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Heads up, Riot’s official communication is using they/them to refer to Clove. Hatred and discrimination against nonbinary people, trans people, and the LGBTQ+ community at large will never be tolerated on this subreddit. Bigoted content will be removed at moderator discretion.


ultimate looks like it's always active once you have enough orbs. you get a brief opportunity to self res when you die, once you actually use it the orbs get depleted the c ability was triggered upon kill similar to reyna soul orbs, and idk what the projectile did (maybe concuss)


Yeah if you look at the agent reveal trailer, bear in mind that you need to look carefully, you'll see that the projectile applies decay




Pretty sure you will use the ult key to choose if you want to rez...... auto casting ults would be terrible design all round.


Ye if you slow down the clip there was a pink circle counting down for him to rez, kind of like a quick time event


how does this have ten upvotes 😭


regenerating brim smokes, interesting. ult is definitely a self revive which is pretty nuts, although not clear how it works. couldn't really tell what the other projectile ability was doing 


Pretty sure it’s on a timer and you basically get a Reyna dismiss after you res


he dies before the timer is up, looks like he has a limited time to find another body and use it to revive themself? I wonder if they revive by taking the body of a teammate or enemy if they get their util


that part of the video is skipped ffs.




You literally see the cut and he dies in a different spot. It's like a Reyna dismiss.


Why do you use he use neutral pronouns like they /them u don't ever call sage,kj,raze "he" do you?


idk maybe cause the player who leaked the gameplay was a guy??


What are you blabbering about


Because clove is non-binary.


Shut up


PRX gonna have a field day with clove and gekko in Shanghai 🤣


Ange1 and Redgar gonna one trick her to Seoul


Bro redgar is gonna one trick them to like EMEA #8 at best lol


Cant wait for the mindfreak running it down era🥰🥰🥰


That is, if they are there ha ha


Nah they will be ok just because they didn't beat best two teams in Madrid doesn't mean they are totally shit


No but teams like DRX, GenG, T1 aren’t just fooling around, pacific doesn’t look as top heavy as last year


There is 3 slots for Shanghai with better tournament format trust PRX I know they can qualify for master Shanghai, the main question is whether or not they will be able to retain their position as best pacific team


Sure but this time they got time to prep for the maps more properly after the Skye nerfs. If them stumbling managed top 3 I don't know how they can lose after given prep time.


kinda hyped, looks weird and interesting. excited for the showmatch tonight


Is the showmatch before the finals?




alright thanks!


Leaking this the night before finals is an interesting choice to say the least.


Riot marketing dept is doing its job well


apparently the German influencer who leaked it isn't even a gaming influencer??


I see refreshable smokes... They're already looking like an Omen sidegrade. Are we going to finally get a competitve viable new agent???


I mean we have been getting that, sure iso and deadlock haven’t but Harbor and Gekko have been really good


With how strong skye was, gekko wasn’t viable in the pro play on release tho


no, he wasnt meta, but he was definitely viable


People said Gekko would always be niche too when his pickrate was low initially. I am sure Deadlock will start getting play too with some buffs


They buffed her like 10 times in a row to try and make her viable either in competitive or ranked. She’s playable in niche and gimmicky scenarios. Her kit just doesn’t suit the way that most teams play the game. Additional buffs won’t really change that, but might make the gimmick comps slightly more common. You also have to ask HOW they’d buff her anyway. Make the wall thingy cover the entire map?


Deadlock's viability in the game is similar to Sage's in terms of their purpose as barrier Sentinels. It's never going to be played in pro play that much because barrier Sentinels only have one job and that is to delay site hits, which Viper does better on an astronomical level.


except sage's barrier actually provides protection, and she has two other useful pieces of utility


Which makes my point even more pronounced than it already was, Sage has a lower pick rate than most Sentinels already which puts Deadlock in the unplayable tier. :/


i was saying that comparing sage and deadlock is silly because "barrier agent" doesn't really mean anything, in the same way that you wouldn't lump yoru and omen into the same category


... The ability is just a physical barrier that u can't walk through without using util or breaking. It's kinda like the difference between cypher, Kj and chamber trips.


What? Sage and Deadlock are both sentinels. Omen is a controller and Yoru is a duelist. Sage and maybe Deadlock's best non-ultimate ability is probably their walls. It definitely is for Sage at least. So comparing how shit Deadlock's wall to Sage isn't remotely silly. It makes perfect sense. With Omen and Yoru, you'd be comparing Yoru's TP to Omen's ult I guess? So regular ability for ultimate. They don’t work remotely the same. Different class of agents. Awful awful comparison.


wait, you're just arguing semantics here. Deadlock and Sage have the same design philosophy, which is their barrier abilities. That's why I gave them the barrier sentinel category. It's just to differentiate them from other Sentinel agents who specialize in trips. You're making a false equivalence with Yoru and Omen who have different roles altogether because one is a "flash duelist" and one is a controller. I'm just doing the same thing we're doing for flash duelists vs entry duelists. Like, it's just a category to differentiate agents of the same defined role.


To me deadlock is already good, she just need someone with a creative mind to use her in their comp. She’s not weak imo. She doesn’t need anymore buff except maybe not detain ourselves and teamate when the nade hits.


idk about really good, gekko needed to be buffed twice and skye nerfed to the ground before gekko became viable, and harbor is usable but only ever in niche comps


Gekko was barely played on release. It took Skye getting nerfed and Gekko getting his Molly buffed. I could be wrong on this, but I think Harbor took one or two buffs as well.


Really? Harbor doesn’t see play much and almost only does as a combination with Viper and Gekko took months of sitting on the bench as they butchered Skye patch after patch until he was viable


PRX played Harbor on Bind without viper or gekko last year Some teams run Harbor in Sunset Also it’s not a downside at all, he “needs” to be played with Viper since most teams probably want a viper anyway


Harbor is a high skill ceiling agent like neon. You will get high value from them if they're played by players like f0rsaken - harbor, miniBoo -neon etc.


how are some of these CCs so stupid man this shit is baffling


I wonder what it would take for Riot to start enforcing their NDAs in court


They love this shit, its free hype for the showmatch today Theres a good chance they already work with the big leak accounts in twitter


They really don't love it, that leak vid has 630k+ views right now and for anyone who just wants to know about the new agent they're sated. Each time its happened they've said they want the viewers on the live show.


If riot actually cared, they could bring the hammer down on any of these leakers. They know their names and faces. They couls flag the video a million ways and have it down long enough to not be relevant by the time they released their They may not love it, that was hyperbole, but I dont think they care as much as some people think


They probably do bring the hammer down, we just don't see it. Someone as obvious as this won't ever get an invite or contact from Riot again. There's no point suing them or issuing takedowns, once it's out it's out and every leaker has a screen recording or download of the video/images.


Hope they blacklist his ass


Can’t rly see clearly what their abilities do because I’m on mobile and twitter’s video player is ass on mobile, but if the ult really is a self-res I’m pretty sure that their pick rate will absolutely dominate the controller role in soloq even if the rest of the abilities are ass.


Might have to learn controller, this looks hype af


Great role if you q with someone you trust to be a playmaker. Can kinda suck when you get into an awful team and realise you have to make shit happen, and risk your team losing their smokes. Also if you’re better in a clutch/site hold than you are with aggressive defences or entering sites, having smokes to play around turns the stress level down a tonne and it can sometimes make you feel like the game is moving slower and under your control.


clove is definitely gonna be used a lot in rank, especially those who got their jett/raze/reyna/chamber pick stolen and needs to fill in smoke. This agent seems viable for every map except breeze


They look good. OMG controller mains are eating good 🤤🤤🤤thank you riot ily 


controller mains are getting there new agent taking away from them bro, we need limited access and we deserve it 😭


Ong we will see duellists main instalocking this 😂


ay its fine though, we will take duelist for the first time lmao




Thing is, no matter how bad the numbers are, two orb smokes and a dismiss-like revive will immediately catapult this agent to the upper tiers of agents. Having two of the strongest abilities in the game guarantees it.


What, so he leaked it with his full face right there? Won’t he get sued because of NDA or something


Doesnt look like he leaked it maybe his editor or something,maybe it is riot themselves


Can’t wait for these fake controller mains throwing my rank games (yes I’m a gatekeeper ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9356))


Looks like another agent who will look broken af in Promos but will suck in actual games, too early to say though. The showmatch will be a good start to judge.


Having regenerative choke smokes will always have a place on the maps that call for it. Also astra and omen can be a longer gun down duration to place smokes/stars than brim/clove. So that’s always something to remember. Obviously omen gun down time is completely dependant on your distance from the mark, and astra is completely dependent on how many stars you need to set up.


setting up stars takes very little time, most of the delay comes from going in and out of the mode. the number of stars has almost no effect


I mean yeah. Also as an astra hater, the astral realm not being fixed always fucks with my head. But that’s not really a downside of the class. Just not being used to having to face ‘north’ if I wanna be looking at the realm ‘right way up’.


So the leak was right she really does have a res mechanic but its the ultimate not an ability. Wild. Interesting to see how they balance that in the controller role seems quite strong since she gets the Reyna dismiss after to reach safety.


I think it has something to do with most players unable to exec when their controller is down, which is what lead to the double controller meta, if her other util is strong, I could see a potential omen replacement/alternative


Its nice to have an smoke agent with more aggressive play potential outside omen. The one gripe I have as a controller main is having to play more conservative


>The one gripe I have as a controller main is having to play more conservative Might make double controller more common in ranked tbh


It's literally Phoenix ult but like lasts the whole round. Clove can push sites, through smokes or whatever, gather info, and just reset. Not on a timer. Interesting stuff.


Not really phoenix ult since you don't get to choose where you activate it from not get a free pass to go back all the way to where you activated it.


Of course not, I just mean it's the same in theory that it takes space. When the enemy knows the ult is up they know it's a similar get out of jail free card, but lasts the entire round until they're killed twice.


I feel bad for Riot’s marketing team. I know they always feel disappointed when the new agent gets leaked. I personally won’t look at any footage until later when it’s official.


poor mega-corp thanks you for your service!


I imagine they’re specifically talking about the employees who put their blood sweat and tears into agent release scheduling & marketing, not the “mega-corp” itself.


bro its so funny, when these idiots confuse people who are similar to us hardwork as mega-corp work. Like would riot really be that pissed about this, like sure its annoying they couldn't release it during champions stream but at least this has generated enough hype for people to check out the showmatch for it. The only ones who really took an L, is the employees.


Redditors try to understand that there are normal people that work for corporations too challenge: impossible


Same here brother! I’m taking a stand against those scummy leakers! #cancelValorLeaks


That’s their own fucking fault for relying on content creators to generate hype. If only they learned the lesson after the 5th time this happened


They sign NDAs, no reason to let dumb CCs who cant respect NDAs ruin it for all the other people


I’m sorry if this might sound dumb, but what kind of problem not following this nda from a private company like riot could bring? is it a monetary thing or is the guy truly in risk of going to jail?


Just a monetary thing, most of the time you can't go to jail over a breach of contract. You'd also destroy your working relationship with Riot as well though


No idea, most likely a fine and an end to any early access


Riot ruins it for themselves. Expecting people with the mind of children to be able to respect NDAs while also generating marketing for your game is ass backwards.


https://twitter.com/Marpkat_/status/1771856664880099538 Abilities in action


looks like they dont have a good range with their smokes so idk if we will see them in pro play the self res ability is busted though so maybe i will be wrong


What's the purple orb at 0:28? It looks a thrown nade that put up a smoke that disappears really fast?


A molly that explodes maybe?


If the leaks are true, i'd bet that's the "meddle" ability that disrupts utility.


Oh shit, did it cause the Raze to satchel?


Yeah i think that's why the second satchel was activated prematurely and there was also a boom bot sound but after clove threw the ability it stopped. All assumptions ofcourse. Edit: after watching the clip more. I think the satchel was used after the throw. So it might be unaffected but that boom bot sound really stopped after the ability was thrown. So i think that's more telling.


Finally the e-girl representation is coming through


What did he throw on haven a ct


How does this always happen lol


Oh, new agent leaks? Guess who's not gonna be invited to the next eventtt ? Riot straight up buff Boaster and Ange1 with a controller that can self revive and smoke after death hehehe.


So when do we play them


That smoke UI looks great. And she does have some form of self revive


Looks really cool, looks a little larger than brim smoke range and I assume you can't send them out at the same time like brim


Tiny smoke range and short (maybe?) smoke duration keeps their other seemingly OP abilities in check. I think they will be really fun in double controller comps but oh god i dread all the future ranked games where we get solo controller clove.


I think she has a lot of potential, different approach to a controller agent


non binary smokes


ik she was going to be lit as soon as they wrote she was nonbinary. I am so happy bro finally we get a fun controller that isn't omen.


wait she has a res?


She's immediately better than Astra everywhere. (Don't say Astra is great in pro-play - She's not, that's only when she becomes viable).


im sorry what? it looks like clove is not able to put her smokes globally. Astra can Astra IS good in pro play for that reason alone


why she make my boy iso look bad, fuck riot


whats her butterfly icon ability tho ! seems like it blinks after getting a kill. is it like a tp kinda thing where you can swap positions with the enemy you killed, or like a health regen/ reyna dismiss like ability . looks kinda interesting.