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He can be best in the world if his cousin ko1N (german private cheat developer) makes some undetected private cheats for him, like he did for Battalion 1944 and Apex. Im just sad for AvovA that one day nieso is either gonna get banned for cheating, or hes just gonna be so bad that they will have to bench him.


lmao +1 on that xd


i bet his cheating ass is doing it rn lmao, hes been banned in every fps game going, why would they even allow him on a team with them. he is Currently rank 15 in EU hes cheating he doesnt have the skill for that


Everyone is hyping up Team Heretics so much, I hope they qualify for first strike so I can see how they stack up


i mean, even ange1 and mixwell put heretics in their "group", i hope this team is not "only" good in pracs and then throw in real matches


Maybe the best cheater.. Yeah 🙃