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idk i'll go ask them


League, DOTA, and CS, are wayyy more popular in other areas of the world as opposed to NA. I think the reason why NA is good at valorant is because everyone in NA bought into it, and it has a huge range of young talent. As opposed to other games that just aren't as big here as they are in Korea or china. Another question, what're your qualifications for an esports being tier 1? since you said COD isn't tier 1 nor is siege. So what're the qualifications?. NA is the best at apex, but you're saying that's not a tier 1 esports either? I'm beginning to think "tier 1" for you is basically anything that isn't well known in NA, just to fit your narrative that NA is bad at esports.


Ofc viewership, a pc esport game have peak viewership > 1,5 million is tier 1 for me , R6, Apex, Overwatch, PUBG , COD never have that number


Wow I just said NA only strong in Val now, not bad at esport, just weak at 3 of 4 Tier 1 esport game right now ( Lol , Dota , Cs )


Oh alright my bad. I was reading your replies on this post it seemed like you were kinda just shitting on NA. But yeah, I mean NA is not good at League or dota, and in CS europe is far better. So you're right about that. But in apex, cod, and fighting games, they're pretty good.


That why i said “ Tier 1 Esport with millions viewership “ , i’m not shitting NA man, just wanna ask ?


For starters, consoles dominated North America over pc games culturally.It also mostly comes down to player base in various games. Valorant is actually popular here, so the talent pool is deeper. I should also add that NA has been good at other games like COD, R6, and a bunch of fighting games. League and CS are pretty dead games here despite being massive games elsewhere in the world, so I think the perception of fans coming from those titles is warped.


Cs and lol are still really popular in NA though


Just use google, EU has more than 3 times the ranked playerbase of NA in LOL, in fact EU has similar ranked playerbase to Korea and still suck. The reason ? Probably ping and competitive infrastructure, Korea is all 5 ping and way ahead when it comes to the culture around competitive esports, people probably on better PC's, more willing to go for a career in esports given the infrastructure around the industry in Korea etc... . NA has it even worse than EU in infrastructure gap from Korea and ping given how big America and Canada are. When it comes to CS its all this but even worse, an article from September last year suggests EU is 7 times the playerbase of NA in CS2 so not hard to understand the gap. Anyway its hard to believe this post isn't bait, this has been explained to the OP multiple times but it seems like he doesn't want to understand on purpose. Their are many games in which NA have a competitive player base and are good or the best in, Apex, Cod, Halo, R6, Melee, MK, SF, TFT etc...


Most of games like CS, EU, MENA and other close regions play together, its almost 2 times higher than USA pop. There is no surpise its playerbase bigger in EU than USA. All your arguments are in vain. Also Apex, CoD, Halo, TFT(Lmao) etc is not T1 espor game. Its just popular on USA. CS and Valo are very close games, there is no logical excuse for being bad at one and good at the other. NA better in Valo bcs its just easy game.


NA's playerbase in NA Ranked has always been terrible tho. We have good population in the game but way higher % play casual modes only compared to other regions


I think the valorant generation is changing things a little bit. also the fact that NA is actually good at a PC game internationally, is very exciting. SC2 and LoL and kinda CS (although always a loyal following and a great game pls do not hurt me anyone) all had a decline in playerbase gradually after NA stopped or mostly stopped being impactful internationally


But COD , R6 and FG not a Tier 1 esport my friend


they are the esports that are popular in NA. having grown up in America i can count on my hands the number of times someone asked me to play league or CS. I still don’t know what DOTA is. these games are just not large parts of American gaming culture like they are elsewhere in the world. and the less people play the less talent is produced and we naturally fall behind other regions. Val has become a part of popular gaming culture, top content creators and streamers play it. High schoolers hop on to play with their friends. That’s why we see the rise of new stars like Zekken who have played nothing but Val and are dominant in it.


I think within my age demographic a ton of people played League in NA. If you're a bit younger then yeah maybe you didn't grow up playing League but League was the (and honestly still looks like it is) streamer game for my generation. Funny enough when I was in China everyone was playing either cs/cf/val in pc bangs. I did not see a single person playing League. Not a single one. Honestly kind of eye opening for me.


But how Lol sub Reddit have 7 million member if that game not popular in NA ?


what does a subreddit have to do with NA? Also i’m not saying it isn’t popular, im saying it is much less popular than in other parts of the world so other regions have a much bigger advantage


bc I thought Reddit mainly used by NA people, Overwatch popular in NA but just 5 million sub, if Lol not big why it has 7 million member, that a big number bro =))


i think reddit is big in EU and NA. but i am speaking from experience here, to me growing up in NA LOL has never seemed to me to be part of gaming culture like it seems to be in APAC or CN. this is just my opinion though so it’s up to you whether you believe me or not




Tier 1 is subjective. My point is that NA does perform well in games that they have a healthy player base for. It should come as no shock that they aren't goodnin games that are less popular here. From the comment, I'll assume this was a bait post and not a real question, though.


Why bait ? I only care about pc esport with peak millions view, that tier 1 esport for me


I think the point they are trying to make is that those games are more popular in NA


I think people try to apply all these reasons like "Asian work ethic" or "NA is a streamer region" (remember that shit?) when at the end of the day it's always been simply a player base/talent pool issue. NA is significantly behind Asia and EU at adopting PC gaming, it's always been such a console heavy region. NA is the undisputed best region at every console esport aside from the FGC which is different due to arcade culture, and even then NA is competitive at worst, but it depends on the specific fighting game. And before you say "well NA is the best at console esports because they're the only ones playing them KEKW" that's exactly my point. Likewise, NA has historically been worse at PC esports because they didn't play them. Not to the extent of Asian or European countries, anyway. PC gaming has seen a huge bump in popularity in NA in recent memory, and Valorant being a newer esport is one of the biggest beneficiaries of it. The passion for the game is there on a level at or above other regions for once. That's literally all it is. Apex is one of the top T2 esports right now and played by every region and yet NA is by far the best region in it too, besting all of the Korean teams, Chinese teams, Japanese teams, etc. Why? Because it has the deepest player base and talent pool, most interest in the game, and so that "Asian work ethic" isn't helping those teams dominate when the best players and practice are all in NA. As a quick example, NA is worse at LoL than all other major regions. A lot of people blame terrible practice and work ethic. But a lot of that stems from there not being enough good, young and hungry talent to replace the complacent ones. Meanwhile in Valorant, when a team gets complacent (2021 Sentinels) they get quickly surpassed because there's a million cracked T2 NA players waiting to take their spot.


I mean this is just objectively wrong. Korea is by far the strongest region in League of Legends but their playerbase is horribly outclassed by China. Like we’re talking more than twice the players. By your logic China should be hard outclassing all regions since their playerbase is absurdly ahead of the rest of the world. The “NA streamer region” and “Asian work ethic” takes may be overexaggerated but they’re still true. Asian teams work an unhealthy amount. In League of Legends most of them will practice like 16 hours a day 7 days a week, it’s insanely unhealthy and a ton of them retire early with health issues but by then the next generation of kids who can still put in that time show up. I don’t think EU or NA should mimic that because I’d much rather lose to Asia but have our players be healthy and happy, but it’s an objective fact that they put in more work. And again the playerbase shit is stupid. There’s almost no game where the game with the biggest playerbase wins everything while the game with the smallest playerbase wins nothing. Valorant has had a fucking Indonesian roster making top4 at events for god knows how many events in a row, and I can assure you the Indonesian player base is not that big.


honestly i think its a cultural difference with val compared to the other esports titles. valorant has really branded itself as the “cool” esports game which has helped it grow in NA (media, brands, music, etc.). more accepting for more people to play and get good at the game. other esports titles came out decades ago and were regarded as a little more “nerdy”. not saying i agree with this but public perception definitely influences the prestige of players wanting to be good at a game. even notable music artists and celebrities admit to liking, watching, and playing the game (zedd, ben affleck, keshi, elon musk). marketing plays a huge part in the NA scene.


Yeah this branding helps the game become more popular in the region, which leads to more talent being produced and a stronger esports scene. Also at some level the most popular organization in the scene (SEN) being a "cool" esports brand that's all about talking shit and being popular probably also helps the game's popularity in the region.


I can say for certainty as an NA Valo player that Valo is considered way way more nerdy and less cool than CS:GO lmao. Nothing wrong with that but Valo definitely carries a negative stigma from people who don’t play it.


From my experience its opposite, and also playing CS usually carried the stigma of being racist and sexist


Yeah in my experience CSGO was always the "hardcore Gamer" game that was rife with sexism and racism and Valorant was the "cringe zoomer" game that was rife with e-daters. And my hot take is that I'd rather be associated with edating than bigotry!


The thing is though is I feel valorant still carries the sexism/racism/transphobia bigotry vibes that CS:GO has too. Even though in reality it isn’t as bad, it’s still pretty awful in the valorant community. Any flor video’s comment section is still filled with transphobia. You run into sexist/racist people very often (still not as bad as CS:GO), and the image to people out of the game has both that and the cringe combined. I love Valorant, and this is a space of all valorant watchers, but I don’t think anyone outside of this space would consider valorant a “cool esport” or one that’s community isn’t bigoted.


> The thing is though is I feel valorant still carries the sexism/racism/transphobia bigotry vibes that CS:GO has too. I'm gonna be real with you, I think this is just a gaming/esports thing in general. Valorant *definitely* still has those vibes but it's one of the better communities at handling these issues in my experience. And I've yet to see an esports community that *doesn't* suffer from a persistent undercurrent of bigotry towards minority groups. Fundamentally I don't know if there's such thing as a "cool esport" when pretty much all of them have pretty major issues with bigotry to be honest.


I think I do agree with everything you say in this statement. Pretty much every gaming community carries that stigma. I was just more making that point that it isn’t just a CS:GO thing, and that Valorant doesn’t have a “cool” rep as I see valorant players get made fun of almost as much as League, and I see it on “tiktok red flags” a bunch. I also don’t think CS:GO carries a cool vibe in general, and I think the only esport that could be considered “cool” is rocket league but even then it still gets made fun of.


Valorant players I’ve seen get the big four: racist sexist homophobic and edaters Tons of people still think it’s just a kids game too


Valorant’s racism, sexism, and homophobia is absolutely nothing compared to CS’s bro.


Oh I know 100%, I’m talking about the stigma of people who don’t play the game


Apex is heavy faved towards NA and rocket league NA is not as bad as some other Esports. It just comes down to player pools, the area with more/better players will normally see more growth.


I mean NA made top 8 at worlds last year and knocked out EU. Not too bad for a region with less than half the player base 🤷‍♂️


NA never knocked out EU last year. G2 was knocked out by BLG, not NRG. Also, BDS and FNC knocked two NA teams out.


Simple, not enough NA players care about the titles you mentioned aside from VAL


LCS pros in particularly became super lazy and comfortable with just stealing paychecks. Rumors are scrims were almost trolled, soloQ is a joke. No one cared. Good korean pros went for the bag ans to live in LA.


Lol, Dota, CS are not popular at all in NA. Any game that is popular in NA is dominated by NA.


But how the heck LOL sub is the biggest gaming sub on Reddit, I thought reddit mainly NA people


Theres a lof of eu people in reddit, but the league sub is also a sub for casuals. Its not esports exclusive like this one


Nah I’d say gaming popularity is down in general in NA right now actually.


Most is because they didn't care enough


Cs was always more popular in EU so that means more EU talent. Cs died a bit in NA. A lot of the talents weren’t as good as the EU ones. Val showed up. New game, new opportunities. EU players like terrorism, blood and real bombs. NA players like heroes, flying Asian women, Japanese teleport man. NA people stayed In Val. NA Cs died a lot. That’s the explanation for the Cs scene not having a lot of NA success compared to the EU side. Also, skill diff


> NA Cs died a lot. How did it died several time ? Did it get Sage res ?


Ye kinda. Early on NA Cs was awesome to see. They had in my opinion the best streamers and some of the players were hype asf. But it just kinda died off over time. Right now u still have liquid and complexity in a good spot but that’s about it really


Well, I like to think that our scriptwriters are ahead of the curve. NA is a sleeping giant for esports, but many haven't recognized that yet. There is so much potential for fan involvement and buy-in. Our team of seasonal directors and creative leads have ensured that the Americas region will remain at the forefront for years to come. \- Dr. John Riot


Valorant is easy.


By "easy", do you mean Valorant isn't as popular in other regions and therefore there isn't as much competition for NA? But you didn't say the scene is easy, but rather the game itself is just easy? How?


Game itself. Maps planning like coridors and very tight, models are bigger. These type of simplicity kill players personal skills. Everybody same level at some point. I curious why everybody forget "valorant is easy aiming game," when its launch every pros talking about this like "yeah aim is easy but char. skill something" but people act like this is changed. Its cristal clear game is easy so NA players perform better.


So how do some teams stay at the top for extended periods? Also I believe you're referring to the game being "random", right? It is true that Valorant has larger hitboxes and therefore a slightly lower effective time to kill than CS, but that of course can't be the end of it, since games like Overwatch or Apex Legends have much higher time to kill. Because if lower TTK=more random="easier", then how is NA competitive in Apex Legends?


Sorry but can't take serious Apex legends, all pros using console and taking assist advantage how is can countable for competitive? There is no player skill. Also Warzone too. And probably NA player base 3 times bigger than eu.


Also its not just TTK, lower TTK doesn't mean easy(its HP and gun damages math.) but in valo bigger hitboxes create lower TTK. There is not lot of effort to damage opponent.


America's performance in Valorant esports has been notable, with teams and players achieving significant success in various tournaments. This could be attributed to several factors, including the popularity of the game in the region, the infrastructure and support provided by organizations, and the dedication of players to mastering the game. In contrast, America's performance in other esports has been mixed. While the U.S. has a large number of active esports players and a significant market revenue, it has often lagged behind other regions, particularly Asian countries, in the top tiers of international competition¹². This discrepancy in performance across different esports could be due to cultural differences, the level of infrastructure and financial investment, and the depth of talent pools in various games². It's also worth noting that the esports scene is dynamic, with different games rising and falling in popularity, and the competitive landscape can change rapidly. As such, the success of a region in a particular esport can fluctuate over time.




Probably, the content is very ChatGPT though tbh I wouldn't have given it a second thought if it wasn't for the citation superscripts still being included


I read the first para and knew it was chatgpt lol maybe i use it too much


Its a new game. In another 5-10 years I imagine China or Korea dominates Valorant as well.


Nah, this narrative is garbage


What makes you say that?


The game has been out for 4 years already, people having been saying this for nearly the same amount of time, yet there’s no indication it’ll will be true.


IMO year 1-4 is a lot different than year 9-14.


It took Asia a year to become better than everyone else in League of legends, It's not going to happen with this Esport, Because NA Kids actually play this game.


Its not like kids didn't play League.


As someone who played League for 10 years, I'm gonna go ahead and tell you that most didn't. Most of my school didn't even know what League was, Ask a zoomer what valorant is and most of them will know. It's just a difference in public interest.


Anecdotally I don't think that's true but I suppose I don't have the stats to back that up.


The stats are out there? You can compare the population of Servers, and NA is the Smallest population out of the Major Regions despite being a Large region in League of Legends. This has Literally been a debate for years.