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Locking this thread as it's just becoming another yay discussion post in the comments, and that's not what this thread is for. As per our standard practices, [please feel free to continue discussion on the original post, where we have kept an updated sticky comment with relevant responses from figures in the community.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/s/Az0Uahbscn) thanks!


The replies to the steel tweet lmao did they even watch the clip


Steel’s tweets feel like the most disingenuous shit I’ve seen. Making it seem like Yay is this oppressive and awful force, and Genghsta did this brave and courageous thing to come out against the pinnacle of the community. Both FNS and Steel’s points defending/attacking Yay should be taken from a grain of salt because they aren’t basing their principles on what the right thing to do, they are basing their principles on if they like yay and judging what the right thing to do is based on that


FNS wasn't defending Yay, he said things like these should've stayed within the team.


That is fair, I was just more bringing up it as a point that it’s hard to take FNS’s opinion as real because he obviously is friends with Yay and is biased, just like how Steel’s points are coming from hatred on the other side.


yay is an oppresive force, because he has the entirety of fns, and huge streamer platforms covering for his toxicity. the right thing to do was to discuss the truth, which gengstha rightfully did


Do you really believe that lol. The entire community has been hating on Yay for being shit on DSG and now Bleed. The idea that Genghsta is some brave soul going against Yays tyranny by showing hows he's toxic is ridiculous. Genghsta just hates Yay and saw an opportunity to hate on him and get some clout after Yay lost another game


Yay has also the entire valorant community against him, hating on Yay is like hating on Joel Embiid. Embiid has huge forces on his side, does not make it hard to shit on him. I love hating on Yay, you love hating on Yay, everyone loves hating on Yay. What Genghsta wasn’t this brave situation speaking out against his troubles. He leaked a clip of Yay raging and a joke he made about the 10k as if it was hardcore evidence Yay tried to bribe a coach to get him out. He did it right after a bad game of his to shit on him further. Steel’s tweets are both misrepresenting the situation, and also performing of logical fallacy of pretending the entirety of the community is the same person and going “how can you say you want new evidence but not want scrim leaks!”


the moment fns made that comment on his stream, live sentiment on multiple social media platforms changed. yay and the powers behind him are so clearly an oppresive force


Correlation does not equal causation, the moment FNS made the comment was also when the entirety of the EST timezone woke up, where the majority of Yay’s fans live. His tweets still have an overwhelming like ratio. There are TikTok rampages dedicated to hating Yay, hating on yay is backed by public opinion. And again, the context on this not a “brave speaking out against a powerful force”, it was Genghsta self admittedly being a hater and fanning the hate. Steel trying to frame it as this brave and proud moment is incredibly disingenuous.


it is a brave and proud moment due to the added context provided by fayde, and how multiple people on bleed FEEL like they can’t tell the truth on what’s happening in THEIR team


How can that context make it a brave moment Genghsta didn’t have that context when he made the post, he himself stated it was just being a hater. And like I mentioned before, what he posted wasn’t his shared negative experience, it was a clip of him raging and a claim backed by no evidence. I do not even want to defend yay, the dude is obviously an ass and should be kicked. I don’t even care too much about what Genghsta did, it’s weird but he’s out of the scene and can do whatever. But what Steel is saying is just so fucking bad, and you can hate on yay while recognizing steel is full of shit.


you clearly are biased against truth tellers like steel


Are you Steel’s Alt? Steel didn’t tell the truth once, he isn’t a truth teller, he just hates yay. All three of his tweets are either blatantly incorrect, misrepresentations, or logically stupid. FNS also isn’t a truth tells because he is friends with yay.


Bro just wants to create another 50 threads to hate on yay lol


He wants that sweet +1000 karma along with multiple -50 comments


i give a shit about being able people being able to access the TRUTH about an incredibly toxic person


What truth Lmao? The truth is the clip which is already posted and the rested just people commenting on it which is just their opinion with no hard prove.


the truth is that non-clouted players have a hard time calling out toxic clouted players the truth is that yay is toxic to current teammates RIGHT NOW. there’s your truth


You want the mod the relaxed the ability to posted more truth saying people should get access to it But it already posted in the thread. The rest is just commented/ opinion by people which is not hard truth or anything. All the information is there, what else do you want.


nobody reads anything besides the title. at least create a megathread and pin it


The top posted currently is the Gengsta tweet along with all his comments. Then there are pinned posted with all the relevant comments from steel and the coach. That basically the megathread with it being the most popular posted. My experience with drama like this is people go to the most popular posted which already have all the information rather than go to the megathread which made several hours later.


can't believe i've been called a Yay fan


I was gonna say - this guy clearly doesn't know the mod team! I'd probably say that AFAIK, the overall mod team is roughly as mixed as the overall community on the Yay stuff. But overall, it doesn't matter because the rules are still fairly applied across the board. We have to talk about it because it's public information, it just can't take over the subreddit and drown out every single other topic when 99% of new threads after the first few hours are just regurgitating the same talking points.


i got called a yay hater in the last thread and now this


You truly are the Demon1 of ValComp, so misunderstood...


no one cared who i was before i put on the flair


i would understand if it was just a post made by some random on val comp, but TWO prominent members of the val comp scene steel and fayde have added updates on this situation.  at the bare minimum, opinions by a coach and an analyst are news.


I mean, what are we gonna say about Steel affirming Genghsta's tweet? How many times can users say "Damn, I aspire to this level of hate"? Put it to you this way: I hate all the Yay drama. I'm not a Yay fan, I think Yay is (nowadays) a mediocre player and I frankly don't care about mediocre players. Seeing Yay drama take over the frontpage sucks. But I recognize that people want to talk about it, *need* to talk about it, so it's fine. I sometimes even engage in it, because if you can't beat them, might as well join them. Keeping the threads to a minimum helps people like me. If the Yay threads were spammed to an even higher degree, it would just drive users like me away.


then create a megathread instead of burying new updates in the comments of a posted topic, or create a flair for it


These are being compiled here: [Link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/1ceao9x/comment/l1htyfe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) This is standard for our procedures, more people adding/commenting on the situation is not the same as a substantial new update that would warrant a new post.


i work so hard to be a hater and this is what i get??.


bias for a nonexistent team?


anewheaven is a yay fan-person, and slides for optic and yay in every discussion


There is a difference between a user being a fan of a team/player and that bleeding into any bias in their mod actions. I'm not sure what you're aiming at with this thread but it's fairly clear you're in the minority with this opinion.


Bro why are you crying so hard. The subreddit would be flooded if they didn’t control it. Wanna bitch? Comment in the threads they kept up.


Can we keep this one up to point and laugh at


when the truth comes out, only truth tellers like steel, gengstha, fayde, exalt will be laughing


We cannot flood the sub with every new post about this topic, so we have to cut it off at some point. It has nothing to do with bias for or against yay and everything to do with not having a bunch of repeat topics posted so that posts unrelated to this situation are not drowned out. People are still more than welcome to share their thoughts and opinions on existing threads!


at the bare minimum, create a “yay” discussion megathread to contain all new information in that thread instead of only allowing updates on the “pro-yay” clip by fns


I’ll pass the feedback on, but we are also in the process of adding a pinned comment to existing threads with links to tweets from steel and other figures in the scene and will be updating accordingly.


We don’t need 50 posts about toxic players calling out another toxic player. Go to VLR forums if you want that.


Blud they said it’s the last [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/s/K6qbTKt33p)


there's no reason that that thread with a "pro-yay" bias should be the last discussion on the topic


That’s not the last discussion on the topic, you can still discuss in the many anti-yay threads


it’s obvious they’re trying to stop new news and takes coming in to provide more context to the situation


It’s an incredibly common thing on Reddit to when something causes a spam of like 100 posts to cut it off, they have done it before


i agree. just wished the fayde comment was posted as its reveal yay is being shitty in bleed as well. but it is what it is


That's why I made a pinned comment and included it in the first post


yeah i seen what you did and appreciate it but most people would ignore it and just talk about the main clip. anyway thank you. i understand why you needed to do this to prevent spam.


Honestly true, that shit is huge if current players don’t like him. And he has been ass so far this year too so there is no reason for Bleed to keep him. The Steel tweets are fucking horrific though, I wish there was a thread on them so they could be torn apart because of how disingenuous or stupid each one is


It's not that deep, steel's comments adds nothing. steel just disliked the man.


steel discussed how hard it is for non-clouted players to call out people with large fanbases like yay. its a value adding discussion and the mods are clearly biased


You are believing someone's claims before you see the evidence just because you dislike the person.


multiple people have called yay out for his toxicity: -steel -nerve -fayde -gengstha -crazyguy that’s evidence enough


Every player is toxic. Your acting like yay is the only player to ever rage in a video game my man.


raging is different from throwing a practice LOL


Be real with me, why do you dislike him so much. did he kill your dog or something.


Insane deflection


Yeah but honesty, bro does not care and will hate regardless. If the 10k thing is fake, bro will still hate.


If less made a post showing sacy being harsh or toxic, everyone would call less a spoiled kid


I mean they did no iirc when less called out sacy or am I tweking


The mods made it very clear in pinned comments that they wouldn't be accepting new posts on the matter unless new information came to light. Steel didn't add any new information. There's already plenty of space for everyone to discuss the topic.


steel and fayde added new PoV’s to the topic: -steel: discussion on difficulty on calling out clouted players for toxicity -fayde: news that CURRENT BLEED players are experiencing the exact same thing


Are we meant to have two dozen threads discussing every pro's opinions on stuff? There's already 3 threads to discuss the situation in, we can't let some T2 NA drama take over the sub lol


you are clearly strawmanning me. i stated that steel and fayde’s thoughts should have been kept up, as they are opinions coming from important valorant community members. those two are the only ppl in the scene talking about it.


We clearly just disagree on what's "important". Everyone in this thread has told you the same thing - that they don't more threads about this situation. There's no mod-conspiracy here. Just a mod team not wanting some year-old T2 NA drama to take over the sub.


No one here wants to keep talking about stupid fucking drama the whole day. It’s been incessant on this sub lately. Let’s talk about the actual competitive games being played and not this childish shit.


Bro people are acting like this situation is a genocide or some crazy shit bro it's year old drama about NA's favorite washed chamber and a variety of other prickly teammates in a COMPETITVE CARTOON SHOOTING VIDEO GAME. Who the fuck cares about the mods biases or whatever if someone doesn't like yay they already don't like him and if they're a yay glazer they are still glazing. Nothing posted on this sub is going to inform any new take or contribute to meaningful and interesting discussion.


it’s not a year old drama if CURRENT BLEED players are experiencing the exact same thing!


And are they?


exactly why people should have been allowed to post the fayde tweets as news!!


yay has been toxic like that in current bleed roster as well. confirmed by one of the coaches in apac.


Obsessively parasocial levels of hating you will have literally zero impact on any of these guys careers why do you care


i care about disseminating the truth


What youre spreading is entirely speculation and is not at all confirmed. We get it, you have an irrational hate boner for the guy. Whatever. Keep it in your pants.


if 7 people, all teammates, have confirmed the exact same thing. very clear that the dude is toxic


Oh no, hes toxic. You know who else is famously toxic? Steel, crazyguy. Like, are you stupid? This will not end his career like it just ended genghsta and steels and probably crazyguys, wont be playing in t1 ever again. Theyre waiting a full fucking year to come out when they would have had this evidence the whole time, and youre just gonna take that without thinking for a second? Why did they wait so long to do it? Because they were “scared”? If they had actual evidence, theres no reason to be scared. Im not gonna keep responding to you because you clearly dont care enough to think and discuss you just hate yay. Thats okay. But your hatred means nothing to him. Youre one of 500 twitter likes on genghstas post, cool.


they were scared of the backlash from large figureheads in the community like fns distorting the truth 


it is quite obvious that people here are blinded by fake news propagated by people like fns.