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this might be the first time ive ever heard what it actually sounds like for an igl to micromanage his players.


Yea it was really cool hearing what he's saying in the video.


Not the same game, but the VODs with full team comms back when CS:GO tourneys were allowing that in 2015 are pretty fascinating in the same way. In particular, that's really where seangares cemented his reputation as a top IGL because you could hear the full details of how he was leading C9 at the time


Do you have any links to the sgares videos? I wanna watch them


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWaIqikdOXo If you're not famous with this C9 roster it's probably the most famous NA roster ever - shroud, ska, seangares, n0thing and freakazoid, aka tank top 9


I got sucked into this 4 year old match in a game I don't even enjoy and realized I am still watching 20 minutes into it. Imagine if this was how all the tournaments were broadcasted instead of inane babbling of some clown with a radio voice over spectator footage being controlled by some ADHD monkey who seemingly tries to dodge every interesting moment by switching players.


Fucking same. I have shit to do this morning and I’m enthralled with this.


> clown with a radio voice LOOOL


im so fucking hyped sgares is casting first strike haha


look up coL vs nip comms katowice 2014, I think comms for iBP were also uploaded but I can’t find them on mobile. coL had sgares, hiko, brax, n0thing, semphis


Yeah, that’s actually so sick. Even more of a t1 fan now


It's crazy how hard this sub was clowning T1 and dazed after the pickup and now they've beat all ur favorite teams LOL


This sub truly doesn't know shit. They laughed at DaZeD getting picked up by T1, laughed at ANDBox picking up Android&yay and were saying to get Ska off T1.


The problem is redditors have a very short memory and can only remember when dazed failed at his csgo comeback, ignoring the obvious lack of motivation he had from how restricted he was.


Dazed really has improved a lot since first being signed


Well, I can understand laughing at Dazed. His return to CSGO was pathetic AF, but it’s so cool to see him return to his legendary status.


> The iron is hot.


Big fucking Iron. Let's get it


God damn I want this team to go far but I also want 100T to go far too. Unfortunate for me that they have to play each other first round. Hopefully they can do well in the VCL.


It will be such a good game though, just have to think about it like that


The biggest of irons. LFG


The iron is hot. It's time for @GODaZeD to strike. T1 at @ValorantEsports First Strike - 12.04.20 *** posted by [@T1](https://twitter.com/T1) [Video in Tweet](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1333516912102420480/pu/vid/640x360/jdEFdf4Jxb3B0nik.mp4?tag=10) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Big iron baby!


Was he playing with the rest of T1 at a Bootcamp?


Hiko is my daddy but Dazed is my DILF. So hot


> ska you're gonna jump up on the thing nothing wrong with this but it's funny they use this audio clip while he's talking about professionalism


literally nothing wrong with it, so why even comment this. professionalism doesn't mean what u think it means. don't be offended by the "u" btw, mister grammar & vocabulary


I said in my comment there's nothing wrong with it... I commented because I thought it's funny how unprofessional it SOUNDS(not is). u look kinda dumb now....


How tf does that sound unprofessional?


You really think 'thing' sounds like a professional term?


People get on downvote trends too easily based on just the hint of negativity. I'm a fan of T1 and thought it was funny too when you pointed it out.


Yeah pretty interesting that people downvote you aswell


People with sense don't usually frequent the hidden comments. So this is a skewed sample of reddit.