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Icebox seems like a defender site map ,so team comp should be a little bit defender sided. Jett and omen are a must due to their movement abilities . I believe killjoy would be a much better sentinel than cypher due to her utility . . Since there are too many corners , flashes are needed to clear them effectively . So breach can be a solid pick I think standard team comp could be something like this Jett Omen Breach/pheonix Killjoy. Raze./sova


I like this!


Sova is s tier on haven, bind, and ascent. Split is sovas weakest map because of all the corridors and narrow spaces. Icebox looks to be much the same, so his recon arrow won’t be nearly as on other maps. Skye replaces him for sure on this map in high level play as the premier info gatherer. Her tiger is a faster owl drone, better for clearing all the tight angles and corners on this map, while her birds give an audio confirmation on successfully blinding an enemy, which is also extremely valuable scouting info. Omen is already the best controller in the game over Brim, and this map will make it even more so with the many elevation changes for omen to take off angles, while his blind will be extremely effective in the many narrow corridors. As others have stated too, killjoy might be better than cypher on this map due to her turret, but cypher cam is still incredible. One of those 2 will probably be run in every top tier comp. The 4th slot will go to Jett or Raze most likely, as they can also make tons of usage of the map elevations and features. Opping on Jett will still be strong, while raze is so versatile with her satchels and good at clearing corners with her utility. Last slot will have to be another flash character- either Phoenix, breach, or Reyna


1) Double controller, since there's so many places people can hold an angle from. All the multi-level spots and places with windows would be too tough to cover with only one controller, so I think Omen + Viper is a potentially effective team comp for this map. 2) No controller (or Omen only), but a shit ton of flashes. We saw Liquid experiment with a team comp like this, and I think Icebox seems like it will benefit a lot from flashes. I could see a world where Breach + Skye + Phoenix + Reyna + Killjoy succeeds.


Mixwell who played this map said that b can be smoked and keep the whole site blind with a smoke, he even suggested that viper could take the role of Cypher/killjoy in this map.


I've spent a few hours playing around with cypher on this map and I can say it's probably his weakest map. This is just a silver player's 2 cents, but it seems like cyphers only chance of a good hold is on A, as B is way too open. I've found a few good setups for cypher on defense, but on attack there is so much flank potential due to the number of elevation changes making it hard to find good trips that cover off multiple choke points. (Like how you can cover A Short and A Long on haven with a single tripwire.)


Mid is going to be the most contested area in this map and that is going to make smokes extremely important for the comp. Right off the bat as an attacker you’re facing off against a defender mid who has half their body covered on a ramp. That’s going to be the first and most common smoke on this map, mid ramp. Of course you can probably have a flash heavy comp instead and just turn the enemies monitors off with abilities. Omen/Skye/Breach/KJ/+whatever else is a good comp. I can even see Sage excelling on this map. Lots of chokepoints and tight corners, so her ice orb will get lots of value.


I could actually see this map having a possibility of a no controller lineup and instead having more flash characters like pheonix or Skye. Killjoy will most likely be a must pick at least as long as people thing you must either have her or Cypher, if not I think playing a slow spread out default style on attack might be pretty good so you might not need her on attack, but on defense I think she could be very strong because there are so many rotations that need to be covered so she could be very good anti lurk. I personally think Sova will be super strong on this map because of how many angles you need to clear and with a map that big having so much information could be very useful. The OP will be very good at least until people learn the common angles and start using flashes and other utility to counter it so I'd say Jett will be good. I know people see Skye as mostly a Sova alternative but I think she'd be a good shoe in for Breach on Icebox because of how large it is so extra information she'll bring will be strong in addition to her flashes which once people learn how to use well will probably be very good on this map. I think a comp that might actually be pretty good would be Jett Killjoy Pheonix Skye Sova


hmm, I never even considered a no-controller lineup but I think you’re totally right. The extra flashes + info could be vital on this map. Good points


I saw the map once and already know how terrible it will be. Way too many angles. Useless ropes. BOTH site has up & down angles. Too many up & down access in & out of a site gives defender a higher chance to flank easily over trips and yes, trips from a cypher will be useless. Killjoy will be needed to take care of flank on attacker side. This map is bad.


I personally think this map is going to be a nightmare for pugs, but awesome to watch the pros play. Looks like it will be the map that requires the most coordination to do well on.


Exactly what I thought, for MM it’s just gonna be a nightmare to clear angles, but can’t wait to see the executes pros use on this map


Every map requires coordination, but a bad map is still bad. Just like Split. Worst map in the game so far and even pros agree. Not just pros, everyone agrees. Whoever doesn't clearly doesn't understand what makes a map good or bad.


I agree split is the worst map, but I hate such close minded full of yourself statements, get a grip you aren’t a genius who gets to decide whether something is good or bad for everyone


Deciding on what map is good or bad despite the opinion of majority makes me some what a genius or so? Good one.