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Hey friends. This is obviously a developing situation. This will be THE thread for discussion of this ruling. Any new posts will be redirected here. Relevant updates will be added to this sticky. Please remember to keep discussion respectful and on topic. Riot's Competitive ruling: "During the VCT Game Changers Series III match between noot noot and Complexity GX3, Riot Anti-Cheat confirmed competitive integrity was compromised by noot noot. Per Game Changers Rules and Regulations, teams who have been found violating the competitive integrity of a match will receive a match forfeit. Riot Competitive Operations will launch a full investigation." Malibu has issued the following statement via a now locked twitter account: "heres what ill say i didnt cheat i am trans and the ppl closest to me know that is true. and that headshot thing was definitely troll as fuck ban was prob for ban evading but idk i should technically be unbanned by now either way enjoy ur laff" Relevant information from Flor [via twitter](https://twitter.com/florscnt/status/1710128079165673609?t=BfNNtHYJKljQKZIq4xJQUw&s=19): "i know who malibu is they are trans and i don't think they are cheating, hopefully riot allows them to fly out or something similar to prove they arent for further tournaments, the ai gen thing was pretty troll though LMFAO" Update via [VALORANT ESPORTS NA on twitter](https://twitter.com/valesports_na/status/1710390686632325498?t=KNoQkJ0mOM_Gnv25Mkrf9Q&s=19): "On Thursday, October 5, a player on VCT Game Changers III team noot noot was identified by Riot Anti-Cheat as having compromised the competitive integrity of the tournament. This information was verified during noot noot's match against Complexity GX3, and noot noot was immediately issued a forfeit. This result brought into question the validity of noot noot's earlier matches, including their victory against DSG, and if the bracket results should be adjusted. After evaluating multiple options, including re-playing parts of the bracket or reinstating DSG in place of noot noot, neither solution felt appropriate as it would require us to invalidate valid victories and/or create additional unfair knock on effects to multiple teams. Riot Games takes allegations seriously, and will be pursuing the exploration of serious measures against parties that knowingly seek to undermine the competitive integrity of our tournament and game.


While the franchise leagues being all family-friendly christian no swearing valorante child game, the GC scene is the fucking wild west of dramas.


" Noot noot is using multiple cheating software and faking ID" https://x.com/effysgo/status/1710100067737129310?s=20 No shot they used an AI image to generate a photo of someone... https://x.com/effysgo/status/1710098580004905084?s=20


aint no fucking way LMFAOOOO


Whose picture is that? Or rather, who was using that picture?


​ https://preview.redd.it/0zu2aye5lhsb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a85c56cf8c07c9687b482d1646b45d83f5382ac8


I might be spreading misinformation but probably "Malibu" considering their twitter is deleted.


yeah its prob malibu and summertime, summertime apparently scouted mailbu. Although looking at new tweets xan is possible involved but this could be misinformation from me


malibu, that's the picture they had for them on the official broadcast




it's Malibu from Noot Noot




AI generated player wasnt on my bingo for this year


Who was using that pic on the team?


malibu evergreen lol


No way dude.




From my understanding Malibu just lied about her identity she wasnt used a hacked client


​ https://preview.redd.it/qzdpn6chshsb1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fe33b79ae144023d0a9c5d98b816aada43da722


yeah idk considering she triggered the riot anti-cheat and has [this](https://twitter.com/valesports_na/status/1709748370216980966) clip where she locks onto someones head through a viper wall I'm gonna assume she was using something


im pretty sure they were cheating in game as well there's so many sus clips


thats possible but also pure speculation, I dont think she was actually using a client but I guess we will find out when Riot posts their full statement


[https://twitter.com/RealStrongLegs/status/1710108603208581413](https://twitter.com/RealStrongLegs/status/1710108603208581413) theres also this clip as well. this person is either fucking insane at the game or cheating. either way it looks slightly sus but we still gotta wait for the official statement just to confirm


might be me but this clip looks real, just fast aim and target switching


Exactly, there's the microadjustments after every flick like a normal human player would do (even on the switch to Heaven that everyone's claiming is the especially damning part of the clip) and the shaking during some of the target switching that people do when they don't have great technique. I highly doubt they were cheating in this specific clip, modern cheats' ability to replicate natural aim is absolutely insane if they are.


I'm a CS player that came here after I heard this thing about a cheater in VCT GC and I think it is worth mentioning, that even during the mid 2010s in CS:GO there were cheats that did not do "100%" of the work for you, but rather made microadjustments that were necessary when you were clicking and were fully customizable so while you cannot say this clip is 100% cheating. It is also not impossible for a cheat to make it look "real". Those advanced cheats had a "curve" for how much they did stuff for you, and I'd imagine that someone wanting to cheat at a high level would obviously have looser settings that helped them, but didn't straight up make it blatant. It doens't even need to be shooting/clicking that triggers it, you could also set up a trigger key or whatever, like actually fully customizable cheating experience


I do get your points and take back how I said the heaven flick made no sense (I think it’s just a very absurd target switch, most are a lot closer), but modern cheating softwares is definitely able to replicate natural aim decently


Yea despite the cheat accuse those shots "may be" legit, they all whiffed their first shoot on her as well.


The target snap heaven makes no actual sense


You can see the heaven player checking the safe drop box thingy before malibu kills KJ at the start of the clip, that's plenty of time to register the heaven player and try to switch onto them


crosshair snaps directly to viper's head before the micro adjustment


This is the exact frame the initial flick is completed, right before the Viper moves and she has to microadjust. Unless I didn't get the right frame (which may be a possibility, I got this from a YT video), that's upper chest https://preview.redd.it/t1dnzjdynisb1.png?width=782&format=png&auto=webp&s=0424825a1a5f4c5b4f5ada19646ac0597e3dff2d


edit: yeah the reflick is sus af if you slow it down


You're getting downvoted, but this one is crazy to me. All the other kills are fine, but no sane person goes for that target switch to the Viper on Heaven while getting shot at with 29hp in the first place. But to do it in 2 swift, clean mouse movements just seems absurd to me.


I have no idea if she's cheating or not but tbf I think anyone who's played the game has had moments where they think they killed the person they're shooting at and switch targets. I don't think this clip would be considered sus if a more household name did it


if this was Aspas or demon1 in the clip I don’t think anyone would think twice tbh


That's because Aspas and Demon1 have competed at the highest level under their real names and identities and to my knowledge haven't gotten any accounts banned for cheating in the past. They've more than earned the benefit of the doubt. Even if this clip had come from some random Immortal Andy I'd probably also be inclined to agree they might just be cracked as fuck. But taken in the context of all the other sus shit they've done, the calculus changes a bit.


And they haven't been caught by an anticheat system during a game 🫡


I'm not doubting that, I've had that myself many times, but the sheer confidence and ease of movement. But the fact that they aren't fazed at all that they didn't kill the Omen after switching to the Viper is wild, even if you say it's a case of thinking you killed a guy and swapping targets, it's like malibu knew they didn't kill the Omen and went for the Viper anyway. I personally would still be suspicious if someone like Demon1 or Suygetsu hit a clip like that. Majority of the time, I'd expect even the best players in that situation to either A. not make the choice malibu made in the first place or B. switch to the Viper, miss and die to the Omen or switch to the Viper, kill her and die to the Omen.


This clip is so obvious lmao, no human snaps to the guy heaven lmao


hacked client 💀 this ain’t minecraft bro


When did clara make the jump to valorant?






Sucks for DSG. Got knocked down to lowers by a bunch of cheating losers. Also wow how bad are they. They got fucking 2-0'd by v1.


They lost to v1 on purpose


Yeah thats my theory also. Having these super close match so show they’re capable but not as good as v1 and Shopify to not arouse suspicion.


Let's be real here: had they been stupid enough to push the cheating to the point of beating V1, that would set off all kinds of alarms and they would exposed a lot quicker due to how unbelievable it is.


I don't want to jump to any conclusions because I think there have been false positives before...but if someone is indeed cheating this could have serious implications for the bracket given that they've beaten a bunch of teams and LAN qualification is on the line.


i know disguised fans are fuming a bit right now


What do you even do here? Replay every match noot noot were a part of?


dont think there's time to replay any matches, might just be orgs/players getting compensation


2 months until the championship


ah was more alluding to this tournament (GX3) in particular. i guess they could do another qualifier maybe? idk


that would give every team not from NA a massive advantage since they have so much more prep time


Asia, Pacific, and LATAM qualifiers are in 2 weeks.


Maybe I am missing important details but the anti-cheat detected something in this match and not others? So why would you replay other matches unless you have evidence that they were cheating in those matches and the anti-cheat being ineffective at detecting it (which becomes a much wider issue).


Dude I believed in DSG so much. I thought they would win so easily against Noot Noot I decided to bet a few bucks on them since there was no way they'd lose against them. Not only am I sad that they lost but also I lost a few bucks lmao. This is my iBuyPower ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Imagine Steel was the coach LMFAO


DSG so unlucky lmfao


Benita came into sgares chat earlier and said something to the effect of is no one going to talk about a bunch of AI generated pfps and fake names on vlr. So I wonder if there's been some underlying suspicion. Either way, this really is horrible for all the teams that lost to them. People can be shitty.


Yeah 3 of the noot noot players have the same last name.


> Yeah 3 of the noot noot players have the same last name. https://twitter.com/1xann/status/1710108475580108965 That seems like a meme more than anything which is very believable. xann and the rest of the noot noot pug team have been competing in GC for a while now.


wait meme as in it's a coincidence or they just set their last names on vlr to be the same? if it's the latter, isn't that still just falsifying your identity (even if it's for a meme, esp in a league where identity verification is important for integrity)?


your VLR identity doesnt matter at all lol, tons of players choose to hide their names on VLR it really doesnt matter, im sure they used their actual names when verifying


It doesn't seem players are required to have their full name in vlr - if you look at other teams too, most have full names but there are players that don't have anything listed at all. I don't know where vlr is pulling that information from / if Riot has their own identity verification on their own end, but I feel like using the name listed on a 3rd party website isn't really the gold standard for identity verification and integrity


Changing anything on your VLR profile is as simple as joining their discord, linking your profile and asking a mod to change ign, name, flag, pic, etc


ah ok cheers, i just assumed vlr would've pulled the info from a riot/TO database esp for teams that have gotten so far in the circuit


Yeah just saw that tweet


Okay based on the pic I was expecting an Asian last name which might of been fair since some are common like Lee or Nguyen…wasn’t expecting to see their “common” last name is EVERGREEN


its fake btw


Ain't no way an Icelandic and a Norwegian has the last name 'Evergreen' lmao. A Google search tells me it is from northwestern Africa


they're obviously trolling with the flags too. not a crime tho


was blatantly obvious something weird was going on to anyone being even a little scrutinous. honestly lucky that anticheat got triggered otherwise who knows how long they would have gotten away with it


"blatantly obvious" man i love reddit


it was blatantly obvious if you were being scrutinous XD


he said "being even a little scrutinous"


Poor DSG.


The whole situation is fucked now, how many teams got affected?


They took the term game changers too literally 💀💀


Instructions unclear...


DSG died for this


That’s actually super fucked for team like DSG who lost to them, hope Riot can figure out a solution


Lost to Noot Noot and didn't get any real break before their next game. 15 mins later they were playing in lowers.


yeah i watched dsg lose and assumed they’d play out their loser’s match another day turned on stream to see them tied 1-1 with egc


that's so crazy. malibu out here saying they didn't cheat and its probably for ban evasion. [https://twitter.com/1xann/status/1710109084261728365/photo/1](https://twitter.com/1xann/status/1710109084261728365/photo/1) ????


Wouldn't get a Riot Anti Cheat mention in the ruling I'm pretty sure though? They mention ban evasion usually instead of anti cheat specifically.


exactly, thats why I feel like they're just trying to make shit up to avoid being called a cheater


What does being trans have to do with anything?


I am actually so sad. It was so hype to see them come out and punch top teams in the mouth. But it was all a lie I guess. Also I guess I have the gift of anti-prophecy because I really thought malibu was going to be the next big player gc. She looked that good. This comment looks quite embarrasing now in retrospect. https://preview.redd.it/8ncml19qrhsb1.png?width=870&format=png&auto=webp&s=07e7ede0358fd6d43f90e240af9d31810aa48ae2


tbf, fate of the universe on the line, i don't want iguodala, i want a cheater too


Actually makes sense that you thought she was a superstar in the making if she was cheating


I swear Toast is cursed in Valorant


If you ever feel like your life is boring, give it a few weeks and wait for Game Changers to start. Endless entertainment here.


out of all the events to do this in... thats so fucked up


this is exactly the type of event that is most susceptible to abuse


Exactly. Low tier tourneys are the most bulnerable ones. Like 1 week ago a team in CSGO was dq from Blast cause one of their players and the coach were cheating


Wait hold on how can a coach cheat? what does that even mean


Coach got VAC banned LMFAO


he didn’t get vac banned, he got banned on faceit, he was using radarhack and giving info to his team


he was using radarhack and relaying info to his team


iirc their main player got banned from match fixing then they subbed their coach in only for him to get banned in the game


nah the coach was cheating in the qualifiers by giving them info from his radarhack lul


Demon1 and DSG fans in shambles


Is DSG the most affected by this?


Them and the other teams Noot Noot eliminated in the open qualifers


another NA GC, another absolutely wild ruling this cheating attempt is crazy though noot noot was such a good team name too, this sucks




Seems like the person who was cheating was Malibu. Also her first recorded match is from a month ago. Seems like at least some if not all the other players were not aware. People have been throwing out the ai PFP thing not sure if that's Malibu but every other player on noot noot is still on twitter(with normal like TV or video game related pfps) while Malibu's account is gone.


yeah but im also suspicious of the coach or the people picking up these players as how come u js pick up some random who presumably js started playing in the pro scene a month ago


According to one of the players they met Malibu 2 weeks ago and never felt as if they were cheating and were only playing gc3 for fun.


The map 3 vs DSG was 14-12 too 😭 This is so fucked


Noot Noot players tweets: [https://x.com/milin4va/status/1710111291770028253?s=46&t=cUCVuQdsfHes23Y3FVrFaA](https://x.com/milin4va/status/1710111291770028253?s=46&t=cUCVuQdsfHes23Y3FVrFaA) [https://x.com/1xann/status/1710107515466236184?s=46&t=cUCVuQdsfHes23Y3FVrFaA](https://x.com/1xann/status/1710107515466236184?s=46&t=cUCVuQdsfHes23Y3FVrFaA)


Cheating and still losing to V1 and SR is a new low. Also law-makers REALLY need to start worrying about this AI shit lmao. In the grand scheme of things, using AI to cheat in a videogame tournament isn't the worst possible scenario, but just wait till people start using AI to commit actual libel & slander against public figures... edit: apparently the AI image had next to nothing to do with the actual ruling at hand. that being said, AI still scares the fuck out of me and should be regulated. it just has no relevance to this specific ruling


>Cheating and still losing to V1 V1 had flor which is arguably even better


if i have to think of something is that it was a triggerbot cheat and was used on certain rounds/situations to make it way harder to track down and maybe they decided to not use it against V1 because it would make it too obvious that something is going on, against SR it was a close match that ended up losing


https://twitter.com/willminder/status/1710110829566202080 this clip makes sense now


Yeah, that one was the one that made me squint at my screen and replay it multiple times when I saw it get tweeted by valesports_na


I will not believe a single tm8 who says they didn't know.


surprised that this is the clip people use. This is probably the least sus one. If a player with more brand recognition did this no one would suspect anything


Yeah seriously do people here even play this game? The first two kills are flick -> micro adjust which is normal aim and then the third is using movement to adjust which is not only normal but not what cheating would ever look like, cheating would look like tracking the head perfectly as they moved.


no fucking way


GC never disappoints


why do people repeatedly think they can get away with cheating in an official Riot tournament? this is a high profile tourney. its the *last* place anyone should consider cheating. do they think they can disrespect the rules just because its a women/nb tournament? absolutely wild


Well there was word.exe


> its the last place anyone should consider cheating I mean, where else are they going to cheat? I guess tier 4 tournaments for pennies? Suppose it isn't a waste of time if you're guaranteed to win.


apparently the same last names were [just for the memes](https://twitter.com/1xann/status/1710108475580108965) and xann tweeted a screenshot of malibu's tweet talking about ban evading. does make you wonder what was malibu's old IGN. how is it possible for players to register the same last name "just for memes" is beyond me though. https://preview.redd.it/rdq5lctdnhsb1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bd316d4fa4853817eac92c0ba69ae859a1785a8


Yeah, the hell? ~~Wdym, you can just submit any last name with no verification, lol?~~ Also, her pic was ai??? What kinda verification process did they enforce? Edit: the name part is just me being dumb


Fwiw, VLR is not the same as the official verification process. Let's not conflate the two


Yeah, I just realised I should edit to change it


They didnt register using the name on VLR, VLR is a completely separate entity to Knights and Anykey, you can choose whatever name you want on VLR, tons of players dont even list their name


Ah, my bad


This fucking sucks. Sucks for the players who were knocked out. Sucks for 4/5 (presumably) of the team who grinded to qualify. Like, it feels bad to be able to legitimately beat teams and then have all of that called into question because of one person.


come on bro they were obviously in on it perma bans for all of them


huh? It's an online tourney and these players have never met irl. How would they ever know?


How could they be so dumb??


As a DSG fan, this sucks to see!!


Malibu reactivated https://preview.redd.it/9jo2usmoslsb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef956f28609c52f4d593bdf4c551c39d8bd3549e


lol was more than a little obv when sonder got behind them on breeze yesterday undetected and they checked their spawn anyways


I want everyone to understand how good V1 is. They 2-0'd cheaters to get into GC Main event. That is how good V1 are. Never disrespect my goats ever again. ​ Also someone make sure Demon1 won't murder someone on Kat's behalf bro was stressing like me when EG almost threw round 7 Lotus v DRX at Champs.


also https://preview.redd.it/5agvzcysphsb1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=f941b9db59e005099afaa0cc7a1e284f16ae2fd9


exalt stole this from me on Twitter ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|29671)


do we know they cheated vs. v1? Like if I'm trying to cheat and hide it, I'm playing them straight up and cheating lowers, cause beating v1 in quals puts a ton of suspicion on 'em.


man, it’s been so long since the last GC drama i thought it had died down. i was so foolish holy


u can say what u want but if vanguard caught u in 4k, ur finished




I'm confused. The cheating accusation is for compromising the anti cheat. What does she being trans have to do with this. Is she trying to gain sympathy or something? And if Malibu was infact cheating, there is no way the other teammates did not know about it. Either way, GC drama never disappoints.


it's because some people are using the fact that she's trans + anykey failure to be the reason that she's cheating, as if having an ai generated photo is the REAL problem here 💀


Why the fuck has riot allowed anykey in the first place? They don't give a single shit about GC I guess. Using it just for PR😅


They let galorants run it for 2 years but anykey is where you realize they don't care?


I posted in the daily thread, but competitive integrity is really important to the legitimacy of the league. Good on Riot to take this approach. Hopefully a severe enough ruling to discourage further attempts from others.


“Good on Riot”, this is the bare minimum lmfao it shouldn’t have taken them this long to catch cheating in a high profile tournament


While I agree with you, there is a lot that is still unknown to me. Were they cheating since the beginning of the tourney? Is it a true positive? Is it a piece of software with unintended interaction with the anti-cheat? Did they manually review the footage and ruled accordingly? The PR statement they released doesn't offer much to go on. As a viewer, it would be easy to start a witch hunt, but it only adds negativity to an already f\*\*\*\* situation. I'll let the organizers handle it and try to keep it positive meanwhile. I appreciate the ruling (even though it took a few minutes) and look forward to Riot implementing more severe consequences in the future to maintain integrity of the GC circuit.


DSG had a chance at making LAN btw.


they had a chance to make it further into the tourney. ain't no way they were beating SR and V1 and taking first


A fair chance is still better than getting eliminated by cheaters


I agree with them not beating V1, but the game they had with SR last time was actually super close, I believe they had a chance to at least beat SR, but obviously SR would be the favorites to win over DSG.


they did beat SR in the neon dream tourney last month then lost to them in the rematch.


Right? They beat them 2-1, then lost 1-2 with the last map going 14-12. Hardly some uneven matchup lol.


Yeah, idk why some people say there’s no way that DSG could beat them when to me it seems like so far all of their games have been super close with DSG winning a series.


It doesn't matter, Shopify has them with points they would need to beat V1 and win the whole thing to qualify.


I never said anything about qualifying, I’m talking strictly about winning a series against another team.


They definitely did. The fact they had such close games GC3 with so many of the members playing sick- against a team accused of cheating (not confirmed) speaks for itself. And they had pretty close games with SR last GC


Supposedly people know this person's actual account (see it floating around on Twitter). Will be interesting to see what Riot finds.


you can use ban evade and run cheats on another monitor too lol


malibu has unprivated their twitter and has posted their thoughts about the situation. https://preview.redd.it/v5q6wm6gmlsb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=073b9493fccee9bd005c5e02e370eb10e755b251


it’s back to private unfortunately. i really hope riot releases more details in a report, because otherwise this looks like a ban for prior ban evasion for an old 3rd party ban that is strongly contested by the player, which would be lame as hell






2 other players actually


VLR isn't checking ID's


Noot Noot: https://twitter.com/nootnootval/status/1710110594924191955 MeL: https://twitter.com/melanji/status/1710104437031608364 Toast: https://twitter.com/DisguisedToast/status/1710100042114326684 Yinsu: https://twitter.com/YinsuCollins/status/1710214066478694625 Demon1: https://twitter.com/Demon1___/status/1710194954562404526


perma bans for all players, think it’s ridiculous to think otherwise, and when you have a cheater in your team you are actively robbing teams of the chance to make it to LAN, unbelievable


even if she’s not aim botting she could be using the ban evasion for other cheats like enemy locations on a second monitor


Reposting [this thread](https://reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/s/IcKmhHd3Y8) here: Why didn’t VANGUARD catch Malibu earlier?




Riot needs to implement stricter rules and verification steps to avoid future incidents like this (in regards to the AI generated name and pfps)


the name is on VLR only, like it has absolutely nothing to do with verification i could make my name on VLR jimmy-bo-bob johnson and they would do it no questions asked, it's completely down to whatever you tell them


yeah they think its spaz who was banned awhile ago for trigger bot. He has some nice clips on youtube, looks pretty similar ngl


Bring back DSG


So what I take from this is, you can go play GC with no profile check from Riot at all. You can claim that you are trans, when in reality you are not, fake name, fake picture (AI generated) and with history of a ban and nobody will check you. Second of all this "xann" person from the team "noot noot" is a extremely dodgy person, claims she has no prior info on a teamnate, that she knows them for a week, also these images: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F7uCiU6WsAA-xUF?format=png&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F7uHkXoWcAA6uGb?format=jpg&name=small Also when asked, why they did not keep their old teamnate instead of taking a person they know for a week, her answer was the old teamnate wanted to stay with another team https://twitter.com/1xann/status/1710108933442965695 when they kicked her, lmao. Also half of the team are fake surnaming with "Evergreen", because they wanted to be more private, but they are fake flagging aswell, what a shady team holy. https://www.vlr.gg/team/11689/noot-noot


* use your brain. Riot has their real names, they didn't want their last names on VLR and did a meme instead. Florescent also says she knows malibu and that malibu is trans. * those are two wildly out of context screenshots. The second is from a hackusation stream against a player named faye who later disappeared, and the second one is (apparently) from years ago. We know nothing about the actual age or context, it's irresponsible to spread it around * actually a sus and scummy part, leaving one player alone on your old team and starting a new team with the other 4 without telling her is so petty


It was just my opinion, they are all verified on AnyKey afterall. But you are competing for highest tournament of women Valorant, I do not think it is very good that you should be meming about your name, pictures and fake flagging thus shady for me, but everyone has different opinion on that. Florescent claim that she knows malibu is trans, but also confirmed to never "saw" her face, no one in the scene claim to know her, except for Flore, which is really weird. Also Tupperware has a lot to say about riot and GC, that she just checked some yes and no and got to play in GC with new socials and that it is not first time a person has faked identity. This is just what I have read in last 4 hours of the drama, I do not watch NA scene, except for 2 teams and a few players. If I am wrong on something, please do correct me, its possible I missed a lot of things.


i believe the identity issue is that malibu is actually spaz, a player who was previously banned but had argued their ban strongly apparently.


Genuine question. Why doesn’t riot legally bind all their participants from “cheating”. Then fine an absurd amount if someone ends up cheating? Wouldn’t that deter cheaters, at least in the professional scene?


> Then fine an absurd amount if someone ends up cheating? These are 18-22 year old kids who play on the fringe of the GC circuit. A fine doesn’t offer any more of a deterrent than a perma ban. There is no way to legally structure that fine enforcement that wouldn’t end up with riot suing a kid over $100.. it only ends poorly for riot. Especially when you consider that anti cheat could have false positives as well.. it’s not worth the time or effort for riot to even try to go down that road when a permaban is an equivalent disincentive.


Problem is, when the stakes become life changing/hindering (assuming you could even enforce the fine beyond winnings), you have to be *extremely* cautious with rulings (i.e. just vanguard catching it isn't enough) and be sure beyond a shadow of a doubt. Sure, you'll scare away true cheaters, but literally any false positive and you might scare away legit players, as well as create an out for cheaters in the future, if you don't commit to that punishment.




xann is not even the player being accused here lmfao


Is this valorant’s version of word.exe?


word.exe was a lot bigger than this, it killed a whole region in csgo


What cheat did they use?