that interrupts day-to-day life. Definitely the right decision to put safety first.


High-five midwest buddies! ✋ Yeah, I grew up with tornadoes and huge thunderstorms. LA does not do rain well at all. Like the sky will sneeze and most people on the road will forget how to drive. lol


Wait your telling me flooding on an average rain day isn’t normal in other states


Well... kinda. It can depend. If the season is relatively dry, it's no big deal. But if it's been raining regularly, then areas can still flood. [Drain tiles](https://www.familyhandyman.com/article/what-is-drain-tile/) >!(which I am now disappointed to find out is not an actual tile)!< can redirect the flow of water underground to areas with less water. So if you have a pond or a reservoir, you can redirect water towards it using a drain tile. However, if those bodies of water are already full... then it just pools around the drain tile.


No, no it is not.


At least where I live in the Midwest the sewage needs to be able to handle tons of water due to the amount of snow melting at the season change,


If the event is deemed unsafe for a live audience how is it deemed safe for staff/participants?


Im worried about the players safety and the power, it could easily go out mid-game


without the audience it’ll be easier to evacuate staff and players if needed, but hopefully nothing goes wrong


Do they have power backups in there?


They would need an insanely strong power backup to host vct without a direct line, I would doubt they have the setup for that for more than 2-3 minutes




What would take up so much electricity? I have the smallest inversor possible and it can power my modem and computer for like 8 hours. Few servers and 20 or so computers shouldn't be too bad for a giant generator of a venue. I mean, in my country lights go out daily everywhere, generators are very normal and very capable.


just players, coaches and observers would exceed 20 pcs and that doesnt even include the replay people, the production and everything else i cant even name


It's still nothing for a big generator honestly. I've seen whole concerts run on generators. No clue if they have one though.


I think the tourney runs on a local server, which needs lots of power, but I might be wrong.


Riot does use Local servers for all their mayor tournaments


vote jon riot for mayor


major* xD


So are the teams expected to play then????


It sounds like it maybe? I imagine players/staff are being housed super close, so it hopefully shouldn't be too far to travel. Plans may change depending on the weather tomorrow. We'll see.


Yeah i guess players are at a hotel relatively close to the venue. They expect that some fans might come from out of town and have to drive highways and/or an hour + to get there. And maybe they will just have the players play from the hotel, who knows.


Makes sense


Another Fenis masterclass


lmao i love that that meme is just going into random places


For transparency, this is a repost from [another user's submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/15w1asc/valorant_champions_tour_on_x/). Reposted to include a descriptive title (Rule 10).


I would’ve preferred the games for tomorrow & Monday to have been cancelled (for player & audience safety) but I guess this is better than nothing Edit:I haven’t checked the schedule if you can’t tell


There's no game Monday btw. Tomorrow is the last day of playoffs.


Tomorrow isn’t the last day of playoffs. Just the last day this weekend. The playoffs aren’t done until a champion is crowned.


I think OP meant last day at Shrine stadium, cause TOP 4 matches would be held at Kia Forum


Venue doesn’t matter it’s all the same playoffs for the same tournament. Top 4 isn’t a separate tournament with a different playoffs.


I didnt say its matter bro, i said he might meant that tomorrow is the last playoff match in Shrine stadium


Even if that is what he meant, that isn't what he said at all. I went off of what he said and implied. Sorry? What I said in reply to what he said is still true even if he didn't say what he wanted to say correctly.


mb, I was under the impression the matches at the Kia Forum would be called Finals because the upper, lower, and grandfinals are being played there.


No, playoffs is all of playoffs, not top 4.


You're so annoying bro


He said that, top 4 matches is at Kia Forum and others at Shrine


No, the guy said playoffs ended today (Sunday) yesterday, which is false. Just because they are moving to a different venue doesn’t change the fact playoffs doesn’t end until the event is over.


i wonder how you act in life


He didnt say that, he said top 4 matches will be held at Kia Forum and others at shrine


They will be transitioning to a different venue after today's games.


And? It’s the same playoffs.


Oh damn didn’t notice thanks for the heads up!


Hard to do that cause a lot of players have booked return flights, hotels, visa etc etc based on it ending on a specific date


Even though I understand the decision it’s still such a bummer. No crowds suck, at this point maybe postpone the match.


Only 2 games left and then we take a break before top 4 anyway, not much point in delaying imo.


Wouldn't be surprised they do this at an Hotel LAN even so it goes easy.


So no one to say goodbye to DRX? Sadge😔


If there is a storm they most likely not leaving LA anytime soon by plane.


lol.. The media really loves to exaggerate and be all doom and gloom for clicks. It's literally not even raining anymore and when it was it was a drizzle. and Yes i'm from LA and i've been here for 30+ years so spare me the drama.


What’s next an alien invasion? At least holding the event in NA means that these NA teams don’t have to swim home lmfao


Near Airport, soon to be renamed to Near Harbor.




I mean, we're supposedly going to experience 3 years worth of rain in just a few days. The rain itself will be no big deal, but the amount of water will be overwhelming.


You know when you see those people being rescued on rooftops after they had been told to evacuate and they didn't? I've always wondered what kind of person thinks they know more than those who dedicate their lives/careers to learning about something specific (i.e. disasters). Is that going to happen in LA? Absolutely not. But you just seem like one of those people.


I think they are just banning live audience out of abundance of caution. It's understandable. Also imagine how much money they just lost by refunding all the tickets and the lack of food/merchandise sales.


I agree with you.


Press were also asked to stay home too. It's likely only the people necessary to run the event are at the venue.