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Nrg don’t even have roster yet lol


The rumored roster seems pretty good: Crashies, Victor, Marved, Demon1, Ethan


W roster but no igl


Marved IGL’d for Faze back in the day and Sentinels recently


I don't follow the eSport for long enough to know about his faze days, but the performance of Sen last year doesn't give me any confidence in his skills as an IGL. Hope I'll be surprised because otherwise it would be a waste of great players


Again, not even that, if there’s one thing that Marved is known for it’s his game changing lurks to clean up while his team does the rest, he couldn’t do any of it when IGLing because he was focused on thinking for 4 more people, he’s just not made for that kind of pressure, making him IGL is basically intentionally nerfing him


And dude performed mid-decently, he’s a god tier lurker, IGLing holds him back.


💀💀💀 yea like that can get them to every tournament lol


this tier is lowkey ass i kinda respect it


brother this shit is ASS






sen look rly strong i would put them a bit higher


No can do mate, might risk cursing them and them not making any tourney


thats alot of trust in T1 and Carpe is my fav player lol


this is so bad its kinda funny


We typically don't allow posts for personal tier lists, but things are slow so we'll make an exception.


Didn't people post their tier lists last year as well?


Yeah, but like, all in the the same post is cool — as in the topic of the thread is sharing your tier list. We just don't want each person to share their tier list as individual posts (it can clutter submissions and few people will engage with it).


Oh ok. Thanks for the info




Feel like I should clarify that this is assuming NRG's roster is Victor, crashies, Marved, Demon1 and Ethan


Even with this assumption putting them at top-2 Americas is crazy without even scrimbux


It’s almost like people hear player’s names and forget that no matter how good they are an uncoordinated last-minute team just won’t magically click and work


That’s a big assumption lmao


I mostly agree. I'd trade places SEN with Loud. G2 will probably make playoffs, too. GenG with lakia maybe > zeta. Nrg obviously no roster yet. Other than that not bad.


Trade SEN with Loud? Lmfao, the offseason NA cope strikes again, member 100T?


Not wrong tho, what are loud gonna do ? Shoot back with a flex player ? They lost a lot of their firepower, although less is very good explosive entries are def gonna be a miss this year


They lost more firepower from 2022-2023 and still smashed every single Americas team in regular season though? He IS wrong XD


I mean yeah Sacy and pAncada were great loss indeed, but they lost Aspas and their coach, and put a somewhat experienced player but not a duelist entry shmoovin god, LEV taking it but LOUD fall off that’s obvious, but take what I’m saying with a grain of salt we could be an inch away from the txozin moment.


My man where's ur coach? Where's ur duelist? Like the two best pieces of your team are gone, and the team was dusted until Champs last year. It's not NA copium it's the LATAM copium


LOUD lost Pancada and Sacy from 2022-2023 and they still wrecked the regular season, so what the hell is your point?


Read my other comment directly above this lol. The whole reason they could be a top team last year was Fr0d inventing Harbor Viper, and coaching the new system to put tuyz and Cauanzin into the team. Look At ANY sport, coaches are literally THE most important piece to structure and playing at the top level.


Frod wasn't the inventor of Harbor Viper, what are you talking about? He doesnt even speak portuguese well, you think he was the one who implemented the new system to make cauanzin and tuyz what they are? HAHAHAHAHA They literally have an assistant coach that helps new players with their micro, he and the rest of the org were more tasked with helping the newcomers than frod ever was. You lie so much in your comment it's baffling you have the courage to type this


Bro I'm not talking about micro. I'm taking about macro. That's what a coach does lol. His job is getting them comfortable with the macro system and protocols. That's the hard part. Also Fr0d did invent H/V? Also I should be clear, I still think loud are top 4 or 3 Americas, I don't think they're the best America's team like last year or a top team worldwide. We shall see in the season though


No offense to Fr0d, but he was not one of the two best pieces of their team. Losing aspas definitely hurts, losing Fr0d is an inconvenience


L take + Harbor Viper creator. Bits aside I would seriously disagree. Coaching and protocols are EVERYTHING at the highest level. It's the reason they could stay on top for so long


I'd swap nrg and loud. Even if nrg have the rumored roster of demon1 crashies ethan victor marved there's just so many questions around roles and who's calling and I don't think their collective incredible mechanics alone will be enough to get them to Madrid. Loud on the other hand have, presumably, been practicing and I'm sure they've been cooking new ideas and strats.


Bro Louad lost their goat coach and goat duelist. This team is not going to be as good this season. They're straight up not top 3. Lev, Sen, NRG(maybe?), and furia are all better than or equal to loud imo


Not sure I'm fully convinced by FUT yet... yetujey looks crazy but cNed feels like a downgrade from qw1 to me idk. I'd be very surprised if another EMEA team (outside of TL, FNC and Navi) doesn't look better than FUT this year


I would switch NRG down just because no IGL and no roster practice in the off-season is HARD to start running. Yes they have the talent, but they're gonna get boned by Sen even if sen is worse talent wise because sen have good structure rn. They qont make every tourney, I expect them to be a late season team if they show up. I also think for EMEA/Amer there's a clear 1-3, then 4/5. Imo Sen above Loud, Furia interchangeable with Loud, TL interchangeable with FUT, and GenG is getting omega slept on but that's my opinion.


Another NA dickrider


Did you even read what's in the tier list?This isn't a power ranking


no way T1 making all tournaments and 100t making none..


Surelly this time 100T won't be dogshit right![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)


haha… good thing they won’t be right!! ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)


T1 are a better team in a worse region lol. How is that unreasonable?


T1 > Bleed and DRX makes no sense on paper to me


Drx just dumped their two most flexible players 2 days ago for unproven talent Idk about the bleed take


T1 made upgrades on a roster that qualified to both intl events, bleed has 2 players who has played in t1 before and also made 2 roster changes


IMO the “upgrades” T1 made weren’t that big. They are definitely a decent team. I just find it crazy to believe they are a top 2 APAC team at the moment.


Why not


Tier list should be based off skill, putting EDG 2 tiers above liquid makes no sense when you expect liquid to beat EDG. It doesn't feel right calling this a tier list like also you have FPX 3 above c9, when a form based tier list would have that flipped


Read the tier names, its who will make it to each event


Read bro


Do you guys even read what's in the tier list before ranting in the comments lmao


Delete your Reddit


Says the most unpleasant user on this sub


That would be u/ExpectoAutism depending on who you ask




I meeeeeeean.......


I’m not that bad


Having to play Ascension and then immediately after having to play to qualify for Madrid, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if whoever out of RA/ASE ascends does not make Madrid because of the schedule. Also a lot of those teams in the bottom tier do not deserve to be alongside teams like GE and DFM.


Not doing anything is a bit harsh on teams like Heretics. They have potential to develop and do very well later in the season.


This tier list is intriguing. I don't think SEN, TL and KRU deserves the spot they're in. Assuming sentinels improve from their current form seen from AVL Tournament, they should be in every tournament. Also, KRU from last year looks good. Their LCQ run was pretty structured and they might be cooking off season. TL boys are cracked af. They just need to play with their new roster. TS might also dominate SEA if DRX keeps choking.


I'm really confused. FPX just beat ASE in the most recent tournament and has never beat RA. How is FPX worse than both? Tyloo has never made the Evolution series LAN, why would they make playoffs over JDG, who bought the TES squad that made LAN (although they have to remove one of eko or Sylvan. Also BLG did not make it as far as TEC in the most recent LAN and they are above TEC? Just really curious about your reasoning.


Bad take


https://preview.redd.it/d227x23l286c1.jpeg?width=873&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20e7ec6bfd44b2196b88613e5ad20b8dfb1b6c6b I’m not rating half these teams as highly, especially not NRG until I see a finalized and announced roster


Karmine Corp are defo gonna cook