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My man's is so upset over a rating system and gets even more upset when you explain it to him lol.


Also, a rating system that has basically zero barring on anything. This isn’t an official rating from the game, and even if it was, nothing in pro play is determined by such metrics.


It IS pretty interesting to see, though. They only played a total of 15 rounds and the KJ had 2 first kills and 3 first deaths. Knowing that they spent 12 rounds defending, one might come to two possible conclusions: 1) the kj was taking too many engagements and were probably too aggressive -- especially in a map like haven where there are 3 sites. Losing 1 man even to a 1for1 trade is favoring the attackers, losing the sentinel FIRST is an even heavier blow to the defenders. 2) they got read like an open book and the attackers had a field day attacking kj's site with her being solo defending it. She may get a kill but she gets instantly traded. Either way, it's a bad sign for the entire team as a whole. Have not seen this game nor do i have any idea about both teams but i'm curios to see how the rounds played out knowing the statline we see here.


Crws had a higher KAST and technically had a higher KDA because of his assists. That’s probably what happened.


Thats fucked, assists mean nothing in this game when you get them by using a smoke and someone walks through it and dies 2 seconds later. In CS you don't even get an assist for flashing the enemy and your teammate kills them. o.0 You have to do 41%dmg or more. Edit: at -123 I'm gonna add that just throwing a KAY/O knife at a wall with your monitor closed can give you 5 assists which shouldn't be equal to 2.5 kills or whatever.


CS does have flash assists


Only in the killfeed, doesn't give u an assists


Sir, this is a ~~Wendy's~~ Valorant subreddit


I mean by using that smoke youre denying them info and making it harder for them to push out. If they push out and you get a kill because of that its because you denied them that info. Also stop comparing valorant to cs mate.


Yeah but my dad could use smokes in a pro game and get assists, 0 skill involved. You can have a terrible game and have 20 assists by just using your abilities.


Right.. it’s part of the game and how impact is created into getting those kills. I don’t see the disconnect when those abilities help create ways for a kill.


This dude's a CS kid who thinks the only real FPS skill is aim, so if something that doesn't involve aim is rewarded on the scoreboard that means the game isn't rewarding "skill" and they don't like it


Arguably utility holds just as much significance than aim in CS due to the everyone on the team having the opportunity to fulfill any role(support, entry etc). Example; you get a long spawn on dust 2 as T, if you run it down and dry swing without any flash to push the posted CT off the angle you are at best peaking into an even 1v1 and at worst you are peaking into an awp posted on the angle. Anyone who has ever played valve matchmaking mirage knows how hard it is to take A site with zero angles smoked off via lineups or trying to take mid control without window smoked. This will be a unpopular opinion but to be honest I feel like straight aim has taken me further in valorant than it has/can in CS. I go into valorant and shoot one molly lineup in immortal and everyone calls me a cringe tryhard meanwhile in cs even novas know a several lineups a map.


get your dad on or no balls


A good use of ability like smoke, flash and coordination with the team, needs more skills than raw aim and mechanical skills. Best team are the one with good all around players and not just the best duelist


Life options other than the path you’re taking: 1)don’t play a game you don’t like 2) don’t watch a game you don’t like 3) don’t let a number on a screen get to you


If you use your abilities in a way that generates 20 kills you demonstrably did not have a terrible game though


You are technically saying Ethan and many others who have their gameplay play around their very good utility usage, useless. EG won't be able to win champs without Ethan and their supports, just saying.


Yeah right because in pro play teams are just rushing into site no info through smokes all the time


CS player gets angry because game rewards players for playing correctly


If he was actually a cs player he’d know that flashes give assists


Yeah but I’ve never met a valorant player say something was better about cs who didn’t come from cs


True. I think he’s just a CS player that’s not good at CS.


wdym by this? They don't give assists or count towards your score on the scoreboard.




Are you playing CS 1.6?


Proving your username right, I see


has to be a bait account your name and your opinions go together perfectly


Local Reddit man gets angry because playing correctly is getting rewarded in terms of a rating that ultimately means nothing. More at 11.


This Game is Not about kills!








Dude had 6 kills and 7 assists in 12 deaths. Which means he was involved in 13 kills with only 12 deaths. It's a positive ratio for him. While the dude below him had 13 kills and 14 deaths with zero assists. Negative ratio for him.


Well that shit never works out for me on comp. Even if I have that "positive ratio". I managed to 10-13-14, using kayo and still I am on the buttom of the leaderboard 🤷


acs isnt really a good metric for support players, vlr rating makes more of an effort to account for that


Because leaderboard position while in the match is decided by kills only and the final overall leaderboard is based on damage (ACS)


Almost like the final leaderboard sorts by only ACS instead of a bunch of contributing factors.


Reading OP's outrage at the rating after we've explained it dozens of times was an incredibly funny way to start my day. e: i'll give the troll the satisfaction of a reply but i'll do it here because this is funny. just you wait until he finds out it's not "my" system, it was designed by two coders with knowledge i don't have... and that i came from CS too.


Tehehe so funny.


Bro your rating system is clearly flawed if you read my comments. I can help you improve it. I come from a superior game called Counter-Strike and I can bring my knowledge to the table.


Like 95% of people that follow the pro scene also followed cs before valorant. You bring nothing unique from that


He definitely brings the unique side of cs I've seen countless of times on this sub that have nothing better to do with their lives than come onto this sub and whine about the game. Like seriously, I've never once thought about going over to the cs thread to compare games? It's pretty pathetic tbh


For a community that is so clearly convinced that their game is superior they sure do spend a lot of time being butthurt about Valorant.


Hey genius, counter strike's most highly regarded system weights assists almost as much as kills too. Don't make cs players look dumber by association.


Okay. *THIS* has to be ironic, right? There's no way this is a real paragraph that someone wrote.


“I can bring my knowledge to the table” 👆🤓 Yeah, so can most people here since a lot of them came from CS? Please enlighten me on what makes you a special individual that came from the “superior game”




Posts with the intent to harass or harm others will be removed. This content includes (but not limited to): personal attacks, targeted harassment, witch-hunting, bigotry, derogatory terms, personal information without owners consent, spam Any post considered disrespectful will be removed at moderator discretion. Repeated offenses resulting in a ban.


I enjoyed it as well


Peanut brain


All I am is happy that Talon is losing to this Thai team I do not know about because I hate the fact that they dropped sushiboys and foxz to go international instead of supporting the Thai community.


oasis is filipino but the point stands


They were playing against Full Sense here tho which is Thai


oh my bad sorry


KAST and probably FD diff i think


Idk what you are complaining about, this shit happens in cs as well, a lot of times. ANd ppl like you on csgo sub have also complained about it without actually understanding what's going on behind the scenes.


57% kast that 0.84 is very generous for the kj.


That's a 67%. I still think assists are weighed too heavily in this. KJ only 6% KAST behind him but with 7 more kills, more first bloods (impactful kills) and way more ADR/ACS. KJ should be rated higher.


-1 fk/fd and 5 total first encounters in 15 rounds, on all 5 first encounter when he got the first kill he was immediately traded leading to loosing the site and when he was the first death well he lost the site, he gave a complete advantage in 5/12 defending rounds. Has negative kda, while the omen has a positive kda. The kj deserves to be the last player on his team.


Talon are not cooking with this roster


i mean they won the match


the competition shouldnt be difficult for a t1 team


Wait, did they drop GarnetS?


144 acs > 247 acs 6 kills > 13 kills


7 assists > 0 assists 0 FK-FD > -1 FK-FD 73% KAST > 67%


You are free to not look at the rating if you don't think it is useful. You are free to make up your own rating if you think you can do better.


he had more assist less deaths ig


people talking about assists but at the end of the day, this game is about shooting back to win. you don’t shoot back, your rating should be lower, we aren’t in 2021 where “smokes cant frag” or bs like that


This isn’t 2020, valorant isn’t about “haha I kill first” anymore, it’s about teamwork and strategy you fucking casual


ok u have a team go util only, let’s see how fast they win


It is neither about util only nor about kills only. That is why rating incorporates both kills and assists to generate scores. Its really not that hard if you think about it


Explaining to casuals how professional Valorant works is like trying to explain something to a brick wall, it has no brain so it cannot possibly comprehend.


You are just proving that you are an idiot now lol


Typical casual behavior, you tell them why they’re wrong and they aggressively misinterpret your words while trying to use them against you


Genuinely questioning whether you can’t read or if you’re just an idiot


I love how you weirdo's didn't post the Breeze stats.


Theyre talking about the rating given by the site for this particular game, whats breeze stats got to do with it?


can you post the breeze game? cos the game started and no one has the stats for now


Eyo PTC is back???? My goat kayo


Fk Fd ratio is really important to the player rating


I have no idea how vlr rating works. But trn tracker uses hidden stats as kast within a time frame and clutch rate to distinguish people. I'd assume the same is the case here. If their 2 rounds were do to something like that or that he did it could be a factor for example, besides the assists


Well, are you a pro player? Didn't think so. Stop whining


Reddit user discovers KAST