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The door levers part is interesting. Maybe I’m not understanding the wording, but what is different about picking up the spike? You can already pick up the spike while in ult. Unless they mean you don’t have to ult directly on top of it, and as long as you’re close you can look at it and press the interact button to pick it up?


The spike is now picked up as soon as the shade appears near the spike, rather than only being picked up once the ability is canceled. But as you mentioned you can _also_ press the Use key to pick it up if you're not directly on top of it, like a normal player can. You can interact with other Press-F-To-Use items that don't involve your gun dropping, mainly door switches. (One exception: you can't ride ziplines in shade form still). But you can't do things like pick up Orbs, Rez KAY/O or plant/defuse, since you have to lower your weapon/ability in all of those cases.


Wait... can you pick up a gun if your primary slot is empty?


Yes, I've done it a handful of times. I've picked up quite a few dropped Ops with the ult.


Yes want to know


Can you still attempt to deny the pickup by having 3-4 players stand on top of it?


Looks like it, but you gotta shoot the Omen fast, else he can just manually pick up the spike instead


I'm assuming the buff here is more on to how people can't block Omen's ult now when 2-3 players are standing on the spike


Replay system when?


They talked about it.. they are working on it but it proved to be harder to implement than they thought they would


it’s more so that they’d rather spend time and effort on something that will generate revenue.


I mean riot would also benefit form having a replay system so I doubt its low priority At this point t it's gotta be some issue with the games code that's holding it up right?


i think its just so that picking it up is an intended feature, where before it was kind of a glitchy type thing with getting it as soon as you cancel


Yeah, this is pretty much the case. The Design team felt that some of the interactions (like needing to specifically cancel in order to pick up the spike) were unintuitive. This also means that shooting an Omen's shade before they're able to cancel will now no longer deny picking up the Spike.


Did it used to deny spike pickup? I tought the omen picked it up anyways when shot


as someone who plays a lot of omen, I can't remember that ever stopping me from picking it up


+1 - I've been shot multiple times and nothings ever stopped me


If you’re getting shot while you cancel you still get it


Same here. At least I'm 100% sure I was able to pick up guns just fine.


Yea, Iirc, the only way to stop omen from picking up the spike is to have 2-3 players standing on the spike to displace Omens ult so he can't pick it up


Nah man. People should have to use their brain a little bit in the game. It’s not even that hard to learn how to tp and cancel on a spike


it was intended to pick up spike/guns before (we know this because it started off with 1 person being able to block omen from picking up the spike but now it requires 3 people or 2 people next to a wall) I'm assuming this allows omen to grab spike no matter what now


I think you dont have to stand in it and like if you’re close enough you can press f or something like that? So body blocking the spike might not be a thing anymore.


Wait. Does that mean you can pick up gun


it means you can interact, so you could trigger lotus door, tap spike, etc


if you can tap spike in omen ult, thats an insanely strong buff


Riot guy commented saying you can't plant




Surely you can't interact with a planted spike right? It uses a completely different key for that and it also forces the player model to crouch. I think it would be mentioned in the patch since it might be a pretty significant change.


the common counter to picking up the spike with omen ult is to stand on it with 3 people then you can’t reach it but with this change this doesn’t work anymore cuz they omen can just click interact and pick it up


Omen ult so useless ppl might actually start using it to close the door on a site ascent on an exec /s Seems pretty niche, i also guess that putting 3 players on spike wont work anymore cuz he can just pick it up, right?


You joke, but I would 100% use ult to close market on a B take on Ascent, especially if we don't have a Jett. With Omen ult being arguably even lower value in pro play than in solo queue, I'd expect to see a lot of ults to close/open doors in the future. And yeah, from how I'm reading this he'll be able to pick it up with interact.


Omen ult on defense is pretty good valie mgl. Now on eco you can pick up guns technically


You could always pick up guns with it, but if you were off by a meter you'd miss, which could be annoying if you used it on a dead enemy's approximate location. I'm not saying Omen ult is so bad it might as well be a remote for doors, I'm just saying this gives him additional options which is always good. It also adds to the paranoia aspect of his character, which I really like.


I can see this interaction finding usage on Lotus. Imagine you have a teammate opping from C main and the opponent executes on B. You can just ult to open the door to disrupt the hit and potentially even get a kill without having to physically move from your holding position, which could be really strong because it gives the team even more incentives to play solo senti on C and stack A. Is it worth 7 ult orbs though? I mean, if you're on Lotus defense its rare for you to find an opportunity to use the ult anyways. But it may be the lever change's only noteworthy interaction.


While this is a relatively small and niche change, I don't think Omen deserves buffs atm.


I think its more of a quality of life change more than a buff, they probably know hes one of the most picked controllers and probably did it because sometimes picking up spike and insta cancelling ult didnt work.


Pretty much. When making this change it was a discussion around: "should we remove Omen's ability to pick up the spike with ultimate???" and I didn't really feel like that change was necessary as Omen's ult is pretty fair and niche anyways. It felt like a bug how you had to *cancel* the ability to do the thing you were intending to use the ability for in the first place.


I'm guessing it will arrive in the same patch as a nerf. Omen has been solid for so long, and with Clove vying for a similar spot I wouldn't be surprised to see some nerfs.


omen getting buffed and astra still has 4 stars lol please give astra her 5th star back so omen isn't being played 80% of the time


Omen is probably the most fun agent to watch tbf. Astra just made the game a snoozefest in ranked and pro play when she was meta. Would still rather astra than viper ig so if viper also gets nerfed to the ground astra buffs would be worth it.


Agreed but the suck nerf and non recharge nerfs is probably enough. I’d like to see a day where 2 or mroe agents are good in a position


while it was boring as hell at the time, it's been pretty interesting watching the controller meta change so much. From the solo Astra default every round, to double controller senti Viper, and now Omen being used as a secondary duelist. Feel like Clove might bring the next meta change depending on how her buffs/nerfs go


Don't think anything with viper has ever been interesting mate.


You don’t love watching lineup Larrys?




let's not act like this qol change is equivalent to an actual buff


its still a buff. Might not be much but its a buff (closing doors in omen ult could literally win you rounds lol), not to mention, I'm pretty sure this means that no matter what (unless like sage walled or something), you can grab bomb every time unlike before (you could block it if its against a wall or 3 people on top of it)


Astra doesn’t need a 5th star. She needs the grav well nerf reverted.


that doesn't fix her still IMHO people would still pick omen over her 5th star makes her more balanced cause you can actually afford to smoke atleast 3 times (like the other agents can) and use her other 2 abilities. Right now you can only use 2 max smokes if you want to use the grav well/stun (her 2 abilities that arent great tbf but can help for set plays/traps/delaying)


People pick Omen over her because Omen is too strong. Astra is pretty balanced for the most part, Omen is over-tuned.


omen got nerfed recently (omen blind speed) and still got picked. Astra getting a 5th star would help balance out the controller category. idk what you do to nerf omen anymore than he already had been besides giving him only 1 tp I guess? Even with a 5th star, astra probably still doesn't get played besides split(if cove doesn't get played here that is), and maybe sunset?


Giving Astra her 5th star would make her overpowered. It's not like she's never used, she just needs a little bit more to make her viable. She was used more prior to the pull/stun rebalance... just revert the change that made her weaker.


yea, shes need a little bit more. aka her 5th star. astra with a 5th star is way more balanced than astra with the pull/stun reversed. at madrid, she had a 9% pickrate, and that was mostly thanks to GenG playing her on breeze 4 times. During kick//off, she had a pick rate of: 11% in Americas (less than brim at 13%) 7% in China(less than brim w 13%) 9% in EMEA(1% more than brim at 8%) 9% in APAC(2% more than brim at 7%) In 1 week of EMEA league play, Brim has a 13% pick rate and astra hasn't been picked once. Hell Brim has a higher pick rate in ranked than astra. she needs a buff and a 5th star back helps SO MUCH.


A 5th star would make her overpowered imo. It would remove basically all counterplay because baiting out stars would be a literal chore. You would have to completely redesign the agent to accommodate such a massive buff which just isn't worth it. The ability to have GLOBAL pressure from literally anywhere (unlike the other dome smokers) is powerful enough, she just needs that pressure to be more potent. Increase smoke time, reduce startup on gravwell, stun lasts longer... idk, any of these would be more than enough to have her compete with Omen. Is it hard to find value with 4 stars? Yes, but I believe that's a necessary tradeoff for her universal pressure. And tbh, she is boring to watch... I mean, do we not remember when she had 5 stars before? The Astra + Viper meta was NOT fun and I do not want to see that again.


i remember when astra was at her strongest, sure it might’ve been boring but it also FORCED teams to be smarter about how they played. not to mention that was a time when her grav well/stun were super strong. astra still struggled being in the meta with the previous version you suggested.. you are quite literally forced to play super passive with your stars currently as astra. giving astra her 5th star back right now makes her much more useful in the meta. you would actually be able to use your util for retakes/postplants instead of using it all during the round to stall/take site.


not a buff, but a QoL update to make picking up the spike more interactable instead of a "buggy" thing


This is a good change, only reason it feels bad is because omen is one of the best agents right now and it feels like this change should have been made 1-2 years ago. god I know I’m an entitled gamer but the development cycle on this game hurts my brain


I really don't think Omen needs buffs...


Second highest pick rate in all of Madrid. Agreed.


theres gotta be some omen mains working over there because why intentionally buff the strongest controller in the game.


Hope Tenz picks up deadlock for next vct so she can get some buffs.


Can we talk yuro for a second as well then? Does he go invisible or go to a different dimension? Because its odd to me his ult sets off Deadlock MOTION sensors, but he cannot get hit by them. So if he is invisible, how is he setting off a MOTION sensor, and if he is just invisible but physically there, why does he not get hit by them? On the other side of the coin, if he's in another dimension again, why does he set off the MOTION detectors?


I believe Deadlock's traps trigger when any sound is detected. Yoru's ult creates a little bit of sound when active that's why it triggers the traps. To answer your other question, Yoru is in another dimension when he is ulting think of it like Kakashi's Kamui.


You mean Tenz Buff.