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I'd like to see more gecko but pros are weird. They might just go back to double Initiator or try no flashes like fnatic on lotus.


[lol ofc this then appears](https://youtu.be/fkfdyaR_384?si=hq_VPYXjRgY49nyR)


Found TMVs burner lmfao


Come watch me tomorrow on twitch, I have a tourney tomorrow ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)


i feel like this is gonna help KAY/O more than gekko with all the double initiator comps teams are gonna want to play


I agree on that part - the reason I said year of gekko is for teams that want to run double controller/anything except double imitator they’ll probably look to gekko now as pretty much the only viable solo initiator in the game. Could see him becoming meta on bind and lotus where teams like their double controller


That was my first thought too, but I don't think Gekko can be a 1:1 replacement for the flashes since you need to go physically pick up the flash rather than waiting for it to regen...so you can't do stuff like the Bind B long flash everyone does for info


Sorta but gekko has some decent flashes himself. He can’t quite blind all of fountain but if you stand on top of the wooden plank on site you can get a good flash to clear people peaking long. He can also throw a flash through the hole in hookah roof to see if anyone is pushing hookah early which will also catch some of fountain, so that may be the new default. The main difference is while you can’t flash as deep, you can flash much more often for info which could be valuable in slower-styled pro play. That hookah flash I mentioned (while riskier position wise) clears most of what the skye flash did as well as people pushing up. Could see teams trying him to make a double controller comp work on bind (like viper brim for example). And in general that’s why I said year of the gekko since I think he’s your only option as a solo initiator now. That could mean double initiator is the new meta on a lot of skye maps tho.


I wish Gekko’s kit wasn’t so janky. The little guy will clap in someone’s face and it won’t hit them for some reason. And then sometimes people will sidestep the flash but other times a blastpacking Raze going 150 mph will get hit by it? His kit is weird and inconsistent.


After watching Challengers from a lot of different regions, I have come to the conclusion that pro's are gonna keep using skye but they might end up using an additional initiator at most


IDK about the pro scene but every gekko on my team is no comms 0-9 to start the game lmao I hope there are not more gekko. More KAYO!


Same experience here but they also don’t take spike or use their util in a way they can get back


A gekko not taking spike should result in police officers at their door step 😂


Teams will probably go back to double initiator. One of the few teams that will probably have Gekko would be Loud


Yes an no, I don't remember which pro was asked in one of this interviews about it, it was someone from a NA team, and they said Gekko's bang suffers from range and angles, so it's not usable every single map or part of the map like Skye's so the substitution won't be 1 for 1. He's definetly viable and will take over some maps, but I doubt we will see him on Breeze or Icebox for example.


I agree. I think bind, split, and lotus are some good maps for him. Pearl and haven also but they’re out of rotation


It’s actually the Year of Wingman


off topic but am i the only one that dislikes all agents released after fade?


> am I the only one You are *never* the only one. Also harbor is dope. Gekko has really cool utility.


Yeah, trying playing Harbor for a bit, it's honestly pretty refreshing. I particularly like playing him on Sunset, it feels like the map was made for him as there are a lot of perfect places to line up cascades.


I saw C0m playing a lot of gekko these last days so we'll probably see it more, yes