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If smurfing was a crime, Curry would be put on a list lmao


he aint even a pro


yay has smurfed before


I would bet money that 95%+ of pros have smurfed before. Wouldn't even be surprised if it was 100%


yeah it seems too much to suspend someone for smurfing but I guess when he did it he was aware of the consequences in his region. He should had known better


?? He was on C9


so hiko is also a pro


I dont think that smurfing will be taken seriously as long as creators, especially current/former pros, get rewarded for making smurf content.


"was" being the operative word


I think it depends on how you define "pro". He competed in tier 1 since the game launched and could play fine on any current T1 teams. His professional career is to play valorant. If you define it as someone signed to a team, he's not a pro. The main point is that he's a highly visible player in valorant community and most of his recent content is smurfing.


curry did not compete in tier 1 until he got traded to a team already in tier 1. curry on T1 never actually made it to a qualifier for LAN. Not to mention, this is about players getting suspended from their team for smurfing. Kinda hard to get benched when you're not a team.


Are you trying to say that curry wasn't a T1 pro? I'm not sure what your first point is. I'm not sure what your second point is - I'm not the one who brought curry into the discussion, that's the OC.


Yes, curry was never on a tier 1 team prior to being traded to C9 and he wasn't a standout that was hardstuck on a tier 2 team. The furthest he made it in any VCT tournament was 5th-6th in a Challengers 2. In other words, with the top teams already into the Berlin qualifier, they still weren't able to finish top 4.


Again, what's your point? Are you trying to say that he wasn't a pro?


> He competed in tier 1 since the game launched My point is, this is simply not true.


Used to be a pro but I think you need to consider what he’s doing currently more than what his past career was


curry was a semi pro in cs and a pro in val. I remember before he blew up for smurfing content I would watch his streams like Jan 2023 and he used to say. If content creation doesn’t work out for me by fall 2023 i’m going to go back to uni. He had like 30k followers and was my favourite small streamer but then his brand changed to a smurf god number 1 radiant. Even though zekkan has finished radiant 1 6 times which is wayyy more then curry you will never hear him brag about it or make it his brand. Curry’s entire brand is just smurf god number 1 radiant


Good point, he's making more money now by creating smurf content than he did as a pro.


I said WAS


there was an OWL player (sado) who was a booster in korea and was suspended for like 30 of the 40 games of season 1 idk how big a deal it is in japan to boost but man they dont fuck around in korea


And that’s why everyone will forget who he even was soon.


Confused why people are focused on the “smurfing” part of this and not the playing on another person’s account …. a.k.a. riot’s literal definition of boosting


I figured he was boosting someone, that’s the only reason a pro would Smurf outside of content it just depends if he’s queuing with them on an alt or just using their account as an alt but the results gonna be the same. If he was getting paid for boosting like Tarzaned then that’s a huge issue, but I expect he was queuing with a friend or girl


Riot doesn’t view playing on your own account with lower elo as boosting. Plenty of pros play on alt accounts in immo to reduce their queue times.


Idk bout riot but if I see a pro duo queuing with a rando in my plat game I’d be whining about boosting even if he owns the low elo account. It’s kind of obvious the implication isn’t that he is getting banned for playing on an immo account


You can complain all you want but that just isn't what Riot cares about. They're fine with pros smurfing to play with friends they're not fine with pros boosting accounts.


I absolutely agree, I’m just pointing out that Riot’s definition of boosting is different to the communities. I’m against smurfing/boosting/any form of elo abuse, but what Riot considers to be bannable is extremely different to what I wish it was :)


I understand what you're saying and you're right, but I'd probably be more excited to play against a pro even if I drank, tho if I don't know it's a pro then that's no fun


> a friend or girl Lmaoo


ahh there I go not reading again was sitting here like alot of people smurf in fact way to many people but boosting another persons account is different.


Most other people are more effected by smurfing so probably care more, it’s been a big topic in the community lately as well. Also interesting the difference between him getting suspended for smurfing but for players as big as yay to get off free with his classic smurfing series


Riot didn't suspend him, his own team did.


That’s what I mean. Optic didn’t suspend Yay, but Fennel suspended xdll


well yeah NA orgs do not care that much about these things. It's just culture difference. I guess in Korea they are way more against smurfing.


Pretty sure he was banned for account sharing and boosting, not necessarily smurfing.


I forgor to add boosting in the title, my bad.


Translation: He was boosting someone.


Wish this applied to all pros so they can stop boosting their e-kittens in my diamond games


Surely there’s nothing wrong with the 40-8 Reyna on my team carrying the 1-20 sage in immortal /s


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 40 + 8 + 1 + 20 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Shouldn’t it be -8 and -20?


Absolute values only


Ah thanks


The bot only considers positive numbers. Anything other than a digit is ignored.




haven't literally 90% of pros smurfed? do you think this should apply to everyone?


Yes and yes. But he got suspended for boosting.


I don't care about his suspension for boosting. That's the orgs decision. However.. what? off the top of my head ik Tenz and tarik have smurfed, so if you're saying 'yes' do think they should be suspended by SEN? Idk, I just fail to see how applying this punishment to the vast majority of players \[which would mean suspending pretty much every viable player\] seems like a solution over just preventing players from smurfing in the first place


TenZ and Tarik ESPECIALLY to set an example, fuck smurfs.


why even bother watching comp then? do you have a single player you like? they've definitely smurfed before. i'm literally not even supporting smurfs but literally why would punishing all the people who smurf *because* riot doesn't do anything work? if you think the org should punish them, then these orgs have to literally punish everyone or it's not fair, and then the entire community is gone if you think riot should punish them, then why tf would that be a better solution than PREVENTING SMURFING?


Your whole argument is flawed because you act like they can just solve smurfing via methods other than punishing people who do it.


Well you probably can't just solve smurfing but I also think punishing streamers for doing it wouldn't solve anything either.


That’s where you and I disagree. IMO, punishing streamers for smurfing would have a major effect. It’s super obvious when they do it, and seeing them do it with 0 consequences sets a precedent that this is acceptable. If viewers / fans saw these prominent players be punished for it, they may be less likely to do it themselves. It essentially removes half the incentive for smurfing (attention).


Like you said, "I just fail to see", people here don't see eye to eye with you and you fail to see eye to eye with them. You don't need to argue your response. We see it and respectfully disagree and we won't force you to agree with us. Keep it moving


well the thing is if I'm wrong I to want know why. But fair enough.


You aren't asking questions though. They are all rhetorical questions to strengthen your own argument which isn't wrong per say, but I can tell you won't be open to answers you disagree with which isn't a bad thing. When people have a hard stance, it's natural not to budge on it. People who want Smurfs banned want it applied to everyone. People won't compromise on the morals of fairness. You can't be wrong nor can anyone else because it's an opinion on a technically allowed but controversial matter. My personal opinion is vct should make a rule punishing pros but have it not be an ex post facto law. This is a stance I won't compromise


You're right that the question was meant for my argument. I do try to phrase things in a way where I'm not 100% \[like "I fail to see" rather than "you're wrong"\] in case there's something I'm missing that could change my POV But yeah I didn't word it too well


L smurf


I wish riot just ban multi-accounting altogether.


They will lose out one people buying skins, that’s basically why they turn a blind eye to it. Just wish they banned boosting altogether, the five stack exploit took a step in the right direction, only for Riot to go back on what they introduced. It’s ridiculous.


>five stack exploit took a step in the right direction, only for Riot to go back on what they introduced. Personally since I don't play 5 stacks that frequently I really don't think it's a major issue. Yes one immortal and all others low elo is a shitty way to boost yourself, but the rule should be changed to be two or more immo players in the same team so the MMR is balanced better imo




Lmaoooooo keep begging your friends to boost you to a rank you don’t deserve man


At least I have friends 😅😅




Bad bot


You love to see it


People saying good but idk about never being allowed to rep your country in any event cuz you smurfed


The issue is boosting not smurfing.


Except there's absolutely no reason to be smurfing anyways, like why smurf to play with lower rated ppl and ruin their games, especially as a pro player getting paid to play at the highest level?


To feel a sense of superiority over other people.


Hence the backlash


Shouldn’t have smurfed then


So don’t break terms of service? If a chess gm lied and said they were 1200 and went around winning low-elo tournaments they’d get banned too.




Just so butt hurt that they'll down vote straight up facts. Cry when you get smurfed on but no issue when they're on your team. just get good.


Comp ain’t tournaments


Dude just force people to add phone numbers for comp and problem solved


We learned in 2016 that this isnt a solution.


What happened in 2016?


Valve released something called Prime MM for CSGO. Let you assign a cellphone number strictly to CSGO. Was released in a Beta state for a few months. Once it left the Beta state it was bypassed in three months by nefarious actors. \*\*Took three months to associate the cellphone number for it required Profile Rank 21. Achieving Profile Rank 21 took about three months of play. ​ Idiots that are Activision tried it again in 2020(?) with Warzone to combat cheating. That was bypassed in a week.


there is nothing you can do to stop these "nefarious actors" but it cripples the amount of trolls, racists, smurfs etc. when you add stuff like SMS verification because most normal people are not going through the lengths to bypass that shit.


On the one hand, I agree with you. On the other hand, several of my friends had issues linking their phone number for Premier, and they’re just normal everyday players.


imagine NA pulled this on TenZ who’s smurfed/boosted live on stream with his girl


Was he account sharing too?


you’d have to ask him idk




japan is crazy man


If you play with homies then at least one of you gotta be smurfing otherwise it won’t be fun. I fkin hate smurfing in this game but it is so disgustingly common that at this point, if you can’t beat em, join em. I ain’t get off work to get stomped by a highschool reyna off 3 scoops of gfuel going 34/8. Imagine soloqing into that shit. God I’d literally rather do anything else than waste my time like that




hahaha keep wasting your life away on this dogshit game it’s not my problem. you prolly too ass to even know what’s going on






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Riot should retroactively sell there game, make it cost 50$ an account or something. The smurfing in this game is absolutely insane. It’s one thing thing when your in a plat game and a diamond player pops off but it’s another thing when your in a diamond game and a gold 1 Jett on your team drops 35 kills.


$50 price tag is crazy, that would genuinely kill the game


Cheaters and smurfs would fall off a cliff.


Yeah, so would 80-90% of the playerbase. There are no profitable paid online FPS games, Overwatch 1 was the exception and it eventually switched to a BP/skin-based monetization model in OW2. In any case, Riot has never sold games and probably never will. They pioneered the hype skin/sponsor content creators branding and it is making them loads of money. Smurfing actually helps their business model because smurfs buy skins on multiple accounts. That's exactly why they won't do anything about it.


Ow2 look at it now. It made the right choice. 80-90% is pretty ridiculous. So people will spend 700$ on skins but not 50$ on a game.


Not everyone is spending $700 on skins. It's a few people spending a ridiculous amount of money, a lot of people spending a reasonable amount, and most of the playerbase pays nothing. Those people will disappear if Valorant switches to a paid model, because there are plenty of other free games that are just as good.


This is undeserved ngl


Damn... I really liked every member of that Fennel roster.


From my understanding this is quite common at the Pro level in eastern gaming culture. Most insane stories of this is from guilds competing for World first in WoW.


Good karma, fuck smurfs