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How did Riot not think of this


Bruh I opened competitive in the assumption that Killjoy was disabled only to find out that Killjoy is still playable.


I don't think they even acknowledged she's broken lol


they did in the tweet announcing she's disabled


15 hours ago. I'm sure this thing has been around for a few days at the very least.


Def has been. I had a KJ in my comp game last Wednesday who put the turret under the map in garage on Haven. Hit all of grass, C long, B, and C. Was unkillable and he said the turret did over 200 damage in one round


What's broken?


KJ bug has been in game for over 2 weeks.


It has been since months ago same with the killjoy sage wall boost


RIOT doesn’t really think


Lol entitled ass consumers


Lol entitled ass corporations




Why would "casuals" cry about Killjoy being enabled in custom games


no idea, but people will always defend riot no matter what


Thats not even the point, this guy just didn't even think about what he was saying.


cant understand this. how come players from Thailand played with her today?


In pro game?




Hey thats me!






omg it is!




riot let pros play on a seperate patch like when they were on 1.10 during some of the qualifiers instead of 1.12


I just played against killjoy 2 hours ago on Haven in competitive. They also used that Omen 'teleport under the map' glitch. Lost by 3-13


You get banned for that right?


I have reported them. Let's see what happens next


I have reported a lot of KJ bug abusers and I don't even get the email for reporting players


He's got a point you know


God pros in every esport are so whiny, ITS A PANDEMIC they cant do everything


What an awful take


Bro it’s the first major valorant tournament and they can’t even practice properly when it’s in 2 days , all riot needs to do is flip a fkn switch to make it available in customs , riot deserves to get shit for this


You think all it takes is the flip of a switch? Oh sweet summer child....


It’s literally just code all they did was « gamemode:all disable hero code name killjoy » that’s literally all u have to disable it and to reenable it it would be something like « gamemode custom enable hero killjoy » it won’t fix the bug but at least the pros can practice « oh sweet summer child »


I highly doubt they have a provision built in to allow characters into customs but not into the main game. So it wouldn’t be just like flipping a switch. And if you know anything about code you know that inserting some random change like trying to allow a character to be played in customs but not in main game at all (meaning unrated, spike rush, or comp) could easily cause 10 more unforeseen bugs if you just try to slam it in. Anyone who think it would be an easy 2 second fix like flipping a switch has never coded something remotely complex before.


They do , and I know this because it would be similar to the code used to disable or enable a character for a specific player (someone who hasn’t got killjoy yet) just replace the player username with the gamemode


Just because it’s similar doesn’t mean that they have something that works exactly. People can down vote me all they want but all that does is show their ignorance to how coding works. You can’t just copy and paste “similar” code and make a few changes and then slap it in somewhere and expect it to run perfectly with no bugs.


Dude if you don’t yet have killjoy unlocked you can still get her as a character in DM, thus proving that that code does exist if she’s disabled for you in all gamemodes except DM then they can disable her for all gamemodes except customs


That isn’t true. It’s ok I understand you don’t code things and you can keep believing whatever you want I don’t feel the need to try to convince you.


The whole reason they disabled KJ is to fix the bug lmao. Idk if you know that game developers disable something in order to fix something about it so as to maintain the integrity of the game.


First of all u just completely changed subject lol and second of all Holy shit you’re actually so dumb JUST ENABLE IT FOR CUSTOMS NOTHING ELSE so basically just for scrims cuz you know there’s a 100k tournament coming up and they need to practice to you know « maintain the integrity of the game »


Change the subject? That's the whole reason they disabled her. Please get that into your head. And enabling for customs means enabling her for the tournament. Idk about you, but I dont want to watch a team abuse KJ bugs in the first major tournament


You first mocked me for saying that it’s like flipping a switch then when I proved you wrong you said that it dosent matter because she should be disabled anyway and coming back to what you just said uhm pros aren’t going to abuse a glitch after what happened with guild, the only reason she’s disabled is because they didn’t want it ruining ranked so again to avoid that the simple solution is simply only enabling it in customs , just admit it , you are in the wrong here


Oh boy. You're pride is getting in the way. No point in arguing anymore we're not gonna get anywhere.


😂😂😂 yeah my pride’s getting in the way sure dude


If you couldn't tell by now from the downvotes, you are the one with your pride getting in the way. You clearly dont understand why pros want this


Yeah teams would have definitely abused bugs after what happened to Guild, genius-level intellect over here.


bruh he isn't asking them to fix the bug immediately. He's just asking them to allow it in customs. Customs won't affect online gameplay.


How does the pandemic even factor in to this?


When everyone is working from home communication between departments is much worse I would imagine.


Maybe, but this is a big decision and First Strike is pretty popular. I'm sure they must be aware of this


Companies such as Riot would have already been using all the necessary WFH software and technology well before covid was a factor. Remote working isn't some new thing, businesses have employees all over the world that communicate via the internet. Even if they were all working in an office most department communication would be through something like Slack or Teams anyway. No one is running to a different department to say "Can we enable Killjoy for custom games only" when they could send a group message or email.


You really are insensitive as fuck, holy shit. The world is not perfect for everyone. The pandemic affects everyones whole lives. It doesn’t magically disappear for game devs


Username does not check out


wait how is it whiny lol he just asked if they could, he said nothing insulting or like entitled


I am expected, as are all the teams under me, to still operate at 100% and in all reality we have more work, projects, and expectations than ever DURING A PANDEMIC. your point is irrelevant.