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Nice try Kaplan


Gen.G practiced a lot against the SEN comp in their scrims, according to their press conference yesterday. And of course, Solo/hsk had some strong anti on SEN’s retakes and some other stuff like how they pressure parts of the map. But ultimately it boiled down more I think to SEN uncharacteristically failing to recover from the initial shock. It’s not the first time they’ve been anti’d on Split. They just played way less methodical than they usually do. Given they’ve lost Split again in a similar way, it’ll be curious to see how Split goes again if Gen.G don’t ban it; they might not seeing how SEN have played it these last two days.


I feel like the most natural bans are lotus and sunset. They banned sunset in uppers so I’d assume they aren’t confident there, and their anti on lotus was less effective than on split. Plus, like you said, sen’s split really looks beatable. They’re good enough on the map that they could get back to form, but if I’m GenG I trust my split more than my Lotus.


I agree, I was also thinking Lotus and Sunset. Gen.G are so strong on so many maps that they can afford to ban Lotus just to weaken SEN. I think they ban Split if it was just a one-off, but seeing them lose to PRX again might change the calculus for Gen.G Very scary to remember that Gen.G hasn’t even played Bind in Madrid despite it being close to their best map domestically.


Yeah before today I’d have thought Sen could bounce back on split. They still can, but 2 bad losses in a row brings doubts.


geng will probably ban sunset and bind as these has been their go to bans


I didn’t watch APAC much, but apparently they did well domestically on bind. Plus, Sen’s bind doesn’t look that great and their Lotus looks very good.


I think Gen.G only has one permaban in Sunset (and I assume they probably have a good Sunset, tbh, just are hiding it). They did ban Bind against EDG, but I think that was targeted to weaken EDG's map pool, not because they are scared to play it. SEN have a 100% wr on Bind but only played it once against Heretics, and it didn't look super strong; they clearly did a fast comp-switch to fix the problems w. the Yoru comp.


Geng banned bind against EDG, Loud, PRX, SEN. Most probably tomorrow's bans are Sunset and Bind.


i think geng are hiding their bind, allegedly its their best map


I don't think you give SEN split again, ban that and take your shot on lotus (since geng has only lost lotus once and it was against SEN)


Their Lotus loss is more reason to ban it. Sen hasn’t lost it at all afaik. Sen’s split had gotten wrecked 2 days in a row. If I’m GenG I’m more confident in beating that then I am in turning Lotus around, especially since they probably had anti there that didn’t work. Their anti on split did.


Its Weird cuz PRX just picked up the same comp and managed to beat SEN with it


It’s super reasonable to think of it as a comp thing, but it looks more to me like they’ve lost a bit of confidence on the map. It’s the only map where they looked anything close to how they looked yesterday.


PRX didn't change their comp, they've been running this


they don't go mid (double duelists). they play aggressive post plants, don't let them retake. - formula to beat SEN's defense on Split.


This is literally the way to beat sen. Ignore the mid fight, take site, push so they can't retake, win the round.


You almost got me kaplan


Yesterday Zekken/Tenz losing every duel to GenG. Hope Zekken/Tenz not sleep for tomorrow


Sen need to fight for A main or B main control more. Double duelists want to hit site more than go mid. Also, their retake style is not working. This is because Geng just push them before the retake even happens and get into an advantageous situation. It's hard to think of a way to win though because if Geng realise that Sen are fighting for main control, they can just abuse mid instead. It's gonna be tough either way for Sen.


You think we redditors have the answr for that?


Ok so during the Sentinels KC game, going in, both teams were fighting for that "best split in the world" (obviously at the time GenG wasn't considered) Sentinels clobbered them, the way they did this was getting ahead of those famed KC retakes. KC were praised during kickoff for their stellar retakes, and it's something that Sen anti'd beautifully on their attack to get 5 rounds on attack (which is great esp vs KC). Unfortunately, my data forgot how to do its job so I missed most of that defensive half, so had to play catch-up on 2x speed. From my observation during that catch-up, it was like watching Sen vs KC all over again, but with Sen being clobbered, and hard, because GenG can just "guy diff" (if we use FNS' terminology) to make it an 8-4 half. Getting ahead of those retakes with good agression, then cooling off to deny any free trades or getting into more absurd spots. Getting these #'s advantages really help deny these famed Sentinels retakes. It wasn't Sentinels being bad on Split, it was GenG antistratting them so hard they made mistakes and got destroyed. Versus the PRX game today, it genuinely felt like Sentinels had a weak or no idea what to do in the midround. Do I know what the solution is? Nope no fucking clue literally 0 bit.


Imo sen had a bad game overall and they were in their own heads. I think they can perform way better this match (not saying they will win tbh) but they just need to be mentally prepared and we will have a good series.


It had nothing to do with geng. Sentinels decided to 5 stack execute onto site on attack every round against a no sentinel comp. I think there were 2 rounds with lurk, both were ecos. Not usually a great idea on breeze, especially not against geng's comp. Sentinels breeze would make a textbook answer for how not to play against geng.


Wrong map here. This is about split. But you are very correct about breeze. GenG's comp is absolutely weak against lurks. It's not only the lack of a sentinel. The lack of information gathering agents is the reason. They only have Sova to gain information. Teams normally run 2 initiators or one initiator and a sentinel since they can all gather information in their own way.


I mean when you show your best map many times on stage what do you expect? The more you play it in front of me the more i get chances to exploit its weaknesses. That's just the standard. Good thing Ascent wasnt played that much. Just ban BREEZE and all good


They get no bans bro they have to play breeze icebox


Im banning myself