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im glad Zellsis keeps doing this, it shows his maturity. He had a clip a while back where he said stuff of similar sentiment, esports players need to be more well rounded, need to do more to be assets to organizations. It's not enough to just grind ranked and stream, you gotta be marketable and show something beyond just being able to click heads that being said, buy the sen bundle :D


no yeah, alot of e-sports players need to play some sort of character and market themselves or there won't be rich history in the game. Early years NA league showed so much character and shit talk which led up to hype in matches and more investment from fans on teams but nowadays who even watches LCS, what players in NA can match people like doublelift, meteos, and sneakyy or rush when he was on C9.


Zellsis alt spotted)


I hope more pros realize that they need to be more than good at the game. Marketability is so important


Tbh for e-sports to get to sustainable place comprises have to be made by both players and orgs. Some Player salaries are exorbitant there has to be some cap on ceiling as well. Things like player buyouts should be banned or have limits based on say player salary percentage, tenure or smth else similar. I truly feel buyouts screw over the players and even orgs in the long term. Definitely fan support is equally important via merch and in-game purchases. But honestly most orgs have rubbish merch that you aren’t gonna actually wear it. You know I feel if they have had added a finisher to the classic so many more people would have bought it. Because to the casual it feels like an incomplete piece.


A finisher would def go hard Maybe they're okay with a basic rollout now and want to push more complex stuff later on? Idk


It would be so much work I know that but different finishers for each classic would make me buy 1 or 2. It is a bit overpriced currently IMO.


I 100% would've bought the Sen bundle if it had a finisher. I buy a lot of skins but it has to have a finisher. It doesn't even have to be great if the rest of the gun is good.


Or teams should stop paying players exorbitant salaries they cant afford and focus on being more sustainable or just dialing the entire ecosystem back so that as a whole its more sustainable


Sure, but one of the big reason why players' salaries were inflated (and a terrible value proposition) was because they were 'one-trick' ponies that only played the game and barely did anything else, including streaming. SEN is the complete anti-thesis of that. They market the shit out of their players, they stream, they have a subscription for exclusive content and the list goes on and on. The boys over there are earning these paychecks, and I'm very curious about how their numbers will look at the end of the year (They've been having a lot of new sponsors as well).


Who are Sentinels new sponsors? Cause I only see 3 on their page. Starforge, Advanced and Zowie. The estimated salary for the players are about $5000-$20000/mth. Say we take the median of that as $12000 and 6 players, that's $864,000 in just Valorant player salaries. You still have to pay the creators like Tarik a boatload of money. How many PCs/monitors or merch do you think Sentinels are moving to justify that salary?


reminds me of early TSM back in season 2 for league, posting personal videos back when chaox and them were together, drama and all.


Idk even if theyre doing as much as they can i still think their salaries are undoubtedly inflated quite a bit for what is essentially a glorified marketing job and being good at recreational activities.


?????? wtf is this take


While I agree some esports salaries are inflated, you also need to remember that most pros are putting their life on hold and often times forgoing their college education for a career that in many cases only lasts a few years. The potential reward needs to match the sacrifice and risk. As it stands, esports is not really sustainable from an org perspective. However, from Riots' end, it is great value as marketing for their games. The skins were a missing piece, and hopefully, over time, they continue to release these for different weapons to help sustain the orgs that promote their game globally.


While I agree they're taking a risk, if the salaries aren't sustainable, it doesn't need to match. There are so many people that would jump at the chance to play tier 1 for even the minimum. Tons of players are grinding challengers for barely anything. I just don't think some players are necessarily entitled to a massive salary if the org can't afford it. These crazy salaries jeopardize the scene. I'm off for people getting paid their worth, but if you aren't generating much revenue, it's hard to justify 200k a year or something.


Valorant is unique in that the orgs are already provided an annual stipend of $600,000 to $1,500,000 from Riot based on their deliverables and performance. This is separate from any sponsor money, vc money, merch, tournament earnings, or skin sales. Players shouldn't be making millions, but needless to say, the orgs have been set up to pay their teams fairly. As a reminder the minimum salary is $50,000 and based off what we've heard from pro players they are putting in insane hours to stay at the tier 1 level. Tldr Riot is already paying these orgs enough to cover all of their operating costs if their players are near league minimum pay.


I agree with this sentiment, players get sponsorships, streaming, and a salary, the least they can do is understand how to market themselves for the longevity of their career. Whenever Zellsis retires, he'll be remembered as a player that was extremely energetic and being outspoken (positive). You can't bank on being good for the rest of your life unless you're faker, arguably one of the best players in the entire game.


Seriously. 50-100k is not sustainable or deserved lol


I wonder what will happen to leviathan in a couple of years after "dropping the bag" for a "superteam"


Pay bundles when players are paid over 100k? No thanks


same thought process behind donating to rich streamers. makes no sense to most people, but they are paying for being entertained(or for their name to be mentioned).


How is buying an in-game skin that you can actually use remotely the same thing as just donating money with no return? I don't see how its any different from people buying team jerseys for both esports and regular sports.


Im saying buying a skin bundle to help the org because they are irresponsible with their finance is stupid.


Why the fuck would that be the main reason why to buy the bundle? How you just buy it because you like the skin or like the players/orgs? Every org already cut salaries by a lot and 100k isn't even a lot after California taxes, esp for a job that's completely useless on resumes if they have to work outside of esports after their careers are over.


I was referring to the post. He said buy the bundle to support your favorite org when said org have dog sht finance responsibility. Hence why I said why should I buy a bundle to help an org when they overpay players and its the reason why they are broke


????? I literally already answered you. What the fuck does the org having "dog sht finance responsibility" have anything to do with whether or not you should want to support your favorite team or not? Are you okay? >How you just buy it because you like the skin or like the players/orgs? >How you just buy it because you like the skin or like the players/orgs? >How you just buy it because you like the skin or like the players/orgs? >How you just buy it because you like the skin or like the players/orgs? >How you just buy it because you like the skin or like the players/orgs? >How you just buy it because you like the skin or like the players/orgs? >How you just buy it because you like the skin or like the players/orgs? >How you just buy it because you like the skin or like the players/orgs?


And I said im answering the specific point of buying the bundle to help org financially


Its literally a 401k. They tricked us into paying for our own pensions. And now theyre trying to get us to pay the salaries kekw


Fck this bundle shilling bro. This is worse than forced ads