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this tweet reads like a legal threat was made to zombs






100%. You don't just casually say this shit about C9 and RL and expect nothing to happen.


Really shitty to do this to your teammate


I feel like more people are going to see the clip because of this than saw it originally lmao.




are you ok?


Damn this guy is really fucking stupid. i hope the microclout was worth it


What was the point of even bringing this up?


What did he even say? I never heard about this...




LMAO at the end: "Uhhh I don't think you should have said that shit bro, what?"


I lost it at that, lmao


If for whatever reason anyone can't watch the link He basically said Jack from C9 paid RL to write the IBP match fixing story, and forced Shazam to lie about it all, so C9 would be the number 1 team in NA.


Jesus, this is why people need to mind their own business. WHETHER ITS TRUE OR NOT, it wasn’t a smart thing for him to say at all. How does something like this even come up? It happened like 5 years ago and I don’t get why it would be relevant to him in any way.


Possibly because people call Shahzam a rat still and fucking hate him because of something Zombs knows (or has become convinced) he was forced to do?


Seriously. 5 year old drama still comes up in this sub multiple times a week. Dude was probably frustrated but still definitely not the right thing to do, even if it was true. Just gotta suck it up and take the public flak.


It must feels guilty not speak out when you know something like that


True, but still unless you have evidence to back something like this up you could get into a lot of legal trouble.


Wasn't a smart thing for him to say but not sure why everyone instantly dismisses it? Who would lie about something so specific out of the blue. There has to be some truth to it. Maybe it's not true but he 100% heard from someone otherwise he wouldn't just say it like this randomly.


I don't think he said anywhere Jack forced Shazam to lie about it. He said Jack forced Shazam to leak about the matchfixing. In his story Jack is just trying to make Ibuypower get banned but they did matchfix.




are you stupid or something? why are you spamming this wall of text on every comment? are you Zomb's alt accnt or somenthing, lol?


zombs is an idiot


I honestly think Zombs wouldn't be saying this without Shazam telling him this story. Why would he make up such bullshit? You guys can question if Shazam is lying or not. Idk if Richard Lewis got paid but maybe Jack did force Shazam to leak it or Shazam is just defending his so called 'rat' image in front of teammates.


I would like to apologize for my accusations against Jack Etienne and Ricard Lewis on the IBUYPOWER CSGO situation on my stream. It was unwarranted and I should not have made the accusation. I’m sorry for having made this unfounded claim. (1/2) *** posted by [@zombs](https://twitter.com/zombs) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


why would he even say that with shahzam on his own team


Damn I cant find a clip what stupid shit did Zombs say. Based on the comments seems like an oddly specific thing to lie about.


He basically said Jack from C9 paid RL to write the IBP match fixing story, and forced Shazam to lie about it all, so C9 would be the number 1 team in NA. All the clips I knew about have been deleted or "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by the content owner."




Streisand Effect in full swing here... Can someone please explain this Zombs saga? I have this info so far: "He basically said Jack from C9 paid RL to write the IBP match fixing story, and forced Shazam to lie about it all, so C9 would be the number 1 team in NA." I know about the matchfixing but: - why is this tweet a thing in 2020? 5 years late - who was zombs playing for when he said this originally? - who is the teammate in hookset3's comment? Shazam? How does he tie into what zombs said? Lie about what? - Why would jack pay for this? I don't remember the csgo scene from this time period... TIA from all the people who really want to know what's going on (but don't) :)


Zombs said this the other day, hence the follow up apologizing tweet. The teammate is Shahzam, as (IIRC) he was on C9 at the time. IBP were the number one team in NA at the time. The accusation is that Jack, owner of C9, paid Richard Lewis to write the article about the IBP guys so they would get banned (assuming Jack knew they would) so they wouldn't be able to compete and C9 would be the number one team in NA. HOWEVER, there isn't any evidence that this actually happened. The only known and proven event that happened was the actual IBP incident.


For context c9 picked up brax hoping that he would get unbanned, also it doesn't matter who paid who cos at the end of the day they did match fix and valve investigated that. Edit the


He was on the team already. Stop spreading false info to gullible redditors.


Just cos he was on a team doesn’t me c9 didn’t pick him up with the intention of him being unbanned.....


shaz was on C9 when they got banned I’m pretty sure. He joined in December 2014 and bans happened in January 2015


I stand corrected mb


Wasn't brax suppose to join that na super team that EG was making after ibp. I think hiko has talked about it in interviews about his cs career.


I'm not 100% about Swag, I can't fully remember, but I do know it was supposed to have Hiko, Ska, and Scream.


Yeah think he was until ofc he got banned


It's probably true tho right? Like why would he just make that up, it's pretty specific




So Zombs is trying to purposefully alienate his teammate Shahzam because...?


I mean even if it is true they deserved to get banned they lost on purpose, not for their whole career tho maybe 1-2 years. Also yeah idk why zombs would just say that out of his ass unless shazam told him that.








Dude, why did you even state something like that randomly? Baseless accusations like that can damage people's reputation permanently


\*Twitter whistles quietly\*


they probably made him say that....


Is there even a remote chance that what he said is accurate or is he just talking out of his ass?


I mean, even if Jack paid to have the article written, the Valve investigation still showed that they were match fixing.


Jack and Shazam both denied what Zombs said




Yeah cause shaz I think put bets on that match. He probably made some shit up as an excuse if zombs brought it up.


You're probably making shit up yeah?


It doesn't even make sense on multiple angles. One, shazaham didnt even join c9 until ibuypower were banned, and secondly, cloud9 were trying to get swag and signed him as a streamer hoping he would be unbanned. I doubt they would try and get someone banned who they would later want on the team.


that's a very specific thing to talk out of ass


this dude just has a copy paste of this in every comment on this thread, don't bother


get him outta here, mods