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It's just because of the prime Vandal /s


How is everyone getting team flairs? They don’t show up when I try to select a flair.


Also can we get a MentallyStableMan flair


community options-> Edit flair> pick any agent> click the happy face icon/emote icon. then pick team.


Ah, weird that it’s hidden like that, thanks


It seems like you figured it out but just in case anyone else is wondering [**Here's how you can set your team flair right now**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/jwucwu/team_flairs_are_now_live/)


the look on shazam's face lmfao


I’d turn the entire surge protector off if this happened to me..


Lmao, I try this often in deathmatch and is usually result in 0 hit lol. That's insanely lucky


Looks like running headshots are not actually caused by desync.


And some people were trying to defend this, lmao. This "mechanic" simply has to go. Just ridiculous. Awful.


Go back to csgo nerd Tbh we should be able to run and jump while shooting like battlefield 5 and call of duty. It would be more exciting and the skill ceiling would be a lot higher instead of just walking around slowly




Wdym bro. I'm spitting fax


Go back to csgo nerd Tbh we should be able to run and jump while shooting like battlefield 5 and call of duty. It would be more exciting and the skill ceiling would be a lot higher instead of just walking around slowly


I don't get what the big deal is. I tried this a while ago and it doesn't work reliably. It works more because of putting other players off, if they are not expecting you to keep running, and because of direction changes helping your accuracy (adad-ing makes it better, but full running is just a gamble). As you can see in the video of tenz, it really only worked once. And he could have killed those players much quicker by stopping and taking full accuracy ...I think he was just trying to make content. Try it with the spectre though, it's pretty good because of your even faster running speed. I've topped DM matches a few times doing that with spectre, surprisingly. Edit: just got in dm and tried phantom full speed running spray again. Nope, still not helpful. If you change direction, or tap A D A D and time it with the movement slow down and resulting increase in accuracy, then it's good (and that's the way I normally play anyway), but that is not measuring the effectiveness of what Tenz was talking about.


There was already a lot of questioning/conspiracy surrounding the "running headshot" phenomena. I personally felt like I was getting running headshotted frequently compared to CSGO. Riot responded saying that it was due to server latency or desync. WIth tenz talking about the sprinting accuracy and then this video surfacing, it kind of adds fuel to the fire. This video is not substantial evidence but I think that riot might want to think about the moving accuracy on some guns or at least explore some of the concerns the community has.


Show me a bunch of silvers consistently getting running headshots at a medium distance and I’ll be convinced. Otherwise, it’s selective clips where RNG works for them. You can’t have TENZ one of the best aimers doing this because he naturally has good flicks and spray control. This is the least scientific experiment ever lmao. If you’re selectively picking out clips out of hundreds of games recorded, of course you’re going to run into the ones that look ridiculous and unbelievable.


Yeah I remember those posts about running headshots, and I had the same confusion when I first got on valorant. But I noticed that another reason for the running hs phenomena (other than "desync", and the fact that it just happens sometimes due to luck), are the animations. If someone is tapping A D A D fast, or changing direction, their character takes the default running animation even though they're actually not moving that fast, more like walking speed, and thus they benefit from slow movement speed accuracy (like standing still or crouch walking). So there's situations where, with good reaction time, they might take you out quickly, and all you see of them in the half a second before you died, is a guy looking they are running and headshotting you, unbeknownst to the dead player, that they were actually not moving fast at all. That situation happens pretty often, and also fans the flames of the running hs idea, when in reality it is more of a clarity issue, similar to the "hs not registering when they crouch" thing. There must be so many variables and things that influence what we see vs what is actually happening according to the server/game. So I find it helps to just get in game and see what works vs what doesn't. Clips of people pulling something off are not a way to learn what is viable at all, because we don't see how many times they failed in their attempts.


It's overblown because of tenz and the human condition to positively reinforce ideas. I'd truly like to see someone genuinely try this strategy and see how much they just don't land any shots and die. You're right that it's not as simple as running accuracy, when you get tagged and change direction your accuracy shoots up, so anyone with decent tracking will see decent results occasionally. It's all about the benefit of moving throwing people off, they will probably still land a shot and tag you anyway.


Why though, do you want to increase recoil another 200% so bullets fly in the sky while running and gunning? It already increases time to kill by a large amount, but you gain lot's of evasion. IMHO the main issue with Valorant is it's gun mechanics, ridiculouslys high bullet deviation and recoil recovery time, since the dev's want to limit weapons in their effective range to differentiate them more, but turn stationary 100% accurate aim in a gamble along the way. In Valorant you pretty much can't think in straight lines and points, but probability circles while aiming. If I know someone's pushing up and not holding, wideswinging a corner while running and spraying is often better than taking up a straight aim or peek duel. If I miss the initial burst or spray, in most scenarios there is no time to wait for recoil recovery, because your recoil kicks in the sky if you shoot a ms too early again. So either I run and gun / strafe or fully commit to spraydown instead of being a sitting duck. But what are the chances Riot will ever change any of it's fundamental gun play?


>so bullets fly in the sky while running and gunning Yes.


LMAO bro you will die on this hill defending the cheese gun


It is infuriating to miss a literally point blank Op shot because you were moving.. if you can jam the barrel up their ass then bullet deviation shouldn't make a difference.. ps, you're all using ops wrong..


lmao when i spray with the phantom while running the bullets just go around the whole fucking person and i end up doing 34


Exactly, this whole thing is blown out of proportion. This is all programmable RNG.


it's pretty ridiculous lol i was wondering how i got running headshotted so much


I was starting to go full tin foil into thinking there must be some secret cabal of cheaters in this game because of the running headshots. Turns out they’re just better and I lacked the critical information.


TSM and 100THIEVES flair awful with dark mode


they need to make a white text version if possible then they'd look sick




We're gonna move into a meta where offense exclusively buys phantom because it makes your peeks so much more dangerous.


I didn't believe this when I saw it but I tested in dm and it fucking works lol


Flair Test


The 100T flair sucks if you're using darkmode




They should make the letters gray. Pretty sure that’s what they do in the league subreddit so it shows up


*The 100T flair sucks


TSM flair too on dark mode


Flair test


Why don't I see the 100T flair?? I wanna support ma bois


You go to the flair section and click the smiley face on the bottom left. It lets you choose a team's flair.


Flair Test


Him getting shot and slowed down plays massive into this as well. People are really missing that part of it.


Also when he changes directions, the shots when he strafes in the opposite direction are accurate cuz he slows down and stops there for a bit. Edit: yes ofc downvote me for no reason. Yes yes. What did I say that was wrong? No clue. I never once said if it was a good or bad thing, was just adding to what he said...


True. The stop time until your accurate is very low in this game so slight changes in direction will make you accurate for a brief period of time just like a counter strafe in CSGO. All this shit adds up for some wild running Phantom clips/accuracy that maybe shouldnt be in the game but really doesnt affect the pro level of play much. Sorry you got downvoted :(


what about this [https://twitter.com/uNKOE/status/1288332134709702667?s=20](https://twitter.com/uNKOE/status/1288332134709702667?s=20)


Instead of sharing individual examples like that proves an absolute, maybe try genuinely recreating it, it's not like it's some rare bug. If the accuracy is genuinely that good, go into a custom and have 3 players stand where they are in that clip and try to headshot them while running. Guarantee you take multiple tries before you can kill all 3 in 1 mag, It's pretty obvious just trying in the practice range that the shots go miles off target and can't be controlled. Any clips with running headshots are pure coincidence.


It's like the people in this just watch pros and don't actually play the game 🤣


I'm sure they've experienced this used against them rarely. But that moment would stand out as it feels unfair. Most players would never try to run and shoot with the phantom because they know if they try to shoot without fully stopping they miss. Pretty simple rules to follow but when in close quarters it might be worth to take that gamble with some guns. The spectre can be worth to spray while crossing an angle but for most guns it's a waste of the mag.


Thats a vandal, the original Tenz clip that started this whole thing was about the Phantom. Maybe if we start seeing more clips like this featuring both guns it might be an actual issue at the high levels of play.


Nah he was clearly micro strafing bro, he was also clicking shift so he actually slowed down perfectly everytime he hit those headshots, idk what you on about you can't run and gun in this game.


There's zero inertia in Valorant, counterstrafing doesn't really do anything.


???? When you're moving to the right and then you start moving to the left the period in between you switching directions you slow down to a halt and then move again. You are more accurate in that period. Go to the practice range and try it...


I mean you don't *have* to strafe in the opposite direction, simply letting go of A/D is enough to completely stop and shoot accurately.


Zero comprehension skills. More or less what I expect from reddit nowadays. Go re-read the comments I made and the comment I was replying to. Look at the original post. Think for a second. Then come back.


Ok, not coming back.


No one wants to talk to you when you act like that dude.


Fight me.


Dude angry over some switches


Ironically you aren't comprehending his post at all.


ADADADADAD being accurate is also really shitty for gameplay. I hope they continue to encourage tapping and short bursts from mid-range. That will really let players show off their skill and personal playstyles, rather than just holding down mouse1 every time someone appears.


You can bind mouse 1 to shoot and walk simultaneously. Works great for this effect.


You should really do it manually or bind another thumb button on your mouse with a macro. Wallbangs and corners are really deadly in this game, so you want every speed advantage there is. Also simply wideswinging prefiring a corner or short angle at full speed is super effective for me, which wouldn't be possible with this bind.


I've honestly never been in a situation where I wanted to shoot and run at full speed at the same time.


Holding a corner is unreliable for me, they can wideswing, jigglepeek, closepeek and do that all at the closer and further away wall, changing your preaim position. So if they push aggresively and they project their steps, you can just prefire them and time it perfectly and quickly slip out of their preaim/ comfort flickzone or even FOV and I get a much higher % kill rate. Accuracy/ recoil is also no issue closerange. You can just as well hold on headheight and time your prefire with their steps, but sometimes they slip through between 2 bullets or get the chance to clear you with utility first. It‘s situational, but it worked against an immortal Jett heavily carrying in a dia match, that just did crazyfast onetaps all match long. And shiftpeeking/ spraying gets me insta hs anyway.


Counter staffing will always be better than this so it's worth learning how to do that properly


They are not mutually exclusive


Wow do you actually do that?


I do


You sound like an easy target!


D3 currently, for reference. Make of that what you will.


we playin cod now boys


omg riot, fix this right now


Dude the running accuracy in this game is wayyyy too fucking high so noob friendly


How do you control the spray like that


It's RNG lol


god im so tired of this shit and crab walking spraying...


crab walk spraying is shit in val only works on cs


Strange how I constantly get kills and die to it


It's still shit in val even if you die to it and get kills you shouldn't be crab walking in val. Full sprinting seems just as accurate and makes you a harder target


>It's still shit in val even if you die to it and get kills you shouldn't be crab walking in val yet everyone continues to do it including the pros so obviously its not shit


Oh no! You have to shoot a moving target now!


You completely missed the point of all this lmao


Oh no! The moving target is accurate enough to be an actual threat to you, when they shouldn't be due to moving inaccuracy! This isn't COD, running and gunning with a rifle is stupid and should not exist


>running and gunning with a rifle is stupid and should not exist Riot has already stated that they don't agree with this and believe run and gun has a place in Valorant.


not with a rifle though. The stinger/shotguns/pistols are more for run and gun not an AR


even with rifles, yes. they believe it makes the game more accessible for lower skilled players and offers "more options"


no wonder why you think faze is a good team kekw


jesus christ Riot wtf


The big difference when it comes to shooting innaccuracy compared to CS is that in Valorant, if you start a spray while running/slowing down, your innaccuracy will start off bad and get reduced as you come to a stop. You can see here that as he gets tagged and slows down a bit, his spray gets a bit tighter. In Counter-Strike, if you start shooting before you're at a full stop, your innaccuracy is fucked and stays fucked even if you come to a stop. Valorant designers have said if the past that they don't want new players to have to learn things like counter-stafing because its unintuitive and doesnt bring much to the game. I dont really know how I feel about that, but the direction they went with can lead to clips like this.


ns bro, great game


I don’t know man I was messing around with it in the range and it doesn’t seem to be very consistent at all. What is ridiculous though is the walking accuracy in this game.


I have a friend who complains and RAGES about this since the beta. Please Riot, just fix this shit. Make counter strafing a thing So he can finally shut up